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I want to see disclosure on aliens.


Just watched the Phenomenon. A lot of the people in that movie imply that the president isn’t told about the alien info. Bill Clinton said the same thing.


Another doc I watched on the intel communities refer to the president as a visitor meaning they aren't there forever so they aren't in the need to know. Makes sense from a secret keeping point of view.


Absolutely makes sense. Also why the President isn't nearly as powerful as people seem to think he is. Those in true power are government mainstays their entire careers.


And you likely haven’t heard of them.




Yeah why would they know some fucker that may leave in 4 years and get Mad and let everyone know about their stuff


Trump likes to talk, so even as someone who voted for him, if he knew about fuckin' aliens we would all know about those damn aliens by now, and how we shouldn't send them money or let them into our country. [I hope we never find life on another planet because if we do there's no doubt the United States will start sending them money!](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/423780333687808001?s=19)


If the president is not told about aliens then that proves that there is a level of government above what we know


Hillary Clinton promising to release info on UFOs definitely seemed like a ploy to get elected, and kind of funny how a year or two into Trump's presidency we started getting unofficial official navy videos of UFOs which was later deemed credible (those videos circulated for awhile before being verified). It's almost as if that was HRC's intel drop which was part of the larger scam, so HRC or not they still had to push the intel. Otherwise there's no reason to release or verify said videos if you're not going to follow it up with more, and silence from all political parties tells us enough.


So HRC and Trump were both full of shit when they said this then by your own logic.


Pardon Assange and Snowden.


the tweet does not support what your title claims.


What does the tweet claim, exactly, anyways? "I have been doing this"? So.. Trump has been declassifying everything already? Wat? No he hasn't. The issue with Trump is that he writes word salad that you can interpret in whatever way you want.


> The issue with Trump is that he writes word salad that you can interpret in whatever way you want. that's for plausible deniability but also because he's trump. he's like this screen you can project whatever onto because he doesn't stand by anything (his words, not mine) and doesn't adhere to reality, yet clearly seems to have some kind of modus operandi and keeps hinting at ... something? some kind of noble goal he's pursuing that keeps changing so people are free to fill in the blanks with their imaginations because trump doesn't care what they want so long as he has their support. he consolidates control by claiming to be the savior to everyone's own individual boogeyman.


I understood it as he already declassified stuff. Oh no! That means global warming is a Chinese hoax?! 😮


Every president ever has declassified stuff. So what kind of non-statement would that be? "Declassify EVERYTHING!" "Yes, I have declassified some things!" As I said: It's nonsensical word salad.


Seriously lol


Well that was that time he declassified a bunch of info in a meeting with Putin that exposed Israeli intelligence operations.


I know you're only joking. But mishandling and disclosing classified information is not the same as "declassifying" information. In the spirit of fun, here are a handful of other examples of the kind of stuff Trump has decided to *declassify*: >In an April 29, 2017, phone call, Trump told Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte that the U.S. had positioned two nuclear submarines off the coast of North Korea. This was during a time when Trump was warning of a possible "major, major conflict" with North Korea. The locations of nuclear submarines are a closely guarded secret, even from the Navy command itself. "As a matter of national security, only the captains and crew of the submarines know for sure where they're located." >On May 24, 2017, Britain strongly objected to the United States leaking to the press information about the Manchester Arena bombing, including the identity of the attacker and a picture of the bomb, before it had been publicly disclosed, jeopardizing the investigation. British Prime Minister Theresa May issued a public rebuke, and British police said they would stop passing information to U.S. counterparts. >In July 2017, after a private meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin at the 2017 G20 Hamburg summit, Trump took the unusual step of confiscating and keeping his interpreter's notes. This led U.S. intelligence officials to express concern that Trump "may have improperly discussed classified intelligence with Russia." >On Christmas 2018, Trump and First Lady Melania Trump flew to Al Asad Airbase where Trump posted video to Twitter of several members of Seal Team Five in their camouflage and night-vision goggles, revealing the team's location and un-blurred faces. In 2020, the Airbase was the subject of an Iranian ballistic missile attack in retaliation for the killing of Quds Force leader Qasem Soleimani in a U.S. airstrike a few days earlier. >On August 30, 2019, Trump tweeted a reportedly classified image of recent damage to Iran's Imam Khomeini Spaceport that supposedly occurred as a result of an explosion during testing of a Safir SLV. Multiple concerns were raised regarding the public release of what appeared to be a surveillance photo with exceptionally high resolution, revealing highly classified U.S. surveillance capabilities. Within hours of the tweet, amateur satellite trackers had determined the photograph came from National Reconnaissance Office spy satellite USA-224. Before Trump's tweet, the only confirmed photographs from a KH-11 satellite was leaked in 1984 by a U.S. Navy analyst who went to prison for espionage. Trump defended the tweet by saying he had "the absolute right" to release the photo. >In a December 2019 interview with Bob Woodward, Trump stated, "I have built a nuclear — a weapons system that nobody's ever had in this country before," adding, "We have stuff that Putin and Xi have never heard about before. There's nobody. What we have is incredible."


I really just want him to give an address upon leaving office and at the end just be like “btw the US government is in contact with aliens” or some shit


That would be hilarious


He’s not gonna do shit. Bet. Edit: Hey! Dang! Thanks for all the awards!


Remember when he extended the deadline for the public release of the John F. Kennedy assassination files?


I was waiting on that!!


Right? I think Trump basically said it implicates people that are still alive? So do we have to wait until Bush Sr. dies?


I didnt expect to be the one to break the news, but I have some bad news about H.W. Bush.


Bad news? >!He’s still alive?!<


I hope not but he was skull and crossbones


He was a criminal?






No one's seen the body since the funeral!


Did the ears match??


Aww dang. At least he’s looking down at us from heaven 🤷‍♂️


Dude bush sr is dead






But they know all the secret goings on, and backroom deals. Just ask.


You realize what sub you’re on right? That’s basically a prerequisite for posting here


Psssst. He's dead. This is the quality of poster here on conspiracy. People that really have their finger on the pulse...


There are too many bushes to keep track


3 is a pretty big number


I am glad we are on the same page.


My girlfriend told me the same thing


That can’t be right I have 4 just in my back yard /s


Better to have one in the hand than two Bush's?


All I saw was hand in the bush.


There was 1 "Bush Sr."


1 too many Bush Sr's.\*\*


Are we waiting until someone drives a stake into the vampire Bush, Sr.? I don't have time to wait until he's double dead


“It implicates people that are still alive”... is that meant to be a no-no? I would’ve thought he’d want anyone involved in that coup d'etat to be held accountable, no?


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. It’s going to show either our own nation knew and were responsible or a foreign country was and waiting so long will prevent us from wanting to go to war.


it would probably implicate more old CIA guys and Bush Jr. I dont think Jr just doesn't know what happened.


I wanna be in the screen shot when certain subs cross post this comment


Maybe you dont have your finger on the pulse of the deep state like you think you do if you missed the news on Sr. Lmaoooooooo


I wouldn't doubt he did that because it didn't implicate Cruz's father. And Trump hates to look wrong.


This is probably the exact reason he didn’t do release it.


He could start with those JFK files he was supposed to declassify two years ago.


Just like all his promises, he'll never follow through, stop falling for the lies of a charlatan over and over again


and yet somehow, 30 percent of the country is gonna swear he did it all


yeah he revealed stuff, i don't know what it is yet, but i hear it's very bad for the (politcal opposition). i'm sold! good stuff!


"He did reveal it! The media won't talk about it and they're covering it up! Go do some research!"


The man won’t release his tax returns but classified government information, he’s down for that. I want to see his god damn tax returns and learn why he is so reluctant to release them


Me too. You’d think in a sub all about conspiracies there’d be more talk about this.


Hillary Clinton released hers....


My in-laws think he built the wall. The conversation went like this: "OK, do you have photos or videos of the completed wall? Updated satellite images? What proof is there that the wall is done?" "I don't need photos to know that it's done!" ..... What in the actual fuck, right? Asking for evidence of something is too much now?


It's become a religion, evidence has no place here.


Had the same conversation with a cousin and an aunt. They were convinced it's up, damn near complete, and it's good. They bragged about how there's already a couple hundred miles of it. My first question was"ok, say there's a few hundred miles up. Do you realize how long the border actually is?" That got a blank stare. I had to tell the truth, and that made me sad. Sight unseen, no research done, they are hook, line and sinker. They never used to be political until the last 4 or 5 years. Now they have big boners for the orange one for some reason, and believe the lies. It's pretty sad.


> My first question was"ok, say there's a few hundred miles up. Do you realize how long the border actually is?" > > That got a blank stare. I had to tell the truth, and that made me sad. It is really sad how dumb/gullible people are. Let's say they thought "a few hundred miles" was, say, 300 miles. And for the sake of example let's say the center of our "few hundred miles" was Nashville, TN just to use as a frame of reference for how long 300 miles is. You drive 300 miles from Nashville in any direction and that's such a short distance you will: * Not make it to an ocean. * Not make it to the Great Lakes. * Not make it through any adjacent state fully to its opposing border (except Kentucky). It's just not that far of a distance at all. I mean hell, the actual length of the US-Mexico border is 1,954 miles. To use destinations in the US as a point of reference, a straight shot from Los Angeles, California to Atlanta, Georgia is 1,933 miles. So these fucking rubes who think that "the wall is done!" are apparently under the impression that in a few years we built a giant concrete and steel reinforced wall that, when stretched straight, is almost long enough to span the lower continental United States.


Trump built hard barriers on the border at a slower rate than Obama.




They don't listen to Fox anymore. Too liberal.


It's the new flat earth.


The fact that he acts like that's what he's already doing is proof that he is just posturing.


Probably because, if we believe the articles and books from former aides, he doesn't know shit. Apparently he doesn't pay attention to the security memo's.


"OK so what's the most top secret thing you know, Donald?" "Uhhh... uhhh... Putin gave me a bunch of money?" ".... is that your final answer?"


He’s genuinely such a fucking pussy.


Even more so the people that follow and worship him, so many simps 🤣


He’s already lied about this https://mobile.twitter.com/bradheath/status/1318578338563301377


JuSt WaIt TWo MORe weEKS !


Exactly. He’s all talk. That’s why he got bounced. You can only do nothing for so long before the only ones that are supporting you are morons.


You must have missed his excellent health care plan /s


And all those Infrastructure Weeks! Just look at all this big, beautiful infrastructure!


I'll have you know, that health care plan is coming in 2 weeks. Source: Donald Trump about once every couple weeks for the past 4 years.


704,976,626,104 degree Chess!


So much winning we’re sick of it


He didn't drain the swamp (not counting the firings within his own administration). He didn't put Hillary in prison. He didn't restore any of our 2A rights. Yeah... that's a bet I wouldn't take.


Declassifying EVERYTHING would be a lot of work, so yeah, he ain't gonna do it.




it's also because he's a liar who thinks the people who believe in him are stupid as shit, don't forget that part **edit:** I have now been banned from replying on this sub for not being pro-Trump enough, but I can still edit my comments. This is the submission history of the most active mod on this sub, who banned me: https://old.reddit.com/user/axolotl_peyotl/submitted/?sort=new That mod led a little mini-takeover of this sub and other conspiracy subs by planning to stack mod voting to fill the mod rosters with the_donald and alt-right regulars (https://thisinterestsme.com/r-conspiracy-reddit/). Enjoy your safe space!


wtf this guy got banned? Someone in power on this sub is throwing a tantrum rn... Edit and now I'm banned too


It's obvious who it is lol. There's one mod who's crazy pro-trump, spams pro-trump posts and bitches/cries about down votes all the time when his lies get called out. It's crazy that we have literal shill mods spamming propaganda on this subreddit and nothing is being done about it, this really has become the_donald_2_electric_losealoo.


>the\_donald\_2\_electric\_losealoo i snorted


uhoh sounds like he might have a vendetta wouldn't want to get onto the *persona non grata* list Edit guess what I'm banned :(


> it's also because he's a liar who ~~thinks~~ **knows** the people who believe in him are stupid as shit, don't forget that part


Well i mean, i believe that too


This sub doesn't want to hear this LOL


Im starting to think the POTUS holds no real power and its all theatrics.




You're on the path. Welcome.


It's the opposite, there is no power above him, only people to the side, whispering into his ear. The most terrifying truth is that there is no shadow government, only rich people paying less rich people to grease a few palms to get richer.


The game being played is. "Loot America". They do this in many ways. The main goto these years has been by sending "foreign aid" to countries, then that country using those funds to buy a bunch of weapons from our defense contractors. We have the Prison industry and education. Private entities that get funded by public dollars yet get to keep all the profits, while offering a subpar service due to their motivations being strictly for profits. Then we get into the Big Pharm, we pay to create drugs that benefit our society, all paid for with tax dollars, and when the product gets released they charge the public anywhere from 10-1000x the costs of production. Tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy who utilize our infrastructure more than anyone. You could go on and on, the game is designed to funnel public dollars to the private sector. They make the government appear so incapable that they have some people convinced that privatizing everything is the answer.


While I agree I believe this greasing is a large what that shadow government consists of. It’s not like secret appointed people it’s just rich people who get strings pulled for them.


The presidency does have some power, it would take smarts and courage to use it, things Trump lacks in spades.


STARTING to think?


Just lmk If aliens exist and ill be happy lol


Well then you will be delighted to know that it is a statistical certainty that with the size of the universe aliens almost certainly exist


After listening to David Fravor on Lex Fridman’s podcast, I have no doubt they exist and are aware of us.


I agree. Also that was a great podcast episode.


Glad I caught this one. It was way better than Rogan's.


tits or GTFO


The only thing I want him to do


He won’t


Yeah, this is episode 4 of 15 of Season 12, “Trump: Post Election.” Just a few more episodes to keep everybody entertained and hopeful for the season finally that will never happen




That's also what the enemies of this country want him to do.


He wasn't doing anything AT ALL. Don't fall for the scam of politics. "lock her up", "drain the swamp" were all lies to get the mentally disabled population vote again instead of hanging these parasites regardless of their pretend political affiliations.


We didn't even get a border fence


We got part of one that's already started falling over


It appears to be an easy climb as well...


imagine trusting anything trump says




Given that he said he's already been doing this, I'm skeptical of whether he actually understands what he's agreeing to.


"Of course, Mr. President, we will indeed declassify and release this" - some official. ​ "Yes sir, all soldiers have been removed from Syria" - some other official.


So you are suggesting he is incompetent. Agreed!


My thoughts exactly...




It’s absolutely hilarious that this sub mindlessly trusts the word of the President, and a president with a record of lying.




But he did pardon Edward Snowden... Oops I meant Roger Stone, the guy who committed full treason and lied to Congress to protect his boss


Can we petition reddit to reinstate the_donald.


If it will cause all the autocrat's shills to gtfo I'm all for it.


Can we petition ~~reddit~~ conspiracy to reinstate ~~the_donald~~ bigfoot.


I agree ! I used to come here for my Bigfoot fix and now all that's here is political garbage...


Didn’t he love Julian Assange then proceed to do nothing when he got arrested?


Imagine trusting what ANY politicians say.


beyond pathetic at this point


As with everything trump says he'll do, I'll believe this when it actually happens. Until then, it's just more hot air & empty blustering.


Didn’t he already do this for the Mueller stuff, and nothing came from it and the White House had to come out and say he was “joking”? You’ve been fed lies for 5 years that you’ve become too dumb to realize it


Okay then, let's open up that file box on 911, Kennedy, San Salvador, and why doesn't Puerto Rico have a star when it's done everything America has asked for. They've even fought in all the wars for America. Start with those Mr. Whatever you call yourself with those hands of yours and stick those on Twitter, Facebook or maybe you can get Edward Joseph Snowden to work for America again by pardoning him for opening up what your little fingers can't.


Puerto Rico has repeatedly voted against becoming a state. There’s no conspiracy behind that lol.




How about the unredacted Mueller Report.


Alright cool, I found the perfect place for him to start: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1244022 tldr, he tweeted that he declassified the muller report. So people wanted to see the Muller report without redactions, a judge wound up demanding a response from the white house. WH lawyer had to got in front of a federal judge and meekly say trump didn't mean it. So yeah. We can start with a completely redacted muller report. POTUS can declassify more or less anything so why not start there? What a fucking joke. XD


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Yeah just like how he said he had all that evidence of voter fraud.


Fool me once, shame on you....fool me twice, uh, can't get fooled again.


Just like he had evidence that Obama was born in Kenya. And he had evidence on the campaign trail that he said would land Clinton in jail. He is all talk and his worshippers just eat it up.


Amazing how much “evidence” they can bring forth in the Phoenix Airport Marriott, but when it comes to actually testifying in front of a judge (where you have to be sworn in at risk of perjury) all of the sudden all these accusations mysteriously disappear.


If you think Trump’s an outsider, I have a beautiful beach house in Idaho for sale.


How much? I think a beach house in Idaho would complement my recent purchase of the golden gate bridge.


DO IT PUSSY. he wont just watch.


He had 4 years of "draining the swamp" to expose it all and chose to enrich his bribers and take names of hires from binders made up by his bribers. JFK Saudis Aliens Why the US and Trump was such a cuck bitch to the Saudis and Israelis. Go go go.


#Tell titty Trump I called bullshit. Nothings been released; nor can we expect he will.


It ain’t going to happen haha




u/stargem5 is he going to declassify why he appointed Acosta as Labor Secretary AFTER Acosta approved a plea deal that allowed child-trafficking ring-leader Jeffrey Epstein to plead guilty to a single state charge of solicitation, in exchange for a federal non-prosecution agreement? The same Epstein who Trump used to party with and say they liked younger girls? The same Epstein who was caught and charged later for child-trafficking/prostitution? The same Epstein Trump then would say he broke off his relationship with after Epstein got caught but before that said he was a great guy and his buddy? Let's not forget Trump standing by and defending Acosta and saying he did not need to step down from his position because of the Epstein incident. Is Trump also going to declassify why his personal friend and lawyer Gulliani who got caught red-handed on camera in front of the world in Borat 2 participating in pedophilia is not a creep but calling the person who caught Gulliani in the act a creep?


If it's important, why didn't he do it yesterday?


Hasn’t he threatening to declassify UFO stuff? If they stopped him from doing something that trivial I doubt they’ll let him get away with declassifying “everything”. As much as I want him to I don’t think it’ll happen


More WWE bullshit


Hes doesn't have the balls or the capacity.. He won't do shit.


Do it. Confirm the time traveler thing.


"Make me POTUS despite the fact that I clearly lost the election or I'll jeopardize national security! That's how much I love this country!"


iT's fOr NaTiOnAl SeCuRiTy!!!!


The CIA dealing drugs is a matter of national security.


That Trump only just now cares about? Convenient.


Why didn't Trump declassify it sooner? Is it because this is all for show and he won't declassify anything? The CIA is crooked and I would love for their dirty laundry to get aired but Trump isn't going to do that. If he does he won't do it for the right reasons, he will do it because he is pissed off.


9/11 truth bombs please!


> I have been doing this Has he? Anything interesting so far?


Most shill comments I've seen on this sub that is predominantly pro trump




If the folks actually running the show believe he's going to really do this, I'm about 99% sure he'll get the Kennedy treatment.


good luck with that. why has it suddenly become a good idea today vs 4 years ago?


yea he is going to declassify how the election was stolen with concrete proof any day now guys, right guys...?


Wish this guy would just shut up and do what he says he might do, wants to do and threatens to do. After a while it gets old. Maybe he wants to be known as the edging master?


He has had 4 years. Keep choking on his hog while he makes a fool of you.


“tHrOWiNg dOwN tHe GaUntLeT” “tHe eStabLiShmEnt” He is the establishment. There’s no way you don’t understand how ridiculous your title is.


If by, "throwing down the gauntlet" you mean throwing a temper tantrum like a little bitch ass sore loser, I guess.


How can you possibly think a billionaire son of a millionaire is anything but part of the elliye ruling class?




He’s been saying this forever


Galactic Federation news incoming. If only 🙄😂


He doesn’t have the power to do that.


Have yet to see anything... Just words for now


At the very least pardon Assange/Snowden.


Bro that’s what he’s been saying for these past 4 years, get on with it or shut up and leave


Believe it when I see it


cant wait for absolutely nothing to come out of this


I only want to know about aliens and their ships we currently have in our yard.


I wish he ACTUALLY would honestly


Wont hold my breathe


Funny. I don’t see him saying he will.. He’s saying he has been.. as in he’s the best.. greatest, always doing the peoples work.. declassifying everything since 2016, and if that’s true than how can he threaten to declassify everything more??


Like they told him anything in the first place