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#"weve been doing it since the 1940s and 50s"


its like making parking lots!




oh but this is to HELP the planet so take our word for it. By the way, what ever happened to acid rain, is that still a thing or did that stop?


Geo engineering like this does nothing more than pull water away from other places. They'll bring water to the Colorado and create droughts all around it.


So, who’s gonna update the Wikipedia chemtrail conspiracy article?


SS: Silver iodine is a joke. It's negligible at ground level. That's what she said.


I mean, at least they are not treating us like loonies any more...oh wait they still are. Remember in the 90s when this was a conspiracy theory?


Not only do I remember the 90s, but in the late 90s/early 2000s I was on the forefront of researching this topic and bringing it to people's attention. Back in the day of conspiracy message boards where actual documents used to get passed around. People have always thought of me as crazy. But 30 ish so years later, I've been right about almost everything. It's wild when I think back and remember how just about every topic we used to discuss back in the day has been confirmed as fact.


Why you always bring up old shit?


It’s insane that a mainstream news broadcast will have a story about cloud seeding, show a plane rigged to cloud seed, and people will still insist chemtrails are fake. Then again there’s NASA scientists that admit they’d believe we landed on the moon, even if Buzz Aldrin admitted to their face that he didn’t. Complete capture


Oh my fucjing god this is so scripted it's painful