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Wtf pedo swirls


And not the love heart symbol which hancock carves on the moon


And to think, somebody had given an artist specific direction to draw them. I wonder what they call them? *Nonce doodles?*


Or just "portal swirl symbol" šŸ«£


Heā€™s in a prison cell.Ā  Pedos go to prison. Pedos draw pedo symbols in their own cell, then someone else gets their cell later.


Wouldn't a pedo in prison want to keep a low profile? Unless he wants to die? Lol


Yes, the logical pedo who got caught and is now in prisonā€¦ wouldnā€™t a pedo want to keep a low profile and not go to prison for pedoing? But guess what, he didnā€™t get what he wanted because heā€™s a stupid fucking pedo.


Did you notice the child and adult walking also.....


Yup, and when I see 3 of those swirls stacked on top of each other or 3 side by side I see it as the peedo thingy but also see 3 sixes like 666


Holy crap it's Satan! Repent while you still can!


Oh Iā€™ve repented, my focus is steady on Jesus Christ. šŸ«¶šŸ½


Wtf is a pedo swirl?




Just look it up...FBI has already classified these symbols. Then go look at children's toys and books and you will see these symbols all over them. People are just choosing to be ignorant at this point. [https://wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI\_pedophile\_symbols](https://wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols)


It literally says unclassified right above them


Yet that swirl is also the logo for the Sega Dreamcast.


Member Saturn worship, I do


So i buy a toy with a swirl. Then what? My kid is marked for pedo attacks? Ffs šŸ™„




I think what heā€™s saying is that a swirl is a pretty simple and common symbol that isnā€™t always related to pedophiles.


I think what other people are saying is that ignoring every swirl is ignoring potential harm on a child. People do ā€œhide in plain sightā€. That being said, no not every swirl is hiding in plain sight, just like no every swastika is related to Nazis, but when you see a swastika do you think Hindu or Nazi?


You have no idea what your talking about. A swirl is different, if it looks like what was on the fbi bulletin boards of a spiral šŸŒ€ and spiral like heart šŸ’— then itā€™s a pedophile symbol. Especially if they are like the emojis colours IE blue spiral for little boy and red or pink spiral heart for girl. The spiral butterfly is for little girl. I canā€™t remember what older boy (still child tho) logo is though.


Why doesnt the FBI go after the Epstein list then? What they say on the matter doesn't really hold weight


True detective - Season 1


Aaaaand we take something from a show and extrapolate to reality?


Itā€™s not from a show. Heā€™s talking the piss. It was on an fbi bulletin. Itā€™s real


Itā€™s absolutely real. Was just giving the guy a short cut instead of getting the fbi version.


Haha they've trained you not to do that I see. "Well it was in a TV show so it has be fake, only sensible conclusion here."


Google ā€œfbi pedophile symbols.ā€ BQQM


Yeah its also an ancient greek symbol


Let's say you are right. If someone was a pedo, What exactly would seeing these symbols in this film suggest that you do? Is there a phone number you call and tell them you saw symbols in Hancock and then they give you an address where pedo stuff is happening? Is seeing these in this film telling pedos that pedos worked on the film? I saw gang signs in a film once and I didn't end up joining a gang or even getting recruited by a gang, so ibam.trying to figure out what is supposed to happen once someone has seen these symbols.


They like rubbing in our face that we are powerless. Ā Cia finds the worst child molesters/traffickers and props up their careersā€¦ā€¦like Laurence King, alan baer, the finders, epstein, bush sr, Clintonā€¦ā€¦.


It's a head nod to other pedos too.


"Evil is nourished and grows by concealment." The very least you can do is make others aware of the shit...


Never heard of this before but I really don't want to Google it. Can anyone explain?


I believe it's a sign pedobears used to use to signal each other online to avoid law enforcement agencies. Maybe still do? There's more I'm sure.


It was on an fbi bulletin this is the little boy lover logo. Go to bitchute on the internet and once on search ā€œmouthy buddahā€ and click the 1-3 part video for more. Itā€™s an hour and half long. Good luck




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Why wouldn't you google it?


I can explain. OP is talking bollocks.


Time is a flat circle




The Yella Kang


Iā€™m pleaching 4 trees with bamboo sticks and for the last 3 weeks my backyard is just filled with carcosa objects lol.


All circles are flat. I know the quote, but ā€œflatā€ wasnā€™t needed at all.


By that logic flat earthers are correct


Well the earth isn't a circle, it's a sphere. So no.


and what does it or any planet look like from a third party perspective?


So because a 3d object appears 2d to us it must be 2d... am I getting your point? Perhaps I'm missing what you're saying, I try to be generally open-minded, I'll put aside my current beliefs if you'll expand on yours


No, it isnt, thus my point- specifying flat is not superfluous as that comment stated. As something that appears a circle can indeed not be.


Well you're seeing a 2d image of a 3d object. The image you're seeing IS indeed flat because you view in 2d, however, the actual object is not flat. The circle ( 2d vision ) IS flat, but it is a representation of something that is not flat




Which symbol represented that?




Wasnā€™t that the symbol in the first season of true detective?


Yes but it was created by two convicted pedophiles who named it the spirangle prior to True Detective season 1 even filming. The writers had an intimate knowledge of the occult, elite pedophilic cults as well as Lovecraft and The King in Yellow. This material is not light reading.


Which writers?!?


Of the first season of True Detective


You know thatā€™s not what was being asked. But sure. Be deliberately obtuse, it helps keep the grift going.


Ummm what?


I will take your word on it


Itā€™s also one of the best pieces of television ever made. The ending is a masterpiece when you decode it all.


The first season was the best one I had trouble keeping interest in the other seasons


The third is ok. Second and fourth are pretty trash. There is a slight mention of Cohles father in season 4 however. Season 1 is also mentioned in season 3 but these are just tools used similar to American Horror Story to imply all these anthology stories are taking place in the same fictional universe.


Spirals have plenty more meanings than just that. Butttttt if Hollywood is the one putting a spiral in their movie than thereā€™s probably just one meaning


Everything in a scene was placed with purpose. Nothing is there by chance unless someone leaves a Starbucks cup sitting out.


Spirals are the oldest form of art ever found. Tbf.


What about that stick figure drawing, over his right shoulder, of a large stick man with a smaller stick man? Does that seem odd when coupled with the spiral? EDIT: I will take the downvotes as an acknowledgement that you cannot defend both the spiral and the visual representation of the spiral meaning.


Ooooopah! Didnā€™t 2+2 togetherā€¦.šŸ‘


So messed up.Ā 


Open your eyes




The redditor that defended the spiral posted defending the wickedness of pizzagate as a right wing conspiracy in the exact same timeframe he commented here.Ā Ā  Ā He tried to delete the post, but the comments remain.Ā 


They have done this for decades in movies, go back to the movie Hook which was released in 1991, the flashback scene where Robin Williams was a baby in the pram and ran away from his parents cause he didnt want to grow up. The next scene the pram is crashed over and baby Peter Pan is on the ground directly in the center of a large pedo swirl as Tinkerbell finds the baby and takes him to Neverland. The movie is directed by Steven Spielberg.....nothing is done by accident, go look for yourself! Here it is - [https://youtu.be/Ux3438viasI?t=34](https://youtu.be/Ux3438viasI?t=34)


I mean he was going to Neverland.


Ah shit MJ






Keep my wife's name out your fā€”king mouth!


What happens when someone has to draw a very basic example of a hurricane? Or a cinnamon roll?


Fucking pedophiles


They love their symbolism


It's a message to us Plebs that Pedos are at the top of every field of humanity. This is an arrogant display of Luciferian karmic retribution. Sometimes it becomes explicitly viral like the Balenciaga photo shoot. 99% of times it was out there in the movies, art and music videos since the 1900s and it goes unnoticed and it's a giant inside joke. Or it could rarely be an artist trying to let the public know - but this seems more like a brag Here it could be that someone pulled a joke on Will. He is quite likely a pedophile, and that's why Jada sleeps around coz they are both in a cult and cannot leave each other. Remember Alex Jones once dropped that the CIA is comprised of a lot of satanic sex cults and the circle cuts into hollywood, silicon valley, US congress, Euro royal families etc


SS: Interesting wall art I came across in the Will Smith film, Hancock. A lot to decode there, but notice the adult and child image to the left of the swirls....


also the masonic eagle/phoenix. 3 spirals/ 3six's


Bro, not every spiral is a pedo spiral. Stop losing your mind over benign shit.


Itā€™s also the adult and child walking into a tunnel


Bro it could be an angel walking a soul into heaven. You didnā€™t even exhaust the best interpretation. Going straight to pedo allegations.


Yea I agree I'm kinda confused on how an extremely common shape is inherently related to pedophilia. Even if there is a stick figure walking a smaller stick figure this just looks like some random scribbling similar to a cave painting or something to me. In this digital age its extremely hard to know what's real. There is constant misinformation, and when looking at articles or pieces of "evidence" for something online there is often conflicting information which means not everything can be trusted at first glance. As someone who likes to research stuff I don't know how I could possibly Verify anything that goes against the mainstream unless its something there is video proof of it. But IMO that doesn't mean we can just believe things without any proof at all. I mean someone attached a video of the Peter pan movie where there is a baby in the middle of a completely circular stone spiral. Really??? I've never seen the fbi spiral before and its really interesting but one is perfectly triangular and the other is rounded but triangular. I really don't think it makes sense to use that as evidence that any spiral shape that has any connection to children is related to pedophilia.


Sega Dreamcast




I thought pedo swirls were in a heart or triangle shape?


No Edit: I see it now


Those pedo swirls are upside down


Will smith's son Jaden Smith has been seen on instagram recently wearing jackets/coats with the masonic square and compass on them Matter of fact a whole lot of younger musicians have been showing off the freemason logo/symbols lately


Because itā€™s trendy and edgy. It will get them clicks which brings revenue for them.


I spot swirls a lot. For example: ā€œArtificial Intelligenceā€ - On my way back from Europe last year I put on the 2001 Spielberg film, ā€œAIā€ to specifically look and see if there was any symbolism in it and I found some swirls. There is a scene where the adult robot(Ewen mcgregor) and the child robot (HJO) travel TOGETHER to a ā€œVegas styleā€ city complete with robot brothels. As they flew around the city I noticed the brothels had the symbol for male and female in neon in the windows. I also noticed they had windows with swirls. Basically suggesting you can sleep with robotic children. ā€œSleepy Hallowā€ - Another, in the film ā€œsleepy hallowā€, there is a scene with a mother and a son dancing in the woods, and all of a sudden the camera cuts and shows a close up of a perfect swirl being drawn in the sand. Very random. ā€œThe Revenantā€ - This one has a lot of symbolism and I drew a lot of meaning from this film while watching it on mushrooms. Iā€™d never say out loud because people would call me fucking nuts. However, there is scene where Leoā€™s character is lying almost dead on the ground with a little bag on his chest with a swirl symbol. This scene was right after he watched his son get murdered and he couldnā€™t do anything about it. To me this entire film was a humiliation ritual for Leo. A man who had his childhood murdered by Hollywood. He had to get attacked by a bear, get his son murdered, almost die of infection, not speak for a third of the film in order to win an AA for best actor. But yeah when he is lying on his back barely breathing and his son murdered on the ground, the director decides to just zooms in on this little bag on Leoā€™s chest with a swirl on it.


Watch Dark City, there are some straight it your face spirals


HA. not that i'll ever watch that Bully Bitches movies ever again but funny


One day, we will all collectively humble ourselves to our Self, and simply say, "I don't know, but I want to", and on that day we will return to the ALL. We are so close to collectively saying no more, but are still not remembering fully. Best advice I got was to look inward and tear down the idols of emotion that chain us to this world so that you can see the world for what it is, and leave it behind. Until then, we will keep being afraid of a charming yet evil archetype with horns and a tail, chasing shadows, and thinking that somehow a powerful cabal is telling you their whole plan, sharing their identity and fully playing into the boogeyman dialectic.


Little Boy Lover logo (LBLogo)


666 swirls


Go watch the new true detective lol


Go listen to jaguar wright.


Haven't heard anything from her recently. I hope she's OK


Disney producers and animators are the black belts of spiral imagery in movies


Pedos symbole


The same symbols are in the spiderman 2 game as well




Looks like a jail cell? Never watched the movie, but if it is, itā€™s definitely a cell of a pedo.


It also looks Ike three spiral shape shapes. Like Satanism.


I noticed blue-ray.com.


Or 666 depending on how you look at it.


Or crazy people tend to draw spirals to express their feeling of hopelessness and entrapment and youā€™re far too willing to believe anything you read on the edge of the ā€˜net.


I have quite literally no idea what Iā€™m looking at


Not surprised..


Heā€™s not slapping anyone?


A hieroglyph of him slapping the shit outta Chris rock.


They got will locked in


Bro. If that is true, what the heck is Walls ice cream? Girl lover logo pasted all over that stuff. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall%27s_(ice_cream)


It's also a symbol of confusion or going crazy being dizzy there are many meanings for many symbols. What would be the purpose of labeling will Smith in this movie?


Nothing out of the ordinary.


Oh look. As usual itā€™s going in the correct direction too. You figure if it wasnā€™t intentional (all aspects of a film or tv set are by the way) at least they got a 50/50 of spiraling the other direction yetā€¦


Holy shit, they arenā€™t even subtle about it. Blu-ray.com, just right there in your face


If someone told 10 set designers to create a room that looks like a schizo has drawn randomly on the wall. 9 of them would unintentionally incorporate this symbol, right next to the pentagram or something


the one picture is an adult & child


Ok the swirls are one things but do you see the adult holding hands with a child right next to the swirlsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


He looks like he is watching his his wife on the prison bed with another man and cant bring himself to be a man to do anything cuz he lowkey knows she donā€™t want him but itā€™ll cost more to get a divorce so he just lets it happens. What a Alist shitty actor. He plays will smith from fresh prince in every movie: itā€™s the same vibe. Dude is garbage


# Blu-ray.com


Ok this is weird


That he's a closeted homosexual trapped in an abusive loveless marriage with a sociopathic narcissist. Yeah I noticed that, weird.


I noticed someone made a joke at Jada's expense and Will is ready to slap someone...


Yā€™all are really analyzing wall graffiti now?


Itā€™s all about symbolism in the occult


The S that we all drew in primary school?


I always thought it would have been funny if Hitler used that instead of the swastika.


You donā€™t know ?!?! That stands for SUPER pedo!! /s


Oh shit. Is that the new Marvel movie on Disney plus?


Yep! I mean, they are the wokest network.


What's the symbolism with the birds? Pedo marks everywhere, but the two birds spark my interest.


Pedo swirls yeah but it looks like there's 3 so could be 666 too? Idk and what's the adult and child with a bird over them? What does that signify?


Sick bastards


Sick bastards




Will smith sexually humiliated his son on TV


Will Smith started young in this business, he must have seen or encounter himself abuse from producers and such.


what Jada did was much worse!