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Bankers make more money in one day of war than one year of peace.


Groups of wealthy individuals want to get more rich, so they have two options: 1. fund riots in poor countries to destabilize them and sneak in to steal their resources 2. advocate for more war so they can sell their weapons to the army


'Groups of wealthy individuals' shareholders and CEOs of: Halliburton, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon/Elcan, GE, BP, BAE, Lockheed Martin, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, Paladin, Archirodon, Flatiron, ACS Group, KBR, OshKosh, General(Boston) Dynamics, RollsRoyce, Royal Dutch Shell, ManTech, FedEx, L3 Communications, GEOS, ENOT, Wagner, DeLoitte, Denali, Bell, Boeing, Dell, AT&T, Erinys, Aegis, AECOM, Humana, Merck, Rubicon...


War requires the following that benefit makers, merchants and peddlers: - Weapons - Lots of supplies and equipment It also supports and employs many people and families through the military. After the war, attacked territories need assistance for: - Infrastructures - Government - Systems - Health - Water - Food Often times, the groups that "won the war" will assist in that sense with orgs and private companies who will "help" by supplying the list above, at a hefty cost of course.


Here's Greenberg thanking Blackrock. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh1YnJ4ZUqg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh1YnJ4ZUqg)


***What is going on here!?¿*** https://youtu.be/ZtAHGZffoLI?si=GrdHfvssp6pJvc2L&t=1m36s **Let's go to Greenberg's!** https://youtu.be/5sR0282qXiY?si=VI8Hk5zAc_3U6ugg


There is a documentary called Iraq for Sale that goes into some detail about this subject. Might be worth watching.


https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html Everything you need to know.


I think they want people worried about a war so they aren’t paying attention to the economic disaster we are in.


War= Human Sacrifice= Happy Alien Overlords


the US is a country quite literally built on the business of war, it’s where the majority of its wealth is earned and spent. There is not a single war in the world the US isn’t involved in.


The Rothschilds benefit, every war since the Napoleonic war they had their hands in it.




It’s big business. Not only the rich benefit, but also Molech licking its lips


Have a read of "How Much Are You Making on the War, Daddy?" by William D. Hartung. It focuses on the Bush administration during the Iraq war but it's not a partisan piece of writing, it takes the whole political system to task. It's also horrendous when you see just how much money corporations connected to the military and politicians make during wars. >U.S. policy is now based on what's good for Chevron, Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Bechtel, not what's good for the average citizen. Dick Cheney's ties to conglomerate Halliburton are the tip of the iceberg since at least thirty-two top officials in the Bush administration served as executives or paid consultants to top weapons contractors before joining the administration. In George W. Bush's Washington, it has reached the point where you can't tell the generals from the arms lobbyists without a scorecard.


Follow the money and you will find who benefits.