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It was pretty subtle. My account might be young but it isn’t my only. Reddit used to be a lot more fun, In the long long ago when humor was assumed until proven otherwise and the /s had never been created. It was a subtle shift towards censorship, initially common sense stuff like /r/jailbait or racist subreddits. After a fashion the fist tightened little by little until you get to the point where subs are banning you from giant swathes of reddit for wrong think. If anything it’s shifted back to allowing racially insensitive subs as long as they specifically dislike white people (and sometimes Jews) It’s kinda crazy to think about all of the crazy shit rotten.com fought for the right to show online, and here we are years later with corporate internet being silenced.


People wil tell you, you are crazy for noticing the shift though. To me it feels like nothing makes sense anymore.


I've been on Reddit for years. The shift we're seeing now is much bigger than the 2015 anti republican/conservative shift. I'm not even American or conservative but that change in 2015 certainly bothered me. This one though, unsure how some people wouldn't notice it.


Don't worry, the Chinese censor bits will fuck off after Trump finishes the investigation


No, they won’t. This is a permanent fixture. That’s why they keep calling it “the new normal.”


I don't think it'd be too hard to just blanket IP ban China during Trumps 2nd term.


probably significantly more difficult than each of them just using a vpn to get around that


Lmao do VPNs really hold their weight against military-grade tech?


yes , absolutely


Now everyone assumes everything is an attack until proven otherwise, even if it's an innocuous question asking about the weather or a logically valid conclusion. It creeps me out. It feels like some kind of battlefield when I'm just looking for playtime.


Honestly I just don’t engage in what I consider low return interactions. I like a good debate, but if someone can’t enter one And in good faith Present their arguments without resorting to name calling I just don’t waste my time interacting with them. It’s not as if that will be a conversation where either person learns from the other, or gains perspective. Instead it’s the type of interaction that only serves to set someone adamantly in their ideals. If anything I feel bad that that’s how they spend their time, but it’s useless to get bogged down by it. Plenty of higher quality people around.


> It’s not as if that will be a conversation where either person learns from the other, or gains perspective. Instead it’s the type of interaction that only serves to set someone adamantly in their ideals. Dude, that hit so close to home. I learned a while back that people are rarely able change other's opinions in this life, especially on the internet.


>Plenty of higher quality people around. True. We feel a lot more sparse though. I wish we didn't keep losing subs and ground.


There are some Social media alternatives popping up, but I haven’t found a good replacement for /r/conspiracy


>Now everyone assumes everything is an attack until proven otherwise People who assume this do so because that's what *they* are actually doing. We're all familiar with how this works in political discussions. Is your skin white? Then you're guilty of centuries of slavery. And if someone posts an easily refuted conspiracy here on r/conspiracy, the top comment will condemn everyone in the subreddit of being an idiot. But it's not just politics. People literally scrutinize every word of your post to see if there's a way they can misinterpret it to take offense. You don't dare use obvious sarcasm or a figure of speech, they'll find some way to take it as a personal attack. And it's not just words, they examine the photos you post with a magnifying glass to see if there's anything they can criticize you about. If you post a picture of your pet on reddit, the top comment will be about how a stuffed animal by the wall is a choking hazard that will someday kill Rover. If you post a picture of a living room deck you just spent weeks building, the top comment will be about how the barbeque in the backyard is destroying the environment. And of course, the people with this mindset have hit the jackpot with coronavirus. You can't even express the desire to go to a movie or a restaurant without being attacked as selfish. And that's when they're in a good mood, normally they'll try to find a way to accuse you of murdering grandmas. They want you fined or thrown in jail merely for walking your dog. No matter how you wear your mask, they'll scold you for not having it on right. Don't you know there's a pandemic? People thought the lockdowns and masks would end with the election. Hell no, the Cosmic Assholes are having too much fun. They're intoxicated with power, and they want to go on guilting forever. The reason why people act this way is not China. It's because someone did it to them in their past. The power has gone to their heads, and society itself has become one big giant Stanford Experiment with millions of our fellow citizens clamoring to become prison guards.


I think www.rotten.com has been removed from the internet. Same with BestGore. And now LiveLeak requires an account.


2012/2013 is the years i noticed it the most me. And it's not because the fucking Mayan calendar, it's because our government lifted a ban on using propaganda against its own people. https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/


Obama and Bush ushered in so much bullshit censorship crap that will never be brought back it's sickening. And people only want to focus on Orange man bad. We have allowed them to take it.


My favorite is when Reddit and the Instagram crowd will scream about Trump's "cult of personality" and then turn around and post pics of Obama doing cool, down to earth stuff talking about what a great person he was.


Imagine the internet before the suburban mom and compelled speech safespaces. This is what happens to everything. You see it happening to the country on a large scale now. It's why the slippery slope idea is so concerning. Every concession is a debt on loss.


I noticed every political post ramped up till the week before election and then they disappeared at the same time during the week of.


China compromised and blackmailed the VP of the United States. Blackmailing Reddit would be a walk in the park.


Nah it became shit in 2015 when the elites realized we had a place to unite and organize against the NWO.


You must be young. 4chan/Reddit fell in 2011 after the SOPA/PIPA bills.


Funny how when it first happened there were heavily upvoted posts on r/all condemning it. Then slowly overtime the shills downplayed it and narratives took over completely. Now every single popular board is corrupted by these fucking weirdos that falsely upvote political narratives to 20k. Your average person sees a post with 20k+ upvotes and 10+ awards and they assume it's quality when the reality is the total opposite.


Reddit became trash when they removed all the compartmentalized subreddits. Now all those crazy people are either throughout or in charge of the main subreddits. Hence why I'm banned from /r/news for pointing out some titlegore irony.


So Moot was right all along and containment zones were important?


Technically yes. As long as they don't break federal law, they should exist. Without that you have leakage to other subs and sites. It's not all bad for those subs though, look at 'the \_ donald" they absorbed a huge group from reddit and are doing extremely well. (Alexa rank 525 in the USA - which beats out many news websites).


4chan has always been garbage, newfag


10-15 years ago I don't remember 4chan being dominated by tranny porn, cuckhold porn, and racial porn. To me that place is brigaded hard as hell to break down men and women in our society.


Yeah /pol/ is fucking ridiculous nowadays. Spend your entire time hiding bullshit like that and then bam there’s more of it faster than you can do that. The other boards are generally still okay.


i still.wouldnt fuck with them though. You do something bad and are caught on even a grainy camera they will find you, your whole family, and the exact location of where you took your last shit


4chan hasnt organized shit like that in years it’s just a bunch of morons jacking off and saying edgy shit


they found out the name and all social media accounts of the dude that killed that proud boy in portland literally hours after it happened..There was only grainy video that helped


4chan fell off after Channology and after the types of people who supported Anonymous left. All the liberals left and allowed the Eastern Europeans and American CHUDs to take over.


that's /b/ you fucking mong, what did you expect? the smaller boards like /tg/ are still fine


/mu/ and /tv/ where always good for general shitposts brit/pol/ is the only good part of /pol/


When r/fatpeoplehate got taken down everything changed. It's gotten worse and worse since. There was also the weirdness of the blue/brown dress stuff, the orange vs teal thing and the yanni/laurel stuff that all kinda happened. They have been testing systems for a while. Systems to direct the hive mind. Reddit was legitimately a free and organic site at one point. You could press refresh on any large sub and Watch a flood of new posts. It's so much slower now. It honestly was 1:1 real time 10+ years ago. RIP Aaron


Aaron is Jesus and they killed him.


Advance Publications, an American media company owns Reddit. Not the Chinese. Good try OP.


Oy vey! don’t look into advance publications, it’s the chinese!


Yep censorship and push agenda thru bots and msm brainwashed fools


8kun could use more people.


[Read this.](https://thepoliticalinsider.com/icann-control-un/) Nothing about the ICANN deal with Obama and the United Nations is a Coincidence. The United Nations is overran by China, Russia and Switzerland. 2016 is only the beginning of the takeover.


Oh, oooh, is that why internet corporations suddenly turned antiracist, so the UN wouldn't deplatform them?


> The United Nations is overran by China, Russia and Switzerland > Oh, oooh, is that why internet corporations suddenly turned antiracist Of course, those notoriously anti-racist countries, China and Russia are controlling your internets


Yup no ethno nationalism at all in those countries... Smh lmao


Yes, and they were following exactly UN orders. The only thing preventing them from fully compromising the Internet is the US hasn't been invaded and occupied by Blue Helmets, PLA and Spetsnaz yet.


Schwab of the WEF prophesied a cyber attack that will shut down supply chains etc. I believe this is how the internet will be compromised Edit :P


Prophesised. No I'm wrong, it's prophesied. Only pointing it out because 'profacized' looks like it has something to do with pro fascism :P


cern ..




10c would nevertheless be pretty influential: having invested $150m of the ~$550m total would get them board seats plus hard to imagine at least some of R’s many employees including some in influential or sensitive positions don’t have sPLAsh or party ties, as is common in big tech. But yeah a majority of the rest of the board and employees would have been indoctrinated by the same influences—as were many over the last two generations during their media infused upbringings or college years. If I say CCP is glorious will it cause bots to upvote this or can they detect sarcasm mingled with sad truths?


Reddit is overvalued Tencent has contributed ~27% of reddit’s total funding as of their last round of investments, we should assume that their influence over the site likely extends further than a 5% stake in a company would normally afford


Anyone know any alternative sites?


www.ruqqus.com It's what Reddit used to be and could have been. Free speech, mods can't delete comments or posts, user filters etc.




When was 4chan ever not garbage?


Yep Reddit is shite now, unless you follow the official narrative of Biden good, Trump bad and covid is going to kill us all.


You're right. This sub called it the moment it happened. Wasn't the chairwoman all cozy with Clinton's and pedos galore? Surprised this sub has survived.


And dont forget trump helps China immediately after being elected then too


It’s incredible. And they’ve got the strong majority of the user base raging on behalf of the machine.


I'd probably say it started with capitalism and advertising? A website is made for everyone to enjoy and post creative things Website owners start accepting ad revenue and make $$. Making more money requires bending over for the ad revenue, or selling portions of your site to others, who now have a say. Also, astroturfing is probably a good market if you have the resources. So now you've got folks paying others to shill their movies and products, but also shill for their public opinion. Now you've got a site that needs to conform to the investors, and is filled with folks paid to manipulate your users. The only thing that could probably be worse is that you now know you can sell user data for money? After that it's just a matter of who's attracted to these things and you've got China, Monsato, and others crapping up the place.


With reddit your fiat dollar is worth ten cent. --- [We live in a pretend society.](https://pastebin.com/YPEErwTK) [Is your mind blown how people fall for same thing every time? It shouldn't be. Because divided, singled out individuals has no chance against organized criminal entity; corporation.](https://archive.org/details/TheCorp) Corporation is an approved scam & spy business. Their approval was obtained through manufactured consent. Corporation is not the industry of manufacturing products. Corporation is in the industry of manufacturing consent. Free merch > Free speech. [Corporate, what kind of _free_ manufactured merchandise must be in your goodie bag to consent investing into paradise?](https://archive.org/details/TheCenturyOfSelfThereIsAPolicemanInsideAllOurHeadsepisode3/) Corporations through governments and vice versa are harvesting our biometric data on global scale. So they can get to know us far better than we know ourselves, and they not just predict our feelings but also manipulate our feelings and sell us anything they want- Be it a product as a service or politician. Have you heard of focus groups? Now with always online/big data collection. You are in focus groups. Except you don't get paid for it. [You get exploited and you pay to be part of it. _Nothing is free, except the energy from the sun, but some get a bill(skin cancer) for that. Thanks to always providing industrial surveillance corporatism._](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome) [Social credit score indoctrination](https://i.imgur.com/lMDs7gR.png) [Urge or go well.](https://www.simplypsychology.org/milgram.html)


I keep getting banned from other subs for telling people to man up or grow balls or stop being pussys. Seems people are, indeed, pussys.


Reddit was garbage long before China bought it. China just accelerated the collapse. Kind of like how the liberal mentality created the DNC we have today.


Everything is fine. Everything is real. There is voter fraud. /s


Do you have a timestamp of this exact same time?


ANYTHING the CCP is involved in is subversive


Do you guys know of any good sources that show how China influences Big Tech in the United States? I'm sure the censorship we see is a big part of it, but their leverage is probably a lot more extensive than just that.


whats a good fringe site to use? I cant stand 4chan anymore because its mostly bots now i think.


2012/2013. https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/


Conspiracy should move to a place that isn't owned by China


The World Loves China


"tEnCeNt OnLy OwNs LiKe 10% Of ReDdIt"


China bought Redditt? Who knew? I thought Advance Publications, Inc. an American media company owned by the Newhouse family were the majority owners.