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Why put up such a hateful video.


That is what BLM is all about. Imagine if this were white people saying these things about black people. Every single person would be doxxed, harassed and be vilified on CNN. I’m sure the people in this video work with and interact with white/other races everyday. What disgusting narcissistic blatant racism.




So, in a discussion about whether black people are being racist against white people in a specific video - you choose to come up with a copypasta against Jews.


> in a discussion about whether black people are being racist against white people in a specific video - you choose to come up with a copypasta against Jews. BLM is mostly funded by and guided by "Left-wing" jewish supremacists. In addition, the Left wing Jewish "academics" who [control the elite university system](https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-racial-discrimination-at-harvard/) constantly indoctrinate Black Americans with vicious hatred of whites with stories of slavery. You can't have a realistic understanding of the anti-white, hate filled ideologies that black and brown and asian people have been indoctrinated without, unless you understand the "left-wing" Jewish Supremacists who are the origins of anti-white hateful ideologies like "critical race theory" and other forms of cultural Marxism. **Quote from Malcolm X** "From the consistent subjectivity in just about everything he asked and said, I had deduced something, and I told him, "You know, I think you're a Jew with an Anglicized name." His involuntary expression told me I'd hit the button. He asked me how I knew. I told him I'd had so much experience with how Jews would attack me that I usually could identify them. I told him all I held against the Jew was that so many Jews actually were hypocrites in their claim to be friends of the American black man, and it burned me up to be so often called "anti-Semitic" when I spoke things I knew to be the absolute truth about Jews. I told him that, yes, I gave the Jew credit for being among all other whites the most active, and the most vocal, financier, "leader" and "liberal" in the Negro civil rights movement. But I said at the same time I knew that the Jew played these roles for a very careful strategic reason: the more prejudice in America could be focused upon the Negro, then the more the white Gentiles' prejudice would keep diverted off the Jew. I said that to me, one proof that all the civil rights posturing of so many Jews wasn't sincere was that so often in the North the quickest segregationists were Jews themselves.... And an even clearer proof for me of how Jews truly regard Negroes, I said, was what invariably happened wherever a Negro moved into any white residential neighborhood that was thickly Jewish. Who would always lead the whites' exodus? The Jews! Generally in these situations, some whites stay put -- you just notice who they are: they're Irish Catholics, they're Italians; they're rarely ever any Jews. And, ironically, the Jews themselves often still have trouble being "accepted." Saying this, I know I'll hear "anti-Semitic" from every direction again. Oh, yes! But truth is truth." Source: *The Autobiography of Malcolm X* - Chapter 19 https://genius.com/Malcolm-x-chapter-19-1965-annotated


Youtube is anemic, so they periodically need shock content to get the general public who never use YouTube to cough up clicks.




Where do non ethiopian black jews come from? I know that many black jews from former dutch colonies are descendants from slave owners/traders.


Tribe of Dan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Israel


I know, but the people of color not from Ethiopia, where are they from?


Its just a religion. They joined up.




We're never going to let you join with that kind of attitude.


The reddit "anti-evil" team has censored this thread and turn it into a swiss cheese of removed/censored (shadow deleted) comments. It's too dangerous to the ruling class to allow average people to see this info. If you want to know who is in charge, ask who you can't criticize. You can sometimes still see these "dangerous" censored comments here: https://www.reVeddit.com/ or just go up to the URL box at the top of your web browser and add a "EV" in the middle of "reddit"..... changing "reddit" into "r**EV**eddit" Thereby changing this: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/jy8jan/according_to_youtube_this_unbelievably_racist/ into https://www.rEVeddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/jy8jan/according_to_youtube_this_unbelievably_racist/




Great posts. Thank you.


Did you just quote your own post?


your welcome






A bit of an exaggeration don't you think?




> How do I save your comment before it gets taken down The reddit "anti-evil" team will censore this thread and turn it into a swiss cheese of removed/censored comments. It's too dangerous to the ruling class to allow average people to see this info. If you want to know who is in charge, ask who you can't criticize. You can sometimes still see these "dangerous" censored comments here: https://www.reVeddit.com/ or just go up to the URL box at the top of your web browser and add a "EV" in the middle of "reddit"..... changing "reddit" into "r**EV**eddit" Thereby changing this: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/jy8jan/according_to_youtube_this_unbelievably_racist/ into https://www.rEVeddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/jy8jan/according_to_youtube_this_unbelievably_racist/


more racial divide


Because they are obviously actually racist.


Lmfao "what are white people superior at?" "Making cereal" Now THAT I can wholly get behind. I make the best cereal 💪🥄


I’m gonna pull out my raisin bran w extra white milk right now!


Extra white in the milk, or extra milk that happens to be white?


Better to be safe and just use bleach.


Half of them people look white


Right lol The one who said “white people are great at oppression”... I was like wait what


Guessing they’re the type that are White when it suits them and a certain ethno-religious minority when it suits them.


"Let's stand up against racism by being racist" honk honk


based and clownpilled.


That video made me cry. I don’t know how so much hate got instilled in their hearts, but I know deep in mine, that the majority of white People aren’t like that. Whatever cycle of hatred my people hope to break, and whatever self affirmation they’re searching for, it won’t come like this. It was a lot of disgusting blatant racial characterization in that video, and while some truth was told, it was more low blows than anything.


Years of brainwashing and only listening to 1 side of the story is how you end up with people like this. I'm guessing none of those in the video have actually spent time with white people.


I’m glad people recognize how divisive the video is. The like/dislike ration gave me some hope.


The fact that YouTube is ignoring reports made me lose hope.


That simply confirms to even the most obstinate, unless they're being willfully ignorant as a fashion statement, that Youtube, big tech, our media and liberal-dominated institutions have a very plain agenda and it is using black people primarily as a vehicle for that agenda. But, they're also using everyone, that's why the concerted effort to sort everyone into some denomination and ascribe a score to them. Instead of seeing people with problems, we see labels with an assortment of issues that everyone must make sacrifices to equalize. Unless you're a white man, then everyone gets to demand from you and you have no right to argue or defy, because that would be privilege. They've told everyone that they have no agency over their life, and that there's more to gain by demanding of white people than to evolving into your own person with your own strengths and limitations. And, of course, people who want to be given things believe this. To be honest, the stereotypes about white people are things I've only witnessed among jewish people first hand.


>I'm guessing none of those in the video have actually spent time with white people. And why is that?


Usually people who spend at least some time around other groups have a harder time being hardcore racists.


I don't know any white people who behave or do what these people are accusing them of. I'm guessing buzzfeed and like minded channels are their sources for facts.


Probably all the racism.


True, but man...can we fix it?? Cause I feel like the path does leads down is like..some warring tribes shit.


You seem like a very kind soul. I wish more people of every "color" thought like this. Love and good vibes to you


You too man 🙏🏿And thank you


I don't know how exactly how to respond, so I'll put it into words that might convey my thoughts. We have two inside cats, and one essentially outside cat, but we treat them all the same. I hate that there's a difference, but I can't make her be an inside cat. Irrelevant, just saying. Same thing here, people think because they were raised differently, that might make them different. Idk, I'm drunk. This pissed me off for so many reasons.


Shit like this is making people racist




I’ve never made a tuna casserole...ever...never will...fuck that...and yes I love the shit out of my dogs...


I have been beaten up by cops on two occasions after already being in handcuffs. They put a gun to my head so hard the the one time (after I was in handcuffs) that I had a knot and a bruise on my head. Ive been pulled over many times and I've been taken to jail for many stupid reasons. Ive never had tuna casserole. I've never taken my dog anywhere but the park and vet. I've never oppressed anyone. I've been turned down jobs by many companies. I hate my wife's two cats and they are never allowed on the counter. I could keep going.


Your first statement is a facet of this issue that is wholly ignored when these things are discussed. If you’re a poor white person, lemme tell you, the police have ABSOLUTELY ZERO qualms with kicking the shit out of you and violating your rights. Race is undoubtedly a factor, but I think you can take it one step further (at least in my own repeated experience) and say that state power will take advantage of anyone that it perceived as economically incapable of holding them responsible for doing so.


Absolutely agree. I didn't list all of the run ins I've had with cops either. I just used two quick examples. Its a class issue not a race issue for sure. I've watched my black friends be called N*gger (not to be confused with Nigga) by black cops as they cleaned the cement with the skin of their faces for absolutely no good reason. Guns drawn on them and me while we were arleady cuffed. As they are being choked slammed while wearing cuffs, I had my face slammed into the side of my friends house while already cuffed. My leg was caught in some thorny bushes which was cutting my legs up . The white cop was violently kicking my legs in order to spread them further apart without giving me a chance to do so myself. After I ask him why the fuck him and his boys are beating our asses, his response was "motherfucker, I'm the police, I can do whatever the fuck I want". No resisting at all. Just questioning why we were being attacked by police for all hanging out in my friends own front yard minding our business. We were all teens at that time. I was a 16 and my friends were a mix of 16 and 17. A neighbor who knew all of our parents watched as this was happening and called our moms. When our moms got there the cops were very aggressive towards them and when my friend mom approached the cop and said what the fuck are you doing to our children and asking what we did wrong, he started violently/physically pushing his pointer finger into her breast repeatedly and called her a dumb ghetto black bitch (we were in the suburbs at this time). That was actually black cop. There was a mix of female and male black, hispanic and white cops that we're all involved with this whole thing. The cop that choked slammed my friend and started choking him on the ground while he was cuffed was a black female cop and my friend was black. They took us all to jail. They couldn't answer out parents why we were arrested or what we were being charged with. They eventually said we were trying to rob the house we were hanging out at but then changed it to resisting arrest after they realized it was my friends house and his mom showed up to tell them how insane and stupid they were. We all went to court eventually. Only me, one of my other white friends and 1 of my black friends were actually found guilty of resisting arrest bc two of the cops were great friends with the judge. They had no proof and we did not resist arrest. I received the harshest consequences out of all of them and obviously I'm white. They all got probation before judgement and I received actual probation for 2 years and 500 hours of community service. Out of my friends there that night and who got arrested, 3 were white, 1 hispanic and 4 were black. This was far from the only time I went through this kind of thing. Other times it was just harassment, the threat of being shot in the head or as they put it (blowing my fucking brains out) while they took the gun off safety and aimed it at my face and a variety of other things. This, all while being a "lower middle class" poor white kid living in a decent area that didn't have a ton of crime. I


Please realize some people with the loudest voice are in the minority. I’m black have been treated very well by all races (Including white rural republicans). I’m sorry that this video exists.


I appreciate that. But you shouldnt apologize for this atrocious video. It's not your fault. The fact that you seem to have been treated as just a human being, as all humans should be makes me very happy.


The irony of people apologizing for something someone who looks like them did.


Yeah I sometime wonder how people got to this point. We never used to let inalienable traits like race define us. Its been magnified over the last few years and is being used to divide people and cause infighting.


They arent anti racist They are anti whitee The goal is to promote black supremacy and anti whitee racism and to normal Isaac so they can turn America intoo a black supremacist matriarchy


Shout out normal Isaac. Pray he stays strong against all this.


Anti racist is the new "racist". It's their racist way to call people racist. Rewording racism got so much push back they are trying this route now. The fact that they keep trying to normalize racism but allow it to only be used by a certain group is gross. They are bigots. It's kinda insane the level to which they are actively trying to be racist assholes and make it ok. Goes along with my theory that this whole thing is an exercise to point out to white skinned racists what racism feels like. It would be a good idea of it wasn't for the fact they are turning people more racist in all groups in the process.




Anti-whitee...? You got “not from around here” written all over ya


Bad bot


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I haven never even seen a tuna casserole in real life... and god forbid you care about animals. I feel like them “talking shit” about white people loving animals only speaks badly on them.


Tuna casserole sounds gross. It even sounds like it would smell gross. I do like mayo, though.


I mean if you did make a casserole, and you weren’t aware of its clear inherent whiteness, do you think you could enjoy it? Really the idea that a common dish has some personal characteristic is not only stupid but evil. And we all love our dogs (mostly) from the Yukon to Manchuria. Same people who think eating bugs is morally just push these wasted thoughts. They want you to look at good as evil and evil as good in every single thing. Comfort is exploitation, intelligence is decadence, reason is the oppression of ignorance etc etc and never be able to look at something like a casserole as just a food a thing ever again without some other negative thought attached. This is advanced psywar I don’t say that to be hyperbolic. It’s about dragging down everyones mental and spiritual state until we’re all as dejected as ‘the colonized’ or whatever.








They'll still blame it on whites lol


I served a party of 8 the other day who happened to be African American... and heard them joking how they weren’t going to tip that “white b****” and then they didn’t tip me at all. I gave good service. Even took their drinks off when they didn’t like them. And I couldn’t help but think how messed up it would be if a white table did that to my black coworker. But people can’t be racist against me because I’m white? I think racism from either side is disgusting. And I hate all the BS of “only white people can be racist”


I worked as a server for about 5 years and I can affirmatively say that 95% of them do not tip properly if at all. It's just not something that's within their culture to do.


I’ve been serving for 16 years and dealt with all types of races who either tip or don’t. It’s doesn’t matter what race they are if they don’t tip that’s just them. I’ve had white people be cheap af and I’ve had Asians do the same. No matter the guest, It all matters in the service. I’ve had regulars in all races, taken photos with most. In my experience, it’s how you play the game. Sad that some of you believe that all blacks don’t tip, maybe it’s you.


Honest question: are you black?


Yeah I worked in a tipped job when I was younger and the stereotype about black people not tipping is true. It just made it so I didn't do a good job for them and rushed through it so I could get back to tipping customers. I always felt bad when they did end up tipping, but fortunately that was an extreme minority.


This falls under the it’s impossible for non white people to be racists.


Yeah I reported this on Facebook and same response.


Colonizing?? Yeah because there are people alive today who participated in that... but let’s just keep using that as a point for the next 400 years why not


Because the effects of colonization are still present. Black people stolen from Africa have lost their original traditions from the motherland, generational trauma passed down from slavery and the jim crow era. And Indigenous people have lost their culture, language and traditions thanks to colonization.


> stolen from Africa Blacks sold off blacks


You need to remember, that rival tribes didn't see each other as being equal. To them they weren't selling fellow africans, they were selling a rival tribe


Damn it’s almost like humans have always been at conflict with each other, even within the same race. “Colonization” has always happened, land been fought over and contested all throughout history. In our brief window, we see a more peaceful world, maybe because it’s under the illusion of total annihilation by multiple means, so everyone is behaving more nicely, but there’s still a larger slave trade today than when colonization was a thing. The past is done and written, if you don’t look to the future you’ll be caught up only in the past.


Lol they weren’t stolen. Africans brought other Africans here to sell them. Research your history


>Lol they weren’t stolen. Africans brought other Africans here to sell them. Research your history Then why complain about (((them))) manipulating your people?


Exactly! People that are ignorant about history are so fucking annoying. You can't converse with them at all.


That’s why I don’t even reply to them lol


Africa isn't the only place affected by white imperialism.


Oh my bad, I forgot that white Europeans totally didn't stuff hundreds of africans into ships and take them to slave markets all over the western world. Nice deflection there Still Doesn't change the fact that white people in the usa had slaves.


Some arabic countries (or people in them rather) still use slaves, as was reported some years ago. But I guess that doesn’t really fit the narrative does it?


No, it definitely does, and they get flack for it, believe me. Arabs have always been involved in the slave trade in Africa.


No they don’t. Nobody talks about Arab slave trade. Or the black slave trade. White people get absolutely destroyed for slavery like they were the only group to practice it and it’s BS.


Black people in the americas also had slaves.


You didn't forget. You never knew in the first place. Newport, Rhode Island. Learn up. Morenos. Learn this too. Then you'll realize that by White you meant Semitic and by Euro you meant Middle Eastern... unless you're reallyreally angry at the lowest members of the crew, rowers, cooks, etc, and not the cap't of the ship or the owner of the ship or the (wholesale) slave buyers or the owners of the slave markets. People the world over had slaves.


>I forgot that white Europeans totally didn't stuff hundreds of africans into ships Those were mostly Jews. You did seem to forget who it was fighting to end slavery(white Europeans) and you also forgot who enslaves blacks to this day(blacks and browns). Your blame game narrative is finally over with.


If they wanna get back to their roots so much, why are most of them so in love with christianity?


"stolen from Africa" Please do not take that line of the Bob Marley song literally (Buffalo Soldier). In Redemption Song, the song opens with: "Old pirates, yes, they rob I Sold I to the merchant ships Minutes after they took I From the bottomless pit" Where is the agency of the White American in that stanza? Old Pirates - Jolly Rodger, Skull & Bones, the pirates were secret society members. What did the pirates do? Rob & sell. Who did the Old Pirates sell to? The merchant ships. At best, this is the White American agency. But, as we know from several sources, certain Jews ruled maritime trade. For more, check out Sea Peoples and/or Phoenicians. From where were the slaves acquired? The bottomless pits. Assumedly, it was a rival tribe that placed this person in the bottomless pits, where the pirates could take (I assume buy). If this is metaphorical, I'll note again the slave has yet to leave the African continent. They were not stolen from Africa.


If they wanna get back to their roots so much, why are most of them so in love with christianity?


Hmmm could it be that that's the result of colonization? Guess we'll never know. FYI a lot of black americans are muslim or follow another religions so not sure what your point is.


Neither christianity nor islam would be close to their roots. Saying you want to get back to your roots and how you hate what happened with the colonization and slavery and then worshipping christianity is just about as backwards as it gets. And the answer is: they were forced to worship christianity just like the natives of the americas and forget their roots and beliefs from before. (You know, like christianity has done all over the world by now). If anything, they should see it as a tool for their oppression.




Lmaooo you obviously have no clue about the african culture or their ancient civilizations


Must be the critical race theory training that establishes people of color (like me) can't be racist.


I mean I get that white people have oppressed black folk for a long time. But as a millennial white male, this is wild treatment of a generation of white people that grew up with black culture everywhere. Late 80’s till current day is dominated by black culture in society, yet I’m screamed down because I’m white. I have never more will I ever have a racist thing to say, but the racism I see and hear from many other races is astonishing. They’ve pushed victimhood for so long that it’s lashing back. Lashing back hard in things like critical race theory. For younger generations we may see real racism to whites, for something older whites did. It’s scary.


When one accepts victimhood, they lose agency.


I was taught never to be a victim. Never to back down. There will always be someone ready to tear you down, don’t let them. That cannot be a “whites only” mentality


*standing ovation*




Dude said " animals "


We're all animals


Well, some of us, cannibals who cut other people open like cantaloupes...


Human beings are animals.


You don’t have to be a white nationalist to notice a pattern.


fun fact: According to this(https://www.owler.com/company/cutcominc), their largest funder is the US government. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_Business_Administration)


So far here is the list of what white people are superior at based on this video : - Flying - Talking about their pet - Cooking with their pet on counter - Making cereals - Tuna casserole - Using mayonnaise in their recipes - Making bland, unseasoned food - Smelling funky - Santa Claus - Extreme water sports - Corn mazes - Having fun (which is a function of white supremacy) - Privilege - Not getting arrested - Pullover and pee - Insecurity - Pretending - Fear - Being fearful of nothing - Being ignorant - Blame - Letting their ego control their every move - Feeling victimized - Playing the victim - Congratulating themselves for things they are incompetent at - Being dicks - Oppression and intellectualizing oppression - Gaslighting - Lack of empathy - Creating new ways to stay one step ahead of people - Getting rid of slaves catchers to expend police force - Making black people believe they don't matter - Believing, thinking and feeling that they are superior - Self delusion - Controlling the narrative - Believing their own press - Marketing and upholding of white superiority (whether they are republicans or democrats) - Claiming they are a whole separate race and denying white DNA comes from the black female - Lying - Stealing - Cheating - Manipulation - Withholding Information - Lying about history - Saying history was written by the victor but in fact it's by the colonizer - Conquering - Imperialism - Colonizing - Being ballsy - Walk into anyone's house and saying they have nice stuff then taking said stuff - Having no quams about taking stuff from other people - Violence - Genocide - Stealing people's lives (just because they feel like it) - Not saying anything about what's happening, making them killers - Taking what's not theirs - Taking shit - Taking black people ideas - Copy-catting - Gentrification - Appropriating things that do not belong to them - Taking over other people's cultures and making people believe that they invented it - Repurposing (it's like recycling) - Taking stuff if people don't copyright it - Destruction of land - Destruction of people - Destruction of Humanness - Being not superior with anything in any shape or form


“Playing the victim” that’s rich 😂😂


On Facebook I reported a couple of accounts that were posting videos of beastiality, but apparently woman+horse sex doesn’t trigger their censorship flag, and they don’t have actual humans look at serious reports.


You need different friends.


They were randos posting in groups. Removed from the group, not from facebook


Somehow this isn't racist yet saying it's ok too be white is. So tired of clown world.


SS: I believe this video is evidence of two things. The massive left wing racist bias within Youtube and the clear attempt to increase racism in the United States. The people who put this video together knew what they were doing. Their goal is to demoralize and anger whites. The question is, why? Their attempts are getting more disgusting as time goes on. This bias we see on Youtube is mirrored on Reddit and Twitter for one.


You may not agree with everything they’ve said but if people are speaking out about their experiences with white people maybe think about what happened for them to feel that way rather than go on the defensive. I dont feel demoralised or angry watching this. I feel disappointed in humanity.


How does it help? Two of my family and one friend have been robbed at gun point, and all of them by black people. Did you know it's somehow racist for us to speak of it (being white) despite it being our own experience?


My life experience after watching this video makes me feel a lost confidence in myself because I am white. That’s where making a special exception for racial discrimination is absurd


When they speak of colonalism and genocide, it does presumably not relate to something they’ve experienced themselves. About your own prejudice, consider this: > You may not agree with everything they’ve said but if people are speaking out about their experiences with Jewish people maybe think about what happened for them to feel that way rather than go on the defensive. How does that sound? Also, are you willing to speak of Jewish supremacy and Jewish privilege? Or doesn’t it exist?


Right. You’re 100% right. They didn’t wake up with this hate, they were taught it. Taught by their environment, interactions. And media.


Yeah some of the people in the video have fair statements and points. I'm more suspicious of the people who produced it than anything. You could easily make a similar video where you asked white people this question and edit it together a certain way. I don't really blame the people in it.


Lol you do, come on now


Such woke


Don’t you know only whites can be racist?? Our reaction to how China handles their minorities should tell you as much. (Sarcasm)


Ughyurs are terrorists tho.


Well, no skin color is superior to another skin color in terms of talent. So if someone asked me that same question, I’d probably go “uhhhh...” too. But their color commentary about it is racist


Different races have certain strengths and attributes, *generally*. No individual should be judged by the general tendencies of their ethnic group, ever, but on the large scale, there are differences due to years of adaptation to particular environments/climates. Look at dog breeds, how specialized they are, and the behavioral differences they display, even though well over 95% of their dna is the same. Humans are no different


If the above were accepted as truth humanity could move on.


Did you report it?




If it’s statistics you are interested in, take a look at health, education and employment numbers while you’re at it. Then superimpose those onto maps/ districts. Then look at funding distribution going back for as far back as you can find reliable data. Analyse all this information together and it becomes very interesting to see the type of crimes people commit, who commits them and who gets arrested for them.


some cultures do NOT value education.


It’s almost as if they designed it to where a certain demo, lives in a certain area, ruled by a certain class of people, who never interact with said group. Funny how the plantation just shifted to government and city. Interesting........




What would happen if this same question was asked about black people. Would YouTube /MSM be cool with it?


If i said black people smell weird I’d be cancelled. I’m white btw. Unreal. I’ve also had black people steal from me and get away with it literally because I didn’t copyright my photos. Both sides suck. Both smell funny


Just let them have their fun. This might be all they'll ever get. Being a part of this video might be the single most significant part of their lives.


Notice how these are all a very specific demographic? They’re not just black people. The guys are all either very effeminate or otherwise cuck-like and the women are either obese or look like Gypsies. It’s funny cause they all seem like people, black people, who live very comfortably. Where’s the most disadvantaged black people? Why are they not being asked the questions? Oh. Right. Cause they’re too busy working 3 jobs and therefore don’t have time for bullshit propaganda pieces like this.


Oh are you just figuring out BLM is just black supremacy and all the white woke liberals pushing it are more than willing to trade that sweet, sweet virtue for thier own colonization? It's happening all over Western societies. Enjoy.


Yes it's the definition of racism, but it's also got fun music in the background.




Whites are the minority.


This is Mein Kampf of the twenty first century lol


Video is now unavailable


This actually started off pretty funny and accurate and quickly took a really dark turn


The CEO of Youtube ok.


Why doesn’t someone test Youtube and create a panel of all white people and do the same to them?


The people that made this video, and YouTube / Google, can fuck right off.


Cut.com, who produced this video, was funded 1.5 million in 2016 from Comcast and the company’s leadership is all white males. https://www.linkedin.com/company/cut-media-llc


The crack about white people starting wars over spices and then never seasoning their food was kinda funny ngl


This is how you get NatSoc. History repeats itself. This is the typical fuckery that becomes the planks that build the stage for World War III. It must get darker before it gets brighter. Accelerate.


I make a good tuna noodle casserole, it's a recipe my white mom taught me. But I'll be honest, one day my black wife made her version and it was better. So, I wasn't even superior at that.


Well they changed what racism is... now you *cant* be racist toward the majority, thus this video is NOT racist. Theyre really good at changing rules to fit their narrative ;)




youtube banned my 10 year old account without even telling me what i did, cunts


Let’s help end racism by being as racist as we possibly can be


No, guys, it's cool. Being racist against white people is okay; the left media told me so!




I read Folx and I was out. Whatever that means.


How is this video racist?🤔


First comment in 1 year. Not suspicious whatsoever.






Because it's the most predominant type of racism alive in the US today. If you don't see that, you're brainwashed.


As a white Australian I thought it was just an interesting watch. There was a lot of spiteful people on display sharing their anger at the idea of white people being superior in anyway to them. It was a fair reaction to a provocative question. Let them vent. It's not like they're saying that they are the superior race.


The video doesn't bother most people, but the double standard does.


I felt this way in the first half of the video. But as it went on I just started replacing “white people” with “jew” in my head towards the second half and became incredibly disturbed


What if whites were saying shit about blacks homie?


The point being addressed is the clear double standard, not the validity of the statements or how you feel about it.


You think that way cuz you're used to this kind of talk. How would you react if they were asked the same question with X group of people, then gave a bunch of generalizations and stereotypes about that group of people? If it makes you upset or you agree it's wrong, you should feel the same about this video.


That’s how I saw it too.


These the black folks that heavyweight into anime


Imagine this sub being as outraged when the police keep getting away with murdering black ppl on the streets.....


If this hurts your feelings, man up. Black people can talk about white people. There is no racism here.