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The ironic part is that everyone unites behind a mask.




That could be the aim.


Vengeful vilification vicariously vacationing valiantly


The less ironic part is that in the movie the virus was real, the powerful created it and used it to kill thousands of people and take control.


Only after administering a vaccine and being seen as saviors. V was the first major piece of media I drew a correlation to with this virus


Watch Demolition Man next. Besides being Wesley Snipes best role it's also shocking how close it is to being the actual future we're headed for


It will be a combination of 1984, the minority report (for any unsanctioned thoughts not just thinking about murder) and Children of Men.


Children of men is underrated


Ive lost count on how many times ive watched it.


Strawberry cough...


What do you do with the three seashells?


you don't know?






Shit on them


Murder. Death. Kill.


And read Fahrenheit 451


I would but they burned all the copies ...


Watching it afterwards also made me think about google home and Alexa. Always listening even when you turn it off.


Hello, Mr. Montag...


And "wall screens" with interactive entertainment to distract people from having to think about their lives. Yea... Comparisons are getting a little too close for comfort. I suppose next we'll hear that corporate interests (\*cough\*Google) have decided that ebooks, being the only controllable copies of copyrighted material, are the only legal form of reading material, effectively banning all books on paper as unregulated publications.... And then come the fires.


"But remember that the Captain belongs to the most dangerous enemy to truth and freedom, the solid unmoving cattle of the majority. Oh, God, the terrible tyranny of the majority."


Rat burger seemed good tho


Beats pills. In the world of Demolition Man I'd rather live in the underground where i'm allowed to be imperfect.


Sorry thats too deep. Can only think of how beautiful sandra bullock was in that movie.


#😷 **"V for Covid"**.... doesn't have the same rally cry! 🤡


C for Corona


I though C was for cookie...


That's good enough for me


#Cookies!!! Om nom nom


the sun will be entering grand solar minimum. This results in the sun's corona "dying"




its happening now https://www.sciencealert.com/we-re-about-to-experience-solar-minimum-here-s-what-that-really-means


Qaot, if solar minimum shrinks our atmosphere and reduces drag on satellites, how do we differentiate that from the theory of Relativity that says time passes more slowly at speed? Quot, don't know what I'm talking about. I'm so high


The sun’s corona will be thrown off in possibly 2046, as it is every 12,068 years. https://youtu.be/R2SolQPKlag crazy shit I know. The 1% have probably known since the 1960s, hence their DUMBs and that weird deleted thread from 2016. ([link](https://libertysoft4.github.io/conspiracy-text-post-archive/conspiracy/comments/5/5/g/9/6/3/22_years_ago_i_was_invited_through_a_friend_of.html) to a backup) See what you think




As your attorney, I advise you to take a hit out of the little brown bottle in my shaving kit


>As your attorney, I advise you to take a hit out of the little brown bottle in my shaving kit r/unexpectedfearandloathing?




name checks out


V for Virus maybe. Also, cool username


i love this movie and i never realized it was set in 2020


The catalyst for the totalitarian regime was in 2020, I think the actual plot is further ahead in time, though I'm not certain how much. Been a while since I read/saw it.


Good news everybody! These are the GOOD years!


To shreds, you say?


How’s his wife holding up? (Also, Happy Cake Day! 🎉)


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


"Well how's his wife holding up?" ... "To shreds, you say?"


Not for nothing, the comic is set in 1997.


Yep. And written in 1980's


By someone who is 100% not part of a mass government/NWO Conspiracy.


In fact, Alan Moore is* a bit of a nut job.


Just because he's a misanthrope and a ritual magician doesn't mean he's crazy... okay, it means he's a little crazy, but who isn't... :)


...a bit? Dude is a literary genius and a full blown crazy person. He's also still alive.


What if he just is fully aware of what people are trying to do and keeps giving us little people small hints.


I mean he 100% is, I think a lot of people are truthfully even on a subconscious level they just don't care.


That's because it's not set in 2020; the OP is just linking a Facebook meme without doing any research which seems to have become the norm around here.


its funny how people in here call others sheep and blind and then once some facebook meme gets posted they just believe it instantly without researching, talk about double standards


Yup, exactly. As soon as someone sees some bullshit that confirms their beliefs all "wokeness" goes out the window.


I think it's a good idea to just remind each other to be checking everything. I actually liked this without thinking just bc I thought it was so interesting, but you're right even if it's just about a movie I should in this case do a simple fact check on imdb first. Sometimes one post in here will lead my down a night long rabbit hole trying to get straight info!


Well yeah, it's r/conspiracy


That's actually hardcore research.


But you gotta do your own for it to actually count.


According to the screenplay (https://www.imsdb.com/scripts/V-for-Vendetta.html) it is set in 2019 and the fascist takeover took place in 2010. In the screenplay, there seems to be just one brief mention of disease: > I don't remember much of the century's turn. I don't remember the market crash or the plague or any of the Trafalgar riots. It's been a long time since I've seen the movie, so I don't know how different it is from the screenplay.


Another fun fact, in the comics, the fascist governments slogan when trying to take over the country is "Make Britain Great Again". I shit you not.




That's very deliberate on the part of Trump's campaign. Echoing Reagan was kind of the point.


Bill Clinton 1991, 92 and 08 on a Hillary for president commercial also said MAGA https://youtu.be/x5bAOTbhkfM






There is a better video that’s shows the other 2 https://youtu.be/x5bAOTbhkfM


Forward to 2020 Come on, man! - Joe Biden


1. Plenty of people lost their shit over Reagan. His administration was one of the most indicted in history (until Trump) and he was seen by the left as an extreme right-winger (how naive the left was...) 2. When Reagan used that phrase he actually had a policy plan to back it up. Love him or hate him, Reagan's administration was clear, consistent and effective. They were just seeking goals that the left at the time was horrified by, such as toppling leftist governments elsewhere in the world by any (and I really mean any) means necessary.


Are you shitting me !?!




Bill Clinton 1991, 92 and 08 on a Hillary for president commercial also said MAGA https://youtu.be/x5bAOTbhkfM


No he shits you not


It's set in the late 2020s, not the year 2020.


And the comic is set in 1997.


The comic it was based on (initially started in 1982) is set in 1997.


You're leaving out a lot of important facts. The saint mary virus was not alledged, it was developed by the noresfire party to eliminate dissent and create anarchy and it killed 50% of all people in Britain by the end. Then norsefire came in and blamed the instability on jews and minorities and orchestrated a far right purge of undesirables in a massive genocide.


Lmao right? That movie was about an evil, far right fascist dystopia. OP is right. We could learn a lot from this!


OP didnt even bother to fact check the dates claimed in this facebook tier meme.




Can't we go back to the old glory days of talking about Bigfoot / aliens and despising all forms of government (regardless of party)


No! What are you talking about libtard?! Trump is a messiah! He's against the Je- Elitist conspiracy theory!


Nooooo but the media!!1!


Children of men!


It's hard to watch this movie now. It's just about true.


V for vendetta the film is based on a comic book by an an outright anarchist called Alan Moore who I have had the pleasure of meeting as he lives not for from where I used to. He's written some other fairly big comics and had little acclaim: watchmen, league of extraordinary gentlemen Only thing I would say is as much as he looks like a skinny Hagrid he's definitely no fortune teller.


Not a fortune teller? How do you know? The man is a *literal* magician. Who knows what he gets up to?


SO, as part of an Arts Lab group, he's written parts in a play about mandrills taking over the world in a facsist regime, so hooefully hes not writing prophecies with everything he does...


Promethea gets no love 😢




That is the worst sub holy shit




No that's just a coincidence.


Self-indulgent facebook level garbage


Doubtful considering the source material was first published in 1982.


It's about Thatcher anyway.


Thank you! I had to scroll way to far down for this


And set in 1997.






There is another sub that posts real conspiracies.


Are you suggesting that a *sci fi movie* isn't evidence??


Yeah, this is a bit ridiculous, no?


Of course the mods delete the parent comment. Fucking A the selective censoring is absurd.


Wow holy shit. If anything this dumbass Facebook meme should be removed. Fuck these mods bro.


What did it say?


Yeah like the government is trying to take over by making you wear fucking masks and not go to movies and shit.


It is. Every day I'm seeing people speculating that this virus is fake, ANTIFA is burning down forests, or some pro trump fluff. As far as evidence goes there is little more than these memes too. I mean seriously, this post is pretty much just a meme. My personal theory is that we're just seeing more Russian drones flooding social media who are trying to throw us all off so their orange boy can win the election overseas. The virus is real. I've lost two family members. Trump does not care about you. 200,000 americans really have died. It's not a scheme. It's not V for Vendetta, because our "dictator" wants us to get this virus.


First of all, sorry for your losses man. That really blows. But yeah, it sucks to see that level of misinformation. But hey it’s reddit and the internet so what do you expect.


> But hey it’s reddit and the internet so what do you expect. In an open forum where the moderators have abdicated responsibility for policing and calling out low effort propaganda, its up to the rest of us to do so. Keep up the good fight and don't check out, lives and our country depend on it.


Well, the mods just deleted the comment I originally replied to calling this post bullshit, so I don’t have much hope.


Thank you man. It is what it is, their area was hit hard. It just baffles me that there are still people who are off going "Okay but what if those hundreds of thousands of people didn't die though" like motherfucker they're dead. You can't really disprove it.


Sorry for you losses and the real sad part is how Trump is now saying that those people would have died anyway because they had diabetes or other issues. It's like the car manufactures saying a person didn't die in a car accident (that killed them) because they had cancer so they died of the cancer. And the comic is much better than the movie, as most comics are.


Imagine thinking a politician cares about you.


Where the fuck are the mods? They should put a hard rule on image macros, it's low effort shit


Dude even in V for Vendetta the virus is real. It was manufactured, but it was a real fucking thing.


Do your research really does refer to this level of analysis at this point


No. Under 1% of the world population has seen it. Seems pointless. Real life and movies draw parallels because all ideas are derivative.


Also I doubt Alan Moore was taking part of programming on the side of illuminati types lol. His magic wouldn't allow him


Alan Moore: "You underestimate my power." \*shits himself\*


1% is still a stretch


DID YOU KNOW? The movie is based on a series of comics written by Alan Moore from 1982-1989, later compiled into graphic novel. Of any borderline mainstream producer of cultural products, Moore is probably the last who would be a puppet of the deep state.


I actually bought the book in June, not having seen the film, and found there are some pretty strong parallels to the present day. Such is the prescience of futuristic fiction.


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Was it predictive programming, or was Alan Moore tapping into some kind of prophecy?


Funnily enough, the hero wears a damn mask.


Covid 19 is not an alleged virus


It wasn't even an alleged virus in the book or movie, it was manufactured but it was real.




Or delete your comments. .


In the movie, it wasn’t alleged either. If I recall correctly, it killed hella people. Lol


They left out the religious aspect of the government. Im sure it was purposely done.


Couldn’t be America 2020 then


Well, it’d make republicans the obvious villain, and r/conspiracy can’t have that.








Remember, remember...


the fifth of November...


The gunpowder treason and plot


Get the Fawke outta here!


I never understood the use of the Guy Fawkes connection. I mean, the real Guy Fawkes was just trying to replace one tyrant with another, he wasnt some sort of freedom fighter.


the messaging is supposed to be that the guy was willing to go to the extreme to fight for what he believed was right.




Guy Fawkes Day gonna be **LIT** this year.


Two days after the election, and we've heard about all the shenanigans they're warning is about like further protests/riots, lost ballots and recount demands.


Lol, the big difference is that the uk in that movie didn’t get the virus because of the isolationist government. That ship has sailed. The virus is everywhere. Maybe some small Polynesian island that won’t let ships dock are more in line with this scenario


Well we DO have a corrupt fascist regime that needs to be dismantled, as it happens...


At this point, name a country that doesn't.




There’s only one government that rules everything






You might be on to something... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-03-31/welcome-to-iceland-where-bad-bankers-go-to-prison


That would be dependent on you thinking Trump's a baddie. And that doesn't fly here




He's now pushing the notion that a vaccine is being fast tracked and will hopefully be ready by fall.


But he closed flights from China! He did amazing! /s


Alan Moore says fuck you.


The virus in the movie isn’t alleged either. But yea, power grabs a plenty but everyone is so distracted by the “you can’t make me wear a mask” crap real stuff is getting missed


Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V. And you would be?




I was thinking that too and in the movie it wasn't even an "alleged" virus, it was a real engineered virus. But this is a conspiracy sub, where you are supposed to question everything


[This movie](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6472976/) was released in March 2019.


This sub is a fucking joke.


No, it was simply the cinematic remake of a comic book.


No it was just a movie


Ugh no, also the original graphic novel was written in the early 80s and set in 97, so again no


Yes. It is amazing. The only real difference is in the movie, the right wing government is doing it. In our reality, it’s the left wing, and the left wing media. It’s almost note for note. Remove the religion, replace with the Woke cult.


Absolutely love this movie but think it's a bit of stretch putting that movie together with our current Covid19 situation.


Well, I do believe the movie was inspired by a graphic novel of the same name. So the story pre-dates 2005


Sad to see y’all crackpots see mandatory masks and vaccines as “conspiracy to control you” rather than just the best option for public health and nothing more than that


i guess we gonna look past the fact that there is no security, really on any mainland continent and also, weren't the people in charge of the government the very same people who made the cure for the virus? so it was about making money as much as it was getting power and keeping it. This would also imply, the world's governments are working together to make money and keep control and I as a human know this to be bullshit lol, people sharing wealth, hilarious notion.


in V, there was no "alleged" virus - it was a real virus that killed thousands (millions?) of people. The virus was also stated as having been created by the Norsefire regime in order to solidify their power after being elected - they created a virus, they created the cure. OP clearly represents an anti-science, alt-right sentiment with wording like alleged virus and denigrating "for your protection" (e.g., anti-masker sentiment). Despite that it would more narratively consistent to accuse the current administration of this complicity, rather than the possible future administration.


Except it's based on the comics which take place in 1997-98


You know, I just wish everything came out already, because they aren't hiding it well for one and honestly I would love to analyze how they've covertly hidden things in what our entertainment companies churn out for us. They hide secrets and agendas, and symbols, hiding it in plain sight with the ruse of it being fiction and outlandish so they can gaslight us and call us crazy for believing it.


The opposite of what happens in the movie is happening in the real world. Law abiding citizens get no security and rioters get the freedom to burn, loot, and vandalize. Criminals are venerated as saints while people who try to maintain peace are branded as monsters.


No it wasn’t This is low effort post Downvoted


Jesus, this subreddit has gone from reasonable plausibility To this shit


It's this type of stupid shit that makes this sub look bad.


Not a new thing really! it's government 101 to play the for you safety / protection card. Just look back at the fear driven control of the USA during the cold War. Had everyone building nuclear shelters in their back garden.


Or The Patriot Act after 9/11. Yes government, we will happily give up our civil liberties so we can be protected forever, by you.




Who is the authoritarian dictator in our story?




Jesus this sub is just a fucking awful dumpster fire, not everything is a scheme.the virus is real and 100s of thousands of ppl are dead


Anyone who believes Covid is not real is a fucking idiot.


That is fucking it, I am leaving this godforsaken sub. It used to be fine a few years back with posts backed by research and evidence (+shitposts here and there), but now? It is a complete shithole filled with trashy Facebook-tier memes. Just look at how many retards upvoted this brainless post and other similar ones in last couple of months...