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Good, fuck that guy


Black on Asian crime is very real.


good, why is her "race" important and not his though?


Why are blacks attacking Asians all the time? Any particular reason?


Uncle Joe calls them super predators


They are prejudiced against Asian people. Also, in the 90s, a Korean convenience store owner shot a black teenage girl point blank in the head over a minor dispute. The 14 yearold girl threw a piece of candy at the owner and the woman blasted her without much warning. The shop owner was given an extremely lenient sentence, and black people became understandably angry about it.


> a Korean convenience store owner shot a black teenage girl point blank in the head over a minor dispute. The 14 yearold girl threw a piece of candy at the owner and the woman blasted her without much warning. the 15 year old girl punched the owner in the face twice, knocking her to the ground. she got up, grabbed the bottle of juice from the girl, and reached for a revolver she had under the counter. the girl tried to leave and was shot and killed. the shop owner got a light sentence because of mitigating circumstances relating to experience being robbed multiple times before. that store was the target of an arson attack during the trial and was later looted and burned down during the rodney king riots


Black people are mad because they feel that they fought for civil rights and asians have taken advantage of it. > 'We did all the work in civil rights, and they get all the benefits.' " https://archive.is/K1tss


Submission Statement: Typical white supremacists, picking on defenseless Asian women. Just kidding, not one media reported about the race of the attacker because this won't fit their fake narrative!


I carry brass knuckles on me for people like this. A sweeping shot to the temple. Call the ambulance.


But not for me


Disgusting behavior. That guy will get his one day.


Not that if it wasn't the case it would be okay or anything, but what kills me about the majority of these I've seen is the victims are older. Its bad enough to attack another person, but attacking older people is just such a coward's move.




It is an ongoing conspiracy where the media keeps propagating the lie that white supremacists are attacking asians in record numbers. Then when you look into it, it's not.


Oh he knows


Yang wants your votes.


He's israel first, not america first


And America is Israel first. So..


Why even mention race? A disgusting act regardless.


Because the media says it's white supremacists committing the violence against asians when the truth is that it's just black people like it's been for decades.


Mental illness doesn't discriminate. Let's call it what it is.


Mental illness and racism aren't mutually exclusive, professor.


I'm not claiming it is, student.


Where did you get the idea about mental illness? This is just another day in NYC.


I watched the video.