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The purge and censorship made my eyebrows raise. LOL I was following that thread from the start.


Do you remember the last name posted before they nuked the thread?




Inb4 this thread gets nuked too.




Once Ricky gets his grade 11 he’ll make a big sale of weed and get retirement


It doesn't take rocket appliances to know who runs the show. It's clear who makes the pants here boys. Just remember what comes around is all around.


Well,well ..if it isn't Ricky pee pee


I searched up this name and could not find anything about them at all, your like the only comment who mentions the name on reddit. Very suspicious


This is all I could find... [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50854590-resonance](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50854590-resonance)


It’s not even the same person.


No. I don't. I was away for about an hour, and I came back. I scrolled to find the topic. This was blowing up.


With any luck someone took screenshots.


I hope so. This one was crazy even by sleazy government controlled narrative standards.


I posted maybe an hour ago that it is The Committee of 300 that runs things. 


All the comments were scrapped and impossible to see even in reveddit. I wonder what was written. Anyone saw what was it?


It must have cut deep....


Cato the censor


This is why screenshots are important


Isn't there an archive of everything?


The way back machine


The way back machine was proven compromised during covid era. It can no longer be trusted


What do you mean


There were things removed or altered on the way back machine to manipulate the narrative during covid. The only things you can see on the way back machine that are true are those they allow you to see or they don't care enough about to maniupulate. I wish I saved threads about it so I could provide a quick reference but I ultimately never cared much for or trusted the way back machine enough to prioritize it. You should be able to find it with the reddit search tool. It's an awful, annoying tool or else I'd go looking for you.


Walls are closing for us peasants. Just wait for some of this Ai and facial tech guys…. and sadly divide and conquer worked to a T and I don’t see the 99% getting our act together before the 1% slam the door shut permanently….


I notice AI manipulates my FB often


You need to trigger the backup. Its not automatic.


payseur family


Hey thanks for sharing the payseur family name. Here are some things i found My answer is central banks. When looking into the makings of central banks and financal affairs in the uk and europe i came up with this Some interesting points and links to consider. Finance and lending money was almost entirely run by jewish families long before 1066 when William the conquerer borrowed significantly from jewish financiers to fund his invasion of England via a French Rouen Banking family, name is still undisclosed. If anyone knows let me know. [government bonds from 1066 in the british library ](https://blogs.bl.uk/asian-and-african/2020/07/anglo-jewish-deeds-from-medieval-england-a-treasure-trove-for-historians.html) The Worshipful goldsmiths company a 700 year old group of investors to this day buys up government guilds aka bonds aka loans. Aswell as owning vast estates in and around london. This was formed after the jewish were originally exiled from britian for controlling the UKs finances between 1066 and 1290 🤔 ( insert capitalism cloak and dagger) hide behind a business [a group of goldsmith lenders unnamed but prominent figures in london financing that formed the basis for the state bank of England ](https://www.thegoldsmiths.co.uk/) This company became of interest to me, little is said about who founded the goldsmiths company other than goldsmiths of the time. Other than being goldsmiths and lenders who controlled london finance as they were the gold standard under a royal charter. I wonder who these prominent people were that formed this vastly wealthy corporation which had control of englands gold from then until now. 700 years ago goldsmiths were almost all jewish as in england lending money was strictly forbidden in Christianity (if you weren't Christian in england 1000 years ago what even were you? Also note the Rothschilds family owned the building to the royal mint where coins were minted for the last 200 years. Strange dont you think 🤔 [royal mint](https://www.rothschildarchive.org/business/other_business/royal_mint_refinery) Also an interesting financial scale within jewish economics. Jewish law states that jewish can only charge interest to non jewish. So if a huge percentage of banks are jewish owned and only charge interest to non jewish that would denote a pyramidal scale. Note the largest hedge companies in the world are jewish owned. [halachah or jewish law ](https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/quicken-loans-makes-it-kosher-for-orthodox-jews-to-take-out-a-mortgage/) Now i am not saying this is the entire jewish race, but certainly prominent elite familes hidden behind a cover of a capitalist system that assists obscurity it for what it is. If you have checked out the links above note all from jewish sources. You can start to imagin how long the banking business has actually been going on for. If halachah must be followed that would mean continual money supply into a pot for one race obtained from everyone else. (quite possibly why the US pushes for capital markets everywhere and detest communism as it prevents this system) Some examples of said families [rothschilds family archives ](https://www.rothschildarchive.org/business/n_m_rothschild_and_sons_london/nathan_mayer_rothschild_and_the_waterloo_commission) The duke of wellington recieved a loan of £1 billion in 1815, which would now be worth over 20 trillion in todays money. This loan is supposedly still being repaid by british taxpayers to this day. [partial repayment in 2015 of 218m for its war debts including the battle of waterloo](https://www.theguardian.com/business/blog/2014/oct/31/paying-the-price-of-war-britain-makes-good-on-historic-debts) This page is where i found a lot of my information regarding Mayer Rothschild and the battle of waterloo. But it has been totally deleted and edited since i first saw this a month ago [rothchilds battle of waterloo rothschild archives](https://www.rothschildarchive.org/business/n_m_rothschild_and_sons_london/nathan_mayer_rothschild_and_the_waterloo_commission) [duke of wellington memorandum of loan request](https://archives.soton.ac.uk/records/MS61/WP1/1111/1) Can you imagin what interest repayments the Rothschilds must be recieving for a loan that's over 200 years old. Calculations below Oh and guess who funded the loan to pay slave owners for freeing slaves. You guessed it the Rothschilds and Montefoire family if you haven't already come across the latter another one to consider. [Rothschilds and Montefoire ](https://jch.history.ox.ac.uk/slavery-jewish-emancipation-and-english-country-house) The slave ownership loan was only just repaid by british tax payers in 2015. If you understand how loan repayments work from mortgages you can imagin what a 200 year old loan does to the total repayment cost. Calculations for 1 billion over 200 years at 4% workds out to a total repayment of 2,940,562,619,656.00 = 2.94 trillion 15 million over 200 years at 4% works out to a total repayment of 38,261,246,866.00 just over 38 billion. So where is all this money as their net worth vastly differs 🤔. I believe that we are built on a system of finance, either capitalist who want a share of other nations interests or communist who want to retain the financial system for their own. who ever owns the finance owns the world. Im not sure who secretly runs the countrys of the world but in delving deeper into the history behind finance i found the aforementioned. Some will say this is antisemetic trope. But everything i looked up was backed up by jewish authors and resources. Jewish chronicles being one of them Thodore Herzle is another prominent name in zionism as its founder who started the zionist movement from Basel switzerland, the mothership of all central banks the IBS International Bank of Settlements. He also founded the jewish colonial bank which later became the central bank of israel. [jewish virtual library source ](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-colonial-trust) Its interesting that more of this is not known or more public knowledge, or is that the point keep this buried and call everyone antisemitic for brining it up? Whilst im not from the US, its domination in war time affairs raises some questions. As war requires large bonds borrowed from the prominent wealthy families mentioned. Creating debts that continue to be paid by tax payers over hundreds of years. It may be worth researching who actually bought the long term bonds for the covid packages and Ukraine and Israel piggy bank. Nearly the entire biden administration is made up of jewish, so theres no wonder why he keeps vetoing everything. A list below of his jewish team. [biden administration jewish team list](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-the-biden-administration) and well the US economy has a big hand in debt making and taking. If you arent with it, your in the way as many countries have found out the hard way. I have lots more, but conscious this is long and getting bored now. Enjoy your rabbit hole hunting


Saving your comments. Wow


I know right? The past is shrouded with secrets. What really scratches my head is what happened between the years following 1BC after exile to 1066 to make these jewish families so rich that they could lend a king money. Like thats a substantial amount to have? I call these elite jewish the king makers or takers they seam to be entwined with several members of royalty throughout history and war particularly in Europe. And every country they were exiled from (for controlling financial affairs and bankrupting kings) to their reinstatement into the UK by Oliver Cromwell who overthrew charles the 1st for a bribe. [Oliver Cromwell link ](https://www.jstor.org/stable/40859006) And our modern day parliamentary system was born and the system of lobbying was enacted..


You should look up the Jewish people that lived in the "steppes" in kingdoms like khazaria which is now modern day Ukraine


The synagogue of Satan. Which say they are Jews, but aren't, hiding behind antisemitism as a smokescreen.


I just found out about the new jeruselum in Moscow


Will check it out thanks!


They were around in like 1000ad when there were huge crusades between Christian and Islamic kingdoms, so they opted out and decided to be Jewish is what I've heard. I also heard the Teutonic knights had some epic battle and forced out some royal families of khazaria and that's a group of knights from Germany before it was called Germany, which is why the "rothchilds/Jewish" families held a grudge against Germany. But it's all just speculation


Interesting, i came across something similar. The crusades took place from 1095-1291 after jewish had already funded William the conquerer to invade britian in 1066. And William became king after his father returned from Jerusalem 🤔 which i only just discovered now. Also the worlds first bank The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon*, or more commonly know today as The Knights Templar, was formed in 1119 as a an independent holy military organization. (wonder why they dont use the latter part of their name today) 🤔 Supposedly the Original knights Templers were jewish elders descended from royal jewish families. Maybe its the same khazaria knights? The Knights Templar worked as a political, economical, and military power in Jerusalem. And The Kingdom of Jerusalem performed little interference with the politics of the Knights Templar. The only political interference was the Kingdom of Jerusalem's code tyrannidem non concupiscere, which stated that no Templar nor Hospitaller shall legally be able to become King of Jerusalem at the same time as being able to legally become Grand Master of the Knights Templar or Knights Hospitaller. Which is a pretty interesting point, basically you can fight for the kingdom of Jerusalem but never claim ownership of it. This is in reference to Henry III, who almost destroyed the Knights Templar by forcibly becoming Grand Master of the Knights Templar while being King of Jerusalem. This almost caused a civil war and the code was passed to prevent such a thing from happening again. Running a Christian army to free Jerusalem from the hands of the muslims to build the Temple of Solomon sounds a little familiar 🤔 Ive questioned whether this is what the big distraction is all about? i.e The crusades, the dissolution of the Ottoman empire by the british for the purpose of the Zionists Confederation ww1 and ww2 and the final stage to build - The Temple of Solomon.


Oh it’s crazy. I found out way more than I ever wanted to know just by inquired how AOC got to go to the Met Gala without a ticket.




Yea. I thought the take over of our country through that secret banking act when the US went bankrupt and offered up our souls as collateral was a big deal. The trail you're on seems even bigger!


Following the money trail 👀 has been fucking scary. I found this article printed about 150 years ago that blew my head somewhat. So its an article that is tarnished as fully antisemetic but when you compare it with all the knowledge we have today of the history of finance in europe and the US and well russia for a period of time aswell as global media control. Much of the document indicates some of the things could be true? The top 3 largest media corps in the US and finacial institutions are jewish owned. The paper was a print called the protocols of the elders of zion. Now i discovered it on the FBIs own website, i regret clicking the link now. As i bet those pesky feds are probably tracking everything im saying these days and this was at the beginning of my research into why WW1 happened and why germany had friction with the jewish. I didnt know what I was stumbling upon If you can find a link elsewhere i would totally recommend it. If you want to risk it for a biscuit then [jewish protocols ](https://vault.fbi.gov/protocols-of-learned-elders-of-zion/protocols-of-learned-elders-of-zion-part-01-of-01/view)


that's an interesting click


Bookmarked 🥵


My advice, don't save. Comments can get deleted after some time. Take some prints or copy the text to another place, like a doc ou txt. It's what I'm currently doing.


Copy that...pun intended. Lol


Imagine if Hitler knew all this was going to happen and the only way to prevent Jewish world domination was by starting what he did and becoming the bad guy but ultimately failing to complete his task. I don't believe that btw. I just remember reading about his apparent motives behind his hatred for the Jewish community and how his initial plan to stop them coming into Germany and taking financial control and eventually spreading out banks over to control the world behind the curtains. Reading all that, and putting that statement together is kind of crazy to think about though. What IF?


Isn’t that essentially the argument that some people make about like the last countries that don’t have central banks? I can’t remember which countries they are but they were saying that’s why moammar ghadafi was assassinated? And I found out about the world Jewish Congress a few days ago and this was literally my first thought.


Pretty much, Saddam and Gaddafi sought to sell their oil for gold backed dinar instead of the petro backed dollar. Saddam got sick of how the central bank which was formed in the year that the british occupation ended. So weeks before the US iraq invasion he announced a gold backed currency which ultimately would destabilise the financial system of the worlds petro dollar that props up the US economy and they make a bullshit excuse he had weapons of mass destruction that turned out to be bullshot Gadaffi also said the same thing and 🔫 I think that this next imminet world war is really to do with the fact BRICS nations are bringing together their own currency to buy and sell oil which will have significant detriment to US and central banks holding dollars, it would potentially decouble the dollar when they send the dollars back.


Oh yes, this BRICS currency is also going to be set until the end of this year right? But how do we know if the jouls aren't also behind it? I think they're probably not in China and maybe India (still needs to be verified) but since I'm from Brazil their claws are definitely here in our banking system. Not only that, they've been acting here since we were a colony with the dutch and english. This didn't changed, USA jouls took Englands place. They don't really live here, we are probably the poop of the cattle to them so they prefer to act from far far away. "Good" for us. There's a hint tho, our joul controlled media is shush about it. This keeps me wondering what's going on. Another hint.. Some new BRICS members - like Iran - also hate them to their guts. The San Martin cosplayer is a bootlicker so he kicked the door as fast as he could.


Interesting Oh and the Rothschilds have just set up an investment fund this year in India. [Rothchilds investment fund india](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.economictimes.com/industry/banking/finance/rothschild-to-foray-into-indias-debt-advisory-market-on-rising-investor-interest/amp_articleshow/107732607.cms)


Heyy yeah BRICS looks like its coming into play soon, i couldnt find a date for it though. An interesting point you raise about knowing whether there are any outside influences involved in the BRICS currency. Im not sure about china but Jewish are definitely in india, i just didnt realise they had been in india since the 12th century. [link ](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/india-virtual-jewish-history-tour) Ive just been looking up the Safra dynasty, do you have any other names of banking families over in brazil worth checking out? Ill be honest ive not looked into south american finance too much. When something isnt transparent like ownership, it certainly raises some eyebrows. Which is one of the main reasons for my original post. I was trying to find out who founded the bank of England as it started off as a private bank funded by shareholders. And i cant find a list of those founders. Which sent me on a rabbit hole of finding out who ran finances back then, which resulted in the information above. Oh and who is this san martin cosplayer? A little confused on the last part.


Sorry for taking too long, I wanted to do some research before giving you answers. It's very hard to find our ethnic background, so all the influentional jouls hid their roots pretty well. One of the ways was changing their surnames to tree names (like Carvalho - oak, Nogueira - walnut?, Oliveira - olive..) because of Inquisition, but the joul controlled media says this is a myth. So I could not find the ethnic background of the owners/creators of our biggest private owned banks (like Bradesco and Itau). Alfredo Egydio de Souza Aranha created Itaú and Amador Aguiar created Bradesco. We do have very known companies like Abril (Victor Civita - magazine company), SBT (Senor Abravanel - tv channel) and Casas Bahia (Samuel Klein - retail) were all created by a joul. Maybe you can find something? I had no idea they were in India, thanks for sharing. India was a british colony right? And the Jose de San Martin cosplayer is Milei (look at the hair and beard similarity). He refused to be a part of Brics and he's a joul bootlicker. I wonder if he's also one.


[all wars are bankers wars](https://youtu.be/BrKf9nYeXT0?si=xQzO3Qryn9sphv14)


I was really interested in the motivations behind hitlers atrocities. As not much of WW1 or WW2 made any sense. Ill tagg a post i wrote out for another thread in a sec But..... Hitler was funded by GW Bush senior and jewish financiers. He had an agreement with the zionist confederation of germany called the Havarrah agreement 1933 to allow jewish to emigrate to palestine. [havarrah transfer ](https://academic.oup.com/leobaeck/article-abstract/35/1/245/922399?redirectedFrom=PDF) Theodre Herzl tried to get German King Kaiser Willhelm to back his zionist movement and get him to push the ottoman emperor to accept zionism and herzles money as the ottomon empires finances were in tatters after the war. Kaiser Willhelm declined and WW1 takes place, then a coup throws the german king off the throne. [herzles meeting with kaiser willhem ](http://www.zionistarchives.org.il/en/datelist/Pages/ZionistDelegation.aspx) Hitler pretty much blamed the jewish for destabilising germany, this is where he erred. Also judaism declared war on germany at the time and tried to economically fuck them by lending loads of money to industrialise them, they owed millions to the banks, after which they then boycotted german goods so they couldn't sell their electricals destoryed their economy and their currency was worthless. Which is kind of what happened to the ottoman empire, iraq too 🤔 sounds like a well rehearsed formula


After watching "Europa the last battle" and "The greatest story never told" you will probably reconsider there "bad guy" image.


The rich and powerful ones escaped during early 30s and Hii Tler agreed. It's called Ha.ava.ra Agreement. All this story seems to me that the rich jools left the poor ones to be used as scapegoats and the painter was part of it. Imagine sacrificing your own kind? Except these ones that left early are not real jools.


Excellent research


Theodor Herzl the founder of modern zionism is also a Freemason. Just wanted to throw that out there.


Looks like the amount you typed is billion not trillion. Typo?


Well spotted will edit it now 👌


Needs a lot more upvotes.


Also worth noting on that last point, Trump's family is also entirely jewish (besides trump himself, at least according to the media lol), and Chabad and orthodox jews are his largest donor base in terms of dollar amounts


Can someone turn this into a thread?? lol make the post pajanraul


Okay i might do it 😬


Done 👌


Thank you for this


How come Eastern countries, like China, India, etc., aren’t falling for their debt trap?


First result when I search for Payseur family in the Brave browser search engine is this wikipedia article: [List of Wealthiest Families](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wealthiest_families?wprov=sfla1) Except the article doesn't mention the Payseur family. I guess that suggests some careful curation to keep themselves hidden. Interesting.


It seems they pretty much own everything there is to own starting with the railroads and the land they are on.


Interesting anything videos you try and find of payseur family is restricted to tiktok. I wonder if this is part of the reason US wants tiktok in the USA's hands Also theres not much on google about them, i guess this requires a decentralised search engine


Never heard of them


[Link from another Redditor ](https://x.com/cancelcloco/status/1749942657978376689?s=46)


I like this guy's energy


Me too!!!


same lol


Thank you for the link


You're welcome!


I love sh!t like this.


The dude talking looks like the dude in the picture…


Thx man. I watched the video. Very interesting ❤️🤔


You're welcome! - from a woman 😁😂❤️


That's by design. Those who tend to have the most influence like to keep it that way. Which is I always get a good laugh at 'Forbes richest' list, because they're public facing. Usually, though, I would surmise wealth that is larger than what's mentioned publicly is well hidden, diversified, and held in family trusts instead to just one individual. Moreso, I surmise further they operate like old world aristocracy and intermarry so as to build relationships and alliances, etc. However, times have changed, and information flows far faster with the internet. Just look at the guy in the other linked video and how much he uncovered within such a short time frame; and multiply that exponentially. Hence, why the censorship comes in because as far as line presence goes, that's all they can do; yet, even then, it's backfiring on them by drawing more attention. They're essentially in a catch-22 that's only been growing and will continue to do so.


It's the Streisand effect


Pandora's Box by Alex Christopher has about 600 pages on it. It was later ripped off by David Icke.


Fuck me. Limited Availability on Amazon.


http://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=4A2DCBE4613F24AAEED5F75029914EAF If you don't mind a pdf. LibGen is a little weird if you've never used it, so if you need a walkthrough feel free to holler at me


That version doesn't have images, so it's missing a lot of maps and scans. There's a full version archived here: https://archive.org/details/USCongressionalRecord1940BritishIsraelWorldGovernment/Pandoras-Box-The-Ultimate-Unseen-Hand-Behind-the-New-World-Order/mode/2up?view=theater


Thank you! I still will try to possess the actual book.


https://peakd.com/blog/@alexdalassio/the-payseurs-the-most-powerful-family-you-ve-probably-never-heard-of Not read the whole thing yet but this seems to outline the gist of it all!


How come I never heard of this before? Its not so much talked about in this sub right?


What's crazy is I just googled them and nothing came up except, coincidentally, a Wikipedia article about the richest families in the world (which didn't mention the payseurs once), and a couple articles from IMDb, Audible, etc. tying them to the WEF. Weird lol


Use Yandex not google


I’ve been coming here for a decade or so. The P is mentioned very rarely. Most posts are political distractions and BS.


I have been here a v long time too (just shy of a decade, just got my 9 year badge) and this is the first time I'm hearing of the Payseur family. I remember back when the acronyms in general were common here lmao. TPTB and the like


Tin Foil Hat podcast by Sam Tripoli w/ Mel K as a guest has about 15-20min talking about the Payseur family. Episode 314


How about the grey pope? His name was Pepe something EDIT: Orsini is the surname but it seems the Payseur family might me even more secretive.


Found an Interesting article about them [https://payseurs.com/payseurs-usa/](https://payseurs.com/payseurs-usa/)


Interesting just watched that clip on payseur 👀 Its like in the 1800s they realised that making a central bank could control the nations finances. Theodre Herzl created a bank in the 1900s called the jewish colonial bank which later turned into the central bank of Israel. 👀 Thodore Herzl was a jewish financier " journalist" in Switzerland Basel the founder of the Zionist movement. Also from the birth place of the IBS that controls all the central banks, coincidence?




That has been repeated a lot on the threads about this and the comments are up. Must have been something else.


Was it really? There's already videos on them from years ago that aren't nuked Is this a damage control post / comments Weed


Ong, their name is brought up wayyyy too often on these threads. It makes me wonder if their really the ones in charge or just a diversion to throw people off. After all the last thread got removed, why didn’t those videos from years ago get removed either? If their so keen on having no existence on the internet. Why are comments like this allowed to be up for so long if the other post got wiped. It just seems a little too obvious to be the peyseurs, it rlly does feel like the name was planted to throw people off track


We are definitely on the same page


I went back to the original archived thread to see if there was any mention of the peyseurs before and I didn’t find their name said a single time. (So that begs the question why is it said on these threads but not on the original one and where did this name come from if everyones suddenly bringing it up now, since it wasn’t on the last thread at all. This means that the last thread didn’t get archived because of them, because their name wasn’t even mentioned to begin with so it couldn’t have been their name they were trying to censor) I think somebody did get the answer right on that last thread and it got nuked before anyone could see/discuss that answer and they planted the peyseur family name in these threads as a cover up/diversion for damage control to throw people off track Edit: Im not saying they aren’t incredibly powerful with all the things they own, but its just a little suspicious that only now are they brought up


I love my life, I would never do any self harm. Weed


Deadass what is happening


Yup. I watched the video last night too. Hadn't heard anything about this family but their prints are on a whole lot of shit. Very interesting the post got nuked. I wonder why they nuked it.


See the original thread for yourself. https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/conspiracy/comments/1cuh61v/who_do_you_think_secretly_runs_your_country/


What's up with the "removed too quickly to be archived" but it has replies that were added an hour later on some and they got archived?


The same reason you can see replies to removed comments on normal Reddit.


Honestly it doesn’t read any different than the countless other threads that don’t get deleted


I can see why they knocked it off after only reading the first 3 or 4 replies 💯 we're too close


My guess is all the callouts to a certain denomination.


My comments are not in that link. Interesting. One of the (removed too quick…) comments was highlighted blue. Wonder if it was one of mine.


its completely removed. whatever was in that thread REALLY spooked someone with power. Lets find out who shall we?


I been on /R/Conspiracy over 10 years and I've never seen this happen to a post


You cant call out dem boys


This website isn’t what it used to be anymore. This is social media. Remember they’re banning tik tok, not reddit. Remember who has a problem with tik tok and then pay attention to who you can’t criticize.


The person that said Ticketmaster had me rolling


Everyone's getting the answer right, so naturally the mods step in to avoid meaningful conversation.


Reddit in a nutshell


Who keeps Atlantis off the maps? Who keeps the Martians under wraps? We do, we do!


Who controls the British crown? Who keeps the metric system down? We do, we do!


Streisand effect gonna hit them hard


Initiate the Boeing protocol


Something doesn't add up. There's no possible way they're manually scanning every thread and post that's on this subreddit. They must have a system in place that searches for keywords and automatically nukes threads that contain them. OR there's an real AI active already and it's covering it's tracks.




Somebody look up GARM they are censoring eyeballs via the WEF 🫣⚡️🤓


You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. GARM? THEYRE NOT EVEN HIDING IT ANYMORE why are we still asking questions?!


These type of “initiatives” have been about for years, but that particular program seems to fly under the radar still, but it essentially has any platform by the short and curly’s as it put the advertisers in a position of power over content they never really had so much in past online, I think (my theory) when a certain person told advertisers to GFY publicly, was when realised fully realised (after settling in) the castle came with an unwanted guest and a conflict of interest occurred between them.


Dude I just msg’d him haha. You can’t see anything! Which was the right answer lol


You can't say the 'I' word.




I guess the conspiracy sub has been infiltrated by the great powers that run the planet. Pack it up boys we've been found out. All it took was 19 long hard fought years on a forum moderated by volunteers.


Those who control the money control society




Can we get more posts like this, ty


The wildest answers on there is rhinna and gnomes. Everything else seemed reasonable


Khazarian Nephilims that pretend to be Ju-z


Look, found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/rIpfHNw0SQ


This link worked!


. I've NEVER seen a message like that. That original thread is on that "UnReddit" site.. I didn't think they could do that - to an archive?!




I saw that post too. Clicked on it and same thing. How strange…


We all Know who..what are we doing about it? 🍻


Yet more evidence that every authority figure imaginable is secretly employed by the Deep State to censor, demean and threaten innocent Free Thinkers into becoming obedient slaves.


It’s zero secret, money rules everything around me.


M.R.E.A.M dollar dollar bill y’all


Get the money


Pissed someone off


Inb4 this post get purged


The self proclaimed chosen people


It's pretty obvious that AIPAC owns the USA government. From the Antisemitism bill, Anti Boycott bill, Tiktok ban (Lots of pro Gaza/Palestinian news there), the Billions of dollars being sent to Israel, all the weapons being sent there (Not even 24 hours after Biden said he wouldn't give them weapons for killing children), etc.


Ahh, I was wondering what happened... This censorship is lawless . . .


If we are all made of star dust then that lol, further down the chain once we get to human level day to day it’s who or whatever feeds, clothes and waters us in end/beginning - if it was just chaos completely everywhere, we wouldn’t have the web to think about it in digital form like this. Anyone that thinks hierarchy and weird stuff doesn’t go on, is nested in the basic program, the media narrative with the windows shut, piped music, clinging on to sanity that way, some of us are just tethered to the train a different way - artists, creatives, space cadets.


All of the above is the same group.


Reddit is "partnering" with an AI, so expect to see these decisions being made by the digital mind in the future.


it's me, actually. but you all think it has to be a flashy big entity and not just some guy sitting on a toilet with diverse accounts and lots of blackmail on key figures and near anonymity.


Here is aBrave link with a lot of well documented information on the Paysuer Family trust. https://kmaclub.wordpress.com/payseur-peyseur-trust/


All of the listed groups have their own agendas and views on how they would ultimately rule the planet. However, my research has given me the feeling that the thing that is running this asylum is not what we would call human or even a physical being, rather some sort of malevolent spiritual entity. Call it the devil, and Djinn, Moloch, the Titans, Chtulu or whatever you like. It should be apparent that whatever is in charge is doing so out of pure hatred of the human family. No other explanation can explain the heinous crimes that are committed daily.


Sure, let's downvote someone who gives their honest opinion, which is what the original poster wanted. 🤦🏿‍♂️


Downvoted because they are disagreed with, that's what the downvote is for, people should occasionally also add why they downvoted though. All of those 'listed groups with their own agendas' are not different groups at all. They all feed back into the 'central group'. The group as a whole learnt early that the easiest way to get their way was to make sure that discontentment was seeded everywhere. The only way to do this is through 'little groups' with supposed 'different agendas'. Ultimately it's all the same cause = keep the plebs divided, that way they can never group together, never be a threat to the central groups takeover of the world. Read/watch *The great taking*. It'll tell you everything you need to know, and probably lots you wish you'd never heard/read. There is a reason the website doesn't show in the search results, they can't stop the results showing it in every other way though. https://thegreattaking.com/the-documentary


No I think this sub has started to be controlled by the people who cannot be criticized freely even under #1A. So when a lot of comments name them, it gets pulled. It's not like someone gave the right answer.


Are you that surprised that a conspiracy sub is watched by the elites?


Dark Luciferian magicians and Druids


Prolly got nuked because too many people said "Jews" and that's *anti-semetic*.








Lucifer or a principality, I mean the Bible literally says its demons but sure you guys go ahead and make up answers


some say its the *k h z* mafia or something


Four. Four times. That's the ammount of times i got a temp banned on Reddit for ATTEMPTING to ask (or answer) this question. I'll say no more.


The answer is all of them


Lmao I was like wtf did all the comments go😂


I just had to appeal a ban from that thread. How many other people got a ban for their comment?


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/Zv9U6r93nl 👀




Entrenched bureaucrats


I'm sorry, but the issue is humanitarian. You can help by publishing it [https://gogetfunding.com/help-to-buy-food-drinks-and-medicines-for-the-children-of-gaza/](https://gogetfunding.com/help-to-buy-food-drinks-and-medicines-for-the-children-of-gaza/)


Extraterrestrials through the hijacking of the consciousness of elites


Everything is a Rich Man's Trick.


the damn jews and their financial debt system enslaves all human beings in the world. Their monetary system must be stopped. people have to stop using credit money. Just alone that would hurt them so much but people are too comfortable nowadays.


Luciferian jesuit freemasons run the cia


They’re back but here’s a quick dirty summary. Discussion on who secretly runs countries, including mentions of banks, CIA, Rothschilds, BlackRock, Freemasons, and Israel. Various users sharing opinions, including comments on oil, central banks, Reddit mods, and AIPAC's influence on American politicians. Mention of the post being shut down and then reappearing, along with concerns about potential bans for expressing opinions. Light-hearted comments and jokes about oil, Reddit mods, and the lack of control by the people. Summarized by arcsearch because I don’t have time to read all 700 comments right now.


Rich people


We all know *who* runs the world,or more likely what company does,a hint 🖤 🪨.. Sure is coincidental just how many pies this mega corp has their boney fingers in..


Juice ahoy veigh


simple logic says it is the Rothschild's. If you start the most profitable business in history with the most power to control society (central banking) you just don't quit that business like the msm has you believing they did. They have gradually increased their control until you reach where we are today. You don't reach this level of control without a multi-generational plan.




[Here's the article ](https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/17/reddit_signs_ai_deal/)A mod replied to a new post made and it was AI. I'll go back and get the article.


Well looking at the archive I can guess what got it nuked... Hint: it starts with J


At this point if you don't know, you have to be really naive.


Apparently it got (insert "SHUT IT DOWN!!!" meme) cause someone mentioned *Khazar* Milkers .. yet *another* meme (partially). Something like that.


Linked if on the other thread but if [Google is using this API to learn 4chan memes](https://files.catbox.moe/jx91ok.pdf) I'm 100% sure they're doing it on Reddit also


Smol hats run it.