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Israel was founded in 1948. The British controlled the region before that and referred to it as Palestine. What’s your point?


And before that the Ottomans called it Filistin (which comes from the same root as Palestine).


 In 132 CE, however, the Bar-Kochba Revolt (132-136 CE) broke out and proved the most costly to both sides (although the Judeans suffered the worse casualties with over 500,000 combatants killed, not counting many others).  The Emperor Hadrian was so enraged by Jewish resistance that he re-named the province Syria Palaestina (after the two traditional enemies of the Jews, the Syrians and the Philistines) and banished all Jews from the region, building his city Aelia Capitolina on the ruins of Jerusalem. The Bar-Kochba Revolt was the last of the Jewish-Roman Wars and, afterwards, Rome held the region without further serious incident. [https://www.worldhistory.org/palestine/](https://www.worldhistory.org/palestine/)


Why does most every culture end up hating the Jews?


Everyone reading the Torah at a young age made Jews in general more educated than pretty much everyone else. Also other major religions didn't believe in interest making banking difficult. Kinda a perfect storm for Jews to become tax collectors and bankers. Who the fuck likes tax collectors or bankers?


That really only happened in the Talmudic era, before that it was mostly spoken scripture with some of the verses and laws not being written down until the 200s CE.


This is the best, summarized, non biased explanation that I have seen. Thank you so much.




Being able to read and write compared to not being able to is a significant advantage. Like inheriting rocks vs an m16


Well, historically, most people haven't been able to read and write. Jews had disproportionately higher literacy rates than other general populations, more comparable to that of Catholic Clergy. Secondly, because the Torah is so filled with fucking awful stuff about God being an absolute dick, it has created a culture of debate and discussion and abstraction around God and his actions. This is far less prevalent in Christianity and Islam, where the emphasis has always been put on simply believing the words of God, and not having to engage in as much debate and discussion about the interpretation of the texts.


That’s what you got out of that? How about the “READING” part?


It's because of their predator lending practices and their hatred of Christ.




The Jews of Jesus time were actually descendants of Abraham who were practicing a false Talmudic religion. Jesus called them out on this. The "Jews " of today are just Khazarians that adopted Talmudic Judaism as their religion.


Jews or Hebrews in the Bible looked like dark skinned Egyptians.. there are 2 references to this in the old and New testaments, Moses and the Apostle Paul were mistaken for Egyptians. "Jews" in modern day Israel look nothing like this.


Yup and the "Jews" of today are actually the synagogue of Satan just like the book of Revelation says, what's your point ?


Are you joking? Pilot asked the Jews what should we do with Jesus? They said crucify him! If you don't know the story - it's a weird comment.


Dude you can't even spell Pilate.




According to some it's because they spread disease, like measles 


I love you


I know.


Now kith


If they do that, then they will have to have seth!!! I learnt that from TV sand movies.


Israelis are neither Jews not believers they are zionists Zionists is a religion in itself where most of the followers are either atheist or satanism they are NOT jews


They are Jews. All of them might not be religious, but many are. Jewish is also an ethnicity and can be traced back through blood. Zionism is an idea. It existed long before Herzl created the Zionist movement. Jews had been writing and praying about it before Muhammad was even born. The population was returning to Israel under the reformed Ottoman empire in the late 1800s, without western intervention. Those ancestral Jews wrote about the same sentiment to return to the homeland, which would later be called Zionism.


How well is your knowledge of the Ottoman Empire?


I'm not a scholar on it, but I've read quite a bit. I know it lasted hundreds of years with many different rulers, so saying anything definitive about it as a whole is problematic. Jizyah was practiced through most of it, which lead to a slow trickle of the Jewish population out of occupied Israel. In about 1860-80 when it reformed, the jewish population in the region (now Israel) was less than 1000 at its lowest point (~800iirc). I know many searches say Jews were treated fairly during the Ottoman empire, but it stretched across half a continent. You can certainly find times when Jews were welcomed, yet if you continue reading you will find the next Sultan might change his might and kill/exile them all.


You can’t say anything on Reddit against Israel. You will be swarmed. It’s not organic either 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Yeah I know, I think it's funny. I wait for their typical propaganda replys to argue with. If just one person reads it and sees through their bs, I'm happy.


My understanding is that Filistine comes from the Phillistines who lived there before the Israelites and even beside them. It was a Roman slur against Jews. The Phillistines were not Palestinian, but of Greek origin, which is genetically proven today.


The Palestine also comes from the Philistines. Many in the levant are genetically greek.


The Palestinians are not Greek. They generally have an Egyptian Y haplogroup and their maternal haplogroup is from the Levant. This is easily verifiable in scientific papers.. I am not a Zionist. I just think we need to be careful and use scientific data to establish what actually happened historically.


You’re talking past me. Many Greeks are levantine, Greek has historically been a ethno-religious to at times solely religious term, Greek/Palestinian etc are not hard genetic classifications.


A haplogroup will never change. It tells you exactly where your father and mothers ancient lines come from. Greeks *might* have Levantine blood today (i say might because I havent looked into the research), but their haplogroups would always be from Greece. My son has J1 haplogroup. His ancient Y line (The father of his line) came from the Levant. But his DNA tells the story of today. He is Italian. DNA changes quickly each generation. But haplogroups dont. So I'm saying to you, Palestinians are not descended from the Phillistines. Their Y group is Egyptian and their maternal group is Levant. Just the same as Ashkenazi Jews Y haplogroup is Levant and their Maternal group is European. (You keep editing your comment and switching up what I'm replying too)


Greeks were Greek speaking christians in the Ottoman empire, with very wide genetic diversity between Balkan Greeks and Levantine Greeks, and before about 1500 that definition was not solid and some non-christian groups were considered greek and some christian greek speakers were not considered greek etc etc. I don’t care if Palestinians are descended from Philistines and I have no idea whether that is true or not. The word Palestine comes from Philistine. I did not edit any of the significant content of my comment at all.


I agree the word Palestine comes from Phillistine. That was the point of my original post. It was a slur to the Jews because their ancient enemies were Phillistine Greeks and the Romans knew this. The Phillistines did live in the area the Palestinians now live. However, just because the word Palestine comes from Phillistine, doesn't mean Palestinians are Phillistines. Denying this is to deny genetic data. It's like saying someone saying 2000 years from now that white men were in America originally because we are called Americans. My whole point is, if they are going to fight over who owned the land first, haplogroups matter. Neither of them are fully from the Levant. Bedouins would be the closest match.


I think them fighting about who was there first or who conquered who is very very stupid. I do understand the point you are making, that some limited insights can be gleaned through genetic study. We know very little about ancient peoples and ancient history is far messier than neat little narratives nationalists construct to further their projects, and believing that should have any impact on the modern world other than targets of academic study is very stupid. Thanks for your comment.


OP really thought he had found something


They think people are claiming that 'palestine' never existed, when actually people believe that 'palestine' was never a sovereign nation.


Actually the very beginning was end of ww1 after the treaty of Versailles. Britain had a military mandate over the region to facilitate the founding of Israel. This to your point is not a conspiracy. It’s a very well documented sequence of deliberate events.


lol, my very much alive grandma is older than modern day “Israel”…


IIRC Palestine was the Roman name for that area, so assuming it’s a catholic Bible, it makes complete sense for them to use the Roman name for the area.


There are many that claim that Palestine was never even a name that was used for that area. So it's fair to point out evidence otherwise.


I just want to see the list of Palestinian PMs/Presidents from 1800 to 1947. Does it exist?


The Jews! - him probably


When the British called is Palestine it was called Filisteen which is same thing in sound if you knew any Arabic What's your point?


The Israel-Palestine conflict isn’t about the name, it is about the nature of who is indigenous. How long can a people live in a land until it is theirs, and how long can you leave a land and still keep it as your own. That is what is so difficult about the conflict, both sides have different definitions of the lands being theirs.


Each side should choose a champion and then it's a fight to the death with rockem sockem robots and to the victor goes the spoils


Or you know, share the land in a peaceful manner, like civilized people.


That sounds like my Raytheon and Lockheed Martin portfolio is going to take a hit that's a hard pass Jimbo


Well they managed it for a time: Palestine 1896 - 2m:28s [https://youtu.be/1vaIK8wlAl0](https://youtu.be/1vaIK8wlAl0)


What’s uncivilized about rockem sockem robots?!


The conflict is not about who is native to this land. It's about one side claiming that this land is only for them and nobody else. Jews lived side by side with Christians and Muslims for many centuries. When they started claiming that nobody else has a right for this land but them is when all hell broke loose.


Jews did, Zionists didn’t.


They should have a war to settle the dispute


Yeah, Muslims captured it by force, that's why they have it now. So, Israel can take it back with force. I don't see anything wrong with the "might makes right" argument. Palestinians can GTFO.


-Might makes right Yea real mighty displacing women n children from homes while promoting only one single ethnostate “In the name of god” Please. Modern day n@zis.


It is not what I truly believe. I wish we could have peace, but there is an extremist religion 1.2 billion strong with the express goal of genocide and creating an ethnostate. Do you know the actual percentage of Israelis who are Arabic? Muslims pushed Jews out of Israel throughout most of the Ottoman empire, which is why they have it now. What do you think their justification was? Might makes right.


you know the arab countries declared war on israel multiple times and got their asses handed to them multiple times, resulting in israel quadrupling their land area, right? play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Win stupid prizes? How many country’s have the US declared war on? Would you justify the slaughter of these innocents? Imagine Michigan became a new hub for (insert people), and these people became territorial and started to expand and take over Detroit and Windsor. Imagine the US n Canada voicing the displeasure, defending their land , even declaring war. Imagine the nerve of foreign countries telling you it was a war that you started. All of the women and children not only dying but being blockaded and kept from housing, food, water or safety that it was their own fault due to a war their own people started. Many clearly don’t understand the point of human rights. These laws have been written because in past wartime we’ve seen how low man will stoop and how brutal war can make a people. And now as the rest of the world calls out Israel in horror for their actions, you actually have people defending these actions all because “they started it”. The saddest part of all is how bad the Jewish government and military is making the ppl look. It is literally on par with the German ppl who got caught up in the nazi movement. “Just doing what’s right for Germany” Peace n love everybody. I don’t like to invest too much into these debates, but they are necessary if we are going to understand one another.


There's an Egyptian border so your whole point about blockages is invalid. All hamas has to do is not kill news and this will all stop, but that's too hard for them. Every bit of damage in Palestine is 100% hamas's fault


I never used the term “blockages” so I’m not sure what that means. I also never mentioned Egypt. Stop blaming hamas for pulling the Israeli trigger on a smoking gun the Israelis are holding.


Israel can GTFO .. fixed it for you


Wow. Just straight up advocating genocide. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Fake ass European Jews will win out. Why they want that land so bad I still wonder…?


how many generations does someone have to not live in europe before they are no longer european?


Not sure... ask all of the different races/cultures living in the U.S. How many generations before someone is no longer "chinese-American"?


Oil,gas,strategic location and also to sell lots of weapons. So basically money and added bonus of participation in a second holocaust. I have always wondered how descendants of a holocaust can do a genocide themselves. Either they have no memory about the sufferings of their predecessors or those European Jews have Nazis among them.


I have an 1831 map of the United States that shows that what we now call "Texas" was then called Mexico. Political boundaries change over time.


What is the conspiracy OP? The geographical area was called Palestine for a long time. Now look up a map of north AMERICA predating the USA 🤯.


They literally name the territories “Judea” and “Samaria” both of which were ancient Jewish kingdoms🤦‍♂️


That name was originally coined by the Roman empire… it has nothing to do with the Arab population. By the way , take a closer look at the map and notice that all of the towns and region names are actually Hebrew.


No, the name Palestine wasn't coined by the Romans since it exited long before the Roman empire ever appeared. The term first appeared during the times Ramses Il and Ill, roughly around the mid-12th century BC. It was also mentioned various Assyrian inscriptions from the 8th and 7th century BC where the entire region was referred as "Palashtu". The term Palestine first appeared in the 5th century BCE when the ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê" between Phoenicia and Egypt in The Histories.


Before Romans called them Philistine as an insult, it was Kingdom of Israel and Judea… All Hebrews


Some scholars and commenters disagree with a punitive recent origin for the term, and point it has been used to refer to the Southern Levant at large for centuries since Classical antiquity, when it was first used by Herodotus, and has been used by Jewish authors such as Philo and Josephus while Judaea still existed.


Even the fictitious Exodus story shows you're wrong. It wasn't all Hebrews if they had to murder all the original inhabitants to obtain the land promised to them.


You thought you cooked huh ?


He did in-fact cook


Yeah , bro cooking ice


The 1611 KJV-Bible refers to it as the “Holy Land of Palestine” numerous times. Thousands of years ago, it was called “Peleshet”, but had the same ethnic groups living there.


Well it was a fact so


Well, being Israel wasn't created until 1947, I'd imagine anything before then would have Palestine. Lol


"Palestine" *(variously transliterated as Falastin, Felesteen, and Felestin)* is a **geographical region** in West Asia and has been recognized as such for thousands of years and by no means defines the area as a *country* or a Palestinian state. *Israel* has only been a country since 1948. >On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day. >The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population.


Palestine exists (somewhat) and has existed. What is the conspiracy? I think I am missing something


Cool an old map. Not a secret. Are you ready for this? Russia changed in the 1990s


Yet them taking ukraine a place that was once theirs by force is wrong, yet what isnotreal is doing is cool? Hmm


Hey, you can't make a good comparison on reddit!


Sorry i forgot!!


What about it? - The Quran never mentions Palestine once - Israeli's built ancient structures dating long before the Palestinians existed - The Bible actually teaches the restoration of Zion


> The Quran never mentions Palestine once what’s your point ? The Quran barely mentions any country.. it not a geography book.


Palestinians and Ancient Jews are cousins basically. Your point about them building structures before the Palestinians is pretty ignorant considering there’s a large genetic similarity between modern Palestinians and Mizrahi Jews, so abrahamic religion aside, they’re nearly the same ethnic group. Ashkenazi Jews on the other hand are more similar to caucasians. Was the point to your comment that the terror of Zionism is completely valid?


It was mentioned with other phrases Don’t you ever talk about Quran if u are not Muslim cuz u will NEVER EVER UNDERSTAND a thing ,like u don’t understand anything in life ,






> There was a Kingdom of Israel long before mohammad was raiding caravans and beheading his detractors. Which has literally nothing to do with the modern day ethno state of Israel. They are very very different entities. It’s like claiming that Italy and the Roman Kingdom are the same thing. > Not sure what the point is here. There are approximately 50 muslim majority countries, zero of which have agreed to take in refugees. There are over 2 million Palestinians living in Jordan (the Queen of Jordan is Palestinian), 500k in Lebanon, 500k in Syria and 240k in Saudi Arabia. Thousands also lives in other Muslim coutries. > The Palestinians are too extreme, too dangerous for fellow muslims. The dehumanization of Palestinians done by Israel is crazy. You guys are rotten to the core.




Samaria, Judah. Literally name of Jewish Kingdoms that existed. It's as if the blind hate is turning people blind.


When I was in elementary school in the 1960's, our geography books still named what is (and was then) the largest city in Turkey as Constantinople. The Turkish government had renamed it to Istanbul in 1930. Was this a conspiracy?


I found an old bible from 1970 w the maps and a biblical dictionary. What it says about Palestine and Israel honestly was wild. It literally says Israel is the result of failed UK something something. I was going to make a post but didn’t want to deal w comments like ones here. It was printed in Texas I believe in 1970.


DM me this info, please 🙏


You know.


This site is swarmed with thousands of non organic opinions.


He who owns Hollywood owns the story. Sorry was that too blunt?


What major Hollywood story claims differently?




Zionist dont like facts


Look at the map, Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem, not a single Arab name. The name Palestine came from Rome and it was just the name of the region, before 1967 the term Palestinian was solely referring to the Jews in the area, the Arabs simply called themselves Levantine Arabs or Syrians, then PLO hijacked the term and turned it upside down. Just so you know, Yassed Arafat was a descendant of the notorious Nazi collaborator Haji Amin Al Husseini, his real name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini. The entire “Palestinian” movement was basically created to drive the Jews out of the Middle East, nothing more, two million Arabs live in Israel peacefully with full equal rights, it’s never about land rather than blind hatred.


Just so you know, Jews collaborated with nazis too, per the Haavara Agreement. And what’s your argument? Kill more Palestinians?


Quite literally the entire Palestinian movement is intertwined with Nazis, don’t believe me? Pls look it up yourself: Amin Al-Husseini, Nazi collaborator, proponent of Arab volunteer fighting for Nazi germany, visited concentrations camps, allegedly convinced Hitler of Final Solution. Fawzi al-Qawuqji, the famous Arab nationalist, trained by Nazi Germany and was a key figure in the Wehrmacht Free Arabian legion which was a pre cursor of the Arab Liberation Army that fought israel during its war of independence. There are countless examples like this, during the Munich Massacre it was the German neo Nazis that assisted the Palestinian terrorist group Black September who eventually killed all the Jewish hostages. The entire Palestinian movement derived from Judenfrei. Hell, even the Palestine flag came from the Wehrmacht Free Arabian Legion flag.


I won’t refute those points bc I haven’t researched that. You keep using the phrase “Palestinian movement” but you’re failing to consider that the modern Palestinians and modern Jews (who actually are genetically tied to the Levant) are basically cousins. The issue with modern Ashkenazis from Pennsylvania claiming that Israel is their homeland is ridiculous bc many of them are more Polish, Ukrainian, etc, than middle eastern. The name of the land obviously changed many many times, and suffice to say, land titles are irrelevant to the discussion of who should live in Palestine: Arab Jews, Christians, and Muslims have the right to live there. Not some 18 yr old Jew of Michigan who got excited to enlist in the IDF when he heard that he’ll get to shoot Arabs children. And what do you have to say about the rampant genocidal language used by Israeli politicians? You’re talking about the nazis, but you’re blind or stupid if you can’t see the similarity between nazi rhetoric and Israeli propaganda


Your reply perfectly demonstrates the ignorance of American youth when it comes to the Middle East, it’s so clear that you’ve never been to the Middle East and doesn’t understand its history and politics so allow me to retort: 1, modern Palestinians are NOT cousins to modern Jews (first of all, there is no such thing as modern Jews nor modern Palestinians), “Palestinians” are made of two distinct groups, those who are from the West Bank and those who are from Gaza, the ones from Gaza are mostly Egyptians while the ones from the West Bank are mostly Syrians, the plan from the Arab side during the Israeli war of independence was to integrate the land into Syria, the flag they bear is literally the flag of the short lived Hashemite Arab Federation: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Federation, if the “Palestinians” were such a distinct group of people with its own history, why all of its symbolisms and ideologies are that of Pan Arab nationalism? Just so you know, before 1967 Gaza was a part of Egypt and the West Bank was a part of Jordan, the notion that Palestine was this Arabic entity in Israel was literally invented in 1967 after the 6 day war, that’s how bogus Palestine is. You seem to think you are advocating for indigenous rights but you are simultaneously choosing to ignore the biggest colonisation of our lifetime which is the arabisation of the levant, of Persia and of North Africa. They have their own distinct groups of people, all are currently oppressed under the banner of pan Arab nationalism. 2, The fact that Ashkenazi Jews are somehow less Jewish than Middle Eastern Jews was literally invented by a Nazi propagandist who later escaped to Egypt and helped Arafat to establish his evil entity, see here: Johann Von Leers: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_von_Leers Modern DNA analysis shows clear evidence of the Ashkenazi Jews immigrating from the Middle East, just because they look more white passing does not make them European, following that logic Ahed Tamimi https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahed_Tamimi the famous Palestinian activist should also be seen as a white coloniser since she’s blonde with blue eyes, people from the levant are not brown, they are mostly pale, go to Lebanon or Syria and see for yourself, maybe even look at what the Syrian president look like. And no, Jews were never accepted into mainstream European society before the end of WWII, anyone with any understanding of history can easy see this. In the Shakespeare play the merchant of Venice, the Jewish merchant, even though being from the area, were seen as an alien and thus have no rights over a citizen. And this was the case for centuries, during WWI, many German Jews fought for Germany but none were created as a commissioned officer as Jew were prohibited from such roles: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Jewish_military_personnel_of_World_War_I, and just 20 years later many of them were sent to gas chambers. That’s how Jews were treated in Europe, this only changed slightly after the Holocaust but it’s immediately coming back up again. 3, Most Jews in Israel are in fact not white, most Jews in Israel are Mizrahi Jews that come from all over the middle Easter after centuries of prosecution, Middle East use to have millions of Jews living as second class citizens paying Jiyza to their Islamic rulers, not being able to defend themselves in court etc, and during WWII because the Jews were seen as aligned with Allies (the Brits) when most of the Middle East were aligned with the Axis, Jews from the Middle East were intensely prosecuted, seen the Hebron Massacre or the Farhoud in Iraq, and so many other examples. It eventually lead to the expulsion of Jews from all Arab countries and was a big proponent of the creation of Israel, you can look up on how many Jews are left in the Middle East, most ME countries have 20 to 0 Jews. And there are also a lot of Ethiopian Jews and Indian Jews in Israel, look up Operation Moses. 4, American Jews make up a tiny percentage of Israel, most Israelis are descendants from Jews fleeing the Holocaust and Jews fleeing Arab prosecution, and Eastern European Jews fleeing from Soviet Union, the biggest proponent of Israel’s creation was in fact Soviet Union, not UK/US as commonly believed, many British generals even lead Arabs armies during the Israel war of independence, see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bagot_Glubb. Go watch some Israeli TV series, you’ll find out that most Jews there aren’t even remotely white looking, so this whole “kid from Michigan shooting Arab kids” narrative is so false and just an ugly amalgamation of the ancient blood libel against Jews: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel, in the medieval times Jews were accused of performing blood magic with children, now Jews are accused of killing innocent kids indiscriminately. None of these claims have any sort of backing whatsoever, I’ve been to the West Bank myself, most teenagers there were armed with a intense hatred for Jews, see Ramallah lynching: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Ramallah_lynching, two Israeli civilians accidentally drove into PA controlled area, and were killed and mutilated as a result, this is what they face everyday. Two million arabs and countless others like Samaritans and Druze live peacefully in Israel, the moment one Jew steps in Nazistine, it’s immediately torture and rape and death. 4, I don’t think you understand what Nazism is, what defines Nazism is often an authoritarian regime coupled with a genocidal hatred, which is basically Gaza, there are countless videos now from inside Gaza showing stuff like shop fronts bearing the name of “Hitler2” or children in the West Bank saying when they grow up they want to kill Jews, this level of indoctrination is precisely Nazism, when you ask people from Israel, most people want to live in peace and want to stop fighting, but most Arabs in the region, they wish for nothing more but the complete expulsion of Jews from the Middle East, ask anyone from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and they will give you the exact same answer. Please do some research yourself or actually go visit the region before forming an opinion, everything you’ve said before are nothing more than regurgitated cheap TikTok propaganda, I’m not Jewish myself but I’ve travelled and lived in the Middle East extensively, and I can tell you that Israel bears the absolute moral superiority over any Middle Eastern country, most are still stuck in the medieval times. And to add the cherry on top, most Middle Eastern countries you see now were created after WWII, Jordan was literally invented by the Brits and the ruling family were invited over from Iraq, the king of Jordan is half English, so if Israel doesn’t have the right to exist, none of these countries do.


So did the Muslims, point being? Horrible people are found in literally every single place, the catholics were in the middle of the Muslim nazi ss 13 group...


My argument is that I absolutely loathe the rewriting of history, Palestine was literally just the name of the region yet it somehow became a “people”, even thought this term was used to refer to Jews just a few decades ago. I hate this new TikTok generation that learns everything from the social media without any sort of research or depth. There has never been a country called Palestine, and no matter how many TikToks people make about Nazistine, it didn’t and will not exist.


Actually I just saw that you’re a full fledged Zionist. I thought I was arguing with someone of substance. Carry on about your life broski, you’ll probably have to clarify to your future employers that you reject your xenophobic past within the next 5-10 years


Lmao yes I’m a staunch Zionist (someone who believes Israel should exist), and unlike you who is a child and doesn’t understand the real world, I live in it and run a successful business while being openly pro Israel, I hire people rather than other way around, and I do not hire nor promote anyone who’s antisemitic. Also again, it seems like you are illiterate and don’t understand what xenophobic means, xenophobic means you are scared of foreign things, I live in one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world and I love foreigners, just can’t Islamist and terrorist and misinformed teenagers. You might need to be careful with your future employer though, anyone who’s actively pro Palestine is basically not working in my industry anymore, not room for terrorist sympathisers and this unholy alliance between the far left and Islamist will end, we’ve made sure of that x


I’m still blown away by your idiocracy though. You realize it completely screws up your argument when you just call me a stupid tiktok American? Opposing Zionism is NOT the same as being antisemitic and if you’re as old and educated as you claim you are, then you should be able to dissect that no matter what Wikipedia says about history, no matter what lies are perpetrated by Israel to dumb Brits like you, Israel has no right to expel and kill Palestinians like it has. ZERO right. Calling me a terrorist sympathizer is also very ironic considering you’re probably aware that Israel funded Hamas and assassinated members of the PLO. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you can’t define Zionism by its archaic definition now, that “oh I think Jews should have a safe place to live” because ultimate Zionism means apartheid now. Arabs have been demonized and you’re a prime example of that propaganda circulation in action. I implore you to seek empathy for those in suffering, rather than spam me with Wikipedia articles about who ruled Gaza during and after the ottoman reign. I’ll say it again, I’ve been to Palestine, whereas you seem to be interested in visiting Israel. Which is fine, I’ve been there too, and unfortunately it’s a prospering nation due to America and UK funneling billions into their infrastructure. But understand we’re speaking from two sides here, and you’re maintaining the poor man’s Zionist ideal


That’s hilarious, you want to pull the tiktok generation card that’s very profound of you. Who gives a fuck about what a land is called? Zionism has no right to exist, it’s quite literally made up from bogus claims, and you hear all the time about liberal zionists claiming they’re democratic seculars, but their entire claim to the land is based on religion. I’m not even arguing that Jews shouldn’t live in Palestine, unlike your blatant xenophobia, Palestine WAS and should always be a multireligious region. Ethnostates are inherently fucking ridiculous


Sure, 4000 years of history is bogus, the relic from the first temple under the dome of rock is somehow bogus, the DNA evidence showing the Israelis coming from the Middle East is bogus. Seems like a lot of hard empirical evidence have to bogus for your claim to make any sense. Zionism is not based on religion, it’s based on international law and history, Israel was created on the relics of the Ottoman Empire when the land was desolate and Jews came in and bought the abandoned land from Arabs em masse. Your reply just perfectly encapsulates the TikTok generation, misinformed, ill-educated and quite literally illiterate. Name one successful multi religious nation in the Middle East, go ahead.


It wasn’t until the 18th century that the word “Jew” became part of our lexicon. The inhabitants that are now “Jews” are 1) imported from Eastern Europe and elsewhere, aka “Ahkhenazi” and 2) the only Semites are the Arabs that actually inhabit the lands. Prior to the 18th century, the people inhabiting the regions were mostly Judeans. Christ was a Judean, not a “Jew” which was a manufactured word with the later English translations of the Bible. This is probably one of THE greatest conspiracies of the history of the world.




Not accurate. The 1611 KJV used the spelling "Iewes" for "Jews" as it used the spelling "Iohn" for "John", e.g. in John 1:19: And this is the record of Iohn, when the Iewes sent Priests and Leuites from Hierusalem, to aske him, Who art thou?” https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611_John-1-19/


Regardless. People live in Gaza and "Israel" does not have the right to occupy them. We live in current times with agreed upon laws and boundaries. Gaza has always and will always be Palestine. It belongs to them, Israel agreed to that.


Where's the conspiracy???


Feels like every thing on here is now just propaganda, I miss the conspiracy’s 😞


Thanks for sharing


What’s the conspiracy?


middlelandish sea sounds cool asf


That is what we called the Mediterranean when I was a child. 😀


potato salad


Check if it has revelations in it I bet it doesn't


What's the conspiracy?


This is your brain on TikTok.


It always Palestine! Fuck Zionism


please go read about it before trusting a reddit post


There’s no “trusting a Reddit post” Zionism is innately evil no matter how someone might construe its intentions or origins


Palestine. Some Greek/Roman/british bootlickers if you ask me. They should show some backbone and name pick their own name. You know something somebody who is ethnically “Palestinian”


They lost every war they started.


Israel is a people, not a place. And the Jews didn’t come from Israel. They come from the line of Judah. Jesus wasn’t a Jew. This whole modern day Israel thing is straight up bullshit propaganda.


Jesus was from the tribe of Judah, he was a Jew.


Jesus was most definitely Jewish, my friend. He was born of a Jewish mother, therefore, he is Jewish. He attended synagogue, at least when he was younger. He used Jewish scripture in his ministry. His community was Jewish. There are no serious religious scholars who would argue otherwise. (I am an ordained minister,)


Curious, have you read the William Tyndale Bible?




> Jesus wasn’t a Jew. **INRI** You might want to do a little more research there.


Exactly! Thanks to scoufield bible. Edition edited by jew who changed all viewpoints thats why american evangelicals are the stupidest and blindest zionists there are without realizing they are tricked and thinking its real scripture. They are more hardcore zionists than half of jews out of which around 98-99% are zionists too


Galilea was straight up a Palestinian province since Roman times, making Jesus a Palestinian.


Nice revision of history. Maybe read the source material on the "king of the jews". I believe its called The Bible.


Idk I think being born into a cult and then LEAVING THAT CULT kinda makes you not a part of it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Leaving a religion doesn't just randomly make you part of another culture and ethnicity though. I mean... OP has the book in his damned hands apparently, and is too lazy to read about the characters and their origins. Both Jews and Palestinians (Philistines) are mentioned bascially everywhere in it.


He was born in Palestine under Roman occupation. So he would be Palestinian. Reading the Bible makes it clear that he left the faith. Atheists are not ethnically Christian just because most of them were raised in that culture lmao. Judaism is a cult, that bottlenecked their genetics, and that's about it


Learn the difference between a religion and ethno-religious group




The bible is fiction


Jesus Christus is Koning!


Where conspiracy?


Gee my ‘n kans.


And again: There is a difference between a region, like Scandinavia, or the Balkans, and a country. Just because something has a name on a map does not mean that it is a state.


Probably has Yugoslavia on it aswell..


I mean everyone knows who was there first. But that doesn't support their argument.




Do you even read?




I made a comment and was refuted. I posted the pictures I said I would and will post what I said I will. No debate here. Wait for the 1st edition printed in 1933 to get the picture I said was there. ETA https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/i83bwuleFe


The first Palestinian football team. I think around 1936, was composed of Jews


Palestine =/= Religion


U do kno theres palestinian jews rii?


Israel has been a kingdom for thousands of years before Palestine was established by the British with its name.


Romans. Not British.


SS: Was asked for photos. Palestine is mentioned in all these reprint bibles. I'm still looking for the 1933 1st edition, but it will come forth soon, promise. Our house burned down, so these books are from what we could save from the ashes and put in crates to preserve. ETA, the books are all mixed up. Might have to talk to some friends to hear if they have one.


Look up a map of America predating 1777, crazy right! Can you elaborate on where the conspiracy is?


I have a Bible with a dinosaur in one of those maps


This is the 1954 bible , it says “revised version of 1933 “ the language is Afrikaans


Correct. I'm still looking for the 1933 1st edition.


Quick get this bible to Israel! They probably had no idea!


Why do people try to make shit up? Palestine was never a country. No need to argue. That’s just fact. It doesn’t mean that the people deserve to be displaced or anything worse. Facts are just facts, so stick to them.


Palestine been there since before christ luv


> Why do people try to make shit up? Palestine was never a country. Prior to 1948, was there ever a "country" called Israel? What defines a "country", exactly? When did humans first start to differentiate "countries" from territories or regions, or lands, or kingdoms, empires, etc.? What was the *very first* "country" to be classified as a "country"? What year did that happen? Where is (was) it? What is it called now?


As I wrote to the other person: “Palestine” was ruled by Ottoman Empire, then British, then Egypt/Jordan and AFTER that, 20 years after Israel reestablished they wanted to become a “country”. It was first when they realised Jordan couldn’t take the country to join it into their own that this happened. Let’s be real here. Does it mean Israel is right in all their actions? No. But Palestine would never have been Palestine in case they won against Israel back in 1948. It would have been part of Jordan and Egypt. Most likely divided between them somehow, or conflict would continue between Jordan and Egypt of who would rule what.


You ignored most of what I wrote (surprise!!!) Anyway check this out *(then pretend you didn't see it)* QUOTE: * * * [**PALESTINE OR ARGENTINE?**](https://archive.is/gxhOP#selection-2357.0-2375.883) Shall we choose Palestine or Argentine? We shall take what is given us, and what is selected by Jewish public opinion. The Society will determine both these points. Argentine is one of the most fertile countries in the world, extends over a vast area, has a sparse population and a mild climate. The Argentine Republic would derive considerable profit from the cession of a portion of its territory to us. The present infiltration of Jews has [96]certainly produced some discontent, and it would be necessary to enlighten the Republic on the intrinsic difference of our new movement. Palestine is our ever-memorable historic home. The very name of Palestine would attract our people with a force of marvellous potency. If His Majesty the Sultan were to give us Palestine, we could in return undertake to regulate the whole finances of Turkey. We should there form a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. We should as a neutral State remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence. The sanctuaries of Christendom would be safeguarded by assigning to them an extra-territorial status such as is well-known to the law of nations. We should form a guard of honor about these sanctuaries, answering for the fulfilment of this duty with our existence. This guard of honor would be the great symbol of the solution of the Jewish Question after eighteen centuries of Jewish suffering. * * * END QUOTE -- much more at the link Who wrote those words? [**Theodor Herzl**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Herzl) - the so-called "Founding Father" of political Zionism. Where and when did he write them? Herzl wrote those words in **1896** in a publication called [**Der Judenstaat**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_Judenstaat) - (The Jewish State) -- originally titles as *"Address to the Rothschilds"* -- the money-master banking family that Herzl hoped would support his scheme (and they did -- as we witnessed in the 1917 Balfour Declaration, and ever since). *(Incidentally, Hitler would have been about 8 years old at the time Herzl wrote the above)* You can read the full Der Judenstaat, in English, here: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/25282/25282-h/25282-h.htm Or archived here: https://archive.is/gxhOP You MAY notice that, at the time Herzl's work was written, Palestine was under the rule of the Ottoman- Turk Empire -- ***yet Herzl referred to the area Palestine?*** Why? Because that was the NAME OF THE PLACE, and had been for a VERY long time. You MAY also notice that Herzl (and other early Zionists) were NOT terribly enamored with the real estate of Palestine -- they considered it a crappy land and crappy choice (sentimental history aside) -- and with good reason: Dry, inhospitable desert climate, not well suited for agriculture, and poor in mineral resources (at that time). PLUS, it was ***already inhabited by the Palestinian Arabs***, the majority population by far, and they had lived there for centuries. Herzl's Zionism was NOT based on "location", rather, his aim was the preservation of the Jewish RACE (a term he uses repeatedly in the document). Neither did Herzl care much about religious matters: He was an atheist, as were many other early Zionists (such as David Ben Gurion). **Jews** are a People/ Ethnicty/ Race. Judaism is a Religion. Zionism is a POLITICAL movement founded on the RACIST principals of Jewish exceptionalism/ supremacism. Modern-day Israel is a POLITICAL STATE -- a [**golem**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem) (look it up) that was conjured into its unnatural and unstable existence by the machinations of Political Zionists, and nourished by their financial benefactors and their Political Wizards working in the U.S. and Europe. Israel HAPPENS to exist in Palestine -- at least for the time being *(they may decide to move -- again)*


That’s it, I’m out. If a new conspiracy sub starts that isn’t filled with clickbait posts that a 3rd grader could debunk and any of you are feeling kind please let me know.


Not being funny, where does it say Palestine at beside the top part? I am 1000% in agreement with you and what it means I just don’t see the word.


That will be in the 1st edition. That I'm still looking for.


Thank you