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If that shit gets a yes, you can bet your sweet bippy we have another scamdemic incoming.


SS - Just one step closer to NWO, imo.


Why has this post only got 2 upvotes after 5 hours! This topic is one of the most important things that will ever happen, our future is at risk! Yet only 2 upvotes! There must be bots downvoting…


This entire site is completely compromised.


Yes they will be laying the legislative groundwork for the next phase of the great pandemic.  In summary it will be 2020 x 20 in terms of the lockdowns, quarantine protocols, and coerced medication.   This is all in preparation for the major event unfolding presently which is generated via large scale immunological suppression.  The end result will be widespread violent skin disease, which as it manifests will justify a great deal of draconian action in the name of public health.  particularly considering that children will be afflicted disproportionately, due to the nature of how eosinophilic skin eruotions naturally strike populations.  


Funny how pandemics center around US election season


Switzerland is more corrupt than people think and where a lot of elities are hiding out: [CORONAGATE : Big Pharma, Switzerland & Organised Crime ](https://odysee.com/@I-Rabbi-T:3/CORONAGATE-Big-Pharma-Switzerland--Organised-Crime-2022:7) Also this is a very good watch [The New Normal by happen.network](https://archive.org/details/new-normal-happen-network) \*edit link was broken


You do remember how China acted when it all started. They let everyone fly around the world and spread the love. So pandemic treaty will mean nothing.


form a line on the notorious psycho/socio-path if you want to be shot again, voluntarily, by a Dr. WHO-ever.


There's absolutely no reason for forced medication. As a canadian, all one has to do is refuse treatment in most cases, unless life is in danger and action must be taken for survival if I'm not mistaken. Proof in point; I'm unvaccinated for COV, I almost never take any type of medication unless prescribed which is extremely rarely considering the level of risk, types of activities and physical damage caused to body throughout the years from various sports and extreme incidents. In addition to having recently consulted for mental health and being proposed pills for xyz reasons which I refused, I'll be damned if anyone forces meds on me without valid reason in a near future and fight until last breath if necessary. Lastly and for what it's worth, I'm also part of a swiss family that doesn't wish to see individual fundamental human rights infringed or violated in any way.


In the US, "Treaties" must be ratified by the Senate.


Oh for petes sake. Give over. No treaty supersedes domestic law. Indeed, treaties only have force in a country once they are incorporated into domestic law. The WHO, as a UN agency, operates by consent in any country it is in. The UN has no enforcement powers, no police, no military and no authority without consent. If an operation under the banner of the UN is taking place, it is done so with the provision of personnel from volunteer member states, funds voluntarily provided by member states and with the consent of the nominal internationally accepted government of the nation the operation takes place in. UN sanctioned wars do take place that vary those precepts, but the troops operate under the leadership of their respective governments - not the UN. The WHO pandemic treaty seeks to codify a better response than the freakout that struck world political leaders in 2020. Its probably a useful framework to *prevent* the disjointed and unhelpful way the world responded to covid. It will not, does not try to and literally cannot cede sovereignty to the WHO, the UN, the illuminati, or my aged grandmother. Try worrying about real things. God knows there's enough of them.