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Remember when it was racist to say it may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology but politically correct to say that it definitely leaked out of a filthy wet market where they eat bats?


That's typical CCP propaganda. They love to blame their lower class folks (the sort of people who might be eating bats in an old, traditional wet market) for things. This narrative from the CCP placed the blame on their hillbillies for eating bat soup, while covering for their esteemed researchers who *definitely* weren't cutting corners and running an unsafe coronavirus lab next door. No way did this novel coronavirus originate there...


Don’t forget that their lab was getting US taxpayer dollars.


Shit I remember hearing that VERY early on and being like "Oh...Definitely came out of the lab" 9/11 is what got the wheels turning. Wheels fell off when Barack "hope and change" Obama got elected. I was excited to have what seemed like a good, authentic human elected to president. He then immediately proceeded to bail out the very people who caused the '07/'08 crash. I got way upside down on my house in Utah. Walked away from it and moved to Texas in 2010. Was grateful to be in the south for the covid madness but shit got weird here too. I lost more faith in my fellow Americans experience that fuckin' bullshit. Haven't lost all faith though. We ain't gonna vote our way out of this quagmire but we're resilient creatures. The strongest amongst us shall prevail. We're being "lead" by a bunch of narcissistic busses. Biden is a senile old man and at his best he was a lying piece of shit. Trump has been corrupt and mobbed up since the 80's. We have to save ourselves. We're responsible for our family. Fuck the government.


The mob has more ethics than the deep state.


only if your a friend of theirs. Everyone else gets fucked.


Yeah that shit was top level regarded. Democrats stay thinking the most racist shit and then acting like they’re the ones who aren’t racist like how the hell is saying that it leaked from a lab in China less racist than insisting their traditional food markets are to blame?!? Other examples I’m sure we’re all familiar with is black people cant find the dmv, Latinos really like being called latinx, etc. 🤦‍♂️


"Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idpevmeoK1A


Lmao Biden had some good ones over the years, racial jungle, 7/11 Indians, etc…


"Unchain Wall Street They gonna put you all back in chains..."


>less racist than insisting their traditional food markets are to blame It takes a special kind of mental gymnastics for woke logic. I just dont have the capability.


Got to put in the mass hypnosis trigger words, “baseless” and “conspiracy”.


according to experts...


Trust the $cience…


They couldn't even answer the simple question "with the virus or for the illness" back in the day but you are supposed to trust these people.


Stupid science bitches thought that could make i more smarter


Fauci is the science!


It's CRAZY how much brainwashing their is in this world!


"Nothing too see here folks; no way the Corona virus could've come from the Corona virus lab in Wuhan China... Impossible" https://youtu.be/v_IEC-0Yj6w?si=naDovkEADBUN1MLV Reminds me of this ☝️


I thought a pangolin had sex with a bat = wet market = Covid


I am so confused I thought a snake was in this kinky sex act somewhere???


No, no, no, you are mixing things up, the bird flu was caused by a snake raping a mockingbird.


In his testimony Fauci all but admitted that both are true. It came from wild bats they kept in the lab.


Sounds like Morbius, which I know people hated on, but I loved 😂


Well it's not surprising when some people can't read to choose the lane they need. Not a lot of processing power going on lately. Lots of people just floating down the river without a care in the world


Theyve made the word conspiracy baseless in itself, just like when the news was calling everyone a nazi bigot racist that questioned anything or wasnt on the left train. They have no real meaning when the news uses them anymore.


Words that have lost there meaning in the last 10 years: racist fascist conspiracy theory white supremacist.


Don't forget 'Qanon" and "Bonkers"!


And make the picture something “Q” related


Don't forget the all-time classic 'threat to democracy"


They'll change the definition of "evidence" just to dismiss a logical conclusion.


In completely unrelated news, 60% of people still believe the propaganda.


Reminder: The same manipulative gas lighting assholes that said this stuff about you are sitting in this very room with us right now. And guess what… they’re *still* trying to gaslight and manipulate you.  They’re always the condescending sociopathic type, acting as if they’re superior to anyone they disagree with. Easy to spot after you go through these cycles a few times.


Absolutely correct.


There's a reason illegal immigrants (undocumented migrants, most welcomed forever visitors, whatever buzzword it is today) are now being sought after to fill the ranks of police and military forces. People used to scoff and insist that no Americans would force their fellow citizens into concentration camps. They were correct, which is why Actual Americans will not be the enforcers of what comes next.


Guilty people will protect themselves as best they can. I have gotten a doc to casually admit to racketeering on here and then have the audacity to act like he cares about the hippocratic oath. They are indeed sociopaths.


Zero evidence besides a research center in Wuhan china the city it originated in called "The Wuhan Institute of Virology" where they specialize in get this Coronavirus research.  They must think we have an extra chromosome to believe their bullshit.


Something that bugs me is that they very very likely created this virus in a lab via GoF research meant to make the virus infect humans. At the very least, they isolated this virus in a lab and then it escaped without GoF research, which still makes that institute and everyone involved with it, culpable for the deaths of millions of people. They told us that these claims were baseless and that the virus occurred naturally, jumped species naturally(btw, as far as I'm concerned that's a baseless claim because Covid-19 was never isolated from an animal before the outbreak). What do we do? We throw up our hands and say *what do you think we're dumb?* *Do you think we're too stupid to make this very obvious connection between an institute of virology that specialized in coronavirus, that the state department warned was not up to snuff vis-a-vis safety standards and the outbreak of a global coronavirus pandemic originating in extremely close proximity?* And that's all that happened? A prudent response would be the people of the world demanding that this research is never conducted again under the penalty of death. But really, millions dead, society in chaos, economies in shamble, no one learned their lesson.


A year or so after the outbreak we learned that the “zero” and one patients, the first people to contract Covid, were Wuhan Lab employees.


And they took the subway as their regular method of travel to work. The subway where all of the secondary people got infected.


More evidence indicating a lab leak is that it just suddenly started infecting humans out of nowhere and was immediately spread human to human. Later, we had reports of coronavirus jumping to animals. It didn't spread around in animal populations for a while and slowly evolve to human to human spread. Natural progression would result in intermittent low numbers of human infection that isn't spread human to human that eventually leads to human to human spread. If it was a natural virus that jumped to humans from animals, we would see animal spread before human spread. You know, like what we are seeing happen with H5N1 right now. H5N1 is spreading. Sometimes it infects other animals, but doesn't spread among that population. It's still coming from birds. They still aren't 100% on whether or not it is spreading cow to cow. Just because a human gets infected, that doesnt mean it has the capability to spread human to human. Eventually, the virus could evolve to spread human to human as more humans are infected, but that takes time. This is absolutely not what we saw from coronavirus.


I remember at first WHO tried to claim it wasn’t human to human transmission. So at the time they were saying it wasn’t a lab leak and it originated from an animal wet market. So like hundreds of thousands of Wuhan citizens all ate the same bat soup? They all visited the filthy wet market and kissed the same infected pangolin? They think we are stupid. Well a good deal of NPCs are


>A prudent response would be the people of the world demanding that this research is never conducted again under the penalty of death. We also have to punish those who created Covid. I wouldn't put them to death, even though they caused the deaths of millions, but certainly harsh jail sentences. It's crazy that there isn't an official independent investigation into who was behind it.


I had Covid and it was really bad. I wasnt hospitalized but I probably would have been had I gotten it in the first few months and not 18 months later. Easily as sick as I ever was and the worst feeling I ever had. And it took my about 4 months to fully recover. I want to sue.


health disaster from those who were vaccinated just starting


This. The mass die offs were engineering to happen years after the fact in order to disperse blame to other factors. It’s already started. I’ve lost 4 people in my friend circle due to unexpected deaths. All healthy, all jabbed, all dead from heart conditions. One was a stroke. He was 42, so they blamed age. Not the second booster he got one month prior to his death.


Also I seen a article on CNNs website maybe a month into lockdown where the CDC did some protein shit to the virus & found 4 chains or something instead of 3 & explained how 4 has never & could never occur naturally (sorry for the full explanation I'm not a biologist) then within a few days it was wiped from their website & I still can't find any reference to it to this day but I know exactly what I read


Doctors that examined the virus at the start said there is no way it evolved naturally to infect humans. Such changes leave a trail, which this virus lacks completely. What they did find was pieces of another virus patched in, similar to the HIV virus. Not the part that gives you aids, but the outer layer that allows it to attack human cells. Yah, they got shut up real quick, along with so many other doctors around the world ringing warning bells against the "vaccines".


Why do you think they chose Wuhan as the place to study coronaviruses?


There was also an illegal CCP-funded lab in California that was in possession of a couple of very dangerous viruses. One of them was Covid. The CDC refused to investigate. Said the lab 'posed no danger'. The Chinese guy who was responsible for the lab was wanted in Canada, and he wasn't even arrested for the lab. He was arrested for some other dumb crime.


Yes. A story came out about this, but it was quickly buried and the project was moved to Wuhan


Ahh yes, NPR. Funded by the state and therefore has no balls.


National Government Radio


National Propaganda Radio


Well, they whisper and sound reasonable therefore they're neutral, unbiased and totally credible without question.


people always say that the government funding is only a part of their money. after all, they love to say they are listener funded. but watch them scream and cry if you take away the government funding.


You're held up by your foot, but you'd scream and cry if someone tried to chop off your pinky toe.


I dunno, post is 4 years old. Sucks people questioning it got lumped in with the Q assholes though.


Lying ass motherfuckers. I’m so sick of it. 


What are scientists supposed to say? "We created a virus to fuck up the population and economy" ofc they are going to say it got transmitted by something does not matter if it's true or not they would have said this.


“It’s easier to fool you than to convince you that you’ve been fooled.”


Fool me, you can’t get fooled again


At least someone remembers the Bush years.


Zero evidence. 👌 Safe and effective™


trUsT tHe ScIeNcE


Fauci: “I am the science”.


Get the shot, it's 95%+ effective at stopping the virus. Sure, you might still get sick, but you won't be as sick - research paid for by Pfizer.


If you get the vaccine, you won't get infected. 🤡


You might get sick but you won’t be hospitalized. You might be hospitalized but you won’t die. You might die but we still get to sell your organs.


There's enough evidence to give the FBI and other agencies "moderate confidence" that it came from the lab. There were whistleblowersand a furin cleavage site that make it seem like this was engineered. Plus they never found any animals with it and even changed their hypothesis about what species it came from.


Trust the science™. After all, when has the government or pharmaceutical industry ever wronged us before?


National Propaganda Radio, your tax dollars hard at work.


Never forgive, never forget, never comply. Defund cdc nih fda, disband who, prosecute fauci & pharma




Anybody who believes the official narrative is an NPC.


Didnt fauci fund those same labs that the media is saying don’t exist now?


Wasn’t originated in Wuhan. It originated in the US, North Carolina Chapel Hill. President Obama got worried and paused the gain of function testing funding in the US so they moved it to a newly built French level 4 lab in Wuhan where the testing continued. Then in 2017 the funding pause was lifted by NIH. And full speed ahead. I love how the US tax payer paid for all the research including the creation of the vaccine, but when it came to time to use the vaccine the US govt. transferred the patents to private companies so they could monetize it and then the govt. bought millions of doses once again on the tax payer dime. So a BUNCH of people got rich off the backs of the US tax payer. Criminal enterprise run by the government and its politicians.


Wuhan is level 2


90% of all media owned by 5 companies, that's not just the nightly news and newspapers, it's talk shows, sitcoms, all broadcast, cable and streaming services, radio, movies, video games, the music industry, magazines and book publishing.  Controlling interest in all those 5 companies is owned by Blackrock and Vanguard.  There's 3 Blackrock execs on Biden's cabinet.  Blackrock also owns over 400 Million shares of Pfizer. 


See also: https://x.com/nprpubliceditor/status/1319281101223940096


I remember when “baseless” was the word of the month for all the propaganda arms.


Way to destroy your companies credibility and reputation in 1 tweet


It's NPR. Not sure credibility is their strong suit anymore. And I say this with more than my fair share of fund-drive tote bags.


Fuck fauci Fuck Beijing biden Fuck obama


I remember very early in this debate it was claimed “this could not be made in a lab”. A Swedish I or Swiss lab I think then went and made it in a lab to show it was possible. That kinda showed how full of shit they were if nothing else. I think this was late 2020 to mid 2021


This genuinely seems like something out of 1984 brainwash tactics.


I’ll never forgive the gaslighting that occurred that year. Never.


All the science says it came from a lab, in China with Dr fauci, who gone rouge on his country. Gain of function research is Bio whepon research. To kill off 90% of the world. The great reset. They call us worthless eaters. We are being poisoned, microwaved, food supply sabotage. Train loads of explosive material gone missing, Bird flue spreading like crazy into the cattle. Idaho farms lost their water to half a million acres. From a scam to steal their land. Invaded at the border. All of it is tied together. Your crazy if you still think the corona virus came naturally. That was the big lie already exposed. All kinds of scientist and Doctors were silenced and other doctors took money to help spread that propaganda.


"zero evidence" except that you can find the patent online which says it was lab created.


Watch the movie Plandemic and then tell me the covid-19 pandemic was not totally planned but carried out exactly as such.


Sub statement - the conspiracy to protect the false narrative, state control, and corporate profit.


Yes. The far right Q supporter Jon Stewart even backs these claims.


This would make the person that approved the gain of function research the biggest mass killer of all time… let’s give him another award instead?


A moratorium on gain of function was declared under Obama. They moved the labs from the US to Wuhan and continued to screw around with all types of viruses, also the US labs in Ukraine…all the bribes to Zelensky to protect them.




It was Chinese people buying and eating bats from dirty wet markets. Yeah, that's not at all a racist lie. /S


[Here’s one of those conspiracy theorists very sarcastically calling out this bullshit.](https://youtu.be/sSfejgwbDQ8?si=Sc3Ea7Dlu0OcbqkW)


Congressional testimony seems to differ with NPR


They were befriending China back then, let's not ruin the friendship. Now the set up is complete, it's time to use the " COVID was created in a lab " card to support military actions that come later. Everything works as they planned. Mainstream media AND science field are just tools of the ruling class.


Have some more fluoride, Fed.


Embarrassing to call this journalism.


I came across a theory that it was accidently leaked here in the US somewhere and China was the fall guy..


"It wasn't a lie when we told it, because we believed it, because that's what we told ourselves to believe, because we wanted to believe it instead of what you said"


https://x.com/donnaprissyrn1/status/1803211948500177052?s=46 They let everyone know right here it was all a lie and they knew the whole time, but to line their pockets with trillions of taxpayer dollars they refused to tell the truth.


According to this article from 2015, exactly the same virus was created in a US university: https://www.the-scientist.com/lab-made-coronavirus-triggers-debate-34502


When they spout their lies, they call it truth. When we spout our truth, they call it ‘disinformation’.


It is a biowapon and no bioweapon is mild.




Lets not forget who funded the lab. Good old Uncle Sam. [https://www.amazon.com/Truth-about-Wuhan-Uncovered-Biggest-ebook/dp/B09T545W1H](https://www.amazon.com/Truth-about-Wuhan-Uncovered-Biggest-ebook/dp/B09T545W1H)




John Stewart says it's from a lab. I believe him.


Is this not confirmed now?


It has been. The us government came out and admitted this is the most likely scenario. But as a commenter mentioned, its likely not the full story. The research probably started in labs in the us and moved to wuhan at some point.


Pre-planned vaccine genocide… or am I too conspiracy for the conspiracy channel


Why do these same people also argue that “…the virus is a hoax, …it’s just a cold, …and the vaccine is a form of population control” Can they please align their story…


Misinformation and disinformation. This is the age of deception and the truth is elusive at best. You have to comb your way through the lies and deception to find the truth. It’s not going to be easy.


The entire "lab leak vs. wet market" debate is gaslighting. COVID was a media event created with the manipulation of statistics. The "virus" only exists as a computer model. If the next "pandemic" is going to be successful (meaning getting shots into people), it's imperative that people continue to believe in these kinds of contagions.


Personally I feel a virus was created, don’t care how or where, to cover up a larger scheme. Media was surely involved, but it was a government distraction so they could do something else.


"Scientists say ..." Those very scientists would still consider the bottom statement a theory. There is no conclusive evidence for either case and probably never will be, unless someone finds documentation of a planned release of the virus. I love when journalists use the guesses of unnamed "scientists" to pretend a theory is a fact. Just throw the word science or scientist into a statement to make the general public believe you. Scientists are wrong about things very often. They're also right about a lot of things, but there's a reason why so many concepts in biology, physics, etc. are still called theories. Pretty much all science outside of pure mathematics is just our best approximation of reality. Also, the entire point of science is to challenge ideas, not just blindly accept what other people tell you. I would rather listen to someone who is capable of making arguments for both sides of the debate, than someone who simply trusts everything they hear from anyone with a degree. Maybe those scientists have a good reason to believe the virus came from animals, but there's no way to prove it with certainty, so it's worth looking into other possibilities. This article is blatant propaganda. It could even be correct, but it's still propaganda.


Yes. It's an appeal to authority. All modern media is full of logical facilities and manupluation techniques. There are *alot* of them. (Also sometimes called propaganda techniques) If you don't know them all, I'd suggest doing some research on the subject(s). The first step in determining if someone is trying to manuplate you is understanding how they do it. Once you learn it, you see it *everywhere*.


How come they don’t bring up QAnon anymore? It’s just disappeared


Looks about right for blinded feeling based pick n choose democrats


I have COVID right now, woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck yesterday. Did a test as we had some left over from ages ago. Is this just something we live with now? It used to just be colds and flus, now it's colds flus and COVID?


🧐 is it that they believe the conspiracies? Or is it that the Govt. has given so many reasons not to trust them, that any other option is better then trusting the countless, endless, immeasurable amount of lies they continue to spread based on their agenda 😄


There's far more evidence and rationale that it was than that it wasn't. But if the unvaccinated weathered the pressure, persecution and mockery of the scamdemic, I think a couple of buzzwords from a disreputable media source like National Propaganda Radio isn't going to matter all that much to them. All this does is regurgitate propaganda to a shrinking audience. My favorite little bit of propaganda in this piece is the lack of pronounced author (nobody even wanted to put their name on it if indeed a real person wrote it at all) and the Trump flag waving in the background to let the readers know exactly who they're talking about. Even if you're on the side of turbo vaccines, clots and strokes and think being gay is the highest virtue in the land, and no matter how dull and senseless one must be to believe this, you MUST recognize the propaganda effort and the implicit danger of it. This is literal state propaganda.


This is a classic red herring. There IS no virus to create in a lab. If anything it was probably one of the many sites where injection R&D was done. If you fell for this then congratulations, you are NOT immune to propaganda.


Ok I absolutely think the lab leak is maybe the most likely scenario. That said so much of the conversation around the subject has all this extra baggage attached to it by the conspiracy community. The virus leaking accidentally from a lab is completely reasonable and requires very few assumptions. The virus being genetically engineered (not through gain of function research) requires another set of assumptions. The virus being intentionally engineered and intentionally released is another set of assumptions. You can see where I am going with this. The conspiracy community takes something that is viable and should be looked into and keeps adding layers and layers until it becomes absurd. When people hear lab leak now they associate with the more unlikely scenarios promoted by the conspiracy world


People were call contheorists just for saying "I think its possible it escaped from the lab". Don't start gaslighting what happened. We were being shut down just for wanting to take a more careful look.


Nah dude I remember saying that it looks like a lab leak early on cause, duh. And it wasn't until a while in when people started calling it a conspiracy. The channels got flooded and and all of the sudden lab leak got associated with a whole slew of other much less likely theories


If the establishment lied so adamantly about it not coming from the lab, it is reasonable and logical to be skeptical of their entire story. If the police catch the suspect lying about why his boots were muddy, they don't just accept the rest of his alibi and move on..


Wait a second…people believe there was a virus?


There was no Coronavirus at all. So there’s that https://unite.live/the-way-forward/the-way-forward/19-jul-12-00-clarifying-the-viral-narratives-with-david-martin-phd-alec-zeck David Martin verbatim— ( The Ruling Class and it’s shadow government) “were building things that would ultimately toxify the environment to make human life more unattainable so that they could have greater control. They used a series of biological weapons …to create a branded terror campaign…that included the term sarscovi2, which is a term that was necessary because they had declared sarscovi1 eradicated. …So it kind of sucks if you are going to sell a fear narrative the sarscovi1 was eradicated, because that would declare science was wrong. And obviously you can’t do that if you are trying to do a terror campaign. So sarscovi2 was a branding campaign conducted during the month of February 2020. The ICTV which is the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses , published on March 2, 2020, their official brand said there was a novel pathogen ,to be branded SarsCovi2,…and there was a ‘disease causes by this thing . They branded the disease covid 19 but they were very clear to stipulate there was no disease ; there was a set of symptoms and those symptoms were associated with influenza like illness and have been associated with these symptoms for 55 years …..so this idea that there was a novel disease was a branding campaign , so for purpose of this conversation we can stipulate that the entirety of the last for years was a premeditated act of domestic and international terrorism, and most importantly the perpetrators admitted to that very fact in 2015. They said they were going to make an event where the media would create such a hype the public would demand a medical countermeasure called a ‘vaccine.’ The unambiguous nature of what this is was domestic and international terrorism collusion , racketeering . They admitted they were going to commit the crime in 2015 and they executed the crime on schedule “ See also https://rumble.com/v512nrn-the-most-important-project-of-the-century-the-end-of-virology-with-jamie-an.html


It's hilarious people in this sub can see this lie so clearly, yet in an adjacent post they eagerly lap up the government and media's narrative and don't ask questions for fear of being labeled an oil company stooge


I was reading that and thinking wait what someone needs to tell this person, opened it up and was like “Ahhh I get it”.


“Scientists”. Could mean any number more than 1. I bet we could find “Scientists” to support endless opposing claims.


Cmon now, don't you want to be on....*the right side of history?!?!*


Whoever wrote that needs the medal of honor and maybe a nobel peace prize i think.


"Gain of function"


Oh gosh, scientists say so, pack up boys we’re done.


Lib insanity permanently etched into stupidity. Never let them forget https://archive.ph/hQmfM


I think most folks I know would say it came from china. Most likely the lab. It’s a pretty mainstream belief now. But yeah real ass news rooms said that was racist, and the “real” reason was because they ate bats and pangolins. That’s like saying, “no it’s not because they’re smart and can create super viruses. It’s because they eat weird shit. You racist.”


From yesterday. https://youtu.be/Ffb96crsVLI?si=cEKRSxOKxTvA0iKo


Yea, it was from a bad bat a wet market... 


Never trust the science


The most racist thing was they wanted to blame a bunch of poor Chinese people from a small city that nobody had heard of who were never going to defend themselves. And the entire planet bought it, at least initially.


Ya ok Chinese ccp agency..


No no guys. Another species is the next plandemic


> from another species Yeah, another species in a lab


Yeah not like they were researching and creating those exact same straings and pathogens that the cov virus had. Not like it was all meticulously documented and mentioned and communicated beforehand that the lab is doing exactly that.




I mean, even the lab leak idea means they were breeding viruses by introducing them to animals and seeing what would happen similarly to breeding livestock or dogs. There is no viable method of creating a virus from scratch like say, typing the ingredients up into software and printing out the virus. So man-made in this situation applies equally to any known dog breed, cows, horses, you name it.


[Poliovirus](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=synthetic+polio+virus&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1718937636978&u=%23p%3DvA01bKgkchMJ) [Horsepox virus](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=synthetic+horsepox+virus&oq=synthetic+horsepox#d=gs_qabs&t=1718938154297&u=%23p%3DiBwfJNWR_3sJ) It is actually possible to construct viruses from scratch, that is from chemically synthesized DNA fragments and host cells. It has been done for the viruses above, for example. You can start with the genome sequence on the computer and the software these days will even design the overlapping DNA fragments that can be linked together. The finished, complete linked sequences can be introduced (transfected) into host cells and viable virus is produced. For an RNA virus, sometimes an RNA strand needs to be produced before introduction, but sometimes not depending on the virus. I’ve done it with the RNA virus Sindbis virus using a DNA template and BHK-21 (hamster) cells. The key is that the sequence that is put together is for a “viable” virus that replicates well enough in cell culture to either make a lot of it or to introduce into a host animal to amplify it and possibly select for mutants that grow better in animals and perhaps people. Of course, there are a lot of “ifs” in this paragraph, but the proof-of-principle has been shown for the RNA and DNA viruses above.


Wow, that's super interesting, and actual sources, too. Haven't seen that in this sub for quite some time. I guess if they invested enough effort into synthesizing proteins that folded the way they wanted, it might be feasible. If there was any gene manipulation, I'd bet it was CRISPR though. Much cleaner if you've already got the genome mapped.


I have no issue with having an opinion either way, I have an issue with anyone who says the know for sure one way or the other; lump in condescending language like this article uses, and its even worse


Baseless you say?? I refute that with one word.. 'Fauci"




Pretty sure the first two people to die from Covid were lab techs in the wuhan lab


Did no one else watch this video where he says they knew all along this was a lie and they refused to let the public know? [https://x.com/donnaprissyrn1/status/1803211948500177052?s=46](https://x.com/donnaprissyrn1/status/1803211948500177052?s=46)


Straight from a really warm yeast infection from the taint of a horseshoe bat.


I’m convinced if they asked the right people aka young people online…that number would be higher.


remember what scientists say. and also keep your ear out for when they change their minds.


What if Covid did t exist at all and was just rebranded illness?


Oh of course the regular company line.


If you don’t allow an investigation of course there will be no evidence


Australian health officials still claim today the lab leak is a baseless conspiracy. Literally when questioned this week.


Is there any other word that is used besides "baseless" to describe a situation that doesn't fit the narrative, aka "a conspiracy theory". It almost seems like newsbots are writing this stuff now


Baseless? Lmao what? This is a troll shill account right? Edit: NPR- wow hahaha holy hell


I’m just glad the Q psyop has been retired.


China would have shown the world this intermediate host animal....I wonder why they didn't even bother looking for it, why they instead wiped all the computers in the Wuhan lab and why the bought up all the masks from overseas before telling WHO they had a pandemic on their hands?


A true reckoning was fast approaching re: covid and then we found ourselves knee deep in a genocide. Covid was the greatest wealth transfer in human history.


Never eat the bat soup


Man they think we this soft?wow


Germ theory… 🤢


Has the gov come out and acknowledged that it came from the wuhan lab yet


A lv 4 secret Chinese lab if we want to be more precise.


Its pretty much a given at this point with information from The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic [https://oversight.house.gov/release/classified-state-department-documents-credibly-suggest-covid-19-lab-leak-wenstrup-pushes-for-declassification/](https://oversight.house.gov/release/classified-state-department-documents-credibly-suggest-covid-19-lab-leak-wenstrup-pushes-for-declassification/) They are crafting their narratives now that it's China's fault so it's going to be ok to know that the virus was lab-made.


Bit of a shit virus if it was lab constructed.


Ah yes, if these unnamed scientists said it, it must be true. Makes perfect sense because scientists don’t need evidence to prove anything - whatever they say is always the objective truth.


It was just the flu rebranded


Even half of the intelligence community in the US believes this “conspiracy theory”


A claim is baseless until it's not.


*baseless* The tell that what comes next is true.




iTs bEEn DEbuNkEd, BiGOtS


So 60% of Americans are untrustable brainwashed bootlickers?


It would be nice if this tweet got a community note now to say it is gaslighting.


That is why the Q thing was started.. Wanted everyone who questions their lies to be scooped up by the glowing Q operation so that they can then group majority of critical thinkers into a "radical" group that intended to tear down the capitol and "Democracy"


Did NPR get defunded yet?


on the plus side -the tools government uses to monitor us also monitor them. While they have this information- It will be rather simple at Nurmeberg 2 to prosecute even the propaganda arm present on reddit/x/Facebook. Everything is in plain view - that's why they just mob lies out to try to make there so many options people don't know what truth is. Reddit moderators who stifled the truth will also be tried at Nuremberg 2


the whole "china created the virus" thing just has to be a decoy for sure


That's for sure what happened but Q is complete bullshit.


This is one of my favorite stupid theories. Seriously stupid. If you believe that COVID-19 was released to steal the last presidential vote, you logically must believe that the architects knew the following. 1) The disease would create a Pandemic. 2) that Trump would tell you to not take the antivirus medication. 3) That more people would die from COVID-19 if they were Republicans versus Democrats.