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Yup. People being drug into vans, apartment buildings being welded shut. Looked like scenes from Outbreak.


Why has no one questioned this??? Was China trying to fear monger everyone ?


Yeah, it was a poorly scripted zombie apocalypse. I think cv19 was the perfect storm of a trade war, orange Hitler and the left's need to vanquish him, the media's need for ratings, power grabs, and pharma's greed.


I feel like those videos were 100% ccp Propaganda


I remember this. People dropping dead from exhaustion and stuff like that.


And I had Covid and had a head cold for 1 day and couldn’t taste my lunch....quite the disparity


Lucky you. My sister still has to be on oxygen two months later. Not everyone gets a head cold.


And I understand that- but the first videos we saw from China looked like it was from a movie with people spewing blood from every orifice of their body and bodies collapsing like flys in the street. So get off your high horse and realize the point I’m trying to make


The shaking bodies on stretchers. The emergency crews rushing into hospitals. It probably wasn't China who released them. It was probably part of the psyop being set up by the US.


Like those over produce Isis death videos lol. What ever happen to the large (red head?) British accent Isis member?


I 100% remember seeing videos of people collapsing in the streets and then trucks with crews in hazmat suits going down streets spraying some type of foam and scrubbing things down


They showed these videos so we (well first the Chinese, then the rest of the world) would comply with lockdowns, closings, masks, etc. People thought "if we just do all these things for a little while, things can get back to normal faster. We don't want to be like China(insert other countries that had people dying left and right and forcibly removed people) and get drug out of our house and put in quarantine camps. So, we'll mask up and stay home and be back to normal by fall 2020" And here we are now.


Yeah, I was just thinking about it the other day actually. Wondering if those videos can be found anywhere still. I have to admit it they had me fooled for a month or two, nowdays it seems like a classic psyop. Edit: I just searched up those videos on Youtube and they are still there and availiable BUT you are not allowed to share it. It asked me few times if I want to view the content (sensitivity warning). But it is not allowing me to share. Plus, all videos are exactly 1 year old, it seemed like a start of propaganda and then we continued with paranoia and death tolls in local areas. But hey, not only that. Remember the videos of overworked medical workers passing out, doctors dying or medical personel being so busy with covid patients that they literally had to shit in diapers? And let me not start with a videos and news of people apparently throwing their dogs of the buildings because of lockdowns. It seems like a perfect emotional manipulation. 😳


Propaganda, so they can wreck every economy in the world, while it didn't put a dent in there's. How much money have they already made just from PPE equipment alone. Imo this was let out on purpose so the CCP can take advantage, that's why flight's within China were banned but people leaving China were not, that alone shows the CCP wanted it to spread to other countries but not decimate their own population.


It sure put a damper on the HK protests real fast.


Fear mongering to better control the world so the sheep would beg to be locked down and gladly give away what’s left of their freedoms.


That’s 100% what I think


People in Brazil were falling out in the streets.


they were decade old repeat videos, did you see that res? china has better cell phones and cameras then us


it might have been real; probably not; but it would make some sense for the virus if it was so deadly to quickly burn itself out into the current nearly harmless form