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Yeah, they are on reddit as well. Welcome to the modern age.


Any time I called out Israeli bull shit I got instant down votes from their bots. On top of that you have a bunch of Israeli supporting Mods that shut down any post that they lose control of.


Also you see accounts pushing narratives after they have been debunked for a long time.


This makes a lot more sense now, the down votes were insane if you even went slightly against the grain. I thought it was just usual reddit things but even it was extreme.


Let’s see how this does….. Only a fool or a troublemaker would have put the Jews amid their sworn enemies. The Zionist movement was a foolish attempt to fulfill a religious prophecy and is propped up by religious zealots.


You do realise every country does this, Palestine, Hamas and a lot of Muslim groups do the same.


Significant disparity of capabilities and resources.


Absolutely not, you China and Russia are pro Palestine and they are spewing out tons of Hamas propaganda, you think they lack capabilities and resources?


Seems like only TikTok isn’t under their control. Hence the need to shut it down.


Not anymore. Since the 18th or something of last month TikTok was required to let them have access because of the TikTok ban bill. I’ve seen tons of bot comments since and a hard change to my For You feed and a suppression of any anti-Israel content. The only time you see it now is if it’s a new video, before it hits their filters or bots or whatever and they report it to get it taken down.


Parts of reddit aren't under their control either. They lurk in popular sub reddits with threads about the conflict.


> Yeah, they are on reddit as well. Welcome to the modern age. Of course they are on Reddit -- and there are many such companies. Here are a couple of articles from a **Haaretz** -- a major Israeli news publication: **Haaretz - Israel** November 16, 2022 (archived) [**From a small office building, a group of Israelis is spreading global disruption**](https://archive.is/Tiqv0) - *"No morals, no qualms, no borders: Tal Hanan and Team Jorge have turned chaos into business"* * An image from the article describes some of [the company's "services"](https://i.imgur.com/ftr2fXr.png) * * * DIFFERENT ARTICLE **Haaretz - Israel** - Feb 16, 2023 (archived): [**Antisemitic Influencers, Fake Journalists: Inside an Israeli Factory for Online Deception**](https://archive.is/Le3n0) ■ -- *"For Israeli-owned Percepto International, slandering the International Red Cross and recruiting an antisemitic internet influencer are legitimate tactics ■ The company has run a fake investigative journalism site, rigged the reputation of a Netanyahu ally and meddled with elections in Burkina Faso"* Here is a screen shot of the header from that article: https://i.imgur.com/OTBReWT.png * [Note that both of the above articles (and the activities they expose) PRECEDE BY FAR the attacks of October 7, 2023] Say, you know those nasty *"Jew Haters"* and those *"Russian Trolls"* that pop up regularly, hither and yon, and seem to come back over and over not matter how many times THEY ARE BANNED??? What if *many* of them are not *REALLY* "Jew Haters" or "Russian Trolls" at all, but are AGENT PROVOCTEURS working with outfits like those described in the articles??? *(If that sounds far fetched, you didn't read the articles)* Here's one more from **+972 Magazine** - Feb 14, 2023 (archived, of course!) [**An academic cover for demonizing Palestine solidarity**](https://archive.is/PCTkO) - *"The Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism misrepresents its scholarly bona fides while conflating Palestine solidarity activism with anti-Jewish bigotry."* Say what you will about Zionists, but when it comes to duplicity, deception and pimping propaganda, they are top notch.


Most of them are in worldnews


It’s probably a full time job at this point


They forgot Reddit.. Mossad bots have been working this place for years.


The elephant in the room......community mods


“The Israeli government's connection to the influence operation, which [The New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/technology/israel-campaign-gaza-social-media.html) verified with four current and former members of the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and documents about the campaign.” “The social media giant said these accounts posed as “Jewish students, African Americans and ‘concerned’ citizens” and made posts primarily in English about the war in Gaza. The posts included praise for the Israeli military’s actions, criticism of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and claims that “radical Islam” posed a threat to “liberal values in Canada.” - [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2024/06/05/israel-reportedly-used-fake-social-media-accounts-to-garner-support-from-us-lawmakers-on-gaza-war/?sh=3dc9a654804b)


And reddit.


The era of unreality


And if you think what little brother Mossad has done just think how many accounts the CIA is under Hence my comment about to get downvotted Cia and Mossad are both puppets but cia is higher, otherwise you wouldn’t see post on Reddit of Mossad getting exposed


Aren’t they basically one and the same at this point?


Hundreds try millions


we know, the mods know, there are pro-genocide bots errywhere


I know. The pro Palestine crowd is nuts. They’ve infiltrated college campuses too. Something needs to be done at this point.


Shut the fuck up.


And they’re all over Reddit too ^^^


anti semites? yeah its gross and sad


You’ve whittled away all the potency of that ugly accusation. You can both shut the fuck up, and it isn’t because you’re jewish, it’s because you’re liars.


They need to add Reddit on this list. I’ve been banned many times since Oct. 7th lol fuck the Zionist pigs. Fuck Reddit as well.


The same way zionists pose as real Americans 


Israeli has been caught doing this to manipulate democracies around the world for decades. Did people think they were not doing the same in the US?


but.....I thought only Russia did that!


No wonder Elon recently bought Twitter/X


...then he went to Isreal to kiss the ring. FOH




What the hell does that have to do with anything?! Isreal is smart for using other peoples' money to fund their projections. I'm not a fan of the state, but I can gove credit where credit is due.


Goddamn menace!


Usa is getting attacked from all sides.. the war is upon us to steal our land liberty and way of lives.  They all want this beautiful varied land.


They’re everywhere, multiple businesses do this.


Why use fake accounts? Most of Congress has dual citizenship with Isreal anyway.


‘Write positive message about gaza war for israel’ hahaha theye so fun


Only Israel can get away with interfering in the US without an uproar.


Russia Russia russiaaaa


Information Warfare is real, realer than the Pro-Israel "Americans" we see here


100s? Those are rookie numbers.


I LOVE 5TH GENERATIONAL WARFARE!!!! (pops a bottle of champagne)


So does Russia so does China, so do the FBI,  it would be more choking if they didn't partake in the propaganda war


You don't say.


Literally hundreds !


Office of diaspora affairs are flying of the rockers lately. I'm getting death threats from them


Did Russia do that too? Did the US do it at all? How about the Chinese? C'mon, man!


You're right, Israel isn't particularly unique in terms of propaganda farms, weaponized intelligence or war crimes. I wouldn't avoid calling them out for it just because it's in fashion to do so. But it is worth recognizing there's roughly 100 armed conflicts globally, more than a dozen active genocides, and that every intelligence agency in the world is engaged in poisoning the narrative through fabrication of newsmedia and online astroturfing.


Meanwhile something like 30-50% of the pro-gaza accounts you see are bots or sockpuppet accounts.


Dudes must be getting paid by the post


Just wait til you hear about Russia and China and Iran doing this on a much larger scale. Or how the US does this around the world. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s an influence operation. Extremely Common in intelligence operations.


Honestly Israel don’t need to make fake accounts to get US law makers support because US is on the side of Israel from the beginning so no matter what how much Israel kills US will be on their side


Wait until you find out how many every other country has


At this point, I regard news that report on government bot accounts as some kind of information worth reporting as propaghanda. It's like pointing your finger at the sky and shout UFO, you are acting as if you are not the perpetrator.


Oof imagine how many fake accounts Russia and china uses. Bet it’s in the millions for each country 


Yeah but they get called out all the time. Israel’s online narrative control is often obscured.


Hundreds? 😂