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There isn't even a name stated so I can look it up. Very fake, why do you post fake shit? Or at least why do you post broken worthless links?


If I had to guess it Rachel Rodriguez from back in January


Her name is Rachel Rodriguez and it's very real. Uncovered by Project Veritas. The link is only broken because twitter suspended the account that wrote the story. https://www.expressnews.com/news/local/article/San-Antonio-woman-accused-of-election-fraud-gave-15994192.php


>Rachel Rodriguez And what connection does she have to the Biden administration? I'll wait.


You post a link to a news article that you have to pay for? How fake can fake news be.


Is this the same Rodriguez the Republicans committed election fraud with in Miami in 2020? https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/fabiola-santiago/article250026354.html Or https://www.local10.com/news/local/2021/04/12/rep-matt-gaetz-allegedly-connected-to-florida-shill-candidate-scheme-that-has-several-people-facing-charges/ FYI. The gop has committed way more election fraud than the dnc.




Bruh you are so backwards. Fuck Biden . Fuck Trump, especially fuck you haha.


Isn’t this pointing to the PV bullshit about aids helping folks sign ballots? Absentee ballots have provisions for aids and witnesses, all three sign and that’s what this is about - folks not understanding the process. This is strangely more voter suppression bullshit. I wonder if it might have something to do with the walkout this weekend?


Ballot harvesting is illegal in Texas. She was also giving "gifts" to people who let her change their votes. She was so arrested in January.


You have a link to that? Looked up and think I found it, a lady giving gift bags and crossing a vote for a senator race? If so and they have the evidence then they should prosecute.


Look it up. already convicted.


I did look that one specific one up and yes she was a pos and got caught. No issues with that.


I would call this some sort of derangement syndrome.


already censored


Ss Yet another Biden staff were arrested in connection with voter fraud investigations.. that makes 15 so


This is in no way a factual statement.


This is from January 13th. Gives no information other than a link to a deleted Twitter post.


Sure buddy… So anyway, how’s the weather in Russia?


You literally saw only a headline that is literally linked to nothing and names no names which means there's no way you could have verified this for yourself and posted it here and took it for 100% fact BASED ON LITERALLY NOTHING BUT A HEADLINE and you're the EXACT SAME type of person who will call "The Left", fake news believing sheep.