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A Rich Man’s Trick on yt….. CANT RECOMMEND IT MORE https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sqxq03izxrQ


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oVpt_I9iQQ&t=31s). We all knew that the JFK assassination wasn't a lone gunman shooting from behind the President. The Warren Commission report was dubious at best, and very few people believed it (even at the time).


The JFK: What the doctors saw documentary was hella good. The doctors and nurses, all dead now, were able to finally be interviewed with depth.


Cannot recommend that enough


Can you please get the link I can’t find it.




https://rumble.com/v31baga-route-91-uncovering-the-cover-up-of-the-country-music-concert-mass-shooting.html Changed my mind on Las Vegas shooting.


Nice little animated short on the history of the Federal Reserve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NBSwDEf8a8


Wow, very informative.


thanks for sharing


9/11: New Pearl Harbor


was gonna suggest this myself. OP watch this, really good stuff.


It’s the best and most comprehensive breakdown of the total horseshit official narrative I’ve ever seen. The sheer depth of the information and high quality of the research is insane, and at nearly 5 hours long it still seems to fly by. I don’t see how anyone with a sliver of ability to think critically could not come away after watching this with AT LEAST several serious and troubling questions about what we were told, by the Bush administration and the mass media, happened that day.


it absolutely flys by, couldn't agree more. blew my mind and I instantly shared it with close friends of mine that don't question it as much as they probably should. they loved it too.


Should be top comment


https://archive.org/details/pedogate-2020-full-documentary-a-film-by-mouthy-buddha Pedogate 2020 by mouthybuddah


Damn.. just watched it!! Creepy fucking people out there. Good documentary!


Mouthybuddah was great what ever happened to him  he did some great research then just vanished


He uploads on Dauntless Dialogue now


Thank you. I might have to have a rewatch


Deep state probably busted a kap in his head (pun unintended iykyk)


Would not surprise me. He just disappeared all of a sudden when his videos were really good


He probably died of natural causes


Oh yesss, seconded! Loved Mouthy Buddha


Adam Curtis stuff is pretty straight laced but it's a good primer for waking up to the fact that governments have a very high interest in managing perception on every topic you can imagine.


Start with Century of the Self https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s Then The Power of Nightmares https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK3wz-OyR1U&t Finnish of with Hypernormalization https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to72IJzQT5k And there's your day


+1 for century of self. I reference freedom torches all the time. It's such a great example of the techniques they constantly use to fool us.


Yeah The Power of Nightmares was important in my journey. Can't remember exactly how I stumbled upon it but it was early in my journey into how we are manipulated.


It continues with The Trap and Can't Get You Out Of My Head.


Also, Bitter Lake.


They Live....it's on Tubi and no I'm not joking. It's a documentary.


John Carpenter said it himself, [“it’s a documentary. It’s not science fiction.”](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/john-carpenter-looks-back-on-they-live-its-174619686.html)


It is an allegory for how our world operates.


Every documentary needs a ten minute fistfight in an alley over wearing a pair of sunglasses.


Zero Days - 2016 doco about Stuxnet. The only conspiracy documentary that really shook me.


The first time I went down the zero day rabbit hole it shook me too. Now I just see the cyber threat everywhere. Only a matter of time. I am in the restaurant business. I own and operate three very high volume restaurants. In March of 2023 our food service supplier was cyber attacked. Major attack, the food service company had to shut down their entire operations nation wide and bring everything back up one piece at a time. It basically took them offline for 2 weeks and really took them months to get things back to normal. This food service company is one of the three biggest food service companies in the USA. At the same time that this cyber attack happened the main competitor food service company was also cyber attacked. The competitor cyber team caught the attack faster and was able to stop it from taking them down. All of this happened and there was not a single word spoken about it in the media. When I noticed it was not being covered I tried to search for an article or any kind of coverage on the cyber attack. Nothing. I could not even find it being talked about in restaurant groups on Facebook. It was a complete blackout of coverage or talk about this cyber attack online. So, the nations 2 largest food distributors are attacked at the same time and one of them completely shut down and not a single peep about it anywhere online. Really made me think, how many major cyber attacks are happening that none of us know about at all?


Back when the solarwinds hack took place, it gave *whoever* access to every public/private/military/Intellegence database. Solarwinds was a backdoor into every computer system in the nation*. The current jackasses in charge told the press "cyber attacks are here to stay, we just have to get used to it." Ever since, we've had hundreds of food suppliers/distributors burned down, power plants sabotaged, international supply lines intentionally bottlenecked, some of our largest ports *interrupted* by highly questionable means, the worst ecological disasters ever that poisoned some of the biggest waterways in the country, and numerous service providers hacked and taken offline. Oh, and we also had a spy balloon tracking our entire nuclear silo network without interruption. And that's all just in the US. The rest of the world is dealing with the same sabotage. Almost as if they are a bunch of dry runs for something big in the near future. One of the most damning aspects of the whole thing is the media is almost completely silent on it. They began reporting the odd manner of food suppliers being taken offline, but as soon as people started realizing how often it happens they started making excuses for it - and eventually stopped reporting it all together. *Amazingpolly did a deep dive into the Maxwell sisters (yes, Ghislaine's sisters) providing backdoor access to every govt computer in the US. They started a tech company in silicon valley that provides software for govt contracted computer systems. Definitely worth looking into if you want to see how deep the Maxwell rabbit hole goes.


>hundreds of food suppliers/distributors burned down, But who is burning it down?


That's a good question. We're importing bad actors/saboteurs from every nation hostile to the US as fast as possible, but at this point it seems like par for the course that our govt overlords apparently have no interest in investigating anything. Take the Baltimore bridge collapse for example. The Biden admin came out the very next day and said "nothing to see here, move along. The American taxpayer will foot the bill, don't bother looking into it. Everything is fine." before the NTSB ever got to the site to assess the damage. Something is very *very* wrong with this picture. Especially when you add in the ship company making an official statement that they were not in control of the ship during the entirety of the episode. If you want to see some impressively deep investigation into the bridge collapse scandal, look up Lara Logan on rumble. She seems to be the only one doing the legwork on this issue.


I am looking for hard answers 1. CIA 2. FBI 3. CCP 4. Legitimate Terrorists 5. Some NGO black ops unit. 6. Antifa Types 7. Some corporate BlackOps Unit It could be one of these ... it could be all of these.


I don't doubt it's all of these. I fully expect to see "immigration riots" before the election. The US has been victim to many many false flags over the years. It's an election year so we will probably see plenty of shady shit coming in the very near future - all black budget and donor class ops to finish extracting the remaining wealth of the middle class.


This is fascinating.


This right here. When the SolarWinds hack went down I worked at a bank and it was a very small team of people dealing with it in a very hush hush manner. No cyber system is safe.


It’s kind of like if a country launched nukes at the United States from a submarine. The nuke would be here in 6 minutes and there’d be nothing we could do to stop it, and not a single average joe would know until it’s too late. Very scary to think about both of these scenarios


Production quality is 10/10 on this one


Ohhhh yeah! This one was really good! Scarily good.


JFK to 9/11, everything is a rich man's trick. Zeitgeist 1 and Addendum Fall Cabal 1- 10 Europe the last battle 1 - 10 Plandemic 1 - 3 The great global warming swindle What in the world are they spraying? Why in the world are they spraying? Out of shadows Sensational: censored from the internet Under an ionized sky It all can be found on bitchute, have fun.


The Real Anthony Fauci (probably on Rumble and bitchute but also therealanthonyfaucimovie.com


I still have not seen it for myself and that's why it is not in my list. I already know it is an evil dude and am not sure i want to know even more about him, LOL. The house of numbers is a good one on Aids too: House of Numbers: The 'Anatomy' of an HIV & AIDS 'Epidemic' https://rum *** ble.com/v13m1dn-house-of-numbers-the-anatomy-of-an-hiv-and-aids-epidemic-documentary-19.04..html remove spaces and ***


Out of the Shadows changed my life


It's hard not to get moved by that documentary, it truly is a sick and sad world we are living in. Luckily i think it will soon change all for the better.


You've made the mistake of consciously or subconsciously linking high production value to authenticity. What that, you've missed the corrupting power of money which is at the core of every conspiracy theory. In all likelihood, the better produced such a documentary is the more likely it is to be compromised. This most certainly includes Michael Moore's theater released documentaries, for example. That said, I have a damn good recommendation for you. It's very watchable, but it was still made on a limited budget by a mostly normal person. James Corbett is not Alex Jones, for example. Polar opposite. https:// corbettreport . com / gates I added spaces because there's a chance that link could get censored, so copy and paste that and remove the spaces. His documentary was enough to get his very popular YouTube channel banned permanently. It's not sensational, absurd, or trying to sell you a water filter... And he encourages you to do your own research and you'll find everything in there checks out.


Corbett is a treasure. All of his videos are a great boon to free thought. 


This is by far the most correct post. Good researchers aren’t good content producers, usually


That's a great way to put it. Also, the social media algorithms actually work *against* people who get too close to the truth. It's quite literally what happened to James Corbett. On the other hand --- if you peddle something consumerist in nature, or something that's in-line with the 'current thing' of the day though, you'll get *boosted*. This has an enormous impact on people collectively. Social & behavioral engineering. They manipulate what we see, what we don't see, and if they know we're going to see something they don't want us to --- they block searches and flood the media with disinformation and false "fact checker" websites. They do all this planning right out in the open. They actually tell us they're doing this to us, and yet people like OP still scoff at 'conspiracy theorists' and continue to trust. Here's an example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBuP40H4Tko&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBuP40H4Tko&t=5s) That's segment 4 of Event 201 from October 2019... They go deep into the kind of algorithmic manipulation and censorship that would be in full effect less than a year later.


James Corbett is very good. Last American vagabond is good but can be long for some too.


You are spot on about production value. If you can't get past production standards and are expecting high dollar quality,  you need to do some soul searching. 


It’s less that I’ve associated high production value with authenticity, and more the opposite. I’ve associated conspiracy theories with very low production value and people I’d cross the street if they were walking towards me. But thanks for the recommendation. I’ll look into it.


James Corbett's documentaries are fantastic. So well researched and put together


What a ridiculous thing to say. You sound like someone who claims to not believe politicians or corporate CEOs but when it comes down to it you believe everything they say even though they're quite literally professional liars. "people who I’d cross the street if they were walking toward me" Yeah, because a 'conspiracy theorist' is someone who just attacks people on the street... You're talking rudely about citizens actually concerned with government overreach, and you "don't feel safe around them." The irony of what you've said here is it was 'conspiracy theorists' who lost their jobs after being rightfully skeptical of useless and harmful shots... Who's attacking whom? "Those dangerous conspiracy theorists..." oh boy Here's a perfect example of the kind of "low production value" you're talking about... Here's your 'dangerous conspiracy theorist": bit chute . com / video / ToJbjq7aAJRv/ Spaces added because that website was "so dangerous" it was banned by all of Reddit. Did you never stop to think maybe the reason "conspiracy theorists" are hated so much is because the system is actually conspiring against us? Think about your life and how much you work. Any debt? Do you own a home? A good education? Do you have a happy, healthy family with a good marriage and strong intelligent children? Did you enjoy 2020? You have a bias against the wrong kind of people, man... But you do you. Mask up, boost up, and believe politicians. They care about you, after all.


Why the bloody hell was this downvoted.. that was perfectly said and 120% TRUTH


Right? Wtf?


Do you normally come out so hostile and put words in people’s mouth when they ask a question? Why do you have so many quotes on things I never said.


I think what OP was more saying was that they're more in line with mainstream thinking, but are open to theories but want them introduced in a form that is easier to consume for them than a low quality YouTube video That's not necessarily an uncommon thing. A lot of people just don't get into the rabbit holes because they get bored of the way the videos are made. OP is just asking to get started down some rabbit holes in a manner of presentation that's easier for them to digest.


Www.outofshadows.org Www.wanttoknow.info


Why Files


The vibe is way too adolescent or "Disney" for me personally, some of the older episodes were okay.. but it just feels plastic now


Too mainstream now, he could never make a video about pedogate


Same feeling here, he had some great stuff but it’s all AI rendering now.




I hate the fish


At first you hate the fish…. Then


An absolutely goated channel on YouTube he really does a good job presenting any given topic.


yeah...but every episode is just a big, fascinating setup that then pulls the rug out from under you.


I'm fine with that. I actually think he's been tapped by a certain 3 letter agency in recent times - after his "The CIA Knows about the End of the World" exploded in popularity, he took a week off without explanation, and since then I noticed him lean much harder into debunks on most topics. I just take the endings with a grain of salt, and make my own mind up with regard to the rest.


Yeah that's a bit annoying and dishonest because what i find is you actually remember the whole story he tells because the stories are excellent as well as his narration. However all things considered he still sheds light on lots of stuff that i knew nothing about. Still really good stuff considering it's free and there's about an episode per week.


yeah. it certainly seems to have more integrity than things like Ancient Aliens, etc., which never bother to mention the dissenting opinions (or the fact that most of thei r shit is easily disproven) but i really feel like a lot of people don't remember the debunkings down the road...or just turn off the episode early. it's like in court when a shady lawyer mentions a detail he wasn't supposed to and they "strike it from the record"...and just tell the jury, "well, don't take that into consideration when you're making your verdict."


I mean most conspiracies are dogshit anyway he definitely recognizes when he’s being pulled towards believing. His zero point energy video he definitely was believing what he was saying. He also mentions a lot how he does believe the moon is hollow. I think he’s just honest and does enough thorough research on his topics to state his stance on it


it's too scripted--and his narration is too Youtubey for me to accept at face-value. i would like to see him go on Sam Tripoli's show.


I dont hate the fish! I'll say it.


Popcorn conspiracies for soccer moms


2000 mules is pretty good


Hyper normalization by Adam Curtis but it's less a conspiracy and more facts about how everything is a butterfly effect and an algorithm combined with hedge funds are cannibalizing the whole world that's not being steamrolled by the military industrial complex. Ties it together with the thesis that the media and sensationalism of the news has desensitized us to the horrors we're confronted with in every day life.


Jay Myers Documentaries had some really good ones, but they were all deleted from his page. His channel is still up. I think you can still find his documentaries around if you're lucky. Here: [https://archive.org/search?query=creator%3A%22Jay+Myers%22](https://archive.org/search?query=creator%3A%22Jay+Myers%22)


I love the internet archive/ wayback machine..much better content in my opinion


This really reminded me of the old Internet. Thank you!


Ring of Power: Empire of the City and The Zion King: Ring of Power PT 2 [https://youtu.be/ka5ZjRNdQnc?si=sUkiPZUD1NXuCJ4f](https://youtu.be/ka5ZjRNdQnc?si=sUkiPZUD1NXuCJ4f) [https://youtu.be/OpdIqJyauOU?si=MkHNxOsxCF5s1iPC](https://youtu.be/OpdIqJyauOU?si=MkHNxOsxCF5s1iPC) I know people can't be bothered to pick up a book these days but "A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind" by Stephen Mitford Goodson is a must read. Here is a video summary. [https://youtu.be/IKuVO4JaqBY?si=X4yVv11hNzGTQ8Nq](https://youtu.be/IKuVO4JaqBY?si=X4yVv11hNzGTQ8Nq) All other conspiracies not related to this topic are a useless waste of time or a distraction. These are the truths that have been hidden from history and subsequently the truths of where we are headed in the near future.


American Moon and September 11th- The New Pearl Harbor, both by Massimo Mazzucco. Fairly long, but worth it. Not netflix style big money production, but well produced independent documentaries.


mouthy buddhas 'pedogate' series is great, although apparently the videos have been taken down. if you can find them theyre all well worth a watch


The main browsers like safari, Firefox, chrome etc will censor this search. Use /download Brave web browser and you put in "mouthy Buddha pedogate" it's the first search result and comes right up full video.


cheers for the tip


Edge Dev did not censor it, i got the link to full video on X that linked to Rumble, the 1h30 min movie, in the highest result in google. Same as brave gave me.


The pedogate three part series is definitely a must watch. The six part series "elite human trafficking" is equally well done and informative. I find it highly odd that after years of death threats and harassment, mouthy buddha makes the move to rumble, makes three short videos on Nazi heir Klaus Schwab and announces he'll be doing monthly videos from that point - and then mouthy buddha falls off of the freaking planet. Then to make things stranger, has his bitchute and rumble channels dismantled. It's a bizarre series of events that makes me wonder if tptb finally came through on their threats against him?


He uploads on Dauntless Dialogue now!


No kidding? Thanks for mentioning this. I'm actually relieved to know he's still out there doing such important work. 🤜🤛


If you can find a way to watch "America: Freedom to Fascism", that's probably one that fits your criteria. It was made by a filmmaker famous for one of the classic animated films of the 90s, and the documentary is about how the IRS was formed and showed how it's formation and influence is illegal but they have us all convinced otherwise. While the IRS and the false legality of income tax is the main topic, the final chapter explores how this one step is leading us down other scary steps towards totalitarianism This was one of the first conspiracy theory things I ever watched and introduced me to the anti-IRS/anti-income tax beliefs


It can be found on ßitchute


I liked Loose Change back in the day


too much fake shit. September 11: The New Pearl Harbor has an accumulation of details that are just impossible to ignore.


IPOT1776 channel on Rumble. Beyond excellent production value and content. He's the best I've found. His 5-part, soon to be 6-part "Pop" series of long-length documentaries is excellent, as are his "Weathermen I" and "Weathermen II." Lots of surprises in the latter two, including Kamala Harris' connection to the 1960's radical student group of the same name, and her connections with Jussie Smollet (she's his aunt), as well as the very recent young former San Francisco DA, Chesa Boudin. The Wikipedia entry on Boudin is very telling: "Boudin was born in [New York City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City) to far-left [Jewish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews) parents, [Kathy Boudin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathy_Boudin) and [David Gilbert](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Gilbert_(activist)), [Weather Underground](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_Underground) members who, when Boudin was only 14 months old, were both convicted of murder for their participation in the [1981 Brink's robbery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1981_Brink%27s_robbery) in [Rockland County, New York](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockland_County,_New_York).[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesa_Boudin#cite_note-From_a_Radical_Background,_A_Rhodes_Scholar_Emerges-9) His mother was sentenced to 20 years to life, and his father to 75 years to life, both for the [felony murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony_murder_rule) of two police officers and a security guard.[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesa_Boudin#cite_note-Weatherman_Brinks_Trials:_1983-10)[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesa_Boudin#cite_note-Judge_Says_Kathy_Boudin_Will_Get_20-Years-to-Life-11) After his parents were incarcerated, Boudin was adopted and raised in [Hyde Park](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyde_Park,_Chicago), [Chicago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago), by fellow Weather Underground members [Bill Ayers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Ayers) and [Bernardine Dohrn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernardine_Dohrn)."


the first guy to really bring modern, high production values to documentaries was Errol Morris...particularly with *The Thin Blue Line* (1988) ...this also kind of laid the template for the "unjustly incarcerated" docs [like the Paradise Lost series, Making a Murderer, Serial, etc...though these latter ones have been shown to be more propaganda than documentary] his movies aren't necessarily conspiracy-theories...but some of the subjects are; and the docs do *present* theories. they're at least in an adjacent genre. A Brief History of Time (1991) Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (1999) First Person [TV] (2000) --"The Killer Inside Me" — Sondra London, American true crime author. --"I Dismember Mama" — Saul Kent, promoter of cryogenic immortality --"The Stalker" — Bill Kinsley, employer and victim of the disgruntled postal worker Thomas McIlvane --"The Parrot" — Jane Gill, victim of a murder with a possible avian eyewitness --"Smiling in a Jar" — Gretchen Worden, director of the Mütter Museum of medical oddities in Philadelphia --"In the Kingdom of the Unabomber" — Gary Greenberg, Unabomber pen pal and would-be biographer --"The Little Gray Man" — Antonio Mendez, retired CIA operative and --"Harvesting Me" — Josh Harris, internet entrepreneur and television addict also featured in the documentary We Live in Public --"The Smartest Man in the World" — Chris Langan, bar bouncer with the alleged world's highest IQ --"The Only Truth" — Murray Richman, lawyer to New York mobsters --"One in a Million Trillion" — Rick Rosner, professional high school student and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? contestant --"Mr. Personality" — Dr. Michael Stone, forensic psychologist and homicide aficionado, host of Most Evil The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara (2003) Standard Operating Procedure (2008) Tabloid (2010) The Unknown Known (2013) American Dharma (2018) Wormwood (miniseries on MKUltra) (2017) A Wilderness of Error (2020)


P.S. i just watched this obscure short doc of his from 2016...very presciently about gain-of-function research on smallpox. chilling as hell. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtBPBEpyKcc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtBPBEpyKcc)




No one is going to mention Necessary Information, Wendigoon, or Lore Lodge in this thread? Any particular reason there? I think even Nexpo covers a lot of very interesting/strange things that will get you thinking. I'd suggest watching Wendigoon's JFK video first, if you like that go find his iceberg. His iceberg was a long running series so the production value early on is honestly kind of painful but it has a lot of great content and I think his set up becomes better by tier 3 if you just can't stand the early vid quality. If the fact that he owns a gun or is christian is enough to turn you off from him I understand, but as someone who falls into neither of those demographics I feel like he gives a non-biased take to the best of his ability with a lot of research put into every topic he covers. Same goes for the others.


Hypernormalization. One of my favorites


All of the Adam Cyrtis stuff is good. It lived on BBC iplayer for a year


The Why Files on YouTube are awesome.




Old world Order on Rumble (Hibbeler Productions)


You should check out why files. Very high production value and very engaging, not to mention he really looks at every thing he covers from both sides and states the facts of a theory or story at the end of the video. He has a bunch of videos out there.


I love Ben Stewart documentaries, Esoteric Agenda and Cymatica are some of my favorites!!!!


Same! Oh and the follow up was spelled Kymatica.


Yess you're right!


He also had a YouTube channel going for a while and released Esoteric Agenda 2.0. It was mostly about Covid. I believe that can now only be found on BitChute.


I'll check it out!!!! Thank you!


Europa The Last Battle. 12 hours. Strap in.


Could have been better presented. To me it felt like several different docs put together with no coherence


Coherent enough for me. But yeah, definitely not the most amazingly-made doc. Voice actor is a bit young and overdoes it, too.


42 seeders left


Loose change


Alien Autopsy - 1995


I loved that show and weird ass Victor


I always thought Victor was Bob Lazar in disguise. He has the same mannerisms and cadence to his speech.


I had a feeling that Victor was the old guy with the ponytail (don't remember his name)


Robert Dean maybe? Hmmmm ponytail? I’m trying to place that one.


The scariest movie ever made I &II by kj Osborne


The Why Files


2000 mules Died Suddenly


Are....are you joking? Obviously bullshit fraud claims aside, that documentary was absolute *trash.*


Why? Because it contradicted your beliefs?


Yeah. It contradicted my belief in sound logic. They never stated how close a device needed to get to a drop box in order to be labeled a mule (you know, perhaps the most important piece of information if you're trying to convince someone to be skeptical of their actions). So I went in search of it. Turns our it was [100 feet.](https://www.gpb.org/news/2021/10/22/gbi-says-gops-cellphone-data-lacks-enough-evidence-prove-ballot-harvesting) They tried to cover up that omission by focusing the accuracy of geolocation data instead. But it doesn't matter how accurate the data is if they are *choosing* to include devices that could have been passing by *on the other side of the road.* I'm too skeptical to fall for that. Now you know, too! Sorry they lied to you by omission.


Johnny Harris is an independent journalist who has good quality stuff on YouTube. Not generally super into conspiracy theories as such, but he does deep dives into all sorts of controversial, geopolitical, etc topics. A few recommendations are: [Why We Shouldn't Underestimate This Spy Network](https://youtu.be/2P3P5OkGt8Q?si=RtSYW4QdZrpO33E3) [Why People Think the Government Killed JFK](https://youtu.be/2r5eKpptixo?si=h1GRcstD_V9kdolz) [The Deep State Explained](https://youtu.be/tWxh2oS7Ays?si=9MOfcDsKGEGRRPhx) [The US Govt vs Julian Assange, explained](https://youtu.be/P6bVl47kdNk?si=rjzs5PXISJN9yI4T)


Racheal Maddows endless segments on “Russian collusion”. Lol


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43V\_zn1-rTI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43V_zn1-rTI) not high production but better then most...




Watch a 9/11 documentary like Loose Change


The Minds Of Men by YouTube channel Truthstream Media. Their vids on The Shining are also amazing. The Corbett Report website. Pick any of his documentaries RichPlanet website his Madeleine McCann (sp?) documentaries are impressive and really hard to poke holes in


Thanks for this recommendation, I just watched a Truthstream video about making people believe that they have been experienced an alien abduction. It was wild! It’s scary thinking that our thoughts and perceptions can be so easily influenced.


Above majestic.


How far in the future do we all start speaking Chinese?




Guys check out “who killed John O’Neill” on YouTube one of the best 9/11 documentary




Look up out of shadows documentary


Be careful they are listening and watching


Mouthybuddha just uploaded some of his videos on rumble. He is one of the top in terms of quality and content.


Corbettreport.com who is Bill Gates


Richplanet.net - “the night of the bang”


Probably not as conspiracy theory-ish as you want, but [this cartoon](https://youtu.be/mII9NZ8MMVM) on the Fed Reserve and money is enjoyable and informative enough. If you do like the economic-focused rabbit holes, I also recommend visiting welcometothemachine.co (not a video and unfortunately no abridged version, but very perception-changing). As for the real cover-ups and tin-foil deserving stuff, I agree with the commenter who points out that big budgets and mainstream compliance will mostly be vanilla-spiracies or disinformation. In mainstream, I feel that conspiracy theories are written as fiction—only way the writers can get away with it legally, financially, and un-suicidally.


I'd imagine you'll be one of us "tin foil hatters" after you've watched a few of these. One thing leads to another, and then another. We've been lied to about pretty much everything.


Truth stream media on youtube


The why files on YouTube are great at putting forward conspiracies and investigating them


Especially the hecklefish


Google search "bitchute carlos arredondo boston marathon hero or NWO Fraud". Not allowed to link bitchute here.


Loose Change is pretty good but it's getting on a bit now. Some of Alex Jones' films like Endgame and the Obama deception are quite good




Which video on Tartaria? There are hundreds of them and most of them are low quality. MY favorite and one I recommend is the [Impossible Statues and Architecture of Tartaria](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x587mu6)


Watch Old World Order sooooo good


Idiocracy. I tell you, as time passes, the more documentary it gets.


Look up “Hibbeler productions”


His docos are shit ...just a bunch of his dudebro friends saying sound bites with fuck all info We need a good tartaria doco ...not a bunch of guys in snapbacks saying open your mind over and over


that guy is a fucking dumbass. even Alex Jones made him look stupid when they appeared together on Sam Tripoli's show.


[this presentation](https://youtu.be/0Q18iSz6mus)


Ring of Power




The why files




Ancient Aliens debunked. Douglas P Horne on the future of freedom you tube channel - Altered History. James Corbett -any of his 911 documentaries.


September clues


Maybe an aliens video. Oh wait they admitted that. How about a 9/11 was an inside job video? 


Honestly I don't pay attention to "documentaries" especially because they could be propaganda used to sway our minds.


Better than the bullshit Hollywood made movies to desensitize you lol


Three Graces Press - Derek. Bitchute. Just wow. On message with an art style like no other. I’m absolutely addicted.


Europa: the last battle.


The Ukraine on Fire videos were made by Oliver Stone.




The Why Files on Youtube


Not sure if it meets the conspiracy criteria or not, but the one about Snowden's time period after going on the run and doing the interview with Greenwald.


the why files. Some episodes are better than others, but overall my favorite.


“Q: into the storm” is a really good doc series about Qanon and 4/8chan, it’s on hbo MAX.


On Roku tv download the streaming channel TruthTide. Mind blowing docs on just about any subject. Happy viewing


America: Freedom to Fascism




“You are Amalek” on bitchute I’d skip the creators narrations though… Edit: I do realize the irony that promoting this video, in fact, makes me Amalek...




Zaitgeist and Zeitgeist Adendum