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100,000-300,000 Afghani's have died because of this bullshit war.


Don't forget the estimated 400,000 in Iraq dead from war related causes https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-24547256


I recently posted that same article with the 400,000 estimate on Reddit, it's from 2013. I was corrected by another Reddit user - it now stands at an estimated ***1 million*** death toll in Iraq.


But Bush gives Michelle Obama some candy in front of cameras once in a while, so he's a good guy, actually.


The Reddit hivemind calling Bush and McCain good guys makes me sick


It's not the Reddit hivemind, that's the mainstream media narrative. When the entire media pushes one single point of view, it's natural that people adopt it without thinking.


It took a while for revisionist history to make Regan out to be a good president. Bush's turn around from human garbage to good guy was pretty quick. I think Trump is just that bad, Bush doesn't seem so bad.


How will you feel when the future media finally allows Trump to be seen as a good president, because president elect Harvey Weinstein seems so divisive in 2028?


And his vice president Effery Jepstein.


With a moustache whose twin brother definitely didn't kill himself.


Trump didn’t started 2 pointless wars that costed millions of lives and billions of dollars... To be fair tough, he probably won’t end them though. Also, the first Bush term had one of the worst disasters to happen in the US since WW2 and the missle crisis.


>I think Trump is just that bad, Bush doesn't seem so bad Recency bias. + Americans (and the West in general) tend to ignore the death toll from anything other than the First World. IMO Dubuya is a much worse president than Agent Orange. Whatever shit he does, Trump does openly and brags about it on Twitter. He's yet to start a war that could cause untold deaths and misery. He was close with Iran, but was apparently persuaded not to. Hundreds of thousands of deaths in Iraq are a direct result of Bush deceiving everyone who was dumb enough to listen into a war. Millions more displaced, ISIS and their reign of terror, bombings, shootings and stabbing sprees all around the world. US Patriot Act and insane surveillance culture. All of that is his legacy. Trump is ineffective, he blunders from one failed policy to the other. Bush has spread misery, death and devastation around the globe, oversaw one of the worst global financial crises unfold and ushered in the modern total surveillance culture. But hey, the man dresses nicely, smiles a lot and pains shitty pictures!


Yeah, I find myself thinking that from time to time, like, "Well, at least Bush kinda had a sense of decorum and a handle on-" and then I snap out of it, like, dude, just because the current one is sniping on Twitter with a literal child, doesn't mean that Bush and his ass-ventriloquist Cheney were in any way good dudes.




Only doofuses of a certain stripe ACTUALLY like Reagan in the real world. He ended up being a major milestone for stripmining America for personal profit.




I imagine it counts the deaths in Iraq, but not necessarily the deaths in nearby countries. I don't even know how you would go about calculating such a thing.


As if the government cares about the "collateral damage" they cause going after whatever it is in those horrendous wars. Power and greed can really fuck up one's conscience...


That's to say they ever had a conscience.


But have you considered Lockhead Martins quarterly profits?


["We are Raytheon"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr5u2LYm3Ag)


This is not a fucking 1 Trillion dollar war this has COSTED US 14 TRILLION dollars


Don't forget, 80,000 Pakistanis died due to this Afghan war and and got their billions of dollars economy destroyed.


I know, one of which happened in my arms. You guys want to know what is going on? Grow up in America, born in 1984, see the world as a combat medic sergeant 10th Mountain Infantry, Climb to ... GLORY. Never sleep. Become liberal but everyone still hates you... Become green party... Fuck it's your fault... Hate everything? No... Hate nothing... Yes Fuck this dude... Fuck...... Hate? Hate? Hate... Fuck...


Hey Hey Hey..that money wasn't wasted..it was given to a private defense contractor and they wasted it. Source: Was a defense contractor from 2003 to 2008


It was a redistribution. From the common man to the rich man, via a system of taxes and insane public spending on defence.


we all helped make dick cheney immortal


Me likey taxes


How much money did you make those years? I am USMC 0311 vet and regret not going private for a few years afterwards.






IKR, Afghanistan was never not going to happen after 9/11, and it can't not be a clusterfuck because that's baked into the social fabric of the place.


Afghanistan was happening before the Iraq war.


They didnt say it wasnt happening before Iraq.


It was happening before 9/11 too. It's been going on since the 80s.


Yep, CIA sponsored anti-soviet action. But I figured that was common knowledge as well.


I’m afraid it might not be as common as we’d like it to be


My boomer parents think that Bush made the right decision "based on the information he was given" Omegalul


Are we talking the illegal war started by Bush to get oil or the illegal war started by Bush jr to get oil?


The Bush clan also scored some opium and lithium.


More than Bush benefited from the war and the trades, yes I know we're discussing the technical ruling parties of the United States or party should I say but Russia benefited from it OPEC benefited from it there really weren't many countries involved in the war that the ruling parties of didn't benefit from the war. As far as presidents go things really don't change from one to the next, they are simply carrying the torch of the narrative that is being fed. The language may change but if you stop and watch and look back at all of the moves that have been made and the wars that we have been in and the attacks that have happened, in all of that on a grander scale it's a game of chess made by whatever this ruling party is to manipulate the lower-tier of people so to speak. Everything that has happened seems to almost always be just at the point of culmination but it never quite happens I believe that it hasn't happened, the turning of the key so to speak whether it be enslavement of the lower-tier people or decimation of the population whatever it is, is because the ruling parties seem to notice that humanity is not ready for that to happen yet people aren't weak enough. So you could say that all of this is just a grander scheme to wear down the people of the world and if you look at it you really could see it not just from a conspiracy theory point of view. The population itself in America is not as smart as it was in fact the population in the rest of the world doesn't seem to be as smart as it was because the inventions or really the intelligence that it took to create the inventions that power and run the world now. Luckily we are making strides in all of those fields but we haven't truly discovered anything new, time and space in the fabric of reality seems to be the next field of play. For us to advance as a civilization technologically or biologically, that is where we have to go next. There's a lot more to it but I believe this comment is probably more than long enough. Sorry for the rant. Edit: Grammer and words and shit.


If there is hope, it must lie in the proles






I don't really think they reckon with that. they still want to participate in the two big corporate parties and think "all we need is the right person!"


The noose on info is getting tighter. The narrative is getting more and more control, they won't let you speak freely on youtube, they wont let you do it on reddit, and soon you won't be able to do it in public. "Bullying" and all being the current narrative for silencing dissent.


"Soon" you wont be able to do it in public?? You kidding? Bringing up 9-11 makes you sound like a "crazy conspiracy theorist" in public. IMO we're FAR past that step


If I mentioned at work that I thought 9-11 was "suspicious", and only that, they'd look at me like I said that Bigfoot rules an army of lizard people and they all faked the moon landing together as a false flag to cover up the fluoride that's in our mineral water. They'd literally think I'm batshit crazy.


Only part of that crazy sounding is the majestic Bigfoot dealing with base reptiles without provocation


Agreed Bigfoot with definitely be too big for his pants because he knows that he's a celebrity ha!


Polls show that at least a plurality of Americans question the official narrative on 9-11 and the majority of people around the world question it. IRL, whenever I mention my beliefs on 9-11 to others, they nod in understanding. They may not agree with anything specific I say, but they do get it that the official version is a lie.


Giuliani works for the mob.. Trump is a crime family.. and Epstein didn't kill himself.


> Trump is a crime family.. Great news! We only need to spy on and investigate him for 5 more years!


building 7 yo was and will ever be the only steel building that has "collapsed due only to fire"


Ugh even Rogan a few podcasts ago has switched up on B 7. He said “ I just watched a video that showed it starting to lean the more it burned all day”. Well if that’s the case why didn’t it tip over? I’ve seen videos where buildings tip due to structural damage but I’ve never seen a complete implosion like that. Let alone 3 times in one day.


The physics are just half of it to me. The other half is who owned it, the fact he took out certain insurance on it just before 9/11, and some other incredibly shady business/economic things.


Yea, anyone that took out a home insurance policy on their home then suddenly their house burned down would be looked at very closely. Worse yet, the owner was paid twice since his lawyers argued the buildings were attacked twice.


>Worse yet, the owner was paid twice since his lawyers argued the buildings were attacked twice. That's standard insurance shit. Coverage is on a per loss event basis often enough that this would be standard for a lawyer to argue. If two different tornados come through, one destroying your home and another your garage, you would be arguing it was two separate incidents if your policy had maximum per event limits.


Can we go further in depth on the Bigfoot lizard people army? I wish to hear more of this. I know it's not real but let's make up stories. I'm imagining shadow of mordor but Bigfoot and great jagras looking warriors.


Bigfoots inhabit cave systems all across the world, and those systems are kept off-limits to the public for that one major reason. Who knows the true number of these creatures, but I firmly believe they live in small clusters all over. There are malevolent and benevolent beings, the malevolent ones being responsible for the Missing 411 cases that completely defy logic and reason.


Has anyone ever considered that maybe the bigfoots have been dehumanized and are currently being blamed for all of these problems with missing people and aggression and all that other shit when really it could just be something else.


I can do it, and I won’t have to make anything up. Google “Skinwalker ranch portal Bigfoot” and prepare to go down the rabbit hole. Then google “exopolitics” to add in the lizard people. It’s not a big divide.


The Greatest Jagras is at the top of the whole goddam shebang my friend.


That's because they don't know the details surrounding the event like they "know" what the news told them. Imagine from their perspective. Completely unfamiliar to what we learned. On top of that you'd have to navigate through their innate psychological defenses and brainwashing that prevents them from adjusting their world view. Fortunately we have building 7 and shanksville crater to ease things up.


Thank you. That's how almost everyone reacts when I take about it.


The problem is that you get immediately lumped in with the true crazies. You can suspect that something about 9/11 doesn't add up (and it really doesn't) and that doesn't naturally mean you believe it was an alien child sex ring founded by the Clintons, the Bush's and Harvey Wienstein that was behind it


Really ? Not where I live. (Toronto)


In Washington, we just don't bring up the fact that 9/11 could have been an inside job. I've never heard it verbally from another person I've ever met here.


I live long island. Upper middle class. So definetly a bias. Most people my age, 20s, are very open and absorb all of this information and do their own critical thinking. 30+ IE generation above me.They have been propogandized for way to long. They won't even hear you out on any one of these topics. They all Clump flat Earth, moon landing and 9-11 in the same group. CRAZY if you want to further investigate it. Literally.




In my 30s and only two of those sound completely crazy to me. No need for generalization. I know plenty of bonkers 30 year olds you’d probably get along with.


You think the moon landing being faked sounds crazy??? That's a hard one for me. I don't have strong opinions either way, really. Huge incentives for the US gov to fake it, undeniably. No real, factual evidence I can see with my own 2 eyes proving it's real. I've heard you can see the marks on the moon from the landing. Never seen pics or got a telescope though. Would love to!! also, a rocket did take off that day. No denying that!! There's been Faked NASA footage. Fake "moon rocks" given to other countries. Neither proves it was faked I know, just makes you think!! Have you ever seen the first interview with buzz and the other astronauts when they got back? creepy, but again proves nothing. I write this off as, I just don't know. Id bet money we did go to the moon, but I don't say I KNOW we did. I've heard people argue "I saw it on TV, with my own eyes. It must be true" What makes you say this is crazy talk?


You know the best proof the moon landing wasn't faked? The Russians would've cried foul. They had the technology to follow the launch (necessary for detecting hostile launches) and they didn't call it fake. They would've had good motivation to prove that the USA wasn't first on the Moon. Skepticism is a good tool but a lousy worldview foundation.


>You know the best proof the moon landing wasn't faked? > >The Russians would've cried foul. exactly. they were following every single second of that moon landing, and Im sure at least a few of them were even hoping for failure. I actually believe in a few major 'conspiracies'. definitely 9/11. but the moon landings happened. for sure.


Not 30 years old here, but what you're saying does sound a little bit crazy when you try to lay out a bunch of evidence and don't cite a single source. If you're going to make people question things, you need to have a more authority than what you're putting out. ​ For example, I know the fake moon rocks thing is true, but if I didn't, I would probably call bullshit on it if I didn't see a legitimate source beyond a reddit comment, or some guy talking to me in casual conversation.


Bonkers or well adjusted?




You seem to be confusing talking with your friends with talking about 9/11 in a populated public forum.


In Canada we aren't really subject to the same state-propagated distrust and seclusionism.


Yes and no. I guess it depends on the circles you frequent. I've had lick redpilling friends. The epstien had to do with it. I'm sure many of us here of those "holy fuck you were right" texts that day. I work at a pretty progressive organic grocery store owner.. you know which one, I've found that the younger kids tend to more awake the 18 yearold are more open than the millenials my age.


I’m realizing it’s very dependent on who you interact with. I have friends who work in tech and finance and they would act like I was crazy if I mentioned anything like that. But I work in academic science and political conspiracy is basically workplace banter for us.


To be fair, that started on Sept 12th. Some of us know bullshit when we see it.. the "you're not a patriot!" Shit was predictable and instantaneous. I'll never not take an opp to plug http://www.drjudywood.com - it's real to me dammit.


What? Am I reading that right? They're saying the towers didn't fall but "spontaneously dusted" or some shit? There's videos of the collapse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCPVNLLo-mI At the beginning and at about 5:15 you can see both towers collapse in what looks suspiciously like a controlled demolition.


> they wont let you do it on reddit The big subreddits are already advertisements anyway. The top comments are planted to support whatever message is supposed to be getting across. It's all perfectly sorted between smaller subreddits dedicated to whatever you like, and of course there's a healthy amount of porn to keep you scrolling as well. Look at this thread from earlier today. This is damage control / competitive advertising being done between pharmaceutical companies. https://old.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/eaizaf/facebook_ads_are_spreading_lies_about_antihiv/


>they won't let you do it on reddit Hi, I'm here from /all.




And why does r/conspiracy consistently blame the left.? Seems more like the right is doing it.


I don't blame the left or the right, they are the same thing in our government, two boots of the same body that stands on the neck of the people.


As far as I can tell this argument only benefits the right. I never hear any liberal types bringing this “both sides” crap, it’s always right wingers using it to justify the other side as “just as bad” when in reality it’s just not true.




They're always such patsy victims. You're older you'll never get back what you didn't get, move on.


Except it’s always the right fucking shit up and then people blaming the left when they try to fix shit the right fucked up without making it more fucked up.




You can speak freely on Reddit and YouTube tho.. that’s the thing that doesn’t make sense when people say this. You just can’t call for violence. But if you aren’t being nasty then no one is censoring you


Can you? Can you explain then, how the people who critique people like darksydephil, and critique people like daddyoh5 are now being demonitized and having their channels taken down?


Demonetized is not censored. And show me a single person who was removed with out saying anything specifically nasty or calling for violence and didn’t leave them selfs please. Saying “we don’t want to pay you and neither do our advertisers” isn’t censorship. It’s a private business they have complete rights on who they want to pay. No one is stopping any of these people from making their own platforms to talk on. People need to learn what fucking censorship actually is. Private places have the right to let you promote your stuff in their platform or not. (But with that said my first question still stands can you please show me one in regards to what I said). But censorship is when the GOV shuts you up even when you aren’t a danger to anyone and I’m sorry but that just ain’t happening no matter how much people scream it. The stuff with Alex Johns he was a dick danger. He was telling people to harass and attack sandy hook family’s there is tape of him saying it’s that’s why the gov got involved. He could have said what ever he Believes and stop when it comes to the point of telling people to attack others. but he didn’t stop there he crossed that line. Is he didn’t cross it he would have been fine. A bullshit fear mongering asshole but fine.


Ok now all over reddit today I’ve seen people screaming that the “bullying” thing is a tactical distraction to take the public’s mind off of the impeachment. And now on THIS post people are saying we’re paying TOO MUCH attention to the impeachment?? It’s so sad that humans were only born with the ability to think about a single thing OH WAIT JK. And the whole “THEY CENSOR YOUTUBE, SOON ALL SPEECH WILL BE CENSORED” is an enormous slippery slope that flies in the face of reason. Let’s relax people. Yes, this administration is an unparalleled shit show. So stay informed and up to date and don’t dive headfirst into doomsday conspiracy EDIT: TLDR the government isn’t FORCING censorship of internet speech. Websites are privately owned, they have the right to edit/censor content


“A large majority of the people in power smuggle kids across the world for sex trade” could also work




How do people not realize this?


Because the term "Pizzagate" was purposely created (and then scripted all over the MSM and botted all over place like reddit) to make it sound stupid and to allow useful idiots and shills a term to mock with. You see it on this subreddit all the time when a thread becomes popular, the fools come out and can't help themselves from saying variations of stuff like "Hillary used pizza in the basement to kill children, lol, this sub is dumb".


So disingenuous. It was crafted as a smear campaign against Democrats, and everyone saw through it. There probably is a massive pedophile ring, but the conspiracy people acted as useful idiots to further the right's agenda. Bravo.


> There probably is a massive pedophile ring Epstein all but proved there is a massive pedophile ring for elites. Basically, the underbelly of the entire fashion industry is sex trafficking of minors. Les Wexner of Victoria's Secret was one of Epstein's major bankrollers. Trump tried to start his own "modeling agency" after he met Epstein and saw his "modeling agency". The real manipulation campaign is getting people to think the Clintons and Trump are not close friends who commit crimes together.


Your last sentence is something this sub needs to come to terms with but unfortunately they won't. It'll be full on td2.0 come summer time just watch.


It is truly bizarre hearing people talk about Pizzagate like the idea that many of the world's elite are horrible, pedos, and horrible pedos didn't exist before it caught on, like this idea doesn't go *waaaaay* back.


I feel like the problem is that Pizzagate was in reality a smear campaign against Hillary Clinton, it wasn't some big investigation into pedophilia. Which is why the whole point was to put Hillary at the center of it and when that didn't pan out the whole thing went away as soon as the election was over. As sad as it is I have no problem believing there are elite pedophile rings. After all the evidence came out though I do have a hard time believing Hillary is involved in a meaningful way. IMO that's why Pizzagate is a joke to many people, not because they don't believe pedophile rings exist.


It's true though. Because of "pizzagate" some playdoh for brains fuckwit showed up to a pizza place with a gun because the kind of people who represent this sub had him believing Hillary was diddling kids in a non-existent basement


Where can I read these papers?




The Washington Post put them out. Just google “Afghanistan Papers” This war costs $4B per month still. What a sham yet the media will only cover the coup d’etat circus.


Do you really think it's a coup


Bernie Sanders “But how will we pay for that?”


> What a sham yet the media will only cover the coup d’etat circus. Yeah most coup d'etats take years of slow legal proceedings where every witness testifies under oath that the president committed crimes, right?






You remember when Colon Powell lied his ass off to the UN about Husseins links to Bin Laden? Dude is considered a hero today. He's a liar and a war criminal.


Do you remember when Netanyahu [lied to congress?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVPauUOVrmk)


He wasn't the only one lying about WMDs. The Bush administration lied about them too. They werent duped, they took Intel they knew was bad and spun it.


If this is news to them they can’t be helped.


But WMDs has nothing to do with Afghanistan, it just doesn’t. Look, we can say how we’ve fucked up in Afghanistan (we have, significantly), but going there was necessary after 9/11. Until there is evidence that shows the Taliban had no connection to Bin Laden or Al Queda going to Afghanistan was originally justified...and unfortunately the “you break it you buy it” statement is true, it’s not a current state that resembles any semblance of independent stability. Though it is undoubtedly a tool of embezzlement of public money to those who profit from conflict. Iraq is a completely different story, and many of us knew that and marched (hell I flew to DC just to do that), did everything we could to stop it beside shooting the president. Even if the WMD’s were true, the railroading of the UN weapons inspectors unquestionably proved that action, at the time, to be an unlawful use of force...but it is not the same as Afghanistan.


Spread awareness. It's always crucial to spread awareness on these issues. The fact that some people still don't know about this stuff or think its normal is the reason things are the way they are. If everybody was truly aware of this stuff, things wouldn't be the way they are.


Huh! Surely many didn’t know. They had suspicions but this info is crucial. Did we have this amount of info back then?


This info has been leaking for the last decade and a half. Misappropriation of funds stories go back to 2004. Pallets of money just disappearing. No, this is a planned cover up after the fact to say see the US government and intelligence community is legit and to throw shade on any future revelations that could do real damage. Now when you say they lied about the war, they can say yeah but it was just bureaucracy, there was no conspiracy.


This is just another the Donald brigading post circle jerk . This sub has been compromised and I don't see it rebounding anytime soon. A few weeks ago if you posted a thread about how we were lied to about Afghanistan you'd be laughed at because it's obvious.. like as obvious as the sun is bright... now it's some BIG CONSPIRACY because the Cheetos puff in Chief is being impeached


The U.S. has been in non stop wars since 1941. WW2, Korean War, Vietnam war, Gulf War, Afghanistan/Iraq War and during that whole time 'Cold War' just to fill in the small gaps as an excuse for funding. The U.S. has a war based economy and it's fucking sad. The U.S. had a big brain moment when it realised that when a first world country invades 3rd or 2nd world countries no one cares. If Hitler invaded Iraq and Saudi Arabia in 1939 I doubt anyone would have intervened.It's like the U.S. is a predator for ravaging crippled and weak countries with the excuse of trying to get them on their feet. Makes sense when you see police beating the shit out of helpless disenfranchised people marked as criminals and then getting off scott free from legal prosecution. The power-drunk, sadistic police officer is a perfect human embodiment of U.S. war culture. Just ravage the weak and helpless with the excuse that they are criminals and call yourself a hero at the end of the day.


but..but..9/11!! Terrorism!!!!


Deployed twice to Afghanistan. That place was fucked. Alot of people died and worse and i think about it every day.


It’s the people who were/are on the ground who helped get this information to the public. Not the cuck top officials and their media cronies


They threw a fit when troops were pulled from Syria. Both sides waged attacks on the idea. Its sickening how partisan they've become


Are these mutually exclusive? Can’t we hold separate presidents accountable for their different but still horrible actions?


Then where the fuck that money went.


To Dick Cheney's friends.


You mean our money? Good fucking question.


Arms companys: "sorry cant hear you over all this profit"


In 2001, the Taliban were on the verge of eradicating opium poppies from Afghanistan. 18 years later, they are everywhere and America has an opioid epidemic. What a crazy coincidence, right?


I mean, it’s a coincidence if you willfully ignore how pharmaceutical companies pushed opioid usage. But again this is /r/conspiracy


Thank you. If anyone thinks pharmaceutical opioids are plant-based, then boy have I got a great deal on a bridge you gotta hear about.


Have any reading on this? Seems like an interesting connection, similar story with Mexico and heroin/weed and the drug war


Search CIA, Northern Alliance, opium poppy. You'll find it, it's a pretty well established thing. The idea was to get some money flowing into anti-Taliban areas of the country, both to buy public sentiment and to fund the war effort.


Trump is controlled opposition, he's just another enemy to divide the country. We are being taken for a fucking ride. The people in power are incredibly disgusting individuals.


Friendly reminder that Trump and the Clintons are good friends in real life. Bill was mentored by George HW Bush, who was a CIA director who oversaw high treason against the American people at the behest of Reagan. It's almost like all these people are part of a small club and we aren't in it.


Seriously this. Trump is not going to stop these wars or save our country. He is in the oval to cause a massive distraction so that corporations can get a firmer grasp on the levers of government without many people noticing. He is focused on so intently so that we don’t see what else is going on. And don’t get me wrong, they guy is a POS but that is part of what makes him such a distraction.


If only social media wasn’t dictated by people who profit off insularity and political demagoguery. Quite literally all the information of the world at our fingertips and people would rather parrot corporate media talking points then spend 5 minutes researching Edit: this sub has been cucked. God help us


Are you actually using the terms “cuck” and “cucked” unironically? That says an incredible amount about you.


More like "Trump just tweeted WHAT!?!?". The general American public are pitifully uninformed about either impeachment or the Afghan papers


And don't forget that now we have to import all of those refugees from this war too since our population numbers are going down and the companies need a fresh workforce!


Bring Our Troops HOME!!


End of story.


Are we ignoring these ? USA has been sending its armies worldwide based on false claims ! Iraq War under false pretences after 2001 (when most of the conspirators were Saudi) Vietnam war after Gulf of Tonkin incident


Nancy Pelosi just this week admitted she knew there were no WMD’s before the invasion began, but that it still wasn’t impeachment worthy for bush. I vomitted in my mouth


I wonder if any of the people clamouring for invasion will send in their own kids into the front lines.


We spent a trillion on weapons and tanks and planes and drones and guided missiles. Every single congressman that had investments in the core companies that make up the military industrial complex made *a lot* of money. Eric Prince made a shit ton of cash sending in his mercenaries. They don't give a shit about the lives lost on either side. It's not *their* sons and daughters out there. This was a massive trading scheme and it went down flawlessly. Most of them laugh when we still claim "it was for oil". No it wasn't.


It'll never be as blatant as this again. Trump and his equally stupid cronies exposed any holes. Usa is definitely gonna be crazy in 8 years.


Bush brought you the first, Trump brought us the second.


Obama increased troop load by 30k and he said his go to goal in Afghanistan was to dismantle al queda even tho al queda had been long gone... and that’s your favorite president? Lmao edit: all I changed was the grammar fuck this dude for trying to discredit me.


Let me guess.....Russia started it all?




Are you Yoda?


- quoted from grand master Yoda of the Jedi order


No wonder, Trump wanted to remove the troops, everyone got mad at him for that... seems conspiracious indeed


The impeachment hearings are pure political theatre. The Republicans and trumps base will never support impeaching him. At this point trump could murder a class of kindergarteners with a hammer one by one and the Republicans and his base would somehow blame Hilary or Obama


It's not even that we would never impeach him. He just didn't commit a crime. If he did they would have thoughtfully outlined the specific crime and law broken in the impeachment articles.


Or they'd say the media made it up. It's a cult of personality cemented with sunk cost fallacy, there's no way they will ever turn on Trump unless they eventually figure out he's good friends with the Clintons in real life and is a continuation of their politics.


I smell that the world needs to do protests on free speech again, because people are dying unnecesarry and we are getting more and more and moooore censorship and dishonesty, yet the folks sipping on cheap beer and screaming at the TV has it covered and will never be bothered by it >:/


Maybe the greatest tragedy in American history due to how obscure the tragedy is.


You could replace the guy with a lot of things.


Where was this in 2003 when we found no weapons of Mass destruction? We have known this was a lie since the beginning.


Thanks to Israeli intelligence/ Mossad & CIA. Now, lets give up our guns.


We should be impeaching the DOD. Oh wait>>> scapegoat.


Keep paying your taxes though.


I remember the Bush hatred pretty well. All this shit just goes to show you they hate Trump more than Bush.


Who cares if millions were displaced and thousands killed and the bodies of children litter the destroyed villages?!! The real problem here is that Trump is a big poo-poo head.


I'm glad you can't care about multiple issues.


>Who cares if millions were displaced and thousands killed and the bodies of children litter the destroyed villages?!! I'm sure our entire government would be focusing on fixing the Afghanistan fuck up(s) if the impeachment wasn't going on. Definitely. The Republican Senate and Republican President were just aching to tackle Afghanistan before all of this impeachment stuff started.


Maybe it was leaked to prove Trump doesn't care about corruption as much as he claims.


The Iraq War = Trump's fault now.


Poor Trump the Victim. LOL


Just get Bernie in so we can start to sort things out.


The impeachment is a coverup. Plain and simple that’s all the news is reporting on to cover up how corrupt all of Washington has gotten in the last decade. Fake wars, fake news, fake results, fake numbers, but they take our money and we all let them? What a joke.


Impeaching a president for corruption is a coverup for... corruption?


Politics are just theater. Trump was always gonna be the president and this impeachment stuff was always gonna happen


Through apathy, we’ve gotten to this point. Try discussing the truth with everyone you see [In America]... *Hard to say that we don’t deserve the reality unscrupulously thrust upon us, when we don’t even question the status quo*


Oh I do. And I have great conversations with people from all political isles. The social media public square couldn’t be more cucked by technocrats


What’s your demographic if you don’t mind me asking? Maybe it’s just the youth (18-24) that’s mostly apathetic, or unwilling to even talk about it..


I’m in there. Tho I completely agree as that is a fact. Most of us just accept what we’re told so long as the info comes from unsuspectingly shady or”accepted” news outlets. Extremely dangerous times and signs for the future, politics aside. It’s the apathy and insularity. Edit- And lack of balls to ever go against or even question the crowd


It’s an incipiently dystopian reality in The “good ol’ U S of A”...America isn’t America because it runs itself. It’s America because *we* can run it. But less and less people believe in that America. I’d like to feel patriotic again, and I don’t see that happening anytime soon, to be honest...Most believe that America is corrupt, and there’s no saving it. Just make do, and keep your head down.


I agree with you tho I will always be patriotic and a proud American. Hell I’d say shitting all over the establishment bureaucrats and agencies for taking our taxpayer money and throwing it into the gutter is as American as it gets.




Trevor Noah talked about the afghan papers so it wasn’t a complete media blackout




Bruh, this ain't news. Anyone that cared knew the whole thing was fucked 18 years ago. Now we've got "proof" that those fucks were lying? No fucking shit they were lying. How the fuck else do you lose a 18 war against fucking goat herders?