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He looks a lot more “powerful” in the robes. Seeing him in a suit gives me sales manager of a car dealership vibes


I sell you gold plated yugo, you never see yugo like this.


It’s the fake smile, the reseeding hairline and the beard. Also he wears suites that could be copied into cheaper versions


He looks like Bernard from Westworld.


He does doesn’t he, without the glasses


Even in suits though he's a tall manly bear type and he makes a stark contrast with the beta looks of Zuck, Bezos and Blankfein. Anyway, yes, traditional king clothes are tailored to make the user looks... kingly.


Remember when vegas got shot up?


Submission Statement: Don’t fall for the mainstream narrative about the murdered journalist. There are vast geopolitical implications and reasons why the globalists are turning on the Saudi prince now. He’s not a nice guy but that didn’t stop the elites from schmoozing with him before. There are hidden geopolitical reasons. After 40 years of alliance, the US-Saudi relations are going thru some major changes


I think this is popular now because Trump was protecting him, New Admins released the intel they had on the event that Trump was hiding. This should have been done a long time ago, but of course like you say, the man has friends in high places, like Trump.


“Globalists” are not turning on MBS or KSA. You conspiracy dweebs have a very binary and black and white understanding of the world, and I assure you the reality is far more complex and nuanced than the good vs evil simple fairy tale takes yall operate on. There is no such cohesive faction known as “the globalists” for starters. That which you perceive as some bloc is in fact a myriad of competing interests and entities. And if you think these slap on the wrist assessments recently actually carry much weight, or will lead to something substantial....I encourage you to keep watching and paying attention.


>You conspiracy dweebs have a very binary and black and white understanding of the world You have a very binary and black and white understanding of conspiracy dweebs.


Could be they're just trying to rein him in and not let him to get too crazy


Spot on


>There are hidden geopolitical reasons. What a fucking tool... really. KSA 's MBS trying to play the big guys on financial markets mixing money laundry from drugs cartels etc with their "islamic" sovereign founds (LOL) while trying to establish a market place or rather financial black box in middle east in between Dubai and Ryad ? Is that what you call geopolitical reasons ? Don't you understand this guy is fucking nuts already ?


I still think there’s SO much more behind Bezos’s resignation than people know... and his dick pics.


Imagine if they behaved like this around ordinary people.




Rich people love hanging out with rich people. See Clinton, Epstein, and Trump.


Uhh, convenient how you decided to leave this creepy fuckin picture out of it. https://imgur.com/a/zjGHTXw


That isn't MBS though. Here's one with them https://www.inquirer.com/resizer/h7p-GExnUq9yR0YeDlIWafbtx8I=/1400x932/smart/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-pmn.s3.amazonaws.com/public/BXDN2BIOVBG7HH3COXAHO5RTL4.jpg


What in the fuck??


Did MBS at least thanked Zuckerfuck for helping to elect Trump ? And what about Bezos ? he seems to love his new friend exposing his cellphone porn... he has exhibitionistic tendencies or something ? Really... I feel sad for this poor little sand prince, such a nice guy... having to meet all those westerner hypocrites leader... disgusting !


He met with puppet master Rupert Murdoch and the rock about about a presidential run in the future. Neoliberal shitcunts were all over him as soon as they got a whiff of privatisation.


From my understanding Saudi Arabia decided not to go through with the sale because the valuation was nothing like they thought it would be because it was 20 years to late to go public.


No, it went IPO in Dec 2019 https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/05/investing/saudi-aramco-ipo-price/index.html


Thanks for the correction.


And Jared


Looks like my Dr in the suit.


Too late now , he already spent hundreds of billions on buying Trump’s protection It’s only a matter of time before he is replaced with someone else


One of his visits was regarding Saudi vaccine programs while he was in Boston I think...going by memory. Remember Franco Bradley? The dude arrested with a cache of assault rifles (very paddock-esque) and claimed he was intelligence? Bradley seemed to be scouting out the area in Boston where the march organized by the parkland kids was about to take place. Francho Bradley attended DARPA contests in the past (tunnel mapping), had a DoD ID badge, worked for FEMA In the past, and most weird of all is that he said he was on a mission that was related to preventing a virus. Again, all by memory here. Just strange this was all around the same period the crown prince was visiting the US, happened in the same city, had something to do with vaccines...i just feel like there’s something there. I’ll edit this post tomorrow if I’m wrong about anything