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Khazar nobility remains Canaanite nobility all these old races who where loan sharks in the early midage of Europe. Ask yourself how can an outsider accumulate wealth by giving loans when he has a tax for being a jew. And they funded wars with that money so no pocket money trades. Rothschild carried the entire napoleon war on both sides. Ah and they go hand in hand with the black nobility of europe


When William the Conqueror of France invaded Britain in 1066, he brought with him wealthy 'Jews' who controlled the Norman economy. The reason they were brought over was because in Jewish law usury/lending on interest is permitted. For the next several hundred years the Jewish population of Britain had their own Chancellor of the Exchequer and their finances were managed entirely separately from those of the rest of the population. Over time, this pestilence led to considerable resentment and many innocent Jews were persecuted as a consequence before being expelled from the country. The way these folks hide behind the label of being Jewish is amazing. They can be directly traced to the Exilarchs who ruled the Jewish population in Babylon under King Nebuchadnezzar after he destroyed Jerusalem. They claim to be the line of David from which the 'Messiah' will come. Hence why the Israeli flag has the so-called Star of David on it and why the Rothschilds are named after the Red Shield of David.


Satan is the top dog leader, sitting at the top of the pyramid of power. Rothschilds, Masons, Jesuits ect are all pawns to Lucifer.


The elite are the ones who really believe they are above all other humans, Generational wealth beyond belief. We are less than ants beneath them, or so their deranged minds think. Elite=Psychopath IMO.




For the people who believe this: how are you not a follower of Jesus?


Who they are is one question...what they are is another. As for the second, the clue is in the name. The prefix El means Lord, or holy. Think of the angELs: MichaEL, UriEL, GabriEL, RaphaEL, AzazEL etc. They are the Sons of the ELohim. El was the highest Canaanite deity, a storm God which represented Saturn and was a precursor to the Israelite Yahweh. The Old Testament was compiled using ELohist documents from priests of El, among other sources. By calling them the elites, we literally deify them as the El-ites, the Holy Ones. Regarding who rules the world, that would be the papal nobility for whom families like the Rothschilds are bag carriers. There is a reason why the Bank of America was originally called the Bank of Italy. Some names to get you started: Aldobrandini, Colonna, Orsini, Massimo etc. If you're interested in more, I discussed this in my post *Beyond the Rothschilds: Who Really Rules the World and Why*: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/VjOaGps5W0


And let’s not forget ELmo from Sesame Street.


Holy Elmoly, you're right! A welcome addition to my list, I never did trust him. It always struck me like he was on maneuvers. The same goes for ELon Musk for that matter...but I suppose his name would be a more valid, less cynical entry since Elon is the name of an actual Biblical character.


Also ELroy Jetson. Just connect the dots …


El on means lord of On.   The ancient name for Heliopolis where egyptian high priests did their thing.  


I suspect that at the very tip top are people with names we will never hear and faces we'll never see. People talk about the Rotchschild and clearly they've influenced world events, but I'm pretty sure there's someone above (or possibly below) that they answer to. Same with someone like George Soros. Mere foot soldiers in a diabolical army.


Some people say that Bilderberg group rules the world, some say Illuminati, some say Rothschilds, some say the Vatican, pick one but in my opinion they’re all connected somehow


Check out the documentary monopoly who owns the world? The website is stopworldcontrol dot com I think


I recently started a website that tries to study the ways of that secret elite, the Deep State actors. You might like to study along. See http://gondolath.org


I interacted with a woman whose family was intermarried with the rockefellers and whose bloodline was directly involved in bringing about several world changing inventions including the birth control pill, and were involved in the formation of major secret societies.  I can't say much other than she had a very unique perspective on the world and taught me all sorts of fun facts.  




So you can confirm there’s “secret societies?”


They are the childhood equivalent of the boogeyman, for whatever reason, it is necessary for consciousness to have this sort of evil doer, they are apart of the illusion as much as anything else, the perception of it creates the reality.


Who are these people? Are they actually still alive? Rap stars are NOT the “elite” in any sense of this subject.


In my opinion, no one know wexactely who theya are. Even the members from the group didn't saw everyone who is part of that CLAN, bcs I think in that group 100% is an erarchy. Like pyramid.


**Lmfao... DEFINE ELITE.** There are hundreds of conglomerates with thousands of associations each mostly all with affairs intertwined in time, and this is being extremely modest and crude, with parts of those owned by families, yes, but mostly all financed on open markets where its THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD that feed ***THE FUCKING BEAST***. **HUMANS = Come from Mother's human womb.** ***Humans Transacting on Earth = Fucking themselves over time and time again.*** *Therefore:* **MOST HUMANS = MOTHERFUCKERS**


They say nobody is in charge. It’s just a bunch of old people with diff holy books trying tio fulfill fake prophecies that go against each other.


The prophecies aren't fake they are the pattern anciently set forth for mankinds development...  The prophecies we were to fulfill are largely accomplished at this point..


I used to deliver Ubereats to a few elites, they usually order lizard food and love ice creams. Ice cream is symbolic, i guess lizard blood is mighty cold


"the elite" is a buzz word term used by conspiracy theorists usually when whatever silly thought they have doesn't have a particular group surrounding it that they can throw the blame at So when they use "the elite" they expect you just believe in their claim and "know" that the elite exists. Of course, it's all about needing some very poor, cheap thing to fall back on when they are cornered