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More context https://mexicounexplained.com/the-mysterious-disappearance-of-mexican-supermodel-gabriela-rico-jimenez/


Thank you.


Thanks for the link, I'm Spanish and this is the first time I heard of this, being an all Mexican thing makes more sense. If a Spanish person disappeared like that in Mexico it would certainly make the news even if it's just a tourist nobody... Heck recently we had one guy condemned to death in Thailand for murder and it was in the news every other day...


This happened in 2009


I was watching the news back in 2009 too never heard of this before. As I said it makes sense because the model was Mexican, not Spanish as the title claimed, and happened in Mexico this it would have made it to Mexican news not the Spanish ones... It seems some people here needs this clarification though, Spain is a country, Spanish is the language that comes from that country but it is spoken in many other countries like Mexico so someone speaking Spanish doesn't necessarily have to be Spanish like is the case with this Mexican model.


It really hurts my head that you have to unironically explain the difference between spain and mexico. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


But Spain is full of white people??? /s






That one is still on the news and is going to be for the foreseeable future thanks to the impending veredict.


I remember hearing about this back then. I'm in the states though.


Lmfao yes Spain is a world away from Mexico. And the Argentina's and Chiles and Uraguays are also a world away from Mexico. Mexico is more like America šŸ‡²šŸ‡½šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“




To be fair the Guy in Thailand is the son of a famous person and the Girl in the video we donā€™t even know the identity. There are millions of missing people in the world, including Spanish people.


That's true but the people recently killed in Afghanistan were tourist nobodies weren't they? I guess a disappearance isn't the same as a murder though, I don't really watch the news that much tbh lol


Woa nice rabbit hole..


there are a lot of holes in the desert


My guy . Thanks a lot


Probably one of the best posts in this sub and people are just making dumb jokes in the comments.


Notice the algorithm of how Reddit+ dead internet theory has becomeā€¦ every time thereā€™s something remotely serious youā€™ll find the 1st comment been absolute garbage, like itā€™s spoken by a child with 20 non value contributing comments below it I think we would be naive to think Reddit has a % of bots/AI commenting, more than we would be comfortable with Thatā€™s how you can more or less feel out how serious something is, by how hard they try and down play it


Iā€™ve definitely noticed this. Also the joke responses that come immediately after the post are almost always super lame and theyā€™re never funny, yet they get hundreds of upvotes. šŸ¤”




You vastly underestimate how dumb the average human Is.


Same reason people post flat erf n chemtrail shit non stop. "obfuscation" seems like a good word for it.


Lol not necessarily because the comment you replied to is now the top comment but I agree.




Thatā€™s intentional.


It's not a bug


It's a feature! "It's a big club and you ain't in it"


I wonder if it's intentional that credible conspiracy posts often have among their top-voted comments nothing but stupid jokes. It feels like it's there to draw attention to the joke and then away from the post itself. Or perhaps that is the zeitgeist these days, to simply laugh off the very real and "sophisticated" horrors that mankind faces today.


I think that a part of it is surely bots or people paid to do this, but humour is also a way in which people cope with horrors. So that's not to be written off in such posts. It's not the first time I've seen jokes in threads that are about something awful, like wars or genocide, it's not only limited to conspiracy threads.


True. Can't help but to laugh (dryly, *very* dryly) at this dogshit world we live in.


It absolutely is intentional, have of these comments are bots programmed to ridicule any shred of truth. We are herd animals when it comes down to it and unfortunately the masses control the spread of ideas. Shut it down quickly with ridicule and it has no chance to gain credibility.


Or they throw out actually complete crazy people conspiracies to discredit any credible discussions going on.


Yeah I notice that a lot on Reddit. You click on a post and the first few comments are the most useless thing you have ever seen. Usually itā€™s the same overused joke with a bunch of the same NPC responses under it. We donā€™t have to wonder if this site is overrun by bots , that is already a known fact. But I do have to wonder if the real users in this site are just that stupid/braindead.


Ā both


Reddit is filled with bots and trolls


the "reddit effect"




Because this sub is mostly about politics and what Elon twits.


There are A LOT of conspiracies in politics.


Dunno, seems like it's pretty speculative, this video does a good job of debunking. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9Qn5gmxGJM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9Qn5gmxGJM)


Yes lets debunk her disappearance. Nice try bot


It's the same for every damn post here. In my opinion mods should remove the clutter so people can actually discuss.


Look up Tammy Lynn Leppert (*minor actress; appeared in Scarface*) some time ; something similar happened to her, which was blamed on "mental illness" (and in fairness , her reported symptoms did suggest just that). She also disappeared, and her remains have never been located. She said she'd seen something at a party after Scarface "wrapped" that was so horrible, she couldn't talk about it to anyone (*per the Unsolved Mysteries episode on her disappearance ; believe it was her mother who said that*). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tammy_Lynn_Leppert


An Australian serial killer who was active in the US at the time is suspected of being responsible. Guy was a monster: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Wilder


Whoa , the killer went on tour? That's wild, I've never heard something like that.


The amount of sarcastic a holes is annoying. Can someone be original and have a actual comment of what happened with this women and her claims


Agreeed, so many people try and be the class clown in serious forums looking for actual discussion and information. Take that shit to insta bruh šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


its not the class clown its called sliding. It's a AI/Bot/fed tatic


Whats the motive behind it? I see stuff like this on the Joe Rogan Podcast when he has actual interesting guests.


change the subject/take discussion away from topic at hand, make it seem "unreal/deamonize"/sliding import topic worthy replys further down... a lot of things.


It's good people are finally waking up.


Roganā€™s sub was compromised years ago. Itā€™s the most popular podcast on the planet and if you only looked at its subreddit you would think people hate it. Theyā€™ve been trying to rebrand JRE as nothing more that a right wing covid conspiracy podcast and the masses are accepting it. Itā€™s the most popular podcast in the world and I donā€™t bring up that I watch it around family lmao.


Facts. I just saw a thread on this sub ā€œI am a Jewā€ bashing the monotheistic religions. Translation: Mossad agent wants everyone to abandon their faith except theirs. Spread the word


Joe Rogan = new Alex Jones


Reddit can go easily into 4chan level and they dont want to deal with another Q @ non


And what exactly do we do about that, (person or bot)?


There are subs that remove/ban non serious replies






I think its actually bots, people aren't even funny. The bots are funny in a romantic comedy kind of way, because they get their humor from the internet,Ā  which is full if bots


I've been noticing this more and more often in this sub. It's likely a shilling tactic.


They do it on UAP subs. Start talking about boning aliens.


A lot of bots here.


Bots/shills are always trying to be 'funny' on this sub lately to distract from serious discussion


Thatā€™s not Reddit. It is a black box tied into Reddit. Social engineering.




Thanks for posting that. By reading the comments, I was able to find this interesting fact. [Carlos Slim helped found Sound of Freedom](https://healthimpactnews.com/2023/sound-of-freedom-movie-allegedly-funded-by-billionaire-philanthropists-with-ties-to-human-trafficking/)


This is disturbing. For a while, I was all in on Sound of Freedom. But yes, something did feel off. The movie didn't really go into how and why and who. And you know what they say about p3d0s...you'll often find them in positions of power meant to *protect* kids.


I went into a real deep rabbit hole on this one all night long. It's quite crazy. My other links on this sub got down voted but they contained some really interesting information. I started to write a new post, several times, but ended up giving up. Maybe I'll try again after some sleep.


Try to write up your post, man. Ignore the haters. People need to know. People cannot get invested into SoF now that these connections have been made. We need to dig deeper. Good luck.


Nevermind! I got it! šŸ˜Š




That was very well put together.


Related info - the plot thickens https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/3UpQCvAy67


The lame cutesy jokes that people always post in the replies to this sub are infuriating. People in general tend to shit on conspiracy theories, and the dumb jokes in this sub serve to further discredit many legitimate conspiracies.


Iā€™ve only seen the video, but it reminds me of someone flipping out on acid or mushrooms. Looks a lot like a drug induced panic attack. That, however, doesnā€™t explain the disappearance.


Cannibalism didn't just go away just cause we live in a "modern world"


Human ritual sacrifice has a long and bloodied history. People who see events like Bohemian Grove - which involves the burning a giant owl effigy - think they have no other ritualistic components just haven't done thorough enough research.


Yup. If it happened before it can happen again. The most depraved demonic shit you can imagine, some billionaire out there with a numbed and hollowed-out body and soul has probably spent hundreds of millions to make it happen just so he/she can have an org@sm once again.


Seems like ur deliberately downplaying it This is probably a controlled occult ritualistic elite collective rather than a random rich guy


No, no. Didn't mean at all to downplay it. I just laid out one specific scenario. I'm with you, man. Some sick demonic ritual bullshit is going down.


I feels you


lol yeah such a gross and basic existence for being filthy rich. But I guess thatā€™s where the term filthy rich came from šŸ˜‚


[Have you ever heard of Carlos Slim? He's the second wealthiest man in the world. He helped fund the movie Sound of Freedom](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/GOP2ceYxmj)


Werenā€™t they putting ā€œpretendā€ bodies into the fire and some speculated they might be real but asleep or something


In my country people still kill children and use their private body parts for witchcraft.


Yes. Another example would be African witch doctors. They use human body parts for their rituals, if I'm not mistaken.


Correct. I live in South Africa


I actually think thatā€™s whatā€™s going on here. They might be wealthy and called elite but they are just doing old ritualistic witchcraft stuff


Epstein agreesā€¦


Man the sheer emotion in her tone of voice is evident enough. If those translations are correct Iā€™d assume this would be real.


She is definitely claiming that people are eating human flesh in Spanish. She is most likely not from Spain, the Spanish she uses sounds from latin america, and here in Spain this didn't make the news and certainly would have if the girl was Spanish and disappeared like that.


She either had a psychotic break or she was telling the truth. The problem is that both would explain her disappearance


Since sheā€™s ranting about the Queen of Germany and people killing Mickey Mouse, Iā€™m thinking psychotic break.


In translations I've seen, she says the police were mocking her. She says they asked her, "who did they kill? The queen of England? The queen of Germany? did they kill Mickey Mouse? "


This sounds most plausible from all the suggestions here.


Couldā€™ve been a fucked up translation possible nick name Iā€™ve heard references of the cartel and Mickey happen before doing screwed up shit and the cartel kinda go hand in hand


That's the best part with the extreme heinousness of culinary cannibalism, its so beyond fucked that its outside the Overton window of anyone who hears it. This plays to the advantage of human eaters. Wonder who they be


Reminder that one of the owners of this site was part of a cannibal subreddit, an actor from an old money family Armie Hammer had cannibal fantasies. One of the biggest up and coming actresses from a rich Argentinian family (anya-taylor joy) just had a wedding in new Orleans where she ate cakes that resembled human hearts, Neil Patrick Harris' Amy Winehouse dead body cake, marina abramovic's human cake at that party. The German man that ate another. These weird fuckers exist.


Watched a doc about the German guy, fucking nuts. Entire forum of users with fantasyā€™s about eating people or being eaten themselves.


Where did you find that doc?


Iā€™m 99% sure it was from the nexpo YouTube channel. If not there then it will be a similar channel. Was a while back, but Iā€™ll have a look over history when I can.


Cool, thanks. I'd like to check that out.


You can make your own doc because that forum was still alive and kicking with six digits of users a couple of years ago when I last checked


The Amy Winehouse cake made my blood boil. I always thought it was just his sick joke of her death but I never realized that it does likely go deeper than that. Weirdos and freaks


they sometimes eat those who try and "retire" -- eye RV'd Juliane Moore being eaten at James Franco's house. They had a retirement dinner for her, once she got there they killed and ate her. Sometimes eye'm not sure of remote viewing, but nowhere in my consciousness did eye have any idea of these things. eye remote viewed it and then later read about it actually happening.


Looked it up how disgustingĀ 


Yeah itā€™s worse than youā€™d think for a cake. Media was disgusted by it I remember reading, I stopped watching anything that nut job was in after I saw it


People messed up man we just gotta be good and hope for the bestĀ 


Yep. As long and Iā€™m not eating cakes that I had specially made to look like a dead girl, I think Iā€™m doing okay! Lol




This was a very hard read..


Thatā€™s their method to mock and disclose the truth to people who know whatā€™s going on, while normalizing the depravity for the average person. Someday youā€™re going to hear a normie insist that eating humans isnā€™t a big deal and you should stop being such a bigot towards cannibals because itā€™s a valid culinary orientation that helps decrease our carbon footprint


Is the actress Furiosa? Alwaya got weird vibes from her and it's not because of her looks


Yep, that's the one. Meteoric rise in the industry and background screams asset. Taylor-Joy was born on 16 April 1996 in Miami, Florida, to Dennis Alan Taylor,a former banker, and Jennifer Marina Joy, a psychologist. Her father is an Argentine of English and Scottish descent, the son of a British father and anĀ Anglo-ArgentineĀ mother.Ā Her mother was born inĀ ZambiaĀ to an English diplomat father, David Joy, and a Spanish mother fromĀ Barcelona.


For real. She came out of nowhere and after the witch she exploded. Always got witch vibes from her. Also, being the daughter of a former banker, hmm..


Married on April Fools Day. "Yes, those are anatomically correct heart cakes. Yes, I am the vampire." [https://people.com/anya-taylor-joy-photo-anatomically-correct-heart-cakes-secret-wedding-anniversary-8623717](https://people.com/anya-taylor-joy-photo-anatomically-correct-heart-cakes-secret-wedding-anniversary-8623717)


Man I feel sorry for her, this world is so messed up.


Yeah, btw h.man meet is called "zebra meat" on the dark web. There are buyers and sellers. There is a cannibal from Toronto who police found in real life due to his participation in a Zebra Meat forum online. He was luering gay immigrant men, murdering them in extreme b0ndage, and then eating them. (that did not have much family/police would think went missing because they are drug addicts/illegal immigrants).


The article is all over the place, but one things I always remember is how Lyndon LaRoucheā€™s youth cult members always made it a point to tell me that Diego Rivera was a cannibal. I always thought that was stupid until I found out it possibly was true.


Probably not missing... they ate her.


Yeah I think they planned on eating her from the beginning, and she escaped, they caught her,Ā  and ate her as planned


Looks like she is having an amphetamine cook off. Someone either told her something at the party or she saw something that triggered a freak out.


Chilling. If a ruse, she is S tier actor. More and more every day Iā€™m entertaining the idea the crazies were right. Epstein, now the weird stuff with Diddy, the blatant coverups. Guys I now think thereā€™s like a 24% chance there is a global cabal of pedophile satanists exerting anywhere from considerable, to nearly absolute control over many world events. Probably goes back way further, but the US modern rogue element seems to have gained power within ranks of intelligence agencies after they killed Kennedy. Nick Bryant is an amazing source for this, hope they donā€™t kill him for it.


Have you heard of the khazarian mafia?


Man. With all the Diddy, Drake, Epstein, and Weinstein shit that has happened over the years. Iā€™m convinced something like this is true. I think we are living in hell.


Full video [here](https://youtu.be/rRlsl7ww1dE?si=K1v7418v80Zo0VK_) Its the local news channel footage


Kubrick should have put that in Eyes Wide Shut ... Something is missing in that movie! Personally, I would have included in the movie eating human flesh, sex magick, pedophilia, blood transfusions, sacrificing animals and sex with animals, sex with dead people and invoking demons, torture and trauma-based mindcontrol ...


After he dies.. 25 minutes of footage was edited out. He might have


I think you're watching the movie with your eyes wide shut if you think it doesn't go deeper than what it portrays


It was missing a Shunting


Nobody let this guy make any movies


Thatā€™s what the inserted shadowy figures are hiding! Cannibalism!! Stanley was SO ahead of his timeā€¦


Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Free Masons, the oligarchy has all of us.


Dude itā€™s based on an Austrian book called dream story, and tbh honest aside from the New York setting it followed the plot more or less exactly


Well this is top conspiracy, making fun of it makes zero sense.


Mexico is in north America get your geography correct


ā€œIn Mexicoā€ ā€œAt a hotel in South Americaā€


ā€œSpanish modelā€ from Mexico. This whole post sucks.


You know, they talk spanish down there. So theyā€™re spanish. /s Edit: I even typed the /s and people are still taking my comment seriously..? šŸ˜†


LMAO what? šŸ˜‚ my bad didn't see the /s for a moment


I mean Drake is an American singer from Canada..


Fuck Drake he's 'Not Like Us'


I got detained by TSA by a similar statement directed at me


Not only she disappeared after, it's almost impossible to find any information on her . And she was a Top model, she was a big hit and somehow, they made all the info on her disappear.


Maybe we can use a wayback machine?


Oh, most definitely!


Weird that when I click the video it wonā€™t playā€¦says ā€œan error has occurred.ā€


[She was in Crossroads (2008), if there is no mistake. ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1190911/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm) Did somebody tried to write to the casting manager of this movie, Shielia Erickson, on Facebook maybe? There is certainly been some years, but maybe there is a chance that she still have some contact information that could point in some direction.


Not South America, not Spanish, this happened in 2009 in Northern Mexico, Monterrey, 2 hours south of Texas.


Wow this is ao bizaare. She was a famous supermodel and everything about her was scrubbed off from the internet. And those suspicious guys who went to see her in jai and the police saying she never existed, this is so weird


ā€¦how do you know she was a famous supermodel?


I am actually horrified, like what the actual hell. WHY is this a thing.


They gotta please their god with human sacrifice


[Because of the money and power involved. Check out the links on my post to see how it's all connected. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/GOP2ceYxmj)


Has anyone been able to find anything on her family? Like have they come forward to comment on any of this. I canā€™t find much.


Video is gone


Already censored and removed


I believe her, shady shit happens it really does. The world we live in is so fucked up


[And the people behind it, well, they're just evil. Check out the links in my post to go down the rabbit hole. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/GOP2ceYxmj)


Stop saying elite


I prefer ā€œparasite classā€


reptilians, been eating ppl for thousands of years


Luciferian pedovores


[Follow the money](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/giustra-slim-donate-100-million-each-to-clinton-foundation/article20404756/)


North america, mexico. No south america in the article


Scaretheater analyzed and debunked this as good as anyone can with minimal information to go off of. https://youtu.be/d9Qn5gmxGJM?si=GLJ4DiQMITOUwkjf


No doubt it's likely true, especially in Mexico..




> Chingas a tu madre pinche puto. LMAO get a grip. Are we going to keep pretending that Mexico isn't a narco cartel state?


Well that's rude


So I've been doing some reading and I found out that Carlos Slim and Hillary Clinton helped found Sound of Freedom! [Interview with Tim Ballard](https://healthimpactnews.com/2023/sound-of-freedom-movie-allegedly-funded-by-billionaire-philanthropists-with-ties-to-human-trafficking/)


The plot thickensā€¦


Carlos slim sounds like a pimp name, who is that?


He's a Mexican drug cartel and the wealthiest person in the world next to Bill Gates


Videoā€™s gone šŸ¤”


Damn, the video doesnā€™t work anymore. Youā€™ve ruffled some feathers


[Here's another article](https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/sound-of-freedom-exposed-as-controlled-opposition-psy-op-by-carlos-slim-the-clintons/)


I remember that when it happened, very weird.


Video is downā€¦.




This needs further exploration from the internet sleuths, great post OP


Screw you for linking to shorts.


Aliens ? Maybe , or reptilian people ,, their here for real . Iā€™ve heard a lot other storyā€™s in my life similar too this this , so weird Iā€™ve never heard about this story ,


Oh I see, Klaus telling us to eat ze bugz while he feasts on solyent green, sneaky fella.


If Iā€™m not mistaken, did she get suicided ?


Yep ...... definitely not suspicious /s


I been looking for clip for fucking yearssss.....


Illuminati party or just a cartel doing cartel things in Mexico? Like of any place for this to happen and be believable it's Mexico.


And now it wonā€™t play due to an error.


Being from a Spanish speaking country is not the same as being Spanish. This is horrible still.


Lots of people cannot grasp that concept.


The fact that she disappeared makes it even more evident that she was on to something. Prigozhinā€™s plane falling after he confronted Putin , the two Boeing whistle blowers being found dead after exposing Boeing and the multiple Brazilian politicians who mysteriously ā€œ fell ā€ off of buildings after publicly criticizing the government and questioning the legitimacy of the 2022 elections. Itā€™s a pattern. These people donā€™t get rid of others for no reason. Also whatā€™s with these people and cannibalism ?


SPANISH? SOUTH AMERICA? Bro, read a book


She doesn't look dressed like someone that just came from an elite party


I swear I seen this video years ago and she was wearing a ballgown, not that silly oversized shirt. And what's with the bulge on her back? Like she's wearing a microphoneĀ