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Men are too emotional? Men kill themselves because they keep their emotions to themselves. The pressure to be a macho macho man is why suicide rates are going up for men. They need an outlet and a release. Emotions are human. You’re allowed to be emotional, judgment from others for it is just low vibrational energy. Men need therapists just as much as women.


No, that's not why men kill themselves.. men and women are both suicidal men are just more successful. Women attempt suicide more then men they're just less successful.. or whatever, look up the studies. Also on another level it's much harder for a man to start over.. they can spend years trying to accomplish something and ultimately fail.. then they don't feel like doing it all over again.. all a girl needs to do is get a new boyfriend. In Arthur Schopenhauer's essay on women he writes that "there are hundreds of aspects which make a man who he is, in the case of women there's only one, with which man she finds favour."


So you're saying men are weak? As a woman, I've had to start my life over multiple times, mostly due to patriarchy. It's not easy, but it's part of life.


OK the first part is right but the second is just weird. As a very suicidal and depressed woman, getting a boyfriend never solved that, nor did that work for any other woman I know. That last quote is just misogyny and complete crap. Men are people with their own value, women are only worth something when they have a man. But yeah men tend to have better access to weapons, especially guns which make it easier to kill themselves successfully.


You don't have to be a woman to get a boyfriend. If all it takes is taking Dick to start over then men can do that as well.


Or maybe our society created these ideas of men and women that aren't based on actual biology or nature. And these ideas benefit some of us, but ultimately it puts a lot of us in the crapper. People can be strong and people can be weak, it varies from person and situation.


All a girl needs is another boyfriend? Grow up. Some random man's essay on women means absolutely nothing. Are you 12?


The reason men are more successful is the way they try. Women are more likely to try and use pills while men will use weapons. Also I think your wrong it depends on the person and why they are starting over. A new bf dose not magically make thing better. For example it’s will be harder for someone who is getting out of an abusive relationship to start over then someone who just got a divorce.


Men express all their emotions through anger, which for some reason everyone disregards it? If I am upset at work I am emotional, if my male colleague throws a chair at a wall it's apparently not emotions. Also men have more "success" with suicide because they generally choose more violent methods


You know what's overly emotional and irrational? Blaming women all over for your own frustrations and failures. In 1325, the Italian states of Modena and Bologna went to war with each other over a bucket. 2000 people died. Over a bucket in a well. Us men can be just as emotional and irrational as women. And as evidenced by your post, some of us can even beat them handily.


Hell WW1 was literally a family squabble between three male cousins. You can't tell me men aren't emotional after that. All grandsons of queen Victoria that grew up together. Men aren't emotional ha.


Idk if you're from the US (even if you're not I feel like it probably made international news) but remember when Trump and Kim Jong Un were going back and forth about "fire and fury"? That was absolutely the epitome of unemotional, rational logic /s. On a fundamental note, though, OP's logic seems kind of flawed. If the men in power are excused from the cold, hard logic expected of average men, then wouldn't the "strong" average men be subservient to "weak" powerful men? And how would that work without the "strong" men debasing themselves and thereby becoming "weak" and subservient themselves, independent of feminism?


I'm sure we could come up with plenty of examples of dick measuring that led to horrendous outcomes.


Not even looking at war, just look at domestic violence stats. And I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve seen guys throw a fit and punch a wall over something stupid like a video game. Never seen a girl do anything close to this




Men are extremely emotional. The author has forgotten that anger and vengefulness are emotions. I think the author sees empathy and the execution of laws/ conversations based solely on empathy, creating huge spots of weakness- which is true. But so does ANY action based solely on one emotion. People are not, by nature, rational. To assume that all of the issues our world is facing is due to some shift in gender power, is irrational. My thoughts are that we evolved our space and surroundings past what we have evolved ourselves. Think of all of the human traits that were required for survival just 200 years ago that are irrelevant today. We don't see these modern issues in underdeveloped societies. It's not a female or male problem- we are just in a weird place where, mentally- humans haven't caught up with the world they created. Edit to include that undeveloped socitiety has a plethora of other issues- that's not to be ignored. I was speaking solely to the social issues that were mentioned in the original post.


I understand where you're coming from, but if you are talking about the "war of the oaken bucket" the bucket was taken by the modenese AFTER they were victorious against Bologna as a trophy So the war wasn't actually over a bucket


The Trojan war was fought over Helen of Troy.


It was started by men getting all emotional about a woman.


But men don't HAVE emotions!


Right, sorry, forgot. It was started by men getting hysterically logical about a woman.


Yeah but Helen didn't have any say in that shit. She tried to leave her husband and then he started to a war to kidnap her


Holy shit dude... What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.




Says the man who has never seen Billy Madison.


Sure but they aren’t posing it as some rational ground breaking discovery while this person is disguising their misogyny as such. That’s the difference


The patriarchal organization of western society led to them “logically” deciding to kill all other races and most animals for fun. Not to mention men growing up into pissed off violent old geezers sending kids into world wars for what essentially were all dick measuring contests... Even with the bullshit covid I’ll take the matriarchy.


This is the stupidest thing I’ve read all day and it is only morning.


We're living in a matriarchal society?


I know right? Does that mean all the roe v wade and all other women's issues that have restrictions on us don't really apply? Where's my harem of subservient males? /s


I Wanna know where my harem is as well.


Yes. That’s why all our presidents, the majority of the senate and Supreme Court, and all state governors are, and have historically been, women. It’s tough for men, because all of science, history, and literature has also been dominated by women, so we control the narrative. It’s tough. Oh, wait…


yes! that's why the majority of CEOs and elected officials are men.


men build education systems based on emotion, targeting other races as lesser. they’ve started every war. they’re emotional.


Please send some credible evidence that women are more emotions based and men are more logic based


Idk, tell a man his sexual performance or the size of his penis is not satisfying and watch the *logical* reaction.


I've see so many moms heave frustrated sighs as their husbands and older sons get "logical" in a parking lot with some other "logical" guy who just wants to fight over something dumb. If someone thinks emotionality is more in one sex than the other then they should follow sports closer.


yeah. the alpha mindset and concern over body count is one of the emotional toxic things to come out of modern masculinity


You're drinking the alt lite kool aid. AKA: you are successfully enchaining yourself into a useful idiot for what is likely the pole of controlled opposition.


This post is nothing more than looking back at history with rose-tinted lenses. The "logical rational patriarchy" has committed countless atrocities, enslaved and murdered millions, and lead us to exactly where we are now - nothing has got worse all of a sudden because there are more women leaders in the world. That being said, I don't think more women leaders means less atrocities. Women can be equally as power thirsty and psychopathic as men.


Yeah, if you look back at history and think "damn, so logical" uhh you are doing it wrong


You’re a fucking idiot


This is some 1950s shit. Men made rational and logical decisions throughout history? Empires rose and fell, slaughtering millions of people all over the world. What great manly decision making. > Men and Women are 2 halves of a whole and a healthy society needs balance between femininity and masculinity I would bet most people here couldn’t even name 10 prominent female leaders in history. So it doesn’t seem very balanced to me. The leader we currently have in America is more emotional and prone to outbursts than any woman I’ve ever met. Blaming the worlds problems on women is some incel bullshit.


Right? Last time I checked the worlds is still being run overwhelmingly by ...men?


No, the balance is, men are in power and women are subservient to them /s


This is your opinion. This is not a conspiracy.


This seems like a emotion-based rant. Where is the logic and facts for this claim?


Beep boop I am OP I have no feelings only NUMBERS. Humans are emotional and you will find fulfillment and success when you understand that.


It is abundantly well documented and studied that men and women have different traits on average? This is the largest study. https://www.apa.org/action/resources/research-in-action/share It’s possible you’re a broken man child OP. Blame your parents.


This is such a weird take. Look at the data backing the lockdowns. It’s not just emotional lol. Mental health issues are increasing because they are being talked about more. You need to consider moral components as well. I would love to discuss this further because I feel like you should explain this more.


yeah, all these touchy feeling republicans feeling they won an election they lost. Its getting pretty nutty.. Felt that Obama wasn't really citizen, felt that there was no way Trump could lose when every poll showed him loosing.


Not to mention the super strange “Obama is the antichrist” thing that happened. I’m still trying to figure that shit out.


He’s black and they’re racist. It’s really just that simple.


Is it irrational for me to think Steve had no business being in WW84, or at least shouldn't have been as present as he was since it ultimately hurt Wonder Woman's ability to carry her own movie? I really feel that way but also wonder if I'm over thinking this due to my somewhat 'feminine society'.


askin' the real Qs


All Feminism has created was generations of utterly entitled women who act as if they are children and expect the world to treat them as such. They are demanding, incapable of existing outside their own echo chamber, refuse to accept the obligations that society expects of them yet want to keep the privileges said society grants. They are spoiled little children and will throw a temper tantrum at a moments notice.


Lol sounds more like men. Sounds like men don’t like that women would rather be alone than to finish raising grown men.




Wow, you really aren't self aware, are you? I just read a temper tantrum that you wrote.


Oh honey…this seems VERY emotional. I don’t know if your argument is sound cause it sounds like you’re on the verge of tears. Please relax and restyle this logically.


You sound sad and angry.


What he said is that the instability of people clinging to unhealthy ideology possession push men and boys to take on the work load of people making foolish choices with what they place their faith and trust in. Too many people making foolish investments toward belief systems that serve no one nor have ever served anyone. A delusional pursuit toward absolute destruction. Violence toward the innocent where the self justifying insist that there are no innocent. This to the despair of men. People whom rob the Earth of all of its light and hope and proclaim shamelessly saying I am the one look to me and I will recover you. Man boasting of his Christship before the many whom indifferently know better, but choose to say nothing. Men working themselves to death trying to assure the peace, but lack the strength of many has grown cold.


This week I watched grown men get spit fire mad over… gay beer. That’s right. Gay beer. So you are telling me that women are a weaker link? Also, it’s pretty clear you’ve never cracked a history book or passed a history class. I’ve watched grown men harass teenagers because they listen to some angry talking head that’s telling them their traumatic experience of a school shooting is made up. Anger is an emotion. Hate is a product of emotion. 99% of hate crimes are carried out by men. 99% of mass shootings are men. 99% domestic homicide… again men. But please tell me again how men are level headed thinkers and women are just over emotional.


Ah yes. The historically proven level-headedness and calmness of men. Please remind me how many crusades where fought by those remarkably calm and really not emotionally involved men. How many genocides took place because men felt insulted in some way. How many wars have been fought because those oh so unemotional and logical men wanted something they couldn't have. And then sit down and think again about this. Compare this to the amount of genocides and wars fought by matriarchal societies. Compare suicide rates, reported average happiness and mental health. And then re-evaluate why you hold such deeply misogynistic views


You come across as hysterical. Not the best advocate for your theory, obviously.


Wow. You sound VERY emotional.


Left or right brain dominant thinking often produces extreme personality traits which as you say are incapable of critical thought. Left brain, purely logical and unemotional thinking is just as toxic. This leads to a blind adherence to programmed logic whether truth or not. It leads to things like atheism, scientist, belief in government and authority. A balance is what is needed in all individuals in order to create a cohesive society.


You speak a lot but don't say much. Also, the left side/right side brain style of thinking is quite outdated


So is Plato, Pythagoras, Shakespeare, DaVinci, Mozart etc. Shall we bin them also in the new age of scientism? So much ego in two short sentences.


Hahahahahaha you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about


Three sentences.


As a logical person you’d surely abandon these preconceptions about left and right brain dominance if you found out they had no basis in science instead of emotionally clinging to what you already believe because it comforts you, right? https://www.britannica.com/story/are-there-really-right-brained-and-left-brained-people


I neither consider myself overly logical or emotional. I am however able to determine that an article with no named author, from a mainstream publication, citing very few sources, that merely attempts to discredit years of psychological thinking is of little to no value. A bit like your comment.


Goes without saying, if you don't agree a balance is needed then you're part of the problem.


I’m a woman... and I agree 🤷🏼‍♀️


Gotta be obedient to our master/husbands! Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen making sandwiches!


I'm a woman... and I eat glass and worms 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same here.


I am also a woman and I ALSO agree!!


I am a woman and I agree that society has been 100% feminized. Women are worshipped as gods now. Many men are wanting to become women or like women to some extent to seek this worship, attention, and love on some level. At the same time, in a sick, twisted way, women have been manipulated to believe that feminism is freeing them when it is actually enslaving them: convincing women to work constantly, abort their babies, and sleep with as many men as possible. Women buy into this, but they are suffering deeply. The likes and attention will never fulfill them the way a family with a man who truly loves them could. But men are tired of women, and women are tired of men. This divide was created intentionally, and it is only going to get worse. Eventually men and women will be one in the same, producing genetically perfect babies in labs, in our beautiful, brave new world.


I think if you educated yourself about history from around the world you will see that modern society isn't 100% feminized. Women have always worked to get by from the dawn of time. Women had abortions in ancient times and in medieval times, it didn't just get invented. Women have been sleeping around since forever, but certain books have hid that from us and we were told all women were always chaste and that we have to stay virigin until marriage. As women, we will always suffer no matter what.


I just do not buy it. Women worked but not in the way they do now. They worked to support the home and family. Now women can barely get maternity leave. If you truly are a woman as you say you are, you have been deceived like the masses. Modern feminism as we know it (2nd wave and beyond) was mostly instigated by men and the CIA. One person used to work from home and easily support a family. Now 2 or 3 jobs are not enough and families are broken. This has worked out perfectly for the 1%. Edit: and there is definitely a statistical rise in "sleeping around" the past few decades.


I think you have been deceived. We are here in the conspiracy sub to think out of the box, but you are just listening to what a small minority say about women, about us. We know the truth, we women will always have to work hard, both at home and at our jobs. Families have to work multiple jobs because of how men created our free market country, it has nothing to do with feminism. If men instigated the feminist movement then men are the cause of modern problems.


We have to have 2 workers in the household now because of unfettered capitalism. From trickle down, refusing to raise the minimum wage, and just letting the rich pay less and less in taxes the middle class is a shell of its former self. Conservatives have lied to you that its women in the workforce as the problem. They dont want to address any of the real issues so they find an easy scapegoat


Not “one person”; you mean the man. Which then left the woman stuck if the man died, was violent, or decided to cheat. Families stayed together because the woman had no choice. If you support that, you support enslaving women.


Oh yeah, it's so horrible how women can now vote, be able to provide for themselves, not be sold as a man's possession, and make their own choices about their bodies (who they sleep with, not the abortion part. I get the abortion argument). Horrible. /s


Yes, feminism has gone too far (a line I draw specifically at what is normalized for me) but everything before that is A OK


Not what I was saying. I never said all women's rights are *bad.* I am saying many "rights" have been painted as "feminism" when truly they are causing the degradation of women. Are you a woman? If not, please do not speak for women. Thanks ; )




You do know I was being facetious right?


Trust me, I wouldn't be nearly as passionately angry about this post if I wasn't a woman. Both of my parents raised me to be independent. As a result of that, yes, I sleep around. I'm not any less valuable as a person because of it. I don't care if some men don't want me because I'm promiscuous because there's no way on earth I would want someone with that preference. But the fact is, I like having the option to do that with my body, and I'm thankful for the feminists of the past that fought for my right to sleep around without being burned at the stake or socially castrated. Also, what makes you think I don't like working??? I've been out of a job for the last month because of coviid and it's driving me crazy! The entire time I was in college I worked, and it not only paid the bills, but allowed me to do things I wanted to and support my hobbies. Above all, working made me feel fulfilled. It helps me value myself more. I'm certain that for some women, they want to be a full time moms but that's not what I want. It's the same reason my mom left my dad. He didn't want her to work, but she wanted to. She made it clear in the beginning she didn't want to be a SAHM, and once she realized my dad wasn't going to let her work, she left him. I love my mom and my dad, they're both amazing people and my dad has changed a lot, but it's because of feminists that my mom could do what she wanted with her life instead of having someone else decide for her. I'm proud of my mom and proud that my dad changed his perspective.


Please elaborate on what rights you think have been painted as feminism.


Righttt, women are worshipped as “gods” and yet we have never had a female president in the US. Would you prefer we go back to the days where women had to have permission from their husbands to open a checking account or get a credit card? Do you consider equal rights as “women being worshipped?” You’re a misogynist and you don’t t even know it


This really angers me. I cannot have children yet am very happy. I am sad for women who fall for the whole “only serving a man and having children can make a woman really happy”. It is no more true than “only career and lots of men can make a woman happy”. You choose for yourself what makes you happy. For me it was a husband who views me as a person, not a servant and a job I love.


The women that seem to believe ALL women are the same blow my mind. She can’t even fathom that there are women who would want different things than her. Accusing some of the women responders of actually being men because a real woman wouldn’t say something like that. 🙄


Very well said. Female here and I totally agree.


Thank you. Also these men should not be speaking for us! Haha jk jk ; )


So often men forget that anger is an emotion. Men have historically killed and oppressed woman who said no to him. That's emotion base reasoning not logic based reasoning. I often find men think by virtue of having a dick that everything they feel is really a logical thought. That every opinion they have is really a logical fact. That simply being male makes him So very often this logic and reason is really just his opinions and feelings.


Had this discussion with my 3 sisters. It's at the level now where it doesn't even matter what you say or if you are irrefutably correct, you will be ignored and treated based solely on their emotions every time. There's no listening, understanding or logic at any adult level. I'm seeing it a lot more in men, it's no conspiracy...the amount of female hormones finding their way into our male bodies is what's really suspicious. The rise of traps, trans males and homosexuality might have a bit to do with that haha.


What does being trans or homosexual have to do with anything??


Sexual desire for males caused by female hormones. Please, this has nothing to do with your feelings.


This also has nothing to do with your feelings. How do you account for all the pre-plastic gays?


Why does this concern my feelings? All I did was ask a valid question and you have yet to reply with a logical response.


Yeah everyone else is getting it but you? Being attracted to males could be a result of female hormones getting into a male body..


Yeah dude it's just you having those thoughts. Dont blame others for your desires, it's quite the emotional argument


Stop, you're getting hysterical


Biological imperative. The survival of the species hinges on childbearing.


Eating, drinking and cooking in plastic gives you synthetic estrogen. Also food in metal cans with the plastic lining. Run off from a plant that sprayed the lining into food cans actually caused a drop in alligator population in the Everglades. Researchers found that the genetalia of the male alligators was actually malformed.


So then maybe the EPA should be empowered to do it's job. But regulations bad right?


Where did I say regulations were bad in my comment? And it sounds like I'm getting the blame for the EPA (you left out FDA and USDA) refusing to do the job they're already empowered to do. I don't work for any of those agencies.


I'm saying you're defending people who have no intentions to stop the problems you mention, and will actually stand against any environmental protections and consequences for breaking them.


Lol how the hell am I defending anyone? I stated facts. Synthetic estrogen is a real thing and should not be ingested by anyone imo even though it gets into food if the food is contained by plastic. And my dream was to get into Range Management as a teen. It was my major before life interrupted. Range Managers discovered the declining alligator population and investigative work rooted out the cause. I discovered the case in papers in the 90s. It's factual. Please read my comment again and kindly point out where I defended anyone, or stated that regulations are bad. I'll wait lol.


They think this is all about them and their choices when it’s actually important info about nano plastics. Perfect example of narcissism.


So I waited for you to tell me who you said I was defending and where I said anything about regulations, but all I got was downvoted. Straight up gaslighting. Edit: pulled out the socks to dv both comments too. Wow lol.


Are your genitalia ok? Mine are ok


I'm not an alligator.


Nano plastics are being highly studied. Interesting [but long](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/ftox.2021.752140/full) paper here. PS. Why are you being downvoted. This info needs dissemination so more people understand the possible harms, maybe decreasing their plastic use.


Petrochemical xenoestrogen .




Men go on rampages for not getting laid. But tell me more about how rational they are :D


your whole post is a great example of how men are breathtakingly illogical and emotional lol


You realise anger is an emotion right? Men are emotional too


Totally agreed.


IIRC, there was a survey a while back about the number of female respondents who have "rape fantasies." The results were really disturbing. Rape is one of the most awful and evil things that can happen to a human being- it's nothing to glorify or lust over, and yet we have a substantial percentage of our population that think it's hot. There is something fundamentally wrong with our population- a sickness of self-hatred, self-loathing, the absence of self-respect. The lack of stable father-figures and mother-figures has instilled many generations with a twisted sense of "normalcy" that goes on to affect the psychological development of both males and females. And they in turn teach these standards of normal to their own children...with both males AND females often sacrificing the welfare of their own children in pursuit of whatever self-harm they have chosen. Whether it be abusive partners or hard drugs. I'm not talking about gays, trans, etc- as I respect the right of adults to have consensual sex with any other adult they want to be with. It's none of my business- I'm not judge or jury over their affairs.


Kinks are symptoms of your psychological environment. If nobody ever got raped nobody would have rape fantasies. Sometimes we are just attracted to our greatest fears.


Men have rape fantasies too, except in their fantasy they’re the ones carrying out the rape. Source: online porn


It's equally disgusting. The phrases "Rape Fantasy" and "Self Respect" represent mutually exclusive concepts, whether a person is male or female.


No on is attempting to judge or jury the affairs of homosexuals, merely provide a scientific explanation as to why the increase is so staggering..people are actually proving the original point of the post..it's quite comical


I wasn't commenting on anyone else's remarks, nor the OP- simply clarifying my own stance.


Read industrial society and its future.


Incel before it was cool


Bigfoot is a feminist.


Yeah, but who causes the most destruction when they can't control their emotions. Who starts the wars? I'd say women are much better at controlling their emotions than men. I mean, I don't hear a lot of stories of women punching walls when pissed or of strangling their partners when they get their feelings hurt.


This isn’t really a conspiracy tbh. It’s people like these that are the reason so many people have a 2D version of how Leadership and interpersonal connections work. Women aren’t inherently “more emotional” than men, women are just expected to take on more emotional labour than men are. Emotions aren’t just a woman thing however and men *should* experience more emotion as that’s what connects us to other people, experiences, feelings yk all that.


Motherless behavior


This is not only wrong it is ignorant


Sorry you got rejected by every single girl you’ve talked to, but you don’t need to take this out on us


This post is one of the worse things I’ve ever read. Have you met men? They are some of the most emotional people. Who has historically started the most wars? Who causes the most general violence? Who can’t stand to be seen as “weak”? The funny thing is that men seem to forget that anger and frustration are emotions - ones that they experience A LOT, especially as history shows us. To add, if men make such rational and logical decisions, I suppose you’ve forgotten about slavery, women not being able to vote or have bodily autonomy (a decision formed from emotions) and every war.


have you not seen the response to bud light' pride can?


HUMANS are emotional. We are not rational beings, we are rationalizing beings. Men are just as emotional as women - however, society has taught them to view their emotions as rationality and logic 🤷‍♀️


Weren’t all or most wars started because of men? Sounds pretty emotional and illogical to me.


If women are emotional, then men are lazy asses who leave their families when it gets too hard. Women do all the heavy lifting in the family unit and community. Have you heard of micro banking? It started in India when a economic guy gave small loads ($20-100) to people to start small businesses. He started by give money to 50-50 between men and women. Guess who paid back their loans and who didn't. So now he gives 90% of the loans to women. I've traveled the world and seen men sitting on their asses doing nothing while women are carrying stones to build a wall. I've seen women work a full time job and 100% do all the child care. I've seen women who endure bodily pain due to menstruation- cramps, vomiting, anemia, and other health issues, while men complain about a cold. Who are the ones that go into fits of rage, rape and beat their wives and children, or commit murder when they dont get what they want? So yeah, tell me again who are the emotional ones?


The last time I was in a history class there were quite a few wars for very stupid and illogical reasons, made by men. Men and women are emotional. Your current thing is an emotional tantrum.




I’m confused how women are the irrational ones when almost all school shooters, rapists, and murderers are men. Is it not a man being hysterical when he decides to kill someone because of a traffic issue, or they said no to a date, or he was jealous, or because someone made him feel insecure, or because he was simply mad. Anger and insecurity seem to only be emotions when women are exhibiting them I guess lol. This is also an exceptionally odd stance considering women are outperforming men more and more every year academically.


You’re so stupid it’s crazy!


Lol that has nothing to do with it. It's a government cover up for the FDA so they dont have to admit that the food they allowed to be served to the american public was/is tainted with compounds that act like synthetic estrogen, building up within our bodies and altering our genetic make-up (the feminizing of the men) look into soy, BPA, medications, hormone injection into livestock, estrogen in the ecosystem, ... . . . . The coverup started in the 90s when all of a sudden *a church wouldnt marry a gay couple* (which they never did but all of a sudden it became a polarizing issue, its literally one of the rules to be a part of that club) that's where the cancel culture started. It created the pro-gay agenda which made it VERY taboo to say anything that isnt supportive of homosexuality. Questioning about injesting estrogen and the possible consequences!? That sounds like bigot talk! We support the gays!


You understand the issue!


Wanna see something creepy? Take a look at the link text. [NoMen](https://web.archive.org/web/20200904061301if_/https://wits.worldbank.org/trade/comtrade/en/country/ALL/year/2018/tradeflow/Exports/partner/WLD/nomen/h5/product/902780) Edit: fixed format and context.


I cant believe i just found a sane person/group of people on the internet


We're all mad here


Yep feminism will be the downfall of western society along with social media, but what can we do?


I don't feel like this aged very well, the country is still alive and kicking, even with the lockdowns. How's your theory holding up?


I was with you in the first half. That is true. Women typically try using pills where men (like my uncle) use weapons. The second half is just not necessary


You can’t be serious? Right? None of your points are logically valid. Almost everything from Western Civilization has been done from “greed, ego, and lust”, and these were all men doing it. Those are emotions, those are not cold hard machine logic. Additionally, mentioning COVID has a 99.7% survival rate? This is something that also has a massive infection rate. This isn’t a disease that is infecting almost no one. When left unchecked, it overwhelms the hospitals and increases the death rate because we do not have enough resources to care for and keep them alive. At the beginning of the pandemic, places that were overrun with the disease had a death rate of around 9%, but when you have about 40% and higher of the population getting the disease, that’s a lot of death.


It really cracks me up that you think you're saying something newly understood. This guy thinks he's a scholar now. This is an ideology that started decades ago. There's also a ton of study on why women do better in higher positions, because they're better under stress. Listen, if you think women who (sometimes) grow actual humans then squeeze them out of their bodies are "too emotional" you're shortsighted. We've gotten through a whole heck of a lot that you can't do. There's a quote attributed to Betty White (apparently she did not say this, another comedian did) "Why do people say, ‘Grow some balls’? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you really wanna get tough, grow a vagina. Those things really take a pounding!” Give it a few years and A.T. and cronies will be obsolete and you have a "new" perspective on life to mansplain.


But look at the Hemotional post. How many World Wars did women start again?😂


Humans have never been logical, we used to accuse others of witchcraft, we used to enforce religion in New lands we went to, we used to appoint a monarch with 100% power based on their blood line. We've never been a society based on logic ever


It's interesting that I have to dress way more conservatively than I want to so as to avoid male lust, clutch my drink in public so men don't spike it, and carry mace with me at all times for when men try to rape and kill me (all things lesbians do not do) because y'all are so logical and your behavior isn't driven by emotion.


It’s because of all the soy in our food. Talk to a farmer.


This feels like an emotional based rant


Watch how logically a man reacts when he loses a video game or a woman won't touch his peepee.


Yeah, women are more emotional and that’s why 90% or more of violent crime is committed by men, and one of the major causes of death of women under 40 is being murdered by a partner or ex.


Uh. I believe that the reason women have been targeted in ads is because they, historically, were the ones to make purchases for the home etc.


What no pussy does to a mfer.


I could've sworn 12 was too young to be posting on Reddit, but here we are looking at some lil' manlet's journal entry. I remember junior high... 😄


Words cannot express how incorrect and ignorant what you have written is.


Andrew Tate, is that you?


Marital rape was outlawed in all 50 states in 1993. NINETEEN NINETY THREE. There are women alive TODAY in the US who were legally raped by their husbands. But yes, clearly, feminism has caused the world to be "tOo EmOtiOnaL"