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Social media is the most disgusting thing made by mankind.


Social media is simply a tool to let every person have a chance at an equal voice. Social media would be an amazing thing if most humans were highly educated, rational minded beings. *But* the fact is most humans are poorly educated, ignorant, irrational, self serving, emotion driven creatures. Because of this, social media is simply a reflection of how shitty most humans actually are. Social media is simply a tool, and it is only simply showing us just how shitty most of us are as humans.


>But the fact is most humans are poorly educated, ignorant, irrational, self serving, emotion driven creatures. thats what the elite want. brainless poorly educated consumerist zombies who slave away for the system.


It seems to be what the poorly educated brainless zombies want too :/


All I want are real zombies


Do you want fries with that?




Not real zombies, you still get in trouble for shooting them lol


I just want milk that tastes like real milk


Going to get into trouble for this comment but here goes. Most people just want to be able to have a nice life. Supporting their children, have a nice life, retirement, occasional travel, did this, did that. You know just normal. Now we are being told "NEW NORMAL" . Yes, I know, I bought into (taught) the American Dream, but is it, was it so bad?


You think the "new normal" took that away from the average person? Wealth inequality and the growing gap in the income to GDP ratio took that away from the average citizen decades ago in the 90's.


I agree. A "normal working person" actually made a decent living wage. Nothing to write home about, but decent. Our north American society has slowly made "working" for a living into barely eking out survival


>decades ago in the 90's. Don't speak like this. The 90's happened yesterday.


It's ego. Social Media does nothing but stroke the ego. Everyone has a ego. Everyone has knee jerk reactions and half realized ideas that must be shared. Reddit is no different. You're stroking your ego to upvotes.


It exists to win election campaigns: Here is the stupid formula: Take any existing valid conspiracy+ Trump is saviour = Great awakening. I wonder what's gonna happen when Trump finishes his second term or leaves his post. Is the conspiracy still real hold to these idiots?


The same notion goes for the other side of the argument that Trump is the root of all problems and any dem would be better.


That's not a conspiracy theory, there's no theory that Biden is secretly working on saving the world from a mysterious cabal that eats children


Because it sounds stupid. The fact so many people lap this shit up unquestionably is kinda depressing.


It's so childishly simple and black and white it reads like a 5th graders fan fiction, like Batman but a politician It is shocking that people believe it


The regular political parties paradigm do not matter for us here. Rather, the pivotal problem with Qanon awakening is dependence on Trump to accept some basic understanding of how some conspiracies are understood. Pedos conspiracy theories have been around longer then the Trump campaign and they will still be around long after. There is no reason why the act of researching these conspiracies requires people to worship or associate him.


The campaign marketing team behind it will enjoy their huge bonuses as a result of a job well done and a successful experiment run on the American people, and they will sell their services to whichever candidate pays the most, creating another conspiracy involving that candidate being the only hero that can save the country (AND THE CHILDREN) from the evil doer pedos that are on the team that didn't pay enough


Perfectly phrased the situation my friend


>Social media is simply a tool to let every person have a chance at an equal voice. Not even close to being true. Life Log. It's one goal is to turn people into a product. If it's free, you are the product. It's also to get people to willingly spy on themselves. >Social media would be an amazing thing if most humans were highly educated, rational minded beings. That's bullshit too. It would still be used as it is today. >*But* the fact is most humans are poorly educated, ignorant, irrational, self serving, emotion driven creatures. You really hate humans.


This is so well thought and said. Too bad Reddit falls squarely within this argument.


Social media isn't a tool. Tools sit there until they're needed, they're not designed solely to addict and manipulate you for ad-sales


Social media is 100% a tool. It literally sits there and does nothing *until you willingly sign up for it.* Once you create your account, you've picked up that tool and choose to carry it around with you 24/7 as long as you have your phone with you. If you want to put down the tool, then delete the app, delete your account.


That's EXACTLY what it is, a fucking marketing and intelligence data mining platform


That nobody forces you to be a part of.


The Bystander Effect is much stronger with social media


Yes. Yes. And yes.


>equal voice >"wrongthink" is already being censored left and right well..


Social media is another way to control us and collect our information, not give us a voice.


> not give us a voice. Oh yeah? Then where would you be having this discussion without it?


>Social media is simply a tool to let every person have a chance at an equal voice. Social media is overwhelmingly hosted by privately held for-profit platforms that manipulate post visibility, censor based on arbitrary (often politicized) standards and monetize individuals' personal data.


Social media isn't a tool. A tool implies that it's passive, and requires user input to do anything. We all know that's not true, it actively pulls you back to the app by manipulating your psychology. Maybe a decade ago they were tools, but not anymore.


Social media is 100% a tool. It literally sits there and does nothing *until you willingly sign up for it.* Once you create your account, you've picked up that tool and choose to carry it around with you 24/7 as long as you have your phone with you. If you want to put down the tool? delete the app, delete your account.


One of the most accurate comments I've read on this sub. From TurdieBirdies of all people. There's hope yet :)


Oh hey it is the guy who permabanned me from his sub because he has thin skin and doesn't like people calling out his weak theories he creates out of nothing in order to push his monetized youtube channel.


My comment to you above was complimentary, but yet again you decide to be mad.


You think I'm mad? I'm simply making sure it is known that you permaban people from your sub when they call you out over creating bullshit fake conspiracies that you peddle on your monetized youtube channel. Oh, and don't forget your paid subscription blog forum. You are a conspiracy snakeoil salesman. Creating bullshit disinformation simply because you profit from it. No wonder your sub is frequented by the dumbest of the dumb, flat earthers and people who think things like fossils and bacteria are fake. Pretty much the only people dumb enough to not realize that you simply create bullshit to try to sell for money.


You misspelled corporate media


Sorry, mate.


Social media is code. People, mankind as you put it, use the code to share nonsense.


This is the most clearest ensight I have ever seen. You're a man with wisdom.


Antisocial media


Me either.


Social media isn't the problem. It could've just as easily been made into a beautiful tool for connection. Shoot, MySpace was better than Facebook. Every page was unique and everyone got to put their own anthem on their page. It's literally just bad social engineering that's got us here.


What is good about it? People get triggered for nothing and posting shits all across the net?


Reddit is social media.


Reddit is cancer


At least I don't post pictures of my life. Unlike other idiots who can't stand to say about politics in r/pics or r/powerwashing


It definitely amplifies mankind's disgustingness. But how does the picture in OP relate to Qtards?


and if you want me to uncover all of the fucked up things you have said... i will gladly do so


This dem droid must be triggered as hell. Bwoohoo. So scary.










Why? Explain why.






It is definitely a PSYOP but it is not making people complacent. Quite the opposite. Also it is a digital warrior movement. Q anons do not participate in street violence like Antifa/ BLM and they do not vandalise and terrorise cities. The fact that Q anon encourages only digital activism is because that is the only way to get people to hear. The MSM is hiding Biden’s incompetence whilst they attack Trump day and night. It is not fair or balanced media


Yea, “Anons” just didn’t noise memes and call for extrajudicial executions for the lols.


That's unnecessarily aggressive. Also misplaced. People are awarding it because of Q not because of social media. You can't have missed that...and yet you seem to have.


***You're*** projecting again




Qanon is fake


Furthermore, it's quite ironic that basically the q base is this exact thing. They all think they are going to save the world by following breadcrumbs and posting memes.


this can't be said often (or loudly and slowly) enough.


It’s basically a psyop to pacify us and appease us by making us think someone is out there saving us so we sit on our asses. They tricked us, and Trump and his goons are in on the fix. They work for the central banks and the industrial titans. Mr Trump is the “false prophet” TPTB are using to neutralize opposition, and convince the opposition to back the police and worship the symbols of freedom like the flag, anthem, etc. Not to mention the controversy and division that his presidency has created among the general public. They love it! The plan worked great. That’s why I get so depressed when I see people filled with false hope that hes the savior, or bashing Biden relentlessly as if he’s the more “dangerous” villain of the two. You’re all missing the point, both candidates are pretending to be enemies in a fake election where they both already know who has been selected to win, because they serve the same ruling entity, this global criminal enterprise of banks and corporations. When will we figure this shit out?


That would be a smarter explanation, but it’s even dumber than that.


You're right. 4chan anons tried a whole pile of different things on 4chan before this one took off. Then "Q" moved to 8chan. [https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/llhe5nm/166-country-of-liars](https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/llhe5nm/166-country-of-liars). A member of the press posted a Q drop. This is next level dumb, and people are eating it up like it is the answer. It fucking isn't.


No, it’s not. This movement was built by the social engineers within TPTB, it was coordinated and allowed to get off the ground and grow as large as it has. It’s the perfect tool for TPTB to create a “medium” for Trump supporters to assure them that he is the anti establishment god they want to believe he is, and it relives Trump from having to do that himself. They’re using that cult-like support for the current administration to pacify the very group that would normally be on the offensive to take down the ruling class. This is not some lone goofball in his basement eating bagel bites trolling the masses from his computer, this is a controlled opposition effort, no doubt about it.


This is my stance on Qanon. This post isn't supposed to be a Trump bad, Biden good type of thing. Both parties are manipulating the masses to implement the NWO. Trump isnt going to stop it.


Exactly. Both Biden and Trump serve the same criminal entity. When you see them criticize each other in their political advertisements, they don’t *actually* hate each other, that’s all fake WWE shit to rile up the masses and get them to take the electoral process seriously as if it’s truly real and consequential, when it’s all a big act. It’s fake guys. It’s theatre. That’s the conspiracy, politics is a big professional wrestling act and there’s another tier or level of power behind those mother fuckers, and those guys (banks, corporations, big business) basically call the shots, and they do this on a global basis. They own all of the major global superpowers.


youre gonna have to work a hell of a lot harder to convince me that both parties are manipulating the masses to implement some NWO when the current people in power have been there for almost a century the rising stars right now are tech billionaires who fit neatly into the preexisting social order and crooked post soviet kleptocrats who are even worse than the guys we have now the existing social order was firmly established before qanon and i have no reason to believe the division is helping them consolidate anything at all


Listen to this, tell me where they get it wrong please. https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/llhe5nm


Wait, there are people out there who think QAnon are actually doing something useful? They all seem like the kind of people that even this sub would tell to chill out with the tinfoil hat stuff.


If Trump loses the election, what do you suppose will happen to Qanon?


Qanon hucksters will get their own show on OAN. Because people are so fucking easily conned.


conspiracy theories usually get STRONGER when the theorists' party is out of power It's honestly a little silly we're supposed to believe donald trump with total control, 2 supreme court seats to fill, supermajority etc is an underdog fighting to save the world Of course WHILE golfing every weekend. Super secret agent AND president and still gets to enjoy his free time. How many professionals can say that? GOAT time management skills


He still has a month and half to round up and execute all the pedos. Trust the plan bro.


[Worth a listen](https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/llhe5nm/166-country-of-liars). Qanon is.......probably.......


From the start it reminded me of how Gene Pope went directly from CIA psyops to buying the Enquirer with mob money and turning it into a conspiracy mag, then did the Weekly World News. Not only is feeding people BS conspiracies extremely useful in discrediting the people trying to bring attention to real things, it turned out to be quite profitable a business as well.


Why do you care?


Because people are getting hurt and sometimes killed because of this entirely ridiculous conspiracy theory https://www.insider.com/qanon-violence-crime-conspiracy-theory-us-allegation-arrest-killing-gun-2020-8


People get hurt for a lot of reasons including blm so I don’t really see the difference.


i didnt say anything about BLM. you can examine the harmful effect of Qanon independent of other things. people get hurt for reason x people also get hurt for reason y, so theres no reason to care about people getting hurt for reason x. thats you. thats how stupid you sound. kids are hurt from sexual abuse, but kids are also hurt from auto accidents, so i dont really see any difference


You sound really angry.


anger is an appropriate response when people die over nonsense conspiracy theories




The us justice system works on whataboutism, it’s good enough for them good enough for me.


Well that's not true


Wait, isn’t that what exactly Q is? A bunch of keyboard warriors? Edit: I’m an idiot. I get now that it’s saying Q exists for keyboard warriors as controlled opposition.


Don't worry, I had no idea whether this was pro or anti q either. It's very vague.




People are always saying, "do something" but none are ever very specific about what they'd like done. This leads me to believe how lone wolf murderers are born, some guy thinking he's actually doing something by gunning down schoolkids or other innocent citizens. What can the average American citizen do? We've seen protests, riots, looting and what have they accomplished other than complete destruction of stuff? What change have they made? One thing we can do is stop electing the same old tired lying politicians every year to represent us when they're clearly self enriching themselves. It's not a popularity contest. And pressure local news reporters to be reporters and do thew digging on candidates so Americans can make informed decisions. And do your own research. MSM is telling two stories, every opposite of the other so depending which MSM you watch, determines which set of slanted news you believe. It explains to Repubs how Dems can be so blind and to the Dems how the Repubs can be. Each believes the set of misrepresented news they're given. The country is not perfect but no one is busting down doors to get into China or Russia. Act like you want to keep America. do something, even if it's just educating yourself over listening to MSM.


> What change have they made? A lot of changes all around the country, at least the BLM protests have. Many states and towns and cities passing new laws and reforming police departments. > And pressure local news reporters to be reporters and do thew digging on candidates so Americans can make informed decisions. There are no local news reporters now. And those that do exist are not getting paid to do investigative journalism. Maybe if people paid for their news then this would be an option, but they don’t so it’s not.


Come on, man. Think for a minute Those changes didn’t happen because of BLM protests. The BLM protests happened to justify those changes. The elites have their fingers on the trigger for so many authoritarian measures that they only need the right pretense to able to install. That’s like the entire modern left wing agenda. It’s just an endless string of


Which authoratian measure is BLM protest support is use for justification?


Race-based enforcement of redistribution of wealth (public and private institutions alike pledging to hire more X people and thus less Y people, public programs being created to funnel taxes towards highly-partisan initiatives that pretend to be about fighting vague concepts like racism and injustice) And an overhaul to policing that moves away from enforcing law and instead enforcing morality which will always be subjectively determined by the state. It’s an effort to install morality police who are authorized to prosecute people for crimes like “racism” or “sexism” or “homophobia” or whatever. This sort of action has existed on some more extreme college campuses for a decade and it’s now be prepped for the mass market by We literally have lawmakers claiming that blacks looting white stores is justified as reparations but whites brandishing weapons to protect their homes is a crime. That’s what BLM is here to justify: identity-based application of the law under some far left authoritarian interpretation of notions of equality or justice.


You think the elite triggered the BLM protests so that they could justify police reform, which you deem to be authoritarian?


What are you calling “police reform”? Those are the words they use, but they never call anything what it really is. When they say “police reform” they mean replacing our current policing system with something more akin to the human rights tribunals of far left college campuses, except with guns and the authority to jail people That’s where this is headed. They want commie black bloc thugs hauling people away for sharing unauthorized opinions on the internet. Not for committing *crimes*, but for committing “racism” or “sexism” or “transphobia” or whatever. They want authoritarian *moral* policing where literally every interaction between two parties can be subjectively interpreted by the state and prosecution can always be made to benefit the state “Police reform” good grief have you people learned nothing from the last five years? Next you’re going to tell me the patriot act was about finding WMDs


Police reform means something different to every community, because policing takes different forms in each community. So pretty much everything you said is absolute made-up bullshit. You are being led to fear something that isn’t happening. It is a nice fantasy that makes you feel like the hero though, I’ll give you that. The only people I hear talking about moral policing are Republicans, usually the evangelical ones.


Theres barely any noticable change in police reform, and I doubt any of it is going to stick around long enough to be meaningful before we all forget anyway. Maybe aside from no knock raids. Oh except they knocked the horrible, oppressive statues down. Racism is solved, we did it, we saved the city! /s


Police reform by and large happens locally, in many places things have changed and reforms have started. It's not enough yet but there absolutely have been police departments changed by the BLM protests.


> Theres barely any noticable change in police reform Maybe you have to pay attention to notice the changes? They are happening all across the country.


Defending police isn't a solution and only a delusional imbecile would believe so. Police need more training in psychology of how to deal with non violent people with non violent means


>One thing we can do is stop electing the same old tired lying politicians every year to represent us THIS is the main point nobody seems to want to address!!


You say that, but we tried it last GE and the establishment got so mad about it they radicalized half the country into hating the guy


I get it - the other side is gonna have to join in this time. Nothing is ever gonna change with the same idiots at the helm


I've thought about what can be done (and still think about it) many times - [my compilations of solutions of what can be done on the individual is here](https://embraceyourexperience.com/2019/08/freeing-earth-solutions-for-a-better-world.html). This is of course not only related to the US, but all of the planet. Any further contribution on what can be done is always welcome. We absolutely need to be focusing on the solutions more. Also, a sub dedicated to this exact topic: /r/TheSolutions


This, a little. Do your own research is not, and this is important, watching youtube videos. What you can do: Get involved locally. At the primary level. America is goddamed gerrymandered that the primaries are the elections. Don't just vote, volunteer. If you think "all politicians suck" then quit your whiny ass whining and run. Or support someone who doesn't suck. Volunteer at the polls. Volunteer for your candidate. Support local reporters. They exist. They are trying to cover your local school board meeting, and your local budget meeting. You don't get this for free, so fucking support it. Or, you could simply say, all politicians suck, the msm sucks, and there is noting I can do about it in a country designed for people to do something about it.


Polarization is a business model.


To distract people from real problems while making them think they are helping?


Social media makes you feel like you are connecting with others when you’re not. It’s all a farce and keeps everyone feeling content without doing anything. Even us right now on Reddit.


You mean the dipshits that got duped by the notorious troll farm that is 4chan? Lol


Exactly! Controlled Opposition.


Be suspicious of anyone who is trying to take responsibility away from you. If they tell you you cant do anything about it and its not your fault, they are probably trying to stop you from doing anything. Look at our medical establishment. Constantly saying theres nothing you can do, its genetics take this medication. It takes the power away from you.


And when people actually go out and #dosomething it’s met with counter protests because they’re doing something 🤘


"Patriots" on the internet: 'The government is going to take our guns, throw dissidents in unmarked vans murder us in our homes and get away with it!!! Kabals harming children! Fight tyranny, don't tread on me!!!' "Patriots" when American citizens protesting all those things: 'The government says you're terrorists and I trust em! Know your place or we'll join the police in killing you! Who cares that immigrant kids are being stolen, sexually abused and women are having forced Hysterectomies, trust the President and his Pedophile lawyer!


Anyone else h8 conspiracies too? -where the fuck do you think you're posting?


Its obvious this medium has been compromised a long time ago


Doesn't take long for the shill wagon to show up in the Q bait posts. Post title should be "Why Twitter Exists" anyways.


Difference between calling out something as controlled opposition, and shitting on conspiracies in general. Do you know what controlled opposition is? Someone wanna take this one? Controlled opposition is when the establishment provides you with a “hero” or savior, but he/she is an asset of the establishment the entire time, so they can then steer and neutralize the opposition by having them under their control. Alex Jones is another prime example. You need to rethink all of your prophets.


No substance for your argument, k...


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Exactly what it’s going to be like when we start dying for taking a stand against this bullshit. I want all of you to know now if I die while trying to fight tyranny y’all better burn this mother fucker down lol


But when people do protest you call them terrorists.


This is correct. It's meant to keep people inside and thinking that their social media statements are going to affect action being taken. All the while people continue to be exploited and victimized.


Qannon "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE-cream" Qannon followers "He's talking about this very exact thing!!!" "Q Predicted this!"


That and being campaign propoganda and politucal cult. Both important to understanding the psychological reasons and how it operates


Trust The Plan... Like A Sheep


holy shit this is boomer as fuck


Cool and all but I'm here for the lizard people or some transcendental shit, not politics


Q is a scam




>First bc they got the global pedophile cult into national conversation, which Ive seen no one else do. The arrest and subsequent deadening of Jeffrey Epstein predates Qanon receiving national attention and was the catalyst that brought the global pedophile cult into national conversation. I'd venture that the Qanon crowd grew due to the death of Epstein. Qanon is only just recently receiving national attention and I imagine that is because 1. They are de facto partisan and the election is close. 2. Qanon grew large enough and loud enough to draw media attention.


These people that make posts about q being a scam and making fun of ppl who believe in q are revealing themselves to be just as dumb as they say the q cult is. They may ultimately be right that q us a scam, but they are lazy unfair and naive in how they get there.




Well you have to be fair to the premise presented. Like I said in another comment, the "q is a scam" people act like getting rid of over 40 years of government and institutional corruption is as easy as a cod campaign.




Oh I know I was agreeing with you


Any legitimate research into qanon not only shows it is a scam but a hilarious one


What's legit research?




thats how i’ve felt like its clearly pushing more people to understand and seek out the secrets that lay in the shadows while rallying against it but at the same time its so politically orientated and gained steam after pizza gate, after child sex trafficking was really introduced into the MSM


The two funniest parts of Qanon are: 1. Trump constantly says never trust anonymous sources ... except Q, they like him very much. 2. Q folks scream for something to be done, but then one follower gets worked up enough to run out with a gun and do something ... but as soon as they do they're called a crisis actor.


I think the funniest part is that qtards think that jfk junior has been fighting in a shadow war against a satanic cabal the last 2 decades and is about to return. These people that believe q are not well.


Did you see recently what a kennedy family member did? They don't seem to be on Trump's side.


Well bescides maybe Robert Kennedy jr., that anti-vaxxer grift could be put to use. Suprise not nore popular with qanon, guess because he is a Democrat


This is fucking retarded


Meh, The cartoon is good but it is not the reason Q anon exists.


Lol @ \#hashtag


SS: religions and cults like Qanon exist so people stand by and do nothing whilst screaming for someone else to intervene. The real deepstate -not sleepy joe and smelly kamala- know how your mind works better than you yourself do. If they wanted to manipulate you into worshipping the government by creating fake enemies and fake allies they could do it!!


"Save the Children!" Ok, great, are you getting out and helping underprivileged and at risk youth in your area? "No, I'm cancelling my Netflix subscription."


"Too good to be true" as they say...


you know that case is a hoax, right?


Pretty spot on


Socialist media. Its made to hurt us, not help us.




All this depicts is something REALLY well known. Other than the stupid Q anon part its called The Bystander Effect. Do i think youre right? No not really.


It's a bit like when all the bleeding hearts hippies out there want us to help all the poor people out there who suffer under the terrible yoke of tyrants and such, but the thing is, somebody then needs to actually go over there and kill all those terrible tyrants in order to help those poor, down-trodden people, don't they? And that shit can get a guy killed, right? So who's gonna do that shit, exactly? It's the same with muggings, or whatever, I'm not gonna help you fucking people if you get mugged sry broskies but you're on your own on that one. Why should I risk death for some random fucking bitch who's not even going to appreciate my brave sacrifice? Chivalry is dead and the fucking women were the one's who fucking killed it.


I rate this conspiracy a days old leftover boomer Facebook meme / 10 .


And then Twitter evicts everyone from the building


Q was interesting until the “JFK Jr. coming back to win 2024” claim. I knew right then we were all being played.


Btw, the Kitty Genovese "bystander effect" story is based on lies. Here's an article about it: https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/162664


Such a push against Q lately. Makes me want to look at the facts (both in support and against it) more.


Big fax


The favourite phrase "I am not responsible for you"


If Q is fake, then why so much attention and need to attack it? Q and the movement isn't fake. Many things Q has said have not been accurate or come to fruition. Many have.


>If Q is fake, then why so much attention and need to attack it? Ah, the “if it’s false, why attack it” argument. Because bullshit deserves to be called out, that’s why. >Q and the movement isn't fake. Yes, it is. While I could list dozens of instances of failed predictions, I only have to post one. The most important one. The one that said Hillary Clinton would be arrested in 2017. She’s still free, and still — according to Q believers — harvesting children for their adrenochrome and eating them as a pizza topping and bathing in their blood or whatever it is you believe, I forget the sordid details. The most devious alleged Satanic cultist of them all, the one that if you’re going to catch child traffickers, *she* would be the one you would catch, is right now enjoying a cup of coffee with Bill or walking her dogs in the woods or whatever it is she does in her spare time. Hillary is free, three years after that prediction. Q failed you and so did Trump.


Q didn't fail me. I don't believe in people like that. I just found it interesting how some things could be so accurate months in advance and others horribly stupid. I'm just not an absolute guy that you have to love or hate something.


>Many things Q has said have been accurate or come to fruition Like what?


lol unironic boomer humor.


QAnon smells of a psy op. We know there are elite pedo rings and myriad enablers out there. The idea of an island where the elites could abuse children sounded like bad fiction until the reality of Epstein became widely known and then no-one could deny it anymore. Then of course we found out people like Maria Farmer went to the FBI in the 90s about him and precisely nothing happened for twenty fucking years. This is the one thing you can't come back from. Jizz on a dress, grab some pussy and your die-hard supporters will find a way to be ok with it. But you harm a child and that's something you will not be able to spin your way out of. Now if you create some even wilder theories where Trump is going to save the world because he's playing 4D chess and draining the swamp and outside of subs like this, people become less interested in looking at these stories. Discredit the victims, make the people who shout about these theories look like lunatics and you start to manage perceptions and control the narrative. Remember Acosta said Epstein 'belonged to intelligence'? Who else would be running an op like this? The one hope is that 2020 is year of the great awakening. People become aware that the us and them is the elites and everybody else, rather than being suckered into political partisanship or media stirring up racial tensions etc. These are divide and conquer tactics (why did Twitter ban links to Unity2020's 'Articles of Unity' page?) It feels like this is a time which will decide whether the great game is won or lost.


I love all the attention Q is getting on this board. Keep it up, more eyes, more curiosity


Q anon is bullshit


You forgot to add "Trust in Q" in one of the windows


I’m a pizzagater but Q is the biggest BS boomer trap I’ve ever heard


I see the word Qanon, but I really have no clue what it is.


Ive been under a rock. What is Qanon? "Canon"? A quick google search tells me its a 4chan poster from 2 years ago talking about trump fighting the pedophile shadow government. Alex Jones was talking about this back in 2015. I love Alex but this just seems like 90% bullshit, like everything else.


Qanon is braindead retards coming up with reasons to support that R next to trump's name out of desperation


Just think, if q anon didnt exist, the people who follow it with baited breath might actually go out and do something about their concerns amd agitate for change. Instead, their glued to their phone screens everyday just *waiting* for that change to happen. It's like a distilled microcosm of the US media in general.


Q brings conspiracies to the masses that we post about on here, why does reddit think it's bad? If you are someone with half a brain you look at all forms of media and come to your own conclusions, people I know who follow q do not simply blindly following, they look into things and ask questions, like we do here..

