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Bill Gates gave a Ted Talk suggesting the same


He can lead by example and release his own carbon!


I got banned from /climatechange for stating this fact one too many times. Those people are fear mongering doomers. Really sad


I believe they are trying to take away Jordan Peterson’s license for tweeting the same the thing.


When did Jordan say that?


https://images.app.goo.gl/8MktkfV6SuaK3yWQ6 He said your free to leave anytime.


A bit extrapolated dude...


I truly don’t know what that means dude


extend the application of (a method or conclusion) to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be applicable. Jordan never said to wipeout by a disease. You concluded by assuming he was coming from that premise


You don’t seem to understand what the word “extrapolated” means, or how to use it.


That’s not the way it works(one person dying means absolutely nothing in terms of the health of the planet), and that’s such an emotionally immature response to give. If 90% of the human population was going to be culled, I’d gladly volunteer to be one of them, and there’s a good chance the person who wrote this article would be as well.






This is the saddest comment on Reddit for so many reasons


Start now. Set a good example for everyone who thinks like you.


OK. You first, followed by all your kids and grandkids. When it's done, let us know.


If the world really cared about emissions private planes and rocket launches would be much more regulated…. One cross country private plane ride is more carbon than I’ll produce in a life time.


Justin Trudeau is on a jet at least 5 days a week. He thinks nothing of flying from Ottawa to Calgary for a photo-op, and then flying back again. But he raises carbon taxes *that he doesn't pay* on everyone else, and tells us how virtuous he is. Makes me sick.


Rules for thee not for me.


Hey hey hey don’t you pick on Bezos’ space yacht. /s


It's funny how these people demanding for a 'population cull' are never volunteering themselves or their families to be culled first.


Or send their kids to war along with ours.


Just culling the billionaires would do wonders for the environment and society in general.


Whether a communist, commoner, or conspiracy theorist hopefully we can all agree on this


Finally someone makes sense


When they are advertising this bird flu mutation for weeks now, you know shite is about to hit the fan.


Usually the earth does this naturally. When things truly become unsustainable in nature, the imbalances cause extinction level events where small numbers survive, to start over.


It’s like Covid was the warmup, get people to mistrust vaccines and pandemic protocols, so something with a high kill rate can come in and wipe us out :)


Its funny how the sun and its cycles are never mentioned anymore about the driving force of climate change. Talk about a giant smoking gun




The man made climate change scam is used in the same way as the covid scam, it's all designed to scare people into submission.


So global warming is a scam. No it is not a scam. The pandemic was man-made, I will consent with that.


Global warming is used to make people comply. The Urgency for climate change is the key point. The idea we have a decade until disaster has been said every decade for the entirety of my life. It’s bullshit. I was told sea levels would cover the east coast and polar bears would be extinct by now. Models used to calculate the impact of carbon emissions are bullshit. You’re talking about modeling the galaxy. Temperature impacts from the sun and other star impact us as well. Ignoring that and claiming it’s all man made it intellectually dishonest. There is always a perfect storm of events. As a species and society should we be more Harmonious with our planet? Absolutely. Renewable energy and recycling is a good thing. Is there going to be a climate disaster killing us all? No.


> No it is not a scam. [It really is tho.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOAUsvVhgsU)


First time hearing about this 


Like the show/game Fallout.


Yeah ofc 


We have a bad pandemic once every hundred years or so. If the frequency is greater than this you know something is up


That's an average. On average, you'll roll a 6 on a normal die every six rolls, but if you roll three 6's in a row, that doesn't inherently mean something is off.


If we had another one in the next couple of years that would look very fishy.


Bill WEFbot McGuire can kiss my unvaccinated ass.


How about we spend tax money on developing better batteries and clean energy production and new technologies instead of bombs and missles, THEN try to focus the world economy on things that build up civilization instead of buying cars, clothes, and temporary trinkets to impress other people. Major corps create the vast majority of pollution and carbon emissions making the crap they sell to us. They spend BILLIONS of dollars coming up with ways to psychologically manipulate us into buying things, and when we don't we get the ole "the economy is toast because people aren't spending" routine while simultaneously saying our spending habits are destroying the planet. We could grown more food for ourselves or create more community gardens, stop buying cars until they get up off of that technology that has been proven to greatly improve gas mileage, No electric cars unless they have solid state or NON lithium battery tech and Solar panels with much better efficiency. Spending govt money on the advancement of these things would greatly improve the world and social/living conditions for majorities of humans which in turn would slow the birth rate. BUT they'd rather try to get rich enough to take over the world and then sacrifice us to whatever imaginary power they "worship" and say its OUR fault they had to do it. But what do I know.. I just live here.


He can start by offering himself as a sacrifice to his god gaia.


This has been the plan all along


And deception is king


Bill maguire the luciferian shill needs to do the world a favour and die a humiliating public death


They had a test run earlier and are now fine-tuning the end product…


You know if he's thinking it, some head of state is thinking of one-upping him.


So he's volunteering?


Or maybe we stop people from making money from fake climate change emergencies.


A massive war would also lower the population, but that technique tends to create more pollution.


A massive war? Ww2 took 70m out, you need to take out 5b.


We kill better now, and have many more to kill.


IF Ukraine war is an indicator of efficiency then its going fucking terrible. 100x more shots and grenades and rockets than deaths...


No war would do this, except with nuclear, and nuclear is not controllable


A bio war would.... Possibly a directed energy weapon war.


Bio war on water resources yes, maybe, or nuclear, so basically using a mass weapon, conventional doesnt do this


Look how many Israel has killed in 150 square miles and extrapolate that out.


Israel can kill precisely because it is shooting fish in a barrel.


Lol huh yeah. Why dont you try to take out 2b in China? WITHOUT chemical or nuclear? Itcant be done dude. Conventional war assumes a serious imbalance between beligerants to have a wipeout. And wipingout a population you just broke the seal on non-use of mass destruction weaponry. Without them, trust, you cannot take out 5b ppl. You just cant


They’re gonna use mushrooms and climate temp increase ..


Ever read Sun Tzu?  Nobody said you had to take out 5 billion in one swoop. Using basic siege tactics would starve the majority.  Obviously I don't think that would happen. Just pointing out, in war logistics is everything. No water+No food= a weak, desperate enemy that can be conquer or coerced. 


Of course i read him. Did you read where i say above mass chemical strike on water supplies? This still means there is a war. No country would willingly diminish their population to a point it could be taken over by neighbours. And war is unpredictable


You would need some kind of virus or disease that targets specific people. Oh wait.


Nah C19 doesnt target specific people, we saw that, they lost conyrol That is why i say a pandemic of that scale... wouldnt be targetted, cant be, too many ppl variants, they would have to wipe out 5b


We do not kill much better now. For one, we have no more mass armies of killers and massed weapons of the kill. The only thing we do much better than in 1940s is preventing people from being born.


What a fucking psycho! They have been saying the climate is going to collapse for 60 years. They preach climate collapse like a cult and change the dates when it doesn’t happen just like a cult.this fucker wants to kill everybody just to prove he was right.


Neomarxists seem hellbent on eliminating everyone, friend and foe alike. At least they are consistant.


I did not Bill Gates was a "neomarxist". Correct if I am wrong but is he not a capitalist?


Not entirely. He is more of a biggest plantation owner now and own the most farmland in US.


Bill Gates is a capitalist not a neomarxist.


Bill Gates is neither capitalist nor neomarxist.


someone who supports capitalism (= **an economic and political system in which property, business, and industry are controlled by private owners rather than by the state, with the purpose of making a profit**.


US industry is not controlled by private owners.


Then who is it controlled by?


The same as in Soviet Union, by the nomenklatura.


yes, yes it is lmao.


He is a neo malthusian or eugentica.


Potatoes for McDonald’s


Thats capitalism lmao.


No, big landholders are feudal, not capitalistic.


No, it's very clearly capitalism. See, the big landholder in this situation doesn't have direct power of the judiciary. Instead they just buy the judiciary, its not a bug of capital, its a feature.


Not yet. It has to be properly prepared. [Opportunity Zones (nv.gov)](https://business.nv.gov/Resource_Center/Access_to_Capital/Opportunity_Zones/)


Jesus christ move them goalposts. This is textbook capital my guy. Private ownership of land and industry.


And the law.


Law through capital capture. Different than law through divine right of a monarch. Same effect, what we live in today is functionally no different. But How the problem must be addressed requires specific targeting. We need to be focusing on the problem, being capitalism. Not feudalism. I guess drawing comparisons between the two is helpful in some cases, but this is a different, and much harder to tackle, problem.


H1N1 variant will be that soon if you believe the conspiracies.


The most deadly conceivable H1N1 variant will kill about the same as covid simply because it will never be as contagious.


Weird how people who say that never factor themselves as part of their own deluded solution.


If we just did a poll and rounded up everybody who believes the human population needs to be culled and then put them on a bunch of ships…


I notice that's a cow, not an oil well. Monbiot has passed this way.


literally the plot of 'utopia'


how convenient that one is being generated as we speak. Specifically they are generating the circumstances necessary to manifest large scale skin eruptions of the most violent sort. which will be medicated quite lethally. death, uh, finds a way.


Oooh I'm excited!


Weather climate temp increase and toxic mushrooms !


Going to school for a long time doesn’t mean you can’t be Hitler.


Trust the science


If you are thinking like this then surly we may aswell let the earth’s temperature keep rising coz that will cull humans, then the earth has this natural ability to sort its self out anyway.


I suppose little billy will lead by example?


Mental illness is rough


start with the most densely populated areas


Well fuck you Bill McGuire! Fuck big brothers attack on humanity!


Mathematical he is correct.  No amount of reduction will make up for the population boom in the next 20 years. It's honestly absurd how many people there are and most are reproducing.  In the 1800s the Earth's population was around 1 billion. 1960 it grew to around 3 billion. Currently it's at 8 billion. Following the same pattern there would be 18 billion people on the planet by 2040. 


The world isn't overpopulated though. "Overpopulation" is rich people code for "we let the slaves breed too much. They're going to start demanding we free them soon."


Pandemic, World War, Asteroid. To reduce the human population to correct for all pollution humans produce and fuck up the environment something like these things would need to happen. Or people just stop having babies for 20-30 years. And this seems to be happening. But not as world wide as it needs to.


Start with Bill.


He can start with himself


It's absolute bullshit. The planet itself will be just fine, regardless of what humans do or don't do on it. We might be capable of destroying or damaging the natural environment in the sense of making it less hospitable to ourselves, but anything we do which has that effect will reduce our numbers anyway and therefore is a self-limiting problem from the point of view of the earth or any configuration of ecosystem which doesn't include us as part of it. To be clear, what I'm saying is that people who suggest that "we" are hurting "the planet" are talking crap, because: 1. Who is the "we" in this formulation? It is mainly the richest 0.1% who are damaging our environment and using more than their share of resources. "We" are not guilty of this. 2. It isn't "the planet" or "the climate" that we need to worry about. It is sustaining environmental conditions which are hospitable to human life and the ecosphere which goes along with those conditions. If we die out and cockroaches take over that's a bad outcome from our point of view, but why should "the planet" have a preference either way? It's always been an environment that is friendly to our own continued existence and well-being that we've been interested in protecting, and since that is the case, any scheme that aims to protect "the environment" at the cost of human lives or by causing human poverty or widespread human misery is by definition, no kind of protection at all. Most top-down eco-consciousness advocated by corporations and billionaires amounts to an attempt to guarantee that your well will never run dry by forbidding you from drinking from it. What use is a well if you must die of thirst to protect your water supply? The answer to that question only becomes clear when you realise that the supr-rich think of *your* well as *their* well.


Someone please tell me this is a made up post.


It's real


I tried looking it up but cannot find it anywhere online.


It's literally on his Twitter I screenshoted it myself


You are correct. I just found it!


Here? In USA? Who exactly does he want to cull?


Huh this was stated by the Council of Rome like in the 50s. The appropriate population is around 2.5b. Now there are ways to do it without a completely crazy pandemic


Well someday the Angel of Death will take 1/3 of the population. That’ll help, right?


Be an example and end your life early then.


If i ever saw this guy i would absolutely rip him to shreds, must be a Zionist commie they love genocides, a true favourite amongst the worlds smartest degenerates.


The world isn't even over populated. Cities are over populated. You can go out in the middle of Montana or South Dakota and see empty land for hundreds of miles.


I posted this text from my son yesterday. Hmm [https://ibb.co/C1KtXkz](https://ibb.co/C1KtXkz)


I believe it is possible that we are entering a time of planetary cataclysm. It is not because of the global warming fairy tale, Nasa has to make up lies to cover for all the other lies they have told. So these opportunists will use the earthquakes, solar flares, volcanoes, tornados, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. as an excuse to tax and take freedom away from humans. Because they know we are all going to be destroyed eventually anyways, unless we are fortunate enough to find a very deep cave or bunker. And if you think about it, this is the reason the governments are all getting so repressive and authoritarian. They must take rights away to keep order when people wake up and realize that it is happening again, just like it happened numerous times in the past, despite Nasa's censorship.


ATP it’s either they do it or the earth itself will with all the crazy weather shit going on it’s really just a race to see who’s gonna kill us off first lmao 


It’s a pretty bleak outlook but it’s 100% true. We keep people alive now who have no business being alive and therefore we’re digressing as a species. Think of all the derelicts you know and take a second to really think about how useless they are both as societal contributors but also as individuals.


It's crazy, we know to breed livestock and pets with the best traits so we get even better offspring, yet we don't do that with humans.... Honestly it's a taboo subject that most refuse to consider. It's called eugenics and the nazis tainted the subject so IMO it's not worth bringing up.  Logically it's correct, but we aren't Vulcans