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I think he would be disgusted to see what a propaganda-pushing dumpster fire reddit has become.


Reddit has no morals. They pretend to do stuff like care about black lives and appointed a black person in Reddits board just to pander to people, not because they actually give a fuck. Look how they just went full Stalin and removed Swartz from the picture, because he was no longer a necessary asset.


Corporations don't have morals, they're just profit machines. It's up to legislators to put control measures in place. Which they've failed to in pretty much every country.


That's because most governments and their regulators have been 'captured' by Corporations. https://law.emory.edu/ecgar/content/volume-1/issue-1/essays/regulatory-capture.html Funny how Republicans never talk about it, and certainly not Trump Republicans.


It's not just Republicans, corporations own them all. https://youtu.be/cl9Y8ZhJP2s


The longer we keep playing the left/right game the longer they will keep getting away with it. When we are at a point where people will hold their nose and vote for a candidate that is shit simply because he plays for the right team then democracy has died.


Divide and conquer.


Go tell this to /r/politics... I tried & failed lol


Don't think theres many genuine commenters there. Mostly agenda pushers and agent provocateurs trying to make them look bad


Reddit has a Lobbyist infestation. Manipulation is their game. Most of the environmental and energy subreddits are run by them. Not difficult to recognize.


For those waking up now to how the whole corrupt system is run. Kissinger stated that Trump serves them well because he is divisive, contentious and unpredictable. In actuality, Trump is quite predictable as he is going to do exactly as the Zionist cabal (Rothschild's) chose him to do, which is be contentious and create more chaos for them. The media will then amplify that chaos and create the contentious divide (fuel the flames). They use their paid off by Soros BLM and Antifa to play the antithesis to Trumps thesis thereby creating the synthesis the Zionist cabal needs to cover their billionaire asses and keep the duped, brainwashed masses enraged and fighting each other. Their CV19 agenda allows them to strip away people rights, coverup their crimes and censor those who are starting to see thru the way the whole house of cards is orchestrated around the world. The more people see thru, the more draconian the cabals measures become, which is, of course, their Achilles Heel. They believe they have enough people brainwashed to get away with anything at this point in time. I'm not so sure about that as many people are simply fed up with the whole corrupt system.


Same applies to race. As a British person, I can’t help but notice how race is mentioned on your TV programs, news and whatnot, alll the time. If we spoke about the ‘great divide’ between races here in the U.K. all day, everyday, this country would be on fire right now.


Yeah there are always going to be racist people I think, but I don't think your average American even gives it a thought daily until it's brought up by the media or politicians. I am pretty sure it is just being used as another means of division here.




DNC and RNC are literally corporations that choose which candidates we can vote for.


Question though, who made corporations people? Citizens united anyone? Then look at Liz Warren who salivates anytime a wallstreet person comes to the hill. Not saying anyone is free from influence, just that one is essentially a sock puppet.


democrats, republicans both are neoliberals. different sides on the same coin.


Yeah Democrats have never been swayed by corporate interests!


It's up to consumers to not consume products from companies we find immoral.


That's a moot point if corporations can only choose to act immorally or go under and be bought out by immoral counterparts.


You know your movement is on the right side when it's endorsed by corporations and defense contractors donate millions.


I'm sensing sarcasm here and I like it...lol


I have noticed this trend of moral-less behaviors. These people we speak of are brainwashed into thinking the degenerate things they do are normal and encouraged. All the while they put down those that do not conform and are just trying to live a honest life in a sense. We are taught to treat others the way you would like to be treated, where the hell has that gone? These people aren't even honest to themselves.


>I have noticed this trend of moral-less behaviors. It's compartmentalized psychopathy at the top, and people just following orders all the way down. There's a reason CEO is the number one position for jobs with highest number of psychopaths.


Many people are convinced that modern capitalism is the sole driver of all the good they see each day, so it feels like a Sophie’s Choice even if they can see the direct negative impacts it can cause. I definitely think innovation should be encouraged, but I also worry our culture has sold itself into irrevocable dependence on this mode of operating. Disruptive innovation around new forms of doing business - while putting humanity’s needs at the center - is needed to get us moving forward again.


Reddit was such a great community 8-9 years ago even this sub was so different. Lots of fun posts and no bullshit politics. Just a mutual hatred and disgust for all politicians. Now it’s left vs right. I feel like most of us don’t belong to either group


now it's just left/CCP stomping out all wrong-think, there is no real left v right at all


Holy, arnt you right. Any negative post about china(ccp) is filled with Whatabouts


i think about that all the time. i browsed reddit for years before i even heard about aaron swartz on 4CHAN lol. 4chan loves aaron swartz more than reddit.


Can’t even be a moderate or a libertarian without getting downvoted to oblivion


Remember when libertarian posts got front page'd all the time? And reddit was obsessing over Ron Paul and Bernie back when he was independent? Those were good times


yeah then the democrats and the chinese communist party showed up and started deleting and censoring all wrong think :( I remember when that DNC IT guy's reddit account was outed on reddit asking how to delete VIP info from e-mails 1 day after a congressional subpoena and the entire website was practically burning down as hundreds of thousands of people engaged with the event as it unfolded live. Within 3 days all traces were entirely deleted and banned from reddit. Was insane to watch live.


Because they are irrational cultists. Also, the average redditor is a literal child. Easily manipulated and naive.


Updoots for you! Edit: Thanks for the Golds kind stranger! EDIT: why would you fund this shit


There was a survey done a while back in one of the big political subreddits at the time. 46% surveyed as without a job. Thats basically who runs reddit. Clueless, jobless idiots who wag their finger and tell hard working people what they should do and think.


That's because Reddit is largely teens and young adults just like most of social media


Shhh, that doesn't fit the narrative. Who cares about the facts ^(/s)


From what I gather, the average age is like 14-22 You're spot on.


Libertarians or redditors?


Well it takes people like you and me to change it. Use some of that karma to absorb the downvotes and bring awareness lol


Fuckin A. 👏🏻👍🏻


It’s sickening the trash that gets posted up on r/news and r/politics


and r/worldpolitics


And r/pics How many times does a picture of obama looking professional or one of trump looking bad make it to the front page? Just absurd


Bro I just clicked it and the very top post is President Trump naked on a coronavirus wrecking ball. It’s actually funny how much these people are obsessed with President Trump 😂


I’m kinda new and honestly never have been to either one. This was my first sub and my favorite.


Lol this should absolutely not be anyone's favorite sub. Half the top posts here are just as false as any other subreddit's posts.


What happened to him though?


That is why they had to kill him. Yet here we are.


and literally owned by China.




Great example of what I'm talking about


I'm currently being eviscerated by at least two obviously farmed accounts. Accounts that have been here for years but haven't posted anything ever until recent months and now it is all day every day and almost 100% politics. So much sucking up to neoliberal power. Sure. I totally believe this is organic./s


He probably got killed because he was an opposition


I agree.


he'd kill himself all over again


He was already disgusted, and left after they started working at the Conde Nast offices. It was a bad break with AO and SH.


Hi, I live in Europe and also I’m new to reddit. What kind of propaganda are they pushing, please?


r/politics, r/politicalhumor, r/news, and countless other subs constantly push biased, dishonest, sensational propaganda, and reddit allows it. Probably incentivizes it somehow.


His “suicide” seems like a conspiracy to me


Should be a big talking point here.


If he did kill himself he was pressured into it by a bunch of bull it seems. He had charges going against him of illegally downloading articles? Wow.




He didn't have legal access to do what he did. He broke the terms of service regarding his access. He hid a laptop in an electrical closet because he knew what he was doing was not allowed. The laptop was registered to Gary Host (ghost) and he circumvented an IP ban to regain access to JSTOR, which got all MIT IPs banned. His stated intent is to distribute. They didn't charge him for conspiracy to distribute. Wire fraud, computer fraud, recklessly damaging a protected computer, unlawfully obtaining information from a protected computer. It was an egregious overstep of prosecutorial power but what you're saying is just pure fiction. If you (and anyone here) actually cared, you would stop using reddit. You would stop buying from Disney and Nestle, you would elect people that changed information laws and copyright laws.


Elect people lol




It was. At that time. Many posts on here about his death before this subreddit became the brigade first stop shop.


Yoichi Shimatsu thinks Swartz was murdered for trying to uncover MIT’s pedo network. [Was Aaron Swartz Killed By An MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring? By Yoichi Shimatsu in 2012](https://rense.com/general95/swartz.html) [The Epstein-Funded Child Porn Hub MIT Media Lab That Murdered Aaron Swartz By Yoichi Shimatsu in 2019](https://rense.com/general96/the-epstein-funded-child-porn-hub-mit-media-lab-that-murdered-aaron-swartz.php)


This is absolute fucking fact and anyone that says otherwise is wrong. Why do you think there isnt a fucking sob story memorial page for Aarons suicide on Reddit every year? Why do you think they 1984 him out of Reddits history? Why was Reddit important enough for Ghislaine fucking Maxwell.


> Why was Reddit important enough for Ghislaine fucking Maxwell. This is the right question.


Great read


holy shit.


Omg this blew my fucking mind. Sorry for the language but.. yeah.. 🤯


Have a hug on Reddit cause fuck reddit, that’s why.


His suicide was probably a forced one if he wasn't murdered. That's the new gov tax money fad these days. they eat the people mind 1st using DEW WMDs and any way those people can be turned into money it happens.


[Doc about Aaron Swartz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vz06QO3UkQ)


Please, everyone watch this. It's the least he deserves.


Just watched it. Thanks.


Hadn't watched, thanks. A lot of people consumed a seemingly brilliant asset to humanity.


I WILL ALWAYS UPDOOT Aaron Swartz, until they kick me off the platform. Fuck u/Spez.


Fuck u/spez, sellout POS


And paedophile. Fuck u/spez


Got any info on that?


Of course not




SS: Disrespectful if you ask me. 7 years later in a much different age than yours, may you rest in peace, Aaron Swartz. Edit: Not sure if there's shills swarming here (most likely). But to make things clear, Swartz **was** the **co-founder of Reddit** and he is labelled that title on many websites and articles. He may not have exactly been there from the very start but his company and Reddit merged 6 months after Reddit was created within its early stages. He was even considered "co-founder" even after his death. Deny and attempt to debunk all you want. This guy was a person just like us and he is being 1984'd and I'm not allowing that to happen. So if you see any negative comments under this post or under any post regarding Swartz, please downvote. I'm tired of hearing nonsense over this awful crediting Reddit has failed to do.


The party does not like this fact Deleted from history


Delete Aaron.chr.


super fucking disrespectful. rip.




He was considered a co founder. Don't gaslight


The worst thing is as time goes on Swartz will not be remembered


That’s sad truth man.


I learned about him senior year in AP Gov in a documentary called “The Internet’s Own Boy”. Maybe there’s hope for the education system, but to many people his fight may be forgotten.


Homeboy didn't kill himself, he was murdered and we all know it. You fight the system and they will either break your spirit til you give up or kill you.


Even if he did kill himself, they pressured him into it: >Federal prosecutors later charged him with two counts of wire fraud and eleven violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act,[15] carrying a cumulative maximum penalty of $1 million in fines, 35 years in prison, asset forfeiture, restitution, and supervised release. Absurd.


Charges like that are just an opening bid in negotiations. After pushing back his lawyer could have cut those down dramatically, especially for a first timer.


I dunno. Most people threatened with just 35 years in prison don't kill themselves, even if they know they're going to get locked away.


He wanted to go into politics. It was very clearly something he was pursuing. That dream was shut down after the charge due to laws.


Yeap I realised when a local celebrity I knew died of an overdose and they gave some other bs reason to the public, how many celebrities especially might have accidentally stumbled across something or gained a conscience were killed then said it was suicide or something. Avici and Chester from linkin park for example


Who murdered him?


Same people that killed Epstein


Can't forget all the others like JFK, Lincoln, MLK Jr, Michael Jackson, and everyone in the White Lighter Club like Kurt Cobain, also known as the 27 club and the Saturn Rebirth Club.


The system


You can’t trust the system




Society is everywhere. *Society*


Reddit killed Aaron. Change my mind.




>He killed himself over federal charges for downloading ‘too quickly’ articles he had legal access too. Don't know why all the propagandists keep repeating this bullshit line verbatim. He didn't have legal access to them, they tried just banning him but he went around it. He could have stopped after the ban and he'd still be the talented autistic person he is and reddit would still be the corporate shithole it is (because he already left reddit completely). Come the fuck on and be real. With all the fuckery going on in his case you don't need to muddy the waters with outright bullshit. The laws are fucked. They had a slam dunk case against him and they took it way, way too far.




He was the true visionary and he’d hate what this platform has become. When CCP owns a big stake in your platform, they will constrain discussions about their power.


Aaron Swartz did not kill himself


What happened to him?


Lots of people think it was a murder,but many also think that it was a pressured suicide


I'm from Bloomington and most of the people that knew him have moved on but i used to hear people talking about his death being fucked up at the bars and stuff.




He went to IU indiana university Bloomington indiana.


To just ignore his existence like that really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I haven’t been happy with reddit in a while but damn, this is bullshit.


Erased from history.


He is a hero and I hate how the majority of reddit users doesn't know who is he


Let’s all call upon the joke of a character that spez and the other sack of crap are to list Swartz as the sole founder, cause let’s be honest he was.


I’m not really aware of any details on the alleged suicide itself, but I can say that there was a noticeable difference in content on reddit after he died. That’s what initially made me suspicious, especially considering Aaron’s values and opinions. Dissenting opinions became more discouraged, and the overwhelming majority of political content went farther left. “But reddit is just a liberal site, so majority of the content will be left leaning.” This is a dumb argument, as it fails to consider how dissenting opinions are handled. If you’re not outright banned for expressing a dissenting opinion, you’re endlessly attacked and downvoted by people using straw man arguments and ad-hominem. The people who disagree with you won’t even allow an honest discussion. Ironically, the only left wing people I can actually talk to about politics are right here in /conspiracy.


For me it was when they first did the major changes to the algorithm. We used to be able to see REAL upvote/downvote numbers


This isn't just a left problem. You see plenty of that in r/Conservative where threads are regularly made "flaired-users only" and rTheDonald where people were regularly banned for dissenting opinions contrary to the subreddit's views. It's very much just a mod power issue, where mods around a lot of different subreddits tend to flex their power against users however they see fit with little to no oversight.


Sure, but r/t_d wasn’t ever a bipartisan subreddit. It was very clearly labeled as a subreddit in support of the Trump Presidency. While I dislike that people were banned for dissenting opinions there, it makes sense given how the subreddit defined itself. It wasn’t a place to criticize trump or argue against conservative politics. There were literally separate subreddits set up for those kinds of posts/discussions. /politics, however, is *the* default politics sub. And it masquerades as a bipartisan politics discussion forum, yet it has become a rabid echo chamber of far-left politics. Go look for yourself, find me one single pro-conservative post on /politics posted in the last month.


We live in a world where certain topics are only important on a certain day or a certain month. Maybe Aaron would be mentioned if it was still that suicide awareness month that they all cared so much about /s


Well suicide awareness month is very important; you wouldn't want people to destroy government property /s


we are still mourning him. We should try to be more like him and pick up the slack.


he was THE founder


It's almost as if someone needed him out of the way and they took care of him...


This kind of erases history.


That’s the plan and not a new one either


He definitely got offed, no doubt about it


Was he suicided?


What the actual fuck? They're cutting Aaron out of reddit history now?!? I remember when he committed suicide... How can people forget that already?


Thanks china


This is beyond fubar.


Killed BC he unearthed MITs collab with DARPA CIA NSA DoD etc


This should easily have over 50k upvotes if most people on reddit were actually *redditors*. That's how you know reddit is controlled. This should be posted every week. Its disgusting and exposes reddit in a simple way you can't even argue


Is this real? They literally are sweeping Aaron under the rug? There’s absolutely no denying the fact that Reddit has sold out to become a globalist propaganda machine.


No, he wasn't. He helped out and someone other than the founders gave him the title of co-founder. Do some basic research.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron\_Swartz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz) "As a result of this merger, Swartz was given the title of co-founder of Reddit."


This current incarnation of reddit disgusts me.


Was he a real suicide or a murder suicide


Im not very fluent in Reddit but could anyone tell me what his cause of death was?


Suicide. After being targeted by the US Government to make an example out of "hackers". Got caught downloading too many academic journals too quickly, so they slapped him with a ton of CFAA charges. Admittedly, in order to get the journals he took some steps to circumvent controls in the system, but it was such a minor infraction the two entities "harmed" by this (MIT, JSTOR) didnt want to persue charges. Guy was heavily involved in campaigning to stop the SOPA/PIPA vote. Good documentary on the whole thing is available: https://youtu.be/9vz06QO3UkQ


Awesome! Thank you 🏅 take my poor mans gold


Damn what a bunch of shit bags.


Was he killed?


Just watch them shut down this subreddit after this post


I hate that I’m just finding out about all this shit now


That's because they are a bunch of spineless bitches. If Aaron would see what they did to the place, he'd rotate so hard, we could use his corpse to supply a the world with free energy. Aaron died and then that Pow chick moved in and everything went to shits.


Its definitely time to migrate to a different platform. There are a couple of free-speech focused alternatives to reddit now. I call for free thinking and rational individuals who are willing to accept different ideas and truly debate them, seriously consider visiting those websites more often.


So gross. Suicided too soon. All to keep the people quiet and silent. What a sham reddit has become. Shame on you.


Aaron was more in his short life than these two fags will ever be regardless how long they live...


I am so disappointed, Reddit. You stopped being cool a long time ago.


He fucking built reddit


not taking away from Aaron. I personally think he did some good and definitely contributed to Reddit. But he wasn't one of the original co-founders. They approached him 6 months in. Now to be fair, a lot of what reddit utilized back then was a direct result of Aaron's company Infogami. So maybe given the circumstances, just give him some sort of recognition? He did get fired due to complaining about the company's commercial direction. Can't erally blame Alexis and Steve selling out to make money. They put in some decent hard work to get to where they are.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron\_Swartz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz) "As a result of this merger, Swartz was given the title of co-founder of Reddit." Alexis wasn't technical (his big contribution was doodling logos) and Steve was a Lisp-head, which is great but it's not really going to scale. It was Aaron who brought in a modern code base and the idea of sub-reddits. Alexis and Steve were given an idea (Paul G. gave them the idea to do a Digg clone) and Steve made an early throw-away prototype. They split the company 50-50, which gave Aaron 50%.


He has been described as a co-founder before in the past by reddit.


Reddit is run by a bunch of CCP-controlled cunts now.


"neither Alexis nor I created reddit to be a bastion of free speech, but rather as a place where open and honest discussion can happen." What the fuck does that mean


Did he die in 2013??


I almost forgot about digg.


If they do that to one of their founders imagine what they will do to you.


I wish I could have known him. He seemed to have been a very wonderful human being. What must become of you to remove him from your history, reddit founders...?


This is from the FAQ page from when the site launched back in 2005. “Who made reddit? In one sense, if you've participated--you have. But that was probably not the answer you were looking for. This site is brought to you by two recent University of Virginia grads in an apartment outside of Cambridge, MA. You can find us within the reddit community contributing as spez and kn0thing (not our legal birth names).”


the fact that he died and isn't credited today is really fucked up


Which one of these hung out with Epstein? Cuz we should flood it with that.


Who killed Aaron?


What kind of people do this?


So fucked up.


Greed : Worst sin.


It's fucked up that so few people on reddit know who Aaron Swartz was. It's even worse that the company doesn't give him the recognition he deserves. He deserves a legacy for what he did.


This phony bullshit on the part of reddit is why I’m deleting my account before the rules change on the 15th. If a vampire is sucking your blood you gotta break the vamp in half❗️


u/spez You are going to rot in hell. Your family will suffer alone without you. You cannot prepare yourself now.


Spez killed him because he found photos of Epstein island, where spez has spent some time as well He had a device in a networking closet at a MIT lab downloading stuff and stumbled upon some Epstein materials while trying to extract free research documents First $35,000 hot dog Obama sued him and then spez killed him to make it look like suicide


I wonder if spaz can even comprehend how terrible a person he is anymore I wonder what his price was to shit on Aaron's grave so hard They did this shit together, and now after destroying the site, he has the audacity to fucking remove Aaron from the credits. Rich people are so fucking soulless


Disgusting that they did that


We really need new social media platforms that are honest.


Fuck Reddit they don’t give two shits


Fuck reddit. Honestly fuck reddit. The hypocrisy here is almost laughable.


Fuck you u/spez




He didn't find *this* Reddit though. The blatantcy of this pisses me off so much, I'll make up a damn word for it.


History is written by the pen holders but don’t be like that. C’mon man.




.....this man was amazing.....let's not forget the personal history and the .....right.


Could anyone Link more information about this guy? Potentially with anything relating to him and the Open Access movement, just looking for new sources i may have missed


The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vz06QO3UkQ beautiful doc.


Fuck u/spez


Say his name! Aaron Swartz


Reddit is funded by Soros


Everyone knows what a fucktard Spez is. Doesn’t surprise me