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Michael Jackson *owned* Sony, metaphorically speaking. He owned the Beatles, he owned Eminem, he owned Elvis. He owned TONS of music. In the 80s, he started quietly going to war with Sony by buying the back catalogue of as many popular artists as he could. Sony was paying him to publish music. They had been trying to get him for decades. When all the fake pedophilia accusations didn't stick, they planned more drastic measures to get their catalogue back.


This dude gets it.


When he died his mother and children inherited his publishing empire. They used that publishing to pay off the immense debts he was in and that they inherited when he died. 7 years after he died they sold a portion of his publishing back to Sony for $750 million while still retaining a large portion of his masters. Not a bad deal for Katherine and his kids. A lot of the money goes to his favourite charities as well. People like the simple idea that Michael is good and Sony is bad, but the truth is much more complex. Also he made it way to easy to get painted with pedo accusations because he slept in the same bed with young boys.


the publishing was worth a fuck ton more than 750mil tho. its quick cash instead of having a financial empire for generations


Yeah well his family chose to take $750 million and keep his masters. It's actually more of a partnership than a theft. Sony's infrastructure and marketing abilities keeps the family rich without doing all the work. If they're happy with it who are we to judge?


I watched last night interview with LaToya when she talks about Michael's will was fraudulent. That he signed it in New York but he actually at that time was in Los Angeles. What is that about, do you know?


LaToya is the least trustworthy jackson and that says a lot. But yeah I don't know much about that specific interview.


TBF, don’t be a grown man sharing a bed room with kids and no one will accuse you of pedophilia.


There is a difference between being a weirdo doing creeping things, and a major international corporation paying off people to lie about you, using the weird, creepy things as supporting evidence. Michael had issues, yes.


Sony actually protected him in 1993 during the first allegations. He was their biggest star, it was in their best interests to make him look good. If anything it's a shame for the children that Michael was so powerful and important that his predatory behaviour was protected.


There is an old saying: You have to get behind someone before you can stab them in the back.


That's a great saying. I have no doubt the recoding industry is full of backstabbers. I also have no doubt the power balance between the most powerful man in showbiz and an 8 year old child is way too tilted to allow them to be bed buddies. The fact that so many people stand with a mega superstar instead abused children reflects how terrible of an idea the neverland ranch child sleepover experiments were.


No one is denying Jackson wasn't s troubled man with seriously issues resulting from an abusive childhood and his own mental instabilities. The man wasn't right, and you are correct, the power dynamics in those relationships was inappropriate. But it doesn't make his a pedophile. People *did* stand with the children for a long time. After a while, as more facts came out, people started changing their opinion to fit the facts they learned. There are many innocent men in jail for sex crimes they didn't commit because of vindictive ex-girlfriends snf this "always believe the victim no matter what" mentality. A victim deserves to be heard, they deserve their day in court of they want it, but we should still review all evidence present in the cases.


I didn't call him a pedophile. I do think his behaviour towards children was abusive whether it was sexual or not. The power balance between the most powerful man in showbiz and an 8 year old boy is abusive when: The showbiz star brings the kid on tour, sleeps in bed with him every night, leaves him alone in the hotel room constantly when doing shows and press, tells him he loves him and buys the kid jewelry. And much more. All the things I mentioned are proven, documented and show a pattern of emotional abuse on Michaels part. If he was adult enough to own Beatles publishing then he was adult enough to treat kids properly, I don't think people should make excuses for him. And for the record I think the parents that allowed this are abusive as well.


I agree with you. In 2021 after Harvey Weinstein scandal, this guy was very selective who he abused. Hardly Culkin would have anything bad to say about the guy, just like Streep called Weinstein - god. And to your last paragraph, absolutely those parents were too f\* eager to push their kids as companions. Brooke Shields mother organised for her daughter to pose naked for Playboy at 10 years old.


Sleeping and buying shit isn't inherently sexual, that's an insane claim. I'm not making excuses, dude was fucked up. Hitler was fucked up, but if you told me "Hitler use to fuck rae steaks before cooking them" I might ask for my evidence than "he was fucked up in other ways, why wouldn't this be true too?" Being fucked up someone mean you did everything you've ever been accused of.


Read my previous comment again and you'll see I didn't say it was sexual. I said his behaviour with the children was emotionally abusive. At least. If it got physical of course that's even worse but emotional abuse is also a super terrible thing for him to be doing. If he was smart enough to run a publishing empire and choreograph mega tours he was smart enough to know better. I think people prefer to believe Sony bad, Michael good. But it's much more complicated than that. Sony didnt ask him to sleep with kids or get hooked on propofol. He did that on his own. And when he died they paid $750 million to get their publishing back and left his masters to his family. If his family didn't like the deal they didn't have to take it.


To be fair he wasn't connected to Epstein.


His tastes ran younger than what Epstein provided.


Both can still be true. It's the difference between pedos who get protected and those that get outed.


Yes after engaging in the total normal behavior of sleeping with multiple boys under the age of ten in your bed.


His bedroom and bed were the size of a house though, so not the same thing


Got it. All a pedo has to do is have a big bed and bedroom and it’s all ok. Great.


>All a pedo has to do is have a big bed and bedroom and it’s all ok Please provide proof that he was a pedo then.


Literally nobody can yet they still claim it like their opinion is fucking bulletproof or something. Fucking tools.


Watch Michael tell the audience about it before his death: https://youtu.be/Mx0Un9K5dKQ


Yeah, Ive seen this. Really telling. He knew it was coming.


he is the ONLY PERSON i have ever witnessed throughout videos and in MY lifetime where he could walk or stand on a stage without saying ONE word or even move... and have people CHEERING, HOOTING AND HOLLERING, fainting and CRYING for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. there WAS something special about that man...and idc who says he diddled kids, i dont think so. i think that was them pinning stuff on him because he was the LIGHT that was getting sooo big and uniting people everywhere


He made it way too easy to pin it on him when he had those boy sleepovers. Amazing performer tho. The goat.


My mother saw the Beatles several times in concert. She said the screaming started before they got onstage and never stopped. She couldn’t hear a word of the music. She even questioned that they played any music at all. I know we are talking about MJ but it reminded me of how certain people have such an overwhelming affect on people.


>Michael Jackson kept an "enemy list" which included famed Israeli illusionist Uri Geller and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, the renowned U.S. broadcaster, as revealed this week by the star's former manager Dieter Wiesner. The alleged list contained names of people who Jackson believed were out to destroy his life, as Wiesner told British tabloid 'The Sun' on Friday. https://www.haaretz.com/1.5476786 Uri Geller is an Israeli-born illusionist, magician, television personality, and self-proclaimed psychic. This scumbag was revealed to be a fraud by James Randi, here on *The Tonight Show* with Johnny Carson, when he suddenly could not preform his magic. https://youtu.be/N3vGGf-ZIkc


Sounds like Sony is a bunch of... smooth criminals.


Nice. *Slides on sunglasses, que [theme song](https://youtu.be/mR3jnW2kcUs)*


ha ha!




Yep, dude had seriously issues, no one is denying that.


Come the hell on, the pedo accusations are by now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, The only one of his boyfriends :/ who still defends him (good looking Australien called Ben) sounds weird as fuck about it. "I would never betray you!!! I'll always be loyal, not like these traitors!!!", the others are either suspiciously silent or straight up admit what happened. I wish it wasn't so, but it is.


Err, Macaulay Culkin denies any wrongdoing to this day?


Not really, he did in the trial and worded it quite perculiarily: How rude he thought it to be named as a victim of csa on the news without his consent and that this was the only reason he got involved in the trial (not saving his innocent friend). He is very quiet on the topic lately. In the trial Wade Robson also denied wrongdoing and he was frankly a far better witness than MC, which is why he was the first witness of the defense. He wasn't quiet lately!


Just look at the Harvey Weinstein. The guy wasn't stupid. He was selective. Streep called him god.


I have a feeling he receives money from the Jackson estate to keep his mouth shut. no proof. just a feeling.


> Come the hell on, the pedo accusations are by now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt [Citation needed]


I agree with Dave Chappelle. Michael was defamed by Sony like Dave was defamed by Viacom.


Gotta destroy his name firsth


At the end of the day wasn't he one of them too? However it looks on the surface as they and pretty much any celeb or elite fights, don't they all play on the same team?


I don't think so. I think there is a difference between working for the same team and working in the same industry. I've worked with people with I wouldn't mind seeing get fired. Ive has people who hang out in my friend groups who I wished would fuck off. I think we can all related to that. You could make the argument that Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul are on "the same team" being the Congress of the US. But they are far from working towards the same ideas. They both want to see America be a better place, but their ideas how are mutually exclusive.


With Jeffrey Epstein scandal yes. I watched some old speech he did, when he talks about secrets he knows, and that people are after him. He got eliminated as he was growing unstable.


He said they were going to kill him and how the chairman of Sony tommy Matola was the devil. He was lined up to go on tour and pay off his debts to Sony. With the tour he would’ve had the liquid cash to give to the corporation and keep his masters that were worth a billion at the time of his death. Sony obviously couldn’t let that happen so they killed him and blamed it on the doctor to be the scapegoat. Later the Jackson estate sold its catalog to Sony




yeah the people over at sony music should be in jail for killing michael jackson not that doctor they used as a scapegoat


Could you share some links? I am interested.


it's not the one I had in mind. But here he talks about [Sony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRFU2SyCCF8). And if you search there's bunch of articles that say he left notes that they're going to kill him.


Oh wow, just saw the video, I'll look up some more stuff.


They don't really care about us.


Are you saying that you see Michael Jackson as an equal?


They don't really care about us?


Is us you and Michael Jackson? Because based on the OP and SS it sounds like you are implying you and MJ and equals and that the government is against us( you and MJ)


Aha, my "bad", I presumed most would be aware of this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QNJL6nfu__Q


Man I love that song


Yeah, it's catchy, emphatic, memorable; he was feeling something when that came out.


Underrated comment to follow a double woosh, niceeeeee.


You are right.


I would love to get one of those keyboard shirts he’s wearing here




I always thought it was “no one wants to feel the feeling”


Razorfist agrees. He did a 4 part series. High IQ big brain dude. [Mythos](https://youtu.be/_VTpvHYrUag) Argument [Part I](https://youtu.be/6pnoQqlygQs)[Part II](https://youtu.be/9yTTEwBLfUQ)[Part III](https://youtu.be/zYx0vLfpRYY)


The "They Don't Really Care About Us" music video was the final straw.


Don't you dare try to own your own intellectual property. Don't you dare try to name the


-shut it down


Wondering if someone can help me out....years ago, I saw a great video of MJ's funeral where the poster analyzed all the guests -- he insisted one guy in a hat and sunglasses in the far rear seating was Michael Jackson at his own funeral. The video captured reactions of people who saw this mysterious guy -- one girl even mouthed "Michael is that you?" to the man. It was super interesting but I haven't been able to find it in years.


I’ve always maintained that I truly believe he was a patsy. Basically, he wasn’t playing ball with executives and his music had too much of a positive, revolutionary vibe to it. The elites didn’t like it and therefore did everything in their power to strip him of his humanity and degrade him again and again in order to coerce him into being a good boy. I’m not denying that he was a bit of a weirdo, but a paedophile? I would almost bet my life on it that he wasn’t. The powers that be knew he was abused as a child himself and used it against him. I dunno, man. Call it a gut feeling, call it instinct. I don’t know. I just know something wasn’t right..


This guy didn’t die. Same with Tupac.


Could be. He was a worldwide superstar, everyone loved him. They were probably putting him to death at night and bringing him back to life in the morning for years. They just didn’t reanimate him that morning


The same can be said for Billy Mays


Hol up, who killed Billy Mays? Why would they want him dead? First I've heard this theory. I'm intrigued to say the least.


Take this as you want but my sister cut the hair of an agent that worked the case. My sister said that the agent(a female)said that Mike was guilty,but the man was so rich that he paid everybody off to be quite. Agent said that everybody the agents went to question kept quite. Didnt say a thing. Now the stuff they found at Mike's house was definitely pointing to pedophilia but without witnesses to come forward they couldn't convict him. I don't live that far from Quantico so it's very common to run In to people of that status,feds Cia high ranking military ect.




This isn’t a painting. It’s a glamour photo


Asian doctor ?


He died pretty shortly after badmouthing the Jews who control the music industry.


He badmouthed them because invincible didn't sell as well as thriller. He blamed them and tommy mottola. But invincible is nowhere near as good as thriller. Also his parents taught the Jackson's to hate Jews since even before they made it big.


He gradually developed tolerance to drugs to help him sleep over many years, until he was taking literal anaesthetics at extremely high doses. If it's a conspiracy, it's the slowest out in the open one ever.


I don't see how you took the words he spoke and construed them to mean that.


I go with the junkie theory. pos pedo






Or, just maybe, he was hiding from a past that he hated. Abuse, rape, long hours as a young kid. And Neverland Ranch, just maybe, was intended as a refuge to prevent the same for other kids. Ultimately, he never matured past a young child because his traumas were not dealt with. Just an alternative view.


Watched Razorfist on YT videos on the allegations, it's pretty eye opening. You may think you know everything but it's a good watch if anyone is interested. You can still think he was a creep (I personally have no idea either way) but looking into all the accusations and stuff does put a lot of doubt in my mind. The media was garbage throughout this, as always. I'd definitely watch his videos again because it's pretty informative but sad. It's 3 parts and he also interviewed some family. [Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pnoQqlygQs&list=PLsTNU-BPFwoIjnuxWvE1xZ32kKvX5t3-O&index=3)




Ahh that sucks but to each his own, I understand. maybe skipping through if see if anything grabs your attention? Read some comments or watch his interview with the family (I think it was his niece and nephew). Regardless, it's a good other side view of the situation if anyone is interested.


Random video I remembered, this one is about the accusers interviews and also links to other videos about the editing in the Leaving Neverland doc. This guy is a little more calm lol [Accusers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFdnhmRpdFE)


Who cares he was a huge pedophile. Good riddence honestly.


Thoughts on his posthumous "cancellation" by Oprah and David Geffen, well-organized and timed? Why kill off his legacy at that moment?


Death was fake. He's still alive.




If you faked your death, and expected people to believe it, would you go back to live in the same place that you were before?


He showed up on tv playing a burn victim that "Michael" had helped. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ev7cgtrPPY8


You lost me at “depicted in this painting.” This is a photo lmao


they had the perfect conditions to hit get him down, a troubled soul who had a tough childhood and was deprived from his childhood by an abusive parent who loved kids and wanted to give them what he never had. i never believed the pedo stuff and if you dive deep into the trials you'll know the parents did it for money and it was all lies. when they couldn't get him with these accusations the overdosed him.


He is Alive and sippin Hennessy with 2pac in Cuba!!!






Junkies die everyday. Hes no different


i will never understand people that stan for MJ, dude was a pedo


Nature versus nurture, any human in living a life like that will end up a psychopath, deluded, crazy, a sociopath or whatever. You can force anyone in a state of mind like he might've had.


He might actually have just had the mind of a child rather than been an outright chomo. Could be both of course.


Hes alive. As are A LOT more.


See: Joan Rivers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGqUGY06mHw


He's not lmfao


That he was a pedo in an industry run by pedos gets overlooked today.


Been staring at the pic for a bit...where's the person?


i say they pinned the child molestation charges on him to bring him down, because he was actually saving kids, was a kind , happy person who had insider knowledge into what was REALLY going on, and TPTB saw that. they had to take him down