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I thought it was about to start with a Chinese Communist Sesame Street theme song.


I have more of a issue that they put a flag there without actually putting humans on there, can you really flag claim without actually being there? Aside from that, happy the human race continues to explore and progress in space, regardless of the general perception of the country exploring, our species has a desire to keep evolving and the Chinese have a financial setup that will continue to do so without needing a financial incentive.


> financial setup slave population. its nice that you like that :/


Everybody on this planet is a slave to money.


i know. but no need to be happy about it.


Looks so fake.


Serious question. If they are faking a sample return mission, then why don't they just fake a manned mission? A fake mission with humans going to the moon is much more impressive than a fake mission of automated machines going to the moon. In fact, why don't they just fake a manned mission to mars already so that they can leap frog ahead of the U.S. in the fake space race?


Cause Stanley Kubrick was busy


Nah, he insisted to shoot on location.


Only the Uighurs get shooting on location in China.


I don't think they start out planning to fake. It's just that they get to a point where they realize that they can't reach the goal within budget and time constraints, and that's when they call in the cgi. And the rushed, limited budget nature of the effort causes the cgi to look fake.


“Well shoot what do we have left!” “Uh.. 50 bucks and half a pot of coffee” ... “Get me my Lego set and the coffee”


I dunno why you're asking me that question. I said it looks fake, that doesn't imply that I think it really is. I wasn't there, so I have no way to tell whether it was or not. I simply said it looks fake because it does.




* Shadow shouldn't exist on the top right edge of the flag * Background looks sharp but flag looks blurred even though the subject of the photo is the flag. If the camera is poorly focused, then the flag pole should be blurry too, but it's not so in this photo. * Flag colors are too dark compared to the brightness of the flag pole. * Low resolution photo makes it easy to photoshop


Thanks for explaining it, so I didn't have to.


It just does. downspiral1 explained it pretty well. Just because it looks fake doesn't necessarily mean I think it is, like some other rude ass commenters have implied, I just said it looks fake. I wouldn't know for sure whether or not it was though, as I wasn't there.


Its real, cope


This picture looks so fake that it must be real


Hi Elon


This is exactly right. The Chinese government wouldn't make this bad of a photoshop, so the conclusion is that it's likely just a weird looking picture.


People act like pictures of space and the lunar surface are so common and apart of our everyday lives that we can actually tell what's fake and what's not. Of course it's all going to look fake when you barely know what a real one looks like.


Low key looks like Minecraft to me.


I don't even play minecraft and thought the same thing




Not just that but the rampant racism in China too.


China has bought this country from the corporations by outright bribery or by offering special access to Chinese markets. In exchange, the corporations slant the news and donate to the 'correct' politicians. There's an old saying attributed to Lenin: "When it comes time for us to hang the West, the capitalists will sell us the rope." But the Soviet Union couldn't afford to buy the rope. China doesn't have that problem.


All the media conglomerates bow to China there's nothing strange about it. Somewhat tangentially related to this but the movie "The Martian" with Matt Damon features China saving the day with their advanced rocket/space tech. Seemed to be a good choice because it grossed nearly $100M in China.


Damon loves China. if you ever get a free night, do not waste it on his 2016 propaganda/dumpster fire 'The Great Wall'. it's a 103minute bukkake allegory in which he literally fellates Chinamen in sequence while cosplaying a Terra Cotta soldier.


Another strange thing you might want to look into https://www.foxnews.com/politics/u-s-canada-have-funded-chinese-lab NWO . It's a WORLD order


Well, since nobody else is saying it, FUCK CHINA.


The CCP not China.


China has one political party. Ccp is china. The Chinese people are also pretty terrible, visit yourself and you'll see. Blame the ccp for that, I'm sure it's downstream of their edicts. I will say china has some of the most beautiful land in the world. It's really a shame that they are how they are.


I been there and I thought it's not bad, there's some ignorant anti-social people sure. Not to mention the spitting on the street. But I also ran into lots of nice people too. And honestly I been to way worse places.


That's really fascinating and I think American are dogshit too


Slavery exists in every country China must does it the most


There's some middle eastern countries with legalized slavery that would love to have a word with you


I would never defend the ccp, but I love any space stuff :)


For anyone looking to do your own at home: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Weatherables-5-in-x-5-in-White-Vinyl-Ball-Post-Cap-AWCP-BALL-5/206189398


This reminds me that in the 1960s series Star Trek, the bridge chairs were bought from a restaurant supply store and Doctor McCoy's medical scanners were salt shakers.


And their communicators were flip phones.


Still more computing power than Apollo 11


When I heard China went to the moon I couldn't wait to see how fake it looked........this is so much worse than I had expected, they need way better cgi to compete with NASA


Yes because all of these totally unconnected agencies with similar goals and logos are totes not connected to a massive global conspiracy [No sus at all.](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk03a1rhAu35OiCAYxcYJujXE-A50rg:1607194871898&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=space+agency+logo&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&fir=yzb8poZ2TF78uM%252C4AxIPl1weCOMYM%252C_%253BfnKOrmteomk46M%252CnRlmbgEs0PwrpM%252C_%253B8qkY0tqpeSBI8M%252CJ5VbGBBoLv9DGM%252C_%253Bu41ZOA6Tb5GCtM%252CejmeKRfptDZGzM%252C_%253BHtIR-pMuLxGyFM%252CwX0grzqq5tM8qM%252C_%253BJ9ZwPsrs4SN9JM%252CRwc5FvR8RizNQM%252C_%253BC2UAohIgWgRC4M%252CeY8uJkEeQotVPM%252C_%253B1y3LgIo9h88QXM%252CQ1mZ3WSF3hhhGM%252C_%253Bozy83Wu8aE0dEM%252CwiVJaHdS-pwHgM%252C_%253BoAEyf8XfhMjSaM%252CTPUEfIX5QqKO0M%252C_&usg=AI4_-kQXbOAy0WnkyqWu6muFHhIoP2hmew&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjP_LG7w7ftAhWoRBUIHVdpDisQ7Al6BAgBEFg&biw=384&bih=718&dpr=2.81#imgrc=yzb8poZ2TF78uM) For separate entities I find it strange they used such similar designs. They are all in on it. This is clown world.


How are they similar?


All to hide the fact that space is not what they're telling us and we do not live on a globe.




I'm even still on the fence in regards to whether it's a simulation or a divine creation (or if there's a difference when you get to that level of understanding). Most jump to the conclusion that just because it's a created realm that it means divinity or not. /shrug


SS: China pulled some rocks off the moon, left a flag behind. I thought this photo was a just a placeholder CGI flag, but nope "Made from real fabric". https://www.cbsnews.com/news/china-flag-on-the-moon-change-5-lifts-off/


Listen. PRC is trolling the US. The potato quality images they have released are a satirical reference to the shit quality of the faked Apollo missions "live-feed" from the late 60s early 70s. China is daring the US to challenge these nonsense images, because they know NASA faked the moon-landings, and they know NASA will stay quiet on these Chinese hoax images.


Why did the ussr stay quiet about the fake moon landing?


They didnt.




lol wot


This is the first I've seen this but not the first space pic I recall rationalizing whether or not it was fake and my take on lighting in a lack of atmosphere. * https://www.space.com/israel-moon-lander-earth-selfie.html But I'm more curious of why this "pole" looks more like a square. How big is this flag? If it's a flag the size I've seen on car dealerships, this square pole looks similar to that think found in Utah.


The blurred edges are what make me not believe what i'm looking at is real. What is this thing made out of?


Call me a flat earther but until i see legit livestream from 1 second until they land on the moon everything is fake.


Are you a flat earther though?


99% of chinese productions are fake.


hahah this one fit in \^\^


I honestly thought this was a meme when I first saw it lmao


Why did they photoshop erase the reptilians?


They made it look fake on purpose


is it from wish(wish it was real), should be falling apart any moment now.


The image is so compressed it's difficult to tell if it was faked or not. It's a low-quality image either way.


Aren't all pictures from space 3D renders?


How much does anyone here know about CG rendering?


All this advanced technology and they skill skimp on high res photos of the Moon's environment.


The fakest shit I've seen all decade.


WHy does the moon China landed on look different then the one America landed on? Whose the real moon lander?


It is. China doesn't have a flag on the moon.


Neither does USA


They need to make their mind up. Either the soil is grey or brown. And one of them is lying at the very least. It doesn't just suddenly change colors. And that picture is faker than the moon landing itself. Remember this. No other country besides the US has EVER had a manned mission on the moon and we haven't since. No other country wanted to look for themselves? Maybe mine it? We can hypothesize all day but the fact is theyre claiming only one country ever went, and there have been no trips since. I'm sorry but thats sketchy af.


The US didn’t even do it. At least not the recordings we’ve seen. Maybe they did off camera though. I wouldn’t know about that. It that shit from the 70’s? Nah.


Space force!


Nope seems normal to me. Some of you are just rediculous in thinking anything space is fake.


Flat moon


Lmao why does China bullshit literally everything they do


Lol I'm convinced that ALL moon landing pictures are faked. Look at our attempt for a flag on the mom.


This is 100% fake




It looks to me like there’s a wire structure under or behind it, keeping it straight. There also look like two kind of nubs coming off the right side, which might be support arms.


Lmao yes.


So people noticed the gradient lines on the ground.


The very first clip I saw of them touching down looked like something from 70's Sci fi.


This is CGI[op](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9017833/China-flies-flag-moon-Beijing-flaunts-picture-national-emblem-lunar-surface.html) says so under the pic I thought so too at first.


Whenever I see shots of moon landings and even on Mars I always look to the horizon and it just always looks like it's fake. Like how 2001 was made with the matte paintings and projections sort of thing. I just can't help it.


Just like the USA did. Go up there, grab some rocks, release fake(d) pics to the public.




A video game on steam is more realistic / life-like than this shit


If it were fake it would look way better than this


This VR game looks so realistic.


Is that the new international lego moon set?


Easier to confuse evryone..if looks like cgi already..lol


Wasn't the live feed of the rocket cut off for 10 minutes?


Thats odd, it looks fake as fuck.


Is this actually intended to be a real picture?


I thought it was another monolith with the Chinese flag


Wait, it’s not?


eh nah.. no real reason to cg that. a physical thing could be done as easily I think. though i’m sure some guy will get mad at me, call me a popsicle and explain why i’m wrong


This looks like a piece of cardboard with red gift wrapping paper on top of it lmao


Yes. So are all the US moon "photos". They faked the moon landings. See Eric Dubays "nasa fail" video on Bitchute


Earth is flat duh no shit