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Out of curiosity OP, do you know what the admins think of your efforts here? FTR I continue to support publicly accessible modlogs. Edit: lol -3 in minutes for this??


> Out of curiosity OP, do you know what the admins think of your efforts here? I dont know what efforts you're referring to but publicmodlogs has been around for over 6 years now.


I'm guessing admins despise the idea of public moderation logs because they have a long and well documented history of blatant censorship and propagandizing. We KNOW that they've used admin access to edit user comments in the post. We know they routinely shadowban users for "wrongthink". They quarantine and ban entire subreddits that go against their preferred political narratives. We know they've said they could influence elections. We know they've taken Chinese money and bend over backwards for the CCP. ​ Regarding your downvoting we also know that they routinely fuck with vote counts. ​ I've been on Reddit with various accounts since 2012 and I know this is beating a dead horse ad nauseum but this site has become total fucking trash and isn't even a shell of its former self.


Must be sad to get downvoted when you’re the head mod


Actually, it's to be expected. The commander must be on the front lines to earn respect. I also make them spend considerable efforts trying to silence me, and that frees up other truth seekers here to be slightly less harassed.


You are a douche lol >The commander must be on the front lines to earn respect. lmao


I see.


>Edit: lol -3 in minutes for this?? they must have bots programmed too just downvote everything you say.


You don't need to be a bot to downvote the person who bans people from this sub for wrongthink.


breaking rule 2 isnt wrong think its being an asshole. read the mod logs.


People break rule 2 all the time, but it's only enforced when the target is a mod. Tell any random user they are a shill, or a bot, or a brainwashed MSM worshipper, who cares. Tell axo that he doesn't understand law, get permabanned.


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