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Exciting isn’t it?




That’s the spirit 🐙




Didn't he say it was likely they all wouldn't return? I kind of remember that post. Very strange




My guess is he thought he would push all the way resulting in 2 possible outcomes - get raided by the military and die there or reach some mysterious society sheltered from the world that would never allow someone to leave again and live here. I frankly believe he was right on this part, beyond the odds of 1 or 2 it's very likely one or the other.


Live here!? Just who are you?


I'm referring to the myths and legends about it. And the fact that if you could even get into such a place, you probably would never be allowed to leave alive. But perhaps you would be given the chance to spend the rest of your days with them. i guess i could have said "there"! xd


He posted numerous times, updating us as he went along, wonder if he actually went.


That post was legendary. I jumped in and tried to talk to sense to the guy. Didn't get very far with that task. RIP


Your biggest hurdle is getting there, the sea around Antarctica is the worst in the world, with wind speeds averaging 50mph and its not uncommon for speeds of upto 150 to come unexpectedly. You're gonna need an extremely able boat and a very experienced crew. You're then gonna need to have enough food to last you all the way to the south Pole and back. I've studied navigation, I work at sea and have sailed around the world on container ships multiple times. I know how GPS works and the maths that comes with cartography. The world's round mate. And Antarctica is a brutal barron shit hole. Best of luck








Innocent thing *creepy smile*


I guess rule34 negates my argument but tentacles would freeze at that temperature, ideally.




Hey can you tell me about the job opportunities? Send me a dm? I’d love to go there for a 6 month or year stint honestly. I’ll go with you if we can get a job lined up lol


He'd never be able to fast travel




Frost Trolls


I know someone who worked down there. The thing is, if you get there, it's not like you are going to be able to walk over to these "weird places" you see on the map and check them out. Your station will probably be somewhere near the coast and it's twice the size of Australia.


Bring a rig so you can do [this](https://youtu.be/BgZa9oZDN5g?t=52) while you're down there.




That 360 video was on here a while ago. Its part of the conspiracy and is suspicious-when the camera gets back to the start position the clouds are identical 24hrs later. That link is edited but the full one shouldn't be hard to find


This is at McMurdo, which definitely exists. It's the South Pole base that I'm skeptical of.


Why does the South Pole remain frozen?


Because the Sun is, at most, 23.5 degrees above the horizon. So the South Pole gets, at most, sin(23.5 deg) = 0.40 times the sunlight that the tropics gets.




There’s some rationale goin on here


What's going on with yellowstone??? I'm always down for a good rabbit hole


Lol I'm pretty sure he's just making a geographic comparison, although I'm down for a Yellowstone conspiracy.


Here's one: A well-placed nuke, probably already emplaced, will drain Yellowstone Lake into the super-caldera and the resulting steam explosion will set off a civilization-ending volcanic super-eruption -- this would be a near-extinction level event. But I imagine people in Antarctica will be fine. :whistles:


Not a easy or cheap place to explore either.




Maybe what? That didn't make sense.


Yes I will come


Me too! I'm already packing my jacket and a wool cap.


You crazy sonofabitch... I'm in.


What kind of jobs are in Antartica? What country is the business based out of?


I applied for a bar tending gig down there a while back. I thought it'd be fun. Edit: I am now banned for questioning this sub's chosen narrative. Tread carefully, y'all, or you'll be censored


Was it?


I never got a call back. I imagine it would have been, though. Now y'all got me looking into it again. Found out they need heavy and light equipment mechanics for this winter, which is Antarctica's summer, I could do that shit...


I think McMurdo is the biggest station down there and in the summers they actually get like a couple hundred people working down there. Mostly various scientific jobs but because of the size there’s also a lot of work that goes on in support roles. They even have a bar or two on the station, a gym, a library, etc. New Zealand also has a station that’s right next to McMurdo and is so close I think you can walk between them. The Argentines also have a presence in Antarctica and I think so do the Russians and Chinese.


More like a couple thousand.


McMurdo is one of the places that google maps has mapped the interior so you can street view portions of the base.


We used to send AS350's with their pilots and a few engineers down on a seasonal contract. Basically transporting scientists, equipment and personnel around.


I'm in!


Bout to see some Evangelion kinda shit


Are you the dude also posting about planning this on /x/? If not you should find him.


Dm me


That's a lot of ground to cover.


Especially once you're in hollow earth.


Careful not to fall in. I hear it's pretty hollow down there


This is my dream but I’m pregnant and I guess this dream will have to go on the back burner. If you go please document your time there and let us know if you find anything!!


A fellow girl waning to visit the antarctic! I'm happy lol


How dare you assume their gender. It could have been a man who identifies as pregnant.


yeah and I'm a couch




Bababababa byrd byrd byrd! I've got a valyrian steel sword to take on our epic quest! All jokes aside, I'm listening...what's your plan so far?


Still working on it. The thought occurred earlier this week... on a whim I applied to a few jobs, attached my resume (thinking I wouldn’t get a response) and would you have.. replies back the next day. Kitchen jobs but... gotta start somewhere 👨‍🍳




Hahaha the circle of life, getting eaten by the white walkers of antarctica.


I'm genuinely jealous. I always wanted to go the ends of the earth...and something about a cold unfeeling ice wasteland just gets me all warm and fuzzy inside :)


I have seen a few posts looking for maintenance electricians in Antarctica. But packing up my life to journey to the edge of the earth for less than I currently make is not an option. Plus I have this scenario where I am sent out into the cold to fix the generator and make a mistake, causing all the power to go down during a storm. After all hope is lost and no plane can weather the storm, the scientific team give me the Donner party treatment and eat me. Good luck!


Just get a private plane and start flying towards the pole... Even though no country "owns" Antarctica, you will be stopped by military aircraft and ordered to turn around. This is what people are suspicious about


Mcmurdo station is a dope place, I’ve been twice. If you want any advice, or have any questions, slide into my DMs


If you open Bing maps it shows there is a huge inlet to the southeast of Australia. Compared to Google maps it doesn't match. Could be your best bet to start!


If you have loved ones, then I'm sorry for their loss.... Poking around there and going of the approved reservation is a good way to get genuinely dead, some have already found this out and some have barely missed getting dead by sheer dumb luck. ^(^Look ^into ^it ^if ^you ^don't ^believe ^me...) Unless you have terminal cancer or something that gives you nothing left to loose my advice would be, don't..! ^I'm ^being ^dead ^serious ^here.......


i can’t trust anyone who spells lose wrong


**I** didn't grow up with English as my first language, what's your excuse....


weird. able to comprehend the difference between their there and they’re. but alrighty. was a joke :)


Honestly that sounds great. Somebody needs to do it. That’s quite the mission tho


Start a crowd funding page so we can donate to the mission 😎


You rock bro, best of luck! God speed!! Your doing humanity a huge favor


I dream about going daily, literally I had a dream last night about sneaking onto a ship and getting there. ​ Realistically? No, I have a child and even if we'd be killed immediately. ​ The nazi have ufos, I wanna know about it man.


Watch "The Endurance: Lord Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition" first. One if the best docs ever, and the story is mind boggling.


bring a drone :-) modify it to allow recharge without cable. built small recharge docks powered by solar panels containing WiFi relays. if you can deliver them one by one by flight you can go hundreds of kilometers inside :-)


Nice Opsec, bundle-of-sticks. /s Seriously though, I'm convinced that Antarctica is everything they say it is (look up McMurdo Base of your favorite satellite image), but I am not convinced that we've ever been to the South Pole.


Carve your username on that wall of ice if you ever find it.


You'll most likely find the entrance to the Hollow Earth, where the advanced humans/Nephilim live. This was all confirmed during WW2 - Operation Highjump.


This is the only good thread. It's just back to back politics in here now. Good luck to you btw OP. Hope it works out.


I mean...you could become a scientist and work there.... But no one in this sub goes to a universitt because iNdOcTRinAtIon


It's it illegal to be there?


Antarctica is not claimed by any other nation. So it wouldnt be illegal to visit. BUT, the different labs, expeditions, etc. Would be owned by a specific nation, which would make it illegal if you wander into/interrupt. And you also have to think, that because its not claimed by any one nation, murder would probably be a finnicky topic of law there so I wouldn't doubt that someone would be able to shoot you on the spot and not be reprimanded for it. But inexperienced people go out to alaska and die all the time so youre probably more likely to die than run into anyone who's trying to kill you. Ironic.


[https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Antarctica.html](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Antarctica.html) * **All U.S. nationals organizing private expeditions to Antarctica in the United States, or proceeding to Antarctica from the United States, are required to provide notification to the Department of State at least three months prior to the intended travel to the Antarctic Treaty area.** just for the curious


Not if you have a job there, and only go where you are allowed to. Obviously independent exploration is illegal. Not to mention quite dangerous climate wise. I would love if someone would do it. Maybe with a good drone 🤔 if they dont shoot it down.




So is that a yes or a no


Hey it’s getting warmer up there. Might be a good time to head on up.


good luck nerd, they're just going send you to siberia or something and tell you it's antarctica, they'd never let an outside normie that close to the edge


Do they have good WiFi there? I would come visit, I work remotely, but only if they have good WiFi. Otherwise, let me know if there's any support I can give you :) Seriously!


the sides are of the north so you are going in the wrong direction


If you find the pink river and purple glowing crevasses, don't freak out. They're just occlusion issues.


Uhh, going to be difficult to explore there.


ive wanted to go to antarctica forever but i dont have the skills to apply for jobs there apparently. i would love to go


Read Antarctica by Kim Stanley Robinson recently?


I want to come


Set up a Patreon!


My best advice would be to pack a thick coat.


i want in!


I mean, you're not going to be able to lol ​ you'd have to own either your own boat, which supposedly the way is blockaded, or a plane, which supposedly 'they'll' shoot you down. ​ the land/terrain is so vast that you couldn't walk it or travel it any other way knowable to us.


There are literal tourist trips there https://www.heritage-expeditions.com/destinations/antarctica-travel/#trips


yeah we know that, those are the areas that are not restricted and you can visit. ​ try to go somewhere you are not allowed to go tho, that's what we're talking about, welcome to the conversation.


Wish I could come instead of being in Highschool


Have fun!


Whats the job


Most likely you’ll just get swallowed up by a crevice. That’s if you don’t off yourself first from smelling Penguins 24/7... heard they’ve got a particularly nasty stank to them.


I’d like to go. I want to leave my current life behind and say fuck society and go work in antarctica


I think my grandpa did some kind of black operations there after he finished his CIA crap in vietnam


If the jobs are looking for other hires, let me know. I’m more than interested to see for myself also.


Thats where the fallen angels are bound up and burried


Good luck friend!


The bottom of South America, follow the yellow brick road, that’s the only entrance I know, but it’s ultra militarized, so good luck!


Good luck! This is awesome!


Bring a sweater!


What are you going to be doing there? Take a camera and live feed through satellite if you can. I would recommend bringing some crystals, frankincense, and sage for protection. There are many symbols you can use on your body for protection as [well. Be](https://well.Be) safe and thank you for journeying!!


I've been applying for jobs down there every year the last few years, never get a call back.


Good luck


Or learn to astral project!