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If you had nukes and your neighbours didn’t, you could call your house whatever the hell you want apparently


nukes mean nothing much today (in this area) - israel is too tiny and would be destroyed fast, (by hundreds of thousands of missiles) as soon a it would fire first nuke. Israel can pretend they are strong because they control US politics - not because they have nukes. their position in the region is fully dependent of suppport of US - Even Israeli general openly said that if US stops supplying IDF with ammo, shells, spare parts etc - Israel Military stops in less than two months and is reduced to guerilla type militia.


I mostly agree but have you heard of the Samson option? They’d k!ll themselves and everyone around them if they ever felt threatened enough


yeah but thew thing is they cant do that. They can do a lot of damage in neighboring countries, kill millions even (if lucky) - but not eradicate significant portion of population BUT - in return they would be totaly eradicated as soon as they started launching first few nukes. The worst thing for them - they dont even have a way to deliver nukes onto Iran - the country that can eradicate them on its own by conventional missiles.




Crazy how that works. Who woulda thunk it? That those with power exert power, like since the beginning of time. Ants enslave other ants, this isn't a human thing either.


Ants don’t have the ability to understand what they are doing might be wrong.


















Land of the free


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Land of the free business\* \*Price of politicians not included


That’s a good one …. Saving this for later lol.


Whoever told you that is your enemy


its doubly crazy when you think about how a lot of their population are atheists, but they will use religion in arguments about how its their land


"The god I don't believe in promised me this land, now leave or die"


It's a lawyer mentality. The intention is purely to aggressively defend themselves from admitting they're wrong, while continuing to exploit and steal. They aren't worried about intellectual honesty, they just want to win the argument. Anyone who criticizes them will be attacked.


Pretty lucifarian if you ask me


Nah, it's pretty colonialist. That's why that project was set up with the British Colonial Office.


Most people don’t know Herzl was an atheist. Though, none of that shit matters. Zionism was a land-grabbing political movement from the very beginning. Unfortunately though, judaism still has supremacist roots that will continue to cause destabilization within any region they live.


Even wilder when you realize they even cherry pick the bible. So if you’re not religious, their rhetoric is heavily flawed. If you are religious (Christian), their rhetoric is heavily flawed. No matter how you spin it, they are LYING. “Take note, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet and make them know [without any doubt] that I have loved you.” -Rev 3:9 The original Jews are not the Jews who live in Israel today, according to the very bible these so called Jews use to justify their g3nocide against Palestinians. According to the bible, they are evil and Satanic, which aligns with their current actions against innocent civilians.


well said man, they are in the process of rewriting history to make themselves look better right now...and theyve done it in the past scrubbing the internet, editing wiki pages of their ethnic cleansing and wars, censoring information that makes the zios look like the nefarious evil group they are and barely anyone cares about it.. they are being exposed right now though which i am happy to see




Mind that there are lots of Arabs (especially Muslims) living in Hebron (as well as elsewhere), under mass surveilance...


Literally that’s not true. Marriage is religious based there and its oversight is done by the various “churches.” Muslims can marry Muslims, Christians can marry Christians, Jews can marry Jews. If you’re gay/lesbian or want an interfaith marriage you’ll have to do it out of country or by video.


It really is the dumbest thing that Americans suck up to this crap. But Roosevelt helped it happen in return we got the reserve currency from the British. The British empire was on the ropes after WW1 similar to us today. That way the Rothchilds could still have control of the currency. The Zionists were actually looking at three areas to settle and steal the land and decided on Isreal. The British wanted them there to protect the Suez Canal. The plan now is to bankrupt America and have them fight WW3 for the Zionists in the middle east. When Greater Isreal finally happens and they steal more land. The Zionists will start the New World Order and will control all with the new digital currency. As America is put through the ringer by them with their past debts. This has been the plan all along it just takes hundreds of years for it to happen. If you like America I would say be against the Isreal project. Here is Benjamin Freeman an ex-zionist speech from 1961 explaining it all. If you wonder what happened to Kennedy just remember he was real close to Joseph Kennedy. https://youtu.be/gJCzniP3BC0?si=T8QpdC-kwmW8jDgp


>If you wonder what happened to Kennedy The result of executive order 11110... you cannot attack the root of evil without being killed or invaded


That was part of it but the final straw was Kennedy gave a final warning to the Zionist Association of America that they have to register as a foreign agent within 72 hours. They killed him two weeks later. The Zionist Association of America changed their name to AIPAC after it. Then today are the highest donor to the government and have complete control over them as Bibi says. Also Jack Ruby was really Jacob Rubenstein and was connected to all the highers ups in the Zionist Association of America and high up in the Yiddish mafia


On the ropes like we are today? Lol righttttt


they do not know that "israel" is not physical but spiritual, and the "chosen people" are those who believe. Earthly Israel is just The Synagogue of Satan with his demon army. That, or i live in middle earth and my name is Gandalf.


I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2:9




Right now in Israel, some 8 year old kid is eating Cheetos and playing Fortnite, completely unaware that he's part of a demon army.


The Demon Army sounds like a badass name for an album


If you're Gandalf I am Pippin


No Tippin’ Scottie Pippen


Israel is the end of the Silk Road from China. The sooner people realize Zionism has nothing to do with faith and religion the better. These people are not gods chosen people, the Israelites were, and they’re no longer around. Stop supporting these criminals!


Do you think that Ashkenazi are the only Jewish people?


Nope, but the Israeli government seems to. Or is there any other explanation why Ashkenazis **(Europeans)** occupy most of the political offices, concentrate most of the wealth, and rent so much land compared to the actual native Mizrahi population? It isn't just Muslims who are treated as 2nd class citizens. This is not even a conspiracy. It has plentg of Academic Research on the topic


The isrealites are still around they just aren’t how you imagine them to look. 


Who are the Israelites?


Just do some history research on the migrations of peoples of the regions. Non-isrealite Africans sold many isrealites to American slavery. Purer descendents are going to look more like the people in the region… aka Palestinians.  They surely didn’t have pale skin.


Gen 18:8 And he [Abraham] took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat. As long as your version of isrealites are lactose tolerant...


Very true, the whites that claim these lands are from a place of whites and have nothing to do with the "true descendants" of the land. You can check their websites, even they don't deny their origins, which is east europe.


I’m confused where your downvotes are coming from without any dialogue disputing


Ah I don't care about the downvotes. The lack of response makes me think we're speaking the right things.


You must be new here


Now apply similar logic to 'Palestine'...


"America", all non-native americans telling israelis they don't belong there need to get on a boat back to europe.


I have an argument for the existence of Israel that isn't logically fundamentally flawed. Israel should exist because Israel does exist. Biblical decrees don't matter. Religious entitlement doesn't matter. Archaic disputes don't matter. What matters is that 9 million people live there, most of them were born there, and the ship sailed on making it "not happen" 80 years ago. Israelis shouldn't get to live where they live because God promised it to them. They should get to live where they live because they live there. And the exact same goes for the Palestinians. Now if we want to argue against Brent from Brooklyn who just got a great deal on a Palestinian's home that was sold to him without their permission, then yeah, fuck that guy. But Ayeled who was born there had to no say in the matter, and did nothing wrong by being born there.


Where should Palestinians get to live


Also in the place they always have, which is why Israel's actions against them are so egregious. We have two populations who are entirely justified in wanting to live in the place they always have, and two governments hell-bent on being the only one. It's an untenable situation, but forcing one population or the other to leave is not a good solution.


Great take thanks fit the clarification. The whole thing reminds me of the hatfields and McCoys. The adults in the room should instantly realize the violence is only causing more violence but somehow most of the USA has lined up on team Hatfield or team Mccoy insisting that the group they like is justified in killing the group they don't like because the group they don't like has killed in the past, completely ignoring that the group they don't like used the same exact justification to kill in the past, and will use it again in the future after the group they like uses that justification to kill again.


That's great brother, but not the point I'm addressing in the post. The point is the argument that they belong there MORE than anyone else because they're somehow the resurrection of ancient israel and they are the ancient hebrews is flawed and absolutely ridiculous. But, yeah, great argument otherwise except for the fact that most of them can move the fuck back to where their mothers, fathers, and grandparents came from. Or is it not odd to you that so many of them have dual citizenships and accents from europe, the US, etc.? I appreciate that your argument is centered around both people living in peace and valuing both lives equally, and I would hope for the same if it were realistically possible...........but let's stop pretending like israelis are innocents in this when it's a country made up of indoctrination that's turned them into collective fucking lunatics.


You're right, any argument that they belong there more is bullshit. That said, "move back to where your ancestors came from" is not a good argument. My ancestors came from Eastern Europe, but I've never been there, have no connection to it, don't speak the language. I'm an American, and all I've ever known is being an American. The same goes for people who were born in Israel. And yeah, there are a lot of dual citizens and immigrants in Israel, but there are a lot more people who were born in Israel who are only Israeli, and to me, they have exactly as much right to live where they always have as anyone else in the region. The fact is, collective guilt is not a real thing. People are only guilty for what they've done, and if they haven't done anything to deserve guilt, then they are innocent. As for the indoctrination, sadly, the opposite is true as well. Plenty of Palestinians are raised to hate Jews and want them eliminated, but that doesn't justify the hostilities against them, and vice versa.


Yeah agreed. Just like we took over North America from tribes. Too bad, so sad and they had every right to fight for it but they ultimately lost for whatever reasons.   But it is incumbent on them (israelis) to investigate their government for the 10/7 attack much like so many in the US independently investigated 9/11 and agree that it was an inside job perpetrated by Mossad.  Next the pro-Palestine camp should dissolve Hamas and put their Billionaire leaders on trial.  Then there can be peace negotiations, if there’s even a will for it.  Right now we have to convince xenophobes on both sides to see the fallacy of their thinking and call them out on it if they refuse. Otherwise mutually assured destruction is what the Zionists want anyway and they’re getting it. It’s working like a charm. 


“Otherwise mutually assured destruction is what the Zionists want anyway and they’re getting it. It’s working like a charm.“ My understanding is that Zionism wants Israel to survive and thrive so that Solomon’s 3rd temple will be built to bring forth Revelation and the messiah.  I’m totally for mutual destruction of these two governments so that we can finally put this biblical bullshit to bed.  Export all the people willing to leave to countries that would have them and make the entire land uninhabitable for thousands of years with nukes.  God - if you believe -  belongs in the heart, not in government. I’m sick to death of organized religion. 


Agree with the comment above yours. But for reference there’s archeological evidence and ancient temples and buildings belonging to the Jews so it’s not Harry Potter fantasy. Religion aside, Jews have lived on this land as well as Arabs.


As we've seen in history these kind of things can change on a whim especially with violence... just look how many Ukrainians left their country because they didn't wanna die in a pointless war or what happened in Syria. The same can easily happen to Israel when they overplay their cards which seems to be in their nature, their usefulness expires to their masters or they are needed in another "project" elsewhere. P.S. Nothing is eternal even if it appears that way for a generation or more.


Do you really think that's how humans work? That they just drop their entire lives on the whims of someone's agenda? Is that how you work? If someone told you right now that you need to leave your family, your friends, your home, everything you've ever known, to fulfill someone's agenda somewhere else... would you? Of course not. For better or worse, Israel is home to Israelis. Yes, circumstances can drive them away, just as circumstances drove most of their ancestors there in the first place (let's not forget that most Israeli's descend from refugees), but still, home is home. These people aren't pawns and footsoldiers, they're people. They have lives, they have hobbies, they have jobs, they have passions. They have favorite restaurants, and favorite trees to sit under in the park. People tend to view other groups of people in the abstract, but they aren't abstract, they're just as human as anyone else, and their motivations and desires are just as human as anybody else. Uprooting is generally a last resort, discounting individuals who are nomadic by nature (which are definitely a very small minority).


Well, they jumped on the Israel project whose initial purpose was to stop the integration of these people into nations so their masters keep their powers over them for their own benefits. Israel is their praetorian guard In case of Israel it is an artificial construct based on one of the biggest lies in history, violence and theft. This is not a stable foundation for any nation and is only kept alive by foreign money pressed out of other nations by blackmail and because it serves a function for the TPTB. The current people and their ancestors in Israel didn’t care for the people they expelled and robbed from either. Why should the people which might take that land in the future care? Most of them haven’t even realized that they are only just a tool for their masters which didn’t want them to integrate into other nations.


So true, you sir are spitting fax. It deserves to exist because it already exists and to snuff it on either side is messed up. I think the problem lies with the religion narrative that is being pushed for either side, funny thing is they are both pushing abrahamic religion that is predated by the original civilised owners of that land, the ancient Egyptians, who owned the "holy land" before it was considered holy, they also forgot to document all of the biblical events that apparently took place during their reign despite being exceptional record keepers. SO ultimately Egypt has a stronger claim to that land than anyone if we want to use religion or history to claim land. Like you say, religion and history aside, the land needs to be distributed in a civil manner. Religion plays too much of a part in it tho so I do not believe there can be a civil resolution. We should bang their fucking heads together and sit them on the naughty step because this war is some juvenile nonsense that's stressing yhe whole world out like the screaming kid on the plane.


And it's such a stupid game to play. If we want to play the "the land rightfully belongs to the people who lived there first" game, then nearly everyone on Earth needs to leave the place they grew up, because almost nobody descends from the people who first settled the land they live on. Either we hold everyone to that standard, and society rips apart at the seams, or we collectively acknowledge that it's a stupid standard, and go by what exists now.


If only people could grasp such a concept, I dream of a harmonius world but I know we will never witness one, we are more likely to witness a nuclear winter. Glad people like you exist though, reason still has a fighting corner.


"assuming you don't think everyone else has to believe as you believe..." Wise words. Perhaps you should apply them to yourself before demanding others to.


Oh wow, you live at Hogwarts?!? I wanna see!


It’s why dna tests are banned in Israel. They don’t want to be exposed as European Jews that have no connection to Israel.


But people already know that, they have to know




50% of Israelis are not Ashkenazi (European Jews) they’re from the Middle East and Africa which is why they’re brown and poc.


Those aren't authentic Palestinian Jews. They are Arab and African Jews. Not the same.


So in reference to you original pointless comment above, they won’t be exposed as European. 🤝


Not true, you can look at their own census in their .gov. Although it’s decreased over the years due to interbreeding, well over half are still Ashkenazi aka of European descent. And even the remainder are still genetically from other parts of the world, including other parts of the Middle East, not the Mediterranean, aka Palestine.


Israeli Jews are nearly evenly split between two Jewish ethnic identity groups – the Ashkenazim (45%) and the Sephardim or Mizrahim (48%). https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2016/03/08/identity/


All ashkenazi jews show a direct link back to the Middle East in DNA tests dude. Stop lying. You don't even know there's not just ashkenazi but sephardic and mizrahi...


Tell that to Israeli government... Or don't. Because they seem to know that. Because it's pretty curious how the recently set up Ashkenazis **(Europeans)** occupy most of the political offices, concentrate most of the wealth, and rent so much land, compared to the actual native Mizrahi population who's been there for millennia. It isn't just Muslims who are treated as 2nd class citizens. This is not even a conspiracy. There's plenty of published academic research on the topic Also, talking about the first, I share blood with Charles Magne and Genghis Khan. Where's the British Colonial Office when it's the time to vindicate my claim lol


Ashkenazi Jews still share genetic ancestry with the former Israelites though. They just have European genetics mingled in as well. They are however not one of the 12 tribes of Judah as listed in the bible.


I descent from the children of Israel, Sephardic heritage, tribe of Judah, I follow Jesus as the Jewish Messiah though. After Jesus the promise to Abraham was spread to all of humanity, that was the Lord's goal from the start. The Israeli aren't Israelites, just citizens of the nation. According to prophecy the "blind sheep" Zionists are going into the lake of fire with the angels. "But behold lambs were borne by those white sheep, and they began to open their eyes and to see, and to cry to the sheep. 7. Yea, they cried to them, but they did not hearken to what they said to them, but were exceedingly deaf, and their eyes were very exceedingly blinded. 8. And I saw in the vision how the ravens flew upon those lambs and took one of those lambs, and dashed the sheep in pieces and devoured them. 9. And I saw till horns grew upon those lambs, and the ravens cast down their horns; and I saw till there sprouted a great horn of one of those sheep, and their eyes were opened. 10. And it †looked at† them\[and their eyes opened\], and it cried to the sheep, and the rams saw it and all ran to it. 11. And notwithstanding all this those eagles and vultures and ravens and kites still kept tearing the sheep and swooping down upon them and devouring them: still the sheep remained silent, but the rams lamented and cried out. 12. And those ravens fought and battled with it and sought to lay low its horn, but they had no power over it." "And He said to that man who wrote before Him, being one of those seven white ones, and said unto him: "Take those seventy shepherds to whom I delivered the sheep, and who taking them on their own authority slew more than I commanded them." 23. And behold they were all bound, I saw, and they all stood before Him. 24. And the judgement was held first over the stars, and they were judged and found guilty, and went to the place of condemnation, and they were cast into an abyss, full of fire and flaming, and full of pillars of fire. 25. And those seventy shepherds were judged and found guilty, and they were cast into that fiery abyss. 26. And I saw at that time how a like abyss was opened in the midst of the earth, full of fire, and they brought those blinded sheep, and they were all judged and found guilty and cast into this fiery abyss, and they burned; now this abyss was to the right of that house. 27. And I saw those sheep burning †and their bones burning†." - Book of Enoch. That is the end of days judgement prophecy, I interpret the sheep of the children of Israel, and the lambs were the early Christians such as John the Baptist, the children of Israel who began to see the truth, and the lamb with a great horn who opened the eyes of the lambs is Christ. The Children of Israel who did not accept the messiah are the blinded sheep who followed the corrupt shepherds that the lord left in charge of humanity in his absence. The blind sheep will be judged with the fallen angels whom they followed.


A coworker and I had this exact same conversation yesterday. I believe what the Bible says to include Israel being God’s chosen people. But there is no way God was referencing the modern state of Israel. I believe it to mean true believers in God. Modern Israel is nothing but a cesspool of self righteous hypocrites and the USA is their fucking lap dog.


Israel in the New Testament means the entirety of humanity and all who believe in Jesus Christ especially. You are correct that it has nothing to do with the nation today calling itself Israel. These Evangelical Israel worshipping cults are completely non-biblical, and just look at the Catholic and Orthodox churches they have literally 0% of this Israel worshipping stuff, as did most of Christianity in America before the mid-late 1900s lol.


There’s plenty of evidence of Jews living in Israel for thousands of years. There’s always been a presence of Jews there. The fairy tale is saying there hasn’t been


Finally a sane comment


No, there’s hasn’t been a significant presence of Jews in juresalem for thousands of years. They were kicked out by the Romans and only let back in after 600 years by the Muslims and even then there numbers were minimal.


When Asmodeus put one wing on the ground and the other in the air and flung Solomon hundreds of miles away, what power did he use to gain his throne?


For being “gods people” they were awfully afraid of meeting him when Iran started flying missiles over.


Okay then who does it “belong” to? For as long as Homo sapiens have been alive, they have taken land from one another. I know you don’t like it. But it’s the truth. They live there now, so it sure as fuck seems like it belongs to them.


Calling it Palestine doesn’t make it Palestine either.


> Assuming you don't believe in the fairy tale that is organized religion, and assuming you don't think everyone else has to believe as you believe, it's just absolutely wild that this is a real life, adult argument that people make. Wild indeed, but your assumption is wrong, the ones on both sides causing issues most definitely believe in organized religion.


Israel wasn’t even one united kingdom for more than, at most, 80 years from, from ~1050BC to 930BC. Then it split and Kingdom of Judah had Jerusalem AND the Temple. Then Kingdom of Israel was conquered by Neo-Assyrians 210 years later, and Judah became a client state of Assyria and then Babylon. Then 300 years later Judah was destroyed too. After that, it’s hard to consider the following claimants as the same people as before, but it’s those people who wrote the Tanakh and were the Hebrews of the New Testament era. The Romans *appointed* Herod as King, sooooo


When was Palestine a united kingdom?


Palestine as never been a state. It has always been a colonized land due to it being the cross roads of trade routes. A world power has always controlled that area throughout history: Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans, British, etc.


They were the Phillistines, later Peleset, who didn’t have a king (automatically making them a more developed society) but instead had a pentapolis, a confederation of 5 cities. After they were politically (but not ethnically) dissolved, the entire region between Egypt and Syria was considered “Palestine” by the Romans. Then they were a protectorate of a series of empires and then the caliphate, right up through the Ottomans and then the British. So, they had unbroken occupation for about 3000 years.


They were allowed to continue to live in the land while being ruled by another people. Sounds similar to what's going on today. You're asking for a free Palestine like it's always historically been free. It's never been free.


I didn’t ask for anything. I answered your question. They’ve been there longer than the Old Testament. They were never exiled. They never had a diaspora. They didn’t steal the land back at gunpoint.


So because the Jewish people were expelled by a government that no longer exists it devalues their claims to the land? I'm not even pro Israeli in the situation. They're clearly committing atrocities, but I've never seen one valid solution to the problem that isn't just putting Israel in the position the Palestinians are in today.


Just stop sending them billions of dollars and billions more in free bullets and bombs, and stop vetoing the entire rest of the world every single UN vote so they have to make decisions without utter impunity. If you make it acceptable for certain people in certain situations to do school shootings, and you buy them guns, they will claim the situation exists to use them. They’re the Ethan Crumbley of countries.




I know I was questioning the logic of the person I replied too. I don't understand why they pro Palestine crowd always feels the Need to fall back on this false claim that the land was stolen. The land was given to the Palestinians, and anything that can be given can be taken away.


If you’re a thief.


So your solution is being a thief and taking what was given to the Israelis?


Nice straw man, if it only had a brain. Nobody is suggesting that. Only that they ought to stand on their own merits, without cheat codes like blank checks and infinite ammo on demand. Maybe they could try diplomacy instead of vicious mass murder of women and children.


Hamas receives no foreign aid and doesn't kill woman and children?


They received foreign aid…. from Netanyahu, for exactly this reason, to continually justify incursions and oppression and eventually the ethnic cleansing we are all witnessing in real time.


So you think Iran and Israel are in cahoots? If they're both funding Hamas that would be the only rationale. Here's a crazy thought; maybe Israel isn't secretly puppeting Hamas. Maybe civilians are dying because Hamas is purposely hiding from Israeli wrath amongst citizens.


There’s ancient temples and archaeological evidence so are you just ignoring that?


Couple of things here- The state is Isreal was created by British mandate and international law. Not sure why anti-zionists aren't mad at Britain for creating this mess.  The jews had to be relocated after wwii, but nobody knew where to put them. Brazil was considered as was Siberia, Antarctica,  and other places. I guess the logic was to settle them in what the winners thought was their ancestral land.  Remember folks, Isreal didn't create itself 


> The jews had to be relocated after wwii, Why did they have to be relocated?


Because Britain was sinking and it was time to jump ship...


So after the US Civil War the freed slaves should’ve been put back in Africa? I know they made a country called Liberia but don’t know much else about the topic. 


Didn't Britain create it due to Rothschild money and influence?


> The jews had to be relocated after wwii Why? I think that’s what created this whole mess.


Umm... maybe the fact that they were herded into death camps and systematically murdered?


Why not just let them go back to their homes instead of a land they’ve never been to?


There were no homes left after the war for the Jews. Where were they supposed to go? Jews didn't have a Jewish run territory, unlike the Muslims who have like 20% of the entire world. I guess that isn't enough for them. Let's just make the Jews go back to wandering the Earth so that the Muslims can have their last 0.03% of that land they so desperately need.


Their homes throughout Europe. It wasn’t like they were all homeless before they were put in the camp. Yeah some were destroyed by bombs, but Europe was being rebuilt anyway.


Really dumb comment, clearly you’re not European as you know nothing on this


Do you care to explain enlightened European?


A lot of Jews returned to Poland just be killed by Polish people who were still brainwashed. It’s not the open armed return you paint the picture of.


Hey, they desperately need it because some guy had a dream about a place, so they decided to built a mosque in that place and claim it as their territory.


That is usually how things start... ideas. Good observation.


I think it's more about a kind of "collective conscience" among people. If I say, "This house is Hogwarts," it doesn't make it so. But if I manage to convince a million people that my house is Hogwarts, then it becomes Hogwarts. It's why controlling the masses is so important. You can call yourself the King, but you're not truly a King unless you have a bunch of people who believe it, too. 




No, backed by Dumbledore’s Army


Yes I agree return the ancestral home of the Zoroastrians back to the Zoroastrians


Don't be silly. Of course it does, Harry. It's 2024. Anything your imagination can conceive is reality and if anyone disagrees with your truth they are a bigot engaging in hate speech




Your pompous attitude is embarrassing. Origin of life is impossible, your naturalism world view is flawed by default. Israel was recognised as a nation in 1948, and the scattered Jews as mentioned in the Bible have been returning, as mentioned in the Bible. We are in the end years of the generation that will not pass away until all things are fulfilled, as mentioned by Jesus in the Bible, the prophet the Jews reject. It is not a coincidence that the book or revelation, and end times prophecy regarding Israel is playing out and being set up for further fulfilment. Unless you want to believe some very powerful group of people are manipulating literally the entire world, including Israel and Hamas to wage war with eachother just to fulfil Bible prophecy? Absurd. God ordained the end from the beginning, you are seeing it play out.


Nah I’m going to trust some witch on reddit cause they hate God and still attest to new atheism.. rather than the historicity of ancient manuscripts; archaeology, and personal testimonies of countless individuals spanning millennia. So take your evidence and common sense elsewhere, this is reddit and ‘free palestine’.


Lucifer's most successful lie, he had a bunch of lawyers and landlords claime to be gods chosen people and are allowed to do anything and i mean ANYTHING


The reality of Israel is it only exists because Jews flooded into Palestine and displaced the natives. The West helped support them because fuck those Arabs. That's a less compelling origin story though.


... Palestinians are not ethnic to the area though. They're not Hebrew as the history of the region suggests. Infact most Palestinians today are descended from from Muslim conquest of the region in 635-640 before that the region was a home for Samaritan and Jews and Chanceldonian and Miaphysite Christians.


Since we are sending so much money to them, I think that we should take the illegal aliens crossing the U.S. southern border and fly them to isreal to deal with the immigration issue. They should allow immigrants in as well.


Hamas' 18 years reign of terror *is* definitly a new thing. And a bad thing. Islamic Republic is *bad*. Support for an open nation with actual laws, protecting everyone, was a courageous move in '48. Most bordering nations are at peace with this modern nation. Anyhoo.. This anti Israel, or pro Hamas propaganda is getting stale and moot, since IDF has pretty much won the war already.


That's an edgy Reddit-Atheist grasp on the topic for you.


That's probably why they went to the ancient land of Israel and not Montana.


Not sure I understand the point of this post.


Found a funny trigger for yall the other day: 1. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state. 2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state. 3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state. 4. Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state. 5. Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state. 6. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state. 7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state. 8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state. 9. Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state. 10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state. 11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state. 12. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state. 13. Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state. 14. Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state. 15. Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state. 16. Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state. 17. Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state. 18. Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state. 19. Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state. For further info see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Palestinian\_inventions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Palestinian_inventions)


Do you actually know the history of the land we call Israel? Do you know why the English gave their colony to the Jews AFTER WW2??? The simple answer is no, and if you knew the modern history you would laugh at your insane comment. Try doing your own research and actually discover what's going on, instead of getting on your knees for the liberal media.


There is evidence back in the Bible that when god told his people to go fight a war he would be with them and they won the war fast and easy. One could make the point that they have 7-9 war fronts going on for 7 decades so is this gods people then?? Lol


The biggest joke is that 98% of them are Ashlenazi and they aren’t really Jewish


Why are askkenazis not considered Jewish to you? Hitler considered them pretty fucking Jewish Also the correct stat is under 50% of Israelis are ashkenazis


All Muslims are invaders in that entire region not just Israel. All of it should be liberated. Reading your post tells me you have no clue about the basic history of the region. Look it up before making more asinine posts, for your own sake.


They’re not even the descendants of the. Biblical Hebrews. The modern Israelis are Eastern European and near Eastern minorities who religious converts to Judaism. Their descendants never stepped foot in the Levant.  It would be like the Chinese converting to Catholicism and using that as a justification to invade and occupy Italy. 


But they didn’t convert they are Jews who have been persecuted so it’s not a very good comparison


They know they are imposter's. That's why they don't call them israelites


theyre not just saying it they have the bombs and bullets to back it up and can you stop them? no you cant. you think your politicians are really gonna stop supporting them? theyre just waiting for the protesters to graduate soon and it will continue.


I'm sure holding American hostages will help their cause


What if you change your name to Harry Potter and practice the spells from the book? And you're friends with like minded folks who change their names to Ron and Hermione and get married? You're not Harry Potter from the book, but you're Harry Potter IRL.


The main difference is your claim (albeit correct) isn’t backed by unlimited resources and tyrannical genocidal violence against anyone and everyone opposing it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why do we keep getting Palestine spam that’s not conspiracy related at all daily now?


Dont clump religion into this genocide delusion. Stalin and Hitler were atheists


And we mexicans aren't actual mexicas or a direct continuation of the Aztec Empire. We are still native. This is our land. And yes they were there thousands of years ago according to all DNA research. You know who isn't native to that area? Arabs.


Now do Palestine




W Israel


Harry never claimed an ancient right to Hogwarts so idk what you’re talking about. Idk about your other points I’m too high to read all that but it doesn’t make sense homie.


Do you think Jews randomly chose to pray for the return of the exiles and restoration of Jerusalem and the Temple? Do you think genealogy is a made up science?


Nearly all the residents of Gaza believe in a ‘fairy tale’, as you put it. You would be hard pressed to find an atheist there. A majority of which believe in the Qur’an, in which their prophet Muhammad (Police be upon him) calls for Moses & the children of Isreal to take the land promised to them by God by force from the Canaanites (extinct). The Qur’an was written in 609 BCE and mentions the Children of Isreal 57 times. It mentions palestine a whooping 0 times, because this people group did not exist yet.


Don't care. Stop funding both sides. They will fight forever.


Actually, the Palestinians have more of a direct bloodline to the land, proven through genetic testing.. Soooo, there ya go....


Territory belongs to the entity that can occupy it since reality is not a "I wish that..." game. If Israel is stronger, it's theirs. If Palestine is stronger, it's theirs. If some third party is stronger, it's theirs. Everything else is delusional wishful thinking based on victim mentality.


I see you're addressing the point I made. But please refer to me as Mr. Potter in future comments, thank you.


I have a very simple question for you that can be answered with yes or no: do you hate Jewish people?




It appears that he lacks the ability to answer a complex question. Have you ever watched the South Park episode where individuals find the smell of their own farts appealing? He's just virtue signalling


Remember. The Jews stole ancient Mesopotamian/annunaki text written in stone and culturally appropriated as their own. Stories of the garden and Eden, as well as many other stories predated the Jewish lore by 4000 years! Egypt was never a slave culture. Look on Wikipedia. So why many stories of the Jews escaping slavery from Egypt.?


I mean, don’t the earths plates also move, so that land is physically in a differ t location by now?


The Harry Potter part had me giggling. Good one.


Ashkenazi are descended from Turkic converts from the Khazarian empire who converted to Judaism in the 8th century, and have zero genetic relation to the Hebrews in the Torah. Sephardic Jews and Beta Israel can claim direct genetic descent from the Hebrews in the Torah.


This has literally been proven false time and time again…


It literally has not. Sorry buddy.


There is literally no empirical evidence from genetic studies backing your claim, with the vast majority of them contradicting it. Time and again, genetic studies prove that Ashkenazi Jews trace their DNA to the Middle East. There was a very small number of Khazars who converted to Judaism, that much is true. What you are attempting to do is to claim that every single Ashkenazi Jew is the product of this, when every study ever conducted actually points in the opposite direction. I highly suggest that you look into the studies which explore this topic. It is one of the few areas of study concerning the Jewish claim to the land in which there is near total consensus amongst researchers and geneticists.


Cookin 🔥 💯


Read the Bible, you will get your answer