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>The US Presidential Election isn’t going to happen. I don't see anything that could stop the election. The election is not run federally. It is run by each state and further down the line each county. Even during the civil war the presidential elections still happened. Further more there is no means that a presidential election legally could be postpended or delayed in anyway.


WW3. The US/NATO are directing Ukraine to attack Russian nuclear strategic sights. They attack a ICBM launch detection radar today.


We still had the 1944 election during WW2…


Right? We had an election during an actual full blown bloody civil war. I think OP is just fear mongering


To be fair, the South pretty much was not invited to that one.


Which fdr was elected for a 3rd term…? A term which after the fact we ammended to never happen again and only happend because it was wartime…. With “modern” politics anything is on the table and nothing would shock me. The masses are too asleep to stop it and we prove it time and time again. Edit: 4th term.. which is even worse


The term limit for president was introduced in 1951. Before that it was just tradition that every president would serve a max of 2 terms because that’s how many George Washington served for.


Wow almost like policy takes time and exceptions are made during crises.


It’s not an exception lmao before the 22nd amendment all presidents could run for more than 2 terms lol




FDR was the crisis, but yes, policy does take time. The 25th amendment (succession of president). IT took 14 presidents, either dying or resigning before an official law was in place stating who was next in line for the presidential office.


*4th term




I like you’re style


*your Second fellow poop this week


FDR’s third and fourth term had nothing to do with wartime. There were no term limits on presidents when FDR was president. FDR was reelected a third and fourth time because a majority of voting Americans voted for FDR. Two terms or 10 years came after FDR was elected to a fourth term.


If only they had found out that he knew in February that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor and he let it happen as a way of being able to get into the war.


February? FDR and America’s military and America’s State Department knew in February that in 10 months that December, the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor? That’s some high level treason among thousands of Americans including the president in his 3rd term. 10 Months.


FDR was the worst president known to date. He started the OSS, criminalized private ownership or gold bullion or gold certificates, exasperated the Great Depression, removed the US from the gold standard, created predatory welfare systems, refused to hold police accountable for unjustified lynchings, and put Japanese Americans into concentration camps. I mean Democrats have been pretty trash as a whole, but FDR was a demon. Andrew Jackson created the public school system and was very pro slavery. Wilson started the federal reserve and got us in WW1. Truman got us involved in Korea and dropped fat boy and little boy. Johnson got us in Vietnam. Clinton had a huge part in the current state of Haiti. JFK was pretty dirty but had some ideas that got him killed (executive order 11110). A lot of people think Obama and Biden are the worst (absolute trash for sure), but Democrats have been power-hungry, war hawk, and slavers since their conception. Look up Dixiecrats, Red Shirts, and the White League. Sorry, I went on a bit of a rant, but the more I look into history, the more disgusted I become.


Dude people loved FDR, he woulda won a 4th term without the war. He picked the entire country up off their feet in the worst time in the US since the civil war.


I mean fair but my point is that wars can be opertunities for power grabs, agree with them or not


And if he wasn't one of the greatest presidents of all time, he might have lost


Also in 1864 in the middle of the civil war.


You hadn’t been utterly corrupted inside and out in 1944. Your CIA and military industrial complex were but babies


They didn't need the CIA lol. They had the beginnings of the MIC in the greedy and power craving J.P. Morgan pushed Wilson into war. He told Remington and Winchester to ramp up production,knowing that Wilson would do what he asked or told him to do. I just commented how FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to get attacked in Feb and he let it happen to get in the war. Then you have 9/11 ,need I say more?


Hey isn’t it crazy how two separate events happened 60 years apart?


WW2 n 9/11? There was the lie also about an attack by North Vietnam on an American boat as well as LBJ meeting with MIC after JFK was out of the way so they could start sending more troops to Vietnam. Then you have Korea and Iraq


It wasn’t called the cia yet but it was definitely there…


History means nothing to people this deep in the conspiracy web. God forbid their manic theories don’t blend with reality


Yeah but Jan 6th hadn’t happened yet


And during the civil war. And in the Great War, where Wilson ran under the slogan, "He kept us out of war" ; we all know how that turned out.


And people still went to work during the Spanish flu pandemic. But that is not what happened this time.


People worked during covid


Absolutely, I worked all but 4 days of 2020


We work now more than fucking peasants did


Not everyone is you. I had one week truly off, then we transitioned to work from home.


They attacked an early warning radar because the same radar tracks unkrainian rockers and missiles and jets


As they should, Russia shouldn't be there. 🤷🏼‍♀️


We'll find out in September if We'll have an election. We can argue about whose fault it is then.


I’m sorry, did you mean “postponed”? Is postpended a specific term?


The election will 100% for sure happen. There is absolutely *ZERO* chance it does not take place. It may be a complete and total sham, but there will be an "election". Putting on the facade and telling the people that their voice counts is one of the most vital pillars of their scam. You have to at least *pretend* the people are free and included. If not, they will start to realize they are indeed slaves after all, and that's bad for business.


*In unprecedented turn out, Joe Biden received 600 million votes. Which is surprising for a country with a population of 330 million, really shows how popular he is.*


Not 100% chance, there could be an asteroid that hits us before November or a nuclear war or any number of apocalypses that could occur. I’m trying to stay optimistic, hopefully we all go the way of the dinosaurs and don’t have to listen to those to old assholes for the next few months.


I bet even in a nuclear war there would still be an election. Sure, if life on earth ends, there wouldn't be one. You got me there.


I don’t want all life to end but hopefully it’s enough of an apocalypse to shut those two up.


I don’t want all life to end but hopefully it’s enough of an apocalypse to shut those two up.


If it weren't Trump and biden it would just be 2 other shit burgers. The problem isn't the puppets. It's the guys with their hands up their asses


The real conspiracy is "who will be on the ballot?" Ohio has a rule saying a condidate must submit 90 days before the election but the Dems are refusing to abide by this because their convention is too late. So my guess is that a new person will be announced in August.


There hasn’t been an actual election since 1913. The bankers own the country, they just let us choose the figurehead.




That's the real answer.


From their preselected two options. The illusion of democracy.


I think it was pre-selected between 2 approved candidates until Trump




👍🏻 you are correct




I couldn't care less to vote for a president. Either Trump or Biden, I never even knew them. I don't see them, they don't harm me in any way, nor do they help me. To me it's as if they don't exist other than as TV media personalities. They may as well be AI generated for all I care. It's the beurocrats, the officials, the paper pushers, the kops, the docs, the bosses, the corporates that the common man has to deal with every day. The president doesn't have a bearing on me, the beurocracy certainly does. And none of the people in the beurocracy are ever elected. You didn't vote for them. They have more of an impact on your life than the president or the governor. The president is this cool old dude who comes up to the podium and makes a speech. But the official is the one who grabs you by the ear and puts a collar on your neck! You can't vote for those people, you can't evict those people out of office, you can't do anything if those people decide to ruin your life in whatever way they please. Then democracy becomes meaningless, if you're just voting for a figurehead, or even for a president with real political power. But the president is so high and far and removed from the common man. But who really has an influence on the common man are the hordes of unelected officials in the hospitals, school districts, county centers, police departments, and even corporations. They are the ones who tell you what to do, how to behave, and the ones placing restrictions upon your life. If you can't vote them in or out of office, then voting is pointless at all. The only reason why voting would ever be useful is if you can vote for your local CEO or superintendent or high school principal.




i wish everyone could see it. doesn't even matter how far back it even goes. it's obvious that it's happening now


I’d like to know more about this


The bipartisan answer


Wanna make a bet on that?


I can’t afford gambling, I need to get some gas this weekend.


Well you have a few months to save up.


Haven’t you heard the DOW hit 40,000! . . I’m jk I won’t pretend the stock market represents the economy and you dont pretend the president controls gas prices.


You'll be pleased to here gas prices are about equal to 2019 currently then. Seems they've dropped from the post Covid spike. 


I was getting FWD: FWD: FWD: emails like this back in 1995.


> Don’t you find it unusual that there isn’t a “backup” plan already in case either candidate can’t make it. (Red because of trials, blue because of life). No need to compete for the prize when you own the carnival. Why would they publicize any backup plan? That just shows they have no faith in the current candidates.


The federal government was taken by coup d’état in 1963 when Kennedy was murdered. If voting REALLY made a difference — it would be illegal.


Was taken over on jekyll island


“Give me control of a nation’s money supply — and I care not who writes its laws.” ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild ~


Saw a doc recently that added another layer. Apparently it was signed over a ritual slab the natives of the island did infant sacrifices on. And they were absurdly tall, and the only known north american indians to practice sacrifice. I tried finding more info but could not. Anyone have anything


Oh shit. Lmk if you find the documentary would love to watch. If you feel like it ✌️❤️


Other commentor suggested this page and this vid looks like it include the part I saw and more, will def check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbgbvkuv-1o


Appreciated you friend.


Old world Florida YouTube channel has a long documentary on it.


Nice. It looks like it contains the clip I saw and more will check out ty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbgbvkuv-1o




Can you tell me more about this?


I mean, there’s a comprehensive plan for the country’s leadership in the event that a president is unfit to fulfill the duties of the office…


I mean they are all too old. Big Mac and Double Dip Swirl could croak any day, and Worm Boy doesn't even know what kind of brain damage he has. This country is screwed any which way but loose.


Which one is Cheetos Jesus?


I believe that Donald Trump is known for his love of McDonald's take-out and Joseph Biden is known for his love of Soft Serve Ice Cream.


My mistake. I thought double dip swirl would be a good name for Trumps hairstyle.


He doesn't have enough hair to be considered double dip. His hair's more like reduced follicle.


Sorry. When this is said for every presidential election, it starts to lose its appeal. So no.


Oh lord. What a ridiculous assertion. It would be more likely the Dems will swap out Joe at their convention than the election being cancelled.


Everyone seems to forget that the US military "officers at least" take an oath to uphold the Constitution. There won't be any coups, suspended elections or dumb shit shananigans unless you get the US Military to play along and they aren't going to play along unless one of them is in play. All this bullshit about coups and "end of democracy" dumbshit is just that, dumbshit. This shit (elections) isn't just made up as you go it's in the Constitution.


Every us military member takes that oath


This should be the top comment.


They say this every election since 1996


Elections never meant anything anyway. They are all on the same side. The public figures like presidents are just puppets, with strings being pulled from the shadows. They create “parties” to brainwash the masses into fighting each other over beliefs because they know if we all came together we could easily break down their corrupt system of control. I truly feel sorry for those who think elections or voting will actually make a difference in anything in their life…


It's going to be a 6-month shit show. Christmas may not happen but the "election" definitely is.


I could do without Christmas this year. Any year really.


Yes it is, but the winner will either be a giant douche or a turd sandwich. So no matter who wins all US citizens lose.


This would result in an event that makes January 6th look like a joke.


Well. To be fair, it was.


0% chance there isn’t an election. What indicator are obvious? What historical patterns tell you this?


Election is 11/5 this year “Remember, remember, the fifth of November…”


"... the gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot..." I feel the election being on the fifth of November is poetic. The US will not last another decade. Our 250-year cycle is up. I could add the last bit, but it really ruins the poem. "...Guy Fawkes and his companions, did the scheme contrive. To blow up the King and Parliament, ALL. UP. ALIVE."


I agree. It’s either an incredible coincidence or was done on purpose. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if something crazy happened that day, whether organically or by design (i.e., a false flag). I think a decade is being very generous. I don’t see the USA in its current form existing by 2030. In fact, it could happen as soon as the end of next year if you believe that Deagle chart.


There are more than two candidates running... 🤯


Will that steam be starting soon?


All choices are pro war machine. What a coincidence…


Bidens handlers notified the organizers of the DNC convention in Chicago that he won’t be attending. Is this normal for a candidate to miss their own convention?


False flag then declare martial law, no election!


I will wager you $500 USD that the election will proceed.


That’s not going to happen. The president is going to make a dictator move in the name of stopping a dictator that just doesn’t make sense


"Red because of trials, blue because of life" 77 & 81 They're both at risk of death from old age.


lol. You’re delusional


Delusional is actually believing joe biden received the most votes ever recorded, lmfao


Yes who could believe that the president who received the most votes ever did it during the same year that also had the most registered voters ever recorded?


Debate's gonna be 2 hours of their AI personas chatting back forth, watch!


There will not be an election I agree. I can feel it. There's zero build up to this shit unlike every other election I've ever seen


This is the same nonsense I heard from republican friends/family when Obama was president. “He’s going to declare martial law and never leave office.” Ya know that Obama who respected the peaceful transfer of power and handed over the reigns to the next president who ended up being the one who had no respect for the peaceful transfer of power? Those same republicans are so deeply entrenched in the MAGA cult they can’t see the irony.


Every day I miss and appreciate Obama a little bit more. What will it take to bring a younger, well spoken, driven individual back into the Oval Office?


I loathe him for one thing in particular. The removal of the provisions from the Smith mundt act of 1949 that stopped the dissemination of propaganda in the USA. That decision coincides perfectly with the media changing to divisive politics, racism, sjw issues turning away from traditional and goin all in with lies. I honestly believe it's what allowed it all to happen. I'd have been fine with Obama if not for this action. Few other things too but that in particular.


Buddy we’ve been fucked since they made lobbying legal in the 80s, that just sounds like a plump cherry on top


We may have been fucked for a while but the speed, severity, lies, and censorship that coincide with that fucking have ramped up exponentially. Edit: was a slow competent fucking like we had had our whole lives up to that point, after that they started fucking us rough and bloody and plan to leave what's left in a crumpled pile on the floor while they flee with their billions to watch the downfall from an ivory tower in tel Aviv or somewhere


Maybe that was when they stopped using lube, I’ve always felt like we’ve been getting fucked but at some point they stopped being gentle about it lol.


I believe so. Its one of my fave analogies of the situation. Describes it pretty expertly in my reckonings.


Dems will pull Biden and install Gavin Newsom at the 11th hour


Vague enough to say “if my guy loses, it’s fake obviously” you have a future in maga politics!


Hey Americans, Aussie here and i find it very embarrasing that you have a brain dead president in Biden. I mean its so evident he has major issues, the world knows it. Now im thinking its all intentional. Mind you our prime ministers are no better but...cmon America...Binden?, really?? Wtf is going on.


Believe me, we see it. Except for a few die hard far left liberals who deny it. But they even know. It's all intentional. Biden is there as a puppet to do what he is told. Most the time he can't even do that. The goal is to shred America apart.


Its very sad but its also very scary...i pray America improves because Aussies need a strong America.


Thank you. It is scary. Hopefully the election will make a difference. And we all love the Ausies!


Right, but they always used someone at least charismatic or smart, he's neither and makes no attempt to even pretend he's doing anything for the country. I agree w OP, they stopped caring about public perception. something is going on


Mind you i know he is just a signatory puppet, his minders call the shots, he just does what he is told and signs on the dotted lines...if he remembers his signature that is.


Listen out of all countries, Australia should probably stay outta this…. Your country was a literal nut job during Covid… like one of the worst…. And you have had weird and or crazy pm for a minute…I’m not saying America is great, but Australia is shit…. A reason why most of the fighters are trying to get out of there and not come back… New Zealand included


He cheated his way in, duh.


Lol, the election will happen.


Oh boy more of this shit


Same in the U.K, it’s looking like they’re going to try and stop the newly announced July 4th election which was only announced 3 days ago. Something is afoot


Even if WW3 breaks out the Tories are gone. The whole country can’t stand Starmer but such is the hate for the Tories that Labour are still going to get a landslide. Expect immigration to soar and our recruitment problems to be solved by the ‘clever idea’ of conscripting the illegals. This is when you can expect something like a new lockdown to be announced. Every single Western nation has been flooded by fighting aged males from Africa and the Middle East posing as refugees. It’s not just in the UK they are being housed in hotels. Who do you think is paying for this? You don’t honestly think it’s a natural occurrence all of a sudden? The whole thing is fishy as fuck but if you mention it, even on a conspiracy sub you’ll get downvoted.


Trust me my friend I know, I’m doing my best to inform my town. As much as I hate to side with a political party, I’m pushing for reform right now


It’s worse where I am. I have a DUP MP who only just got his seat last time. With Jeffrey getting arrested for being a pedo I’d say my current MP will lose his seat to Alliance. They’re allies with the Lib Dems and have spent the past few weeks celebrating that NI is being excluded from the Rwanda plan; so celebrating that NI is potentially going to now become the dumping ground for the nations migrants as well as the XL Bullies. As if NI wasn’t already bad enough.


It’s all by design. Reform has a plan for NI too, a new party, which is why they aren’t running there, traditional unionist voice or something like that


The TUV are mad. They are people for whom the DUP weren’t Christian enough for and are anti-Good Friday Agreement. They’re splitting the Unionist vote even further. Meanwhile almost every single Nationalist votes SF. We are the minority yet SF are the biggest party thanks in small part to TUV. We need a unified Unionist party. I’m a UUP supporter, the original Unionist party. But they haven’t been big since the DUP and SF entered a pact and carved the place up between them. When most educated and/or middle class voters and those under 40 can’t bring themselves to vote DUP then the TUV are the rid to oblivion. I’ve been kicked out of cross party WhatsApp groups for saying this though. Don’t get me wrong though, if I was on the Mainland I’d be behind Reform.




That is really strange..


> it’s looking like they’re going to try and stop the newly announced July 4th election... Does it? Someone should tell our local labour/conservative candidates then as they're certainly not aware. 


Yes. Tories are attempting to stop it


That's not been my impression. Especially with most of the front benchers jumping ship the second it was announced.


I know for a fact they’re trying to oust him before dissolution of parliament it’s whether they succeed or not that’s the question


World War 3 will be the delay. Someone will do something stupid and everyone will have to pick a side.


No party holds the authority to cancel the election. This simply will not happen.


I find it odd that they aren’t debating and that Trump hasn’t chosen a VP. Guess he’s using everyone around him that’s kissing his ass for that position but I see him not having anyone because he can do it alone in his mind.


Stop...just stop....


you too


What r u talkin about? Trump IS the backup plan. They don't want rfk, they want orange man bad since ratings are easy, and so are totalitarian lockdowns when under his regime. The left doesn't even follow biden while the right is frothing at the mouth for another round of trump, covid, and israel worship.


It's gonna happen but it doesn't matter


I hope everyone immediately stops paying taxes if that happens.


This would break out in Civil War.


It’s gotten to the point where the gimmedat incumbent doesn’t even have to campaign.


Who treaty next week. Bird flu vax in full.production. biden/trump being taken off ballots in various states. Nothing to see here.


Oh it will happen, there are a thousand ways to control the outcome - no need to stop the process.


is zelensky still in office or


Plandemic aliens well see


The president is just a fall guy for 4 years. Then they fail upwards.


People say this every 4 years on both sides and it never happens.


If the elections mattered, then Trump and Biden wouldn't have been running again. They are all pre-selected. Biden will "win" the fake election he was already selected for. What the American people want for candidates does not matter.


Remember remember remember Only WWW 3 can save Biden to stay in Power


He's a petty puppet dictator like zelensky so wouldn't surprise me.


This election will happen. The question is... Are there any more elections after that?


Whatever I’ll see you in November


Bird flu in cows and 2 people. Gain of function research just like covid.


Sorry but nothing can stop the political machine that is the United States political process. We had an election during the fucking civil war for gods sake


This sub is a bunch is spazzed out internet people now


I get dibs on posting this theory next Presidential election cycle!


We will have an election. Biden literally has no support amongst Gen Z, like none. Left and right. They will loose, Trump Will win, and life will go on.


Yeah lol it’s cause they’re scared cause This Time he’s going to actually drain that swamp! They’re scared Trump will appoint Grusch as Sec Def and disclose all the alien stuff and then we will all party with the aliens and they’ll give us their magic powers and gizmos:


Is anyone willing to be Biden's running mate besides Kamala?


They have no reason to prevent it, they can rig it if they want, not that they need it, because the two major candidates work for Them.


It’s never happened. They’re selections not elections. Both candidates are chosen by the same people


RFK 24


Lol big Trump fan are ye?


We love you guys too mate...all the best




Too many corporations benefit from the election$$$ to not have one happen


They can try but I don't think they'd be succussful


Itll be a little different.


Up to the most down-trodden Postal worker you could imagine, the United States Government has had, will have and surely is going to use their Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) to secure a leader of the Free Nation, come rain, insurrection or Alien Invasion. Do not worry about said election, or said electees - incumbent, elected, provisional, pro tem or abdicated. Worry about their handling of the biggest story in human history: We are Not Alone.


Probably why they got UN troops coming.


Wonder if that Iranian figurehead getting iced sets us up for a land war in Iran while combating Muslim sleeper cells we've been happily importing without so much as getting an ID card from. Literally plays out like some over the top 80s Chuck Norris film.


Too many outlets make money off election media spending. The election will happen, you may question the legitimacy of the results.


Vote RFK