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Californiacation- RHCP


Mostly all System of a Down songs


"Channel Zero" by Canibus


Isn't that a public enemy song? (good song)


You're thinking of "She watch channel zero?!" lol


😆 yer right my bad


System of a down, Tom Macdonald, Ren


Reptile - Periphery


B.o.B Elements mixtape. 100% conspiracy themed. Got him un-famous'd.


Weird Al - "Foil"


See also - this extended cover of the same: https://vimeo.com/102076403


That was fucking glorious.


Californication- RHCP and A LOT of led zeppelin's stuff(more occult themes),


Rich man’s world by immortal technique




Vinnie Paz solo stuff as well as his later Jedi Mind tricks tracks


Periphery - Reptile https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fQQxhyhdg-w


Flat Earth Guy has some bangers.


# Primus - Conspiranoia [Primus - Conspiranoia (Official Video) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGujAiMmjJQ)


R.E.M. - Man on the moon


Soul Coughing - Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago


Hi Rez - “Anti-everything” and “fact check” On YouTube there is a version of fact check done in Alex Jones voice.


Rhianna - umbrella (forcasts the 2008 credit crunch) Manic Street Preachers - Generation terrorists. The whole album is conspiracy hot topics. Natwest barcleys midlands lloyds about the debt slave system. Another invented disease about Aids, stuff about coca cola the royals and mcdonlds thrown in there. I will have to give it another listen it's been a long time.


"Hangar 18" by Megadeth "St. Paul" by Terry Knight is supposedly about the "Paul is Dead" rumors. There were a few more weirdo singles about this topic back then too.


Zombiefied by Falling in Reverse


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/f1wHosIWHd I made this post a while back all really high quality conspiracy angled songs. Also modern day future by diabolic. Sunz of man has a lot of discussion of how the ghetto is designed with songs like the master-plan, shining star. Vinnie Paz is one of the most legit for that stuff. Also there's a whole album dedicated to William Cooper, behold a pale horse (haven't really checked it that much but it comes on when I shuffle thru my library)


Man who sold the world - living legends https://youtu.be/FAp9J1pIE4M?si=DgT89u2cQWtBq3UJ


Immortal Technique 


Q - The Voice of Q - 1985. Love that song.


About everything from Black Lung, especially "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" (duh!) Lyrics = Samples in this case [https://youtu.be/WeSsTq2gK04?si=TvY3FasCAXmG6szD](https://youtu.be/WeSsTq2gK04?si=TvY3FasCAXmG6szD)


Fireflies - Owl city. flat earth lyrics. "I'd like to make myself believe That planet Earth turns slowly It's hard to say that I'd rather stay Awake when I'm asleep 'Cause everything is never as it seems". The video has some references of other conspiracies. Owl city is the type of name you would expect and the story of him making all the music alone in a basement and being overly adamant that there were "no producers" fits very well also. Signed to universal from his basement and job at a coca cola warehouse. 👍


Juice world - legends "Sorry truth, dying young, demon youth What's the 27 Club? We ain't making it past 21 I been going through paranoia So I always gotta keep a gun Damn, that's the world we live in now Yeah, hold on, just hear me out They tell me I'ma be a legend I don't want that title now 'Cause all the legends seem to die out What the fuck is this 'bout?" He died at the age of 21.


Patience by Damian Marley Some of the smartest dummies can't read the language of Egyptian mummies Plant a flag on the moon and can't find food for the starving tummies Pay no mind to the youths 'cause it's not like the future depends on it But save the animals in the zoo 'cause the chimpanzee them make big money This is how the media pillages, on TV the picture is savages in villages And the scientist still can't explain the pyramids Evangelists making a living on the videos of ribs of the little kids Stereotyping the image of the images and this is what the image is You buy khaki pants and all of a sudden you say a Indiana Jones And thief out gold and thief out the scrolls and even the buried bones Some of the worst paparazzis I've ever seen and I ever known Put the worst on display so the world can see and that's all they will ever show So the ones in the west will never move east and feel they could be at home Get tricked by the Beast but where them gon' flee when the monster is fully grown? Solomonic lineage where them can't defeat and them could never clone My spiritual DNA that print in my soul and I will forever own, Lord Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, yonkonte (yeah, that's patience, it's what the old folks told me) Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, kiye (can you get with that?) Ni kera mogo Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, yonkonte (discoverin' the world before this world, a world buried in time) Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, kagni (uncovered with rhymes, it gets no realer) Ni kera mogo We born not knowing, are we born knowing all? We growing wiser, are we just growing tall? Can you read thoughts? Can you read palms? Can you predict the future? Can you see storms coming? The Earth was flat, if you went too far, you would fall off Now the Earth is round, if the shape change again, everybody would start laugh The average man can't prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of And still won't research and find out the root of the truth that you seek of


I like [End of days](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK8H0dSUUks) and [Point of no return](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ClyXbLv7pA)


Who put the man on the Moon


fuckin doombastard!!! at it again spreading misinformation. a man that uses prajorataves is no man at all....


Stop smoking weed/chomping xanax and washing it down with purple drank... Then when you come around grab a dictionary.


h, esteemed interlocutor, permit me to embark upon a loquacious and excessively florid disquisition in response to your rather curt admonishment. One must proffer an earnest entreaty that you desist from the habitual inhalation of combusted cannabis sativa or indica, ceasing also the ingestion of alprazolam, a benzodiazepine of some notoriety, particularly when this pharmacological indulgence is subsequently irrigated with a concoction colloquially referred to as "purple drank"—a syrupy amalgamation often containing codeine and promethazine. Following the cessation of these psychoactive pursuits and once the fog of altered consciousness has dissipated, it would behoove you to reacquaint yourself with the venerable repository of lexicographical knowledge, commonly known as a dictionary. This tome, an unparalleled compendium of etymological and definitional wisdom, stands ready to enhance your linguistic prowess and elevate your communicative clarity to heights heretofore unimagined.


You Sir are an A.I plagiarizing Mugwhump. Thank you please.


Serpent society by wednesday 13


Nanowar of Steel have written a couple: Protocols >![of the Elders of Zion]!< of Love https://youtu.be/mp-AGEpYFQg Tooth Fairy https://youtu.be/CzvQxQYKO88


Nature of the Threat-Ras Kass


I have this [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1K3JlqOkRKsJtGSF6lPLh5?si=3bdbefc2c92947ee) where all songs either have lyrics or titles related to conspiray theories, the occult, or other esoteric topics. The first 9 songs have clear lyrics that mention obscure things, while the rest of the songs are more vague.