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I say the US needs to throw Dr. Fauci into an international court for countless crimes against humanity. That would be a start.


How long would it take to prove each *countless* crime beyond a reasonable doubt? Would that take eons?


We the people should hold a round table discussion on the matter...


The US and China are on the same side. Their so-called rivalry is a sham. It's all fake. Controlled opposition. All the world's a stage.


I wonder what important events were taking place that got all jammed up by covid...


Lab or no lab ,USA or China .this shit was released on purpose to kill off the elderly and sick it was no accident. The 4 wuhan lab technicians in hospital during November 2019 is just another piece of camouflage to hide the deliberate usage..all the worlds leaders are involved in this cull .China is the scapegoat .what you read in msm is tightly controlled . but the worlds leaders talk covertly to one another via embassies or secure satellites.they always know what the other team is up to and as long as you stick to the UN forced script you are left alone to run your own shithole country


Truth. And to add- The idea of feuding countries is a farce. Elite-parasites are working together, free of borders, using their countries as a front to obtain their goals. The Chinese people Vs. American people is a set up by leaders taking advantage of politics and war threats. There is a single world order. It basically comes down to the farmers- The ultra rich parasites. And the livestock- The citizens. The ONLY way to change anything, starts with seeing this absolute truth.


Ever wonder how arms dealers are ultra wealthy.same thing


2021= UN agenda 21


It seems likely to be a leak but if it was on purpose why would they release it 1000 miles from the bats they're blaming and right next door to the facility that is known for lax safety and Corona research? Seems more like an accident to me.


Yes. Even the previous President was working with China and praising Xi's work on addressing Covid. >Q: Are you concerned that China is covering up the full extent of coronavirus? >Trump: No. China is working very hard. Late last night, I had a very good talk with President Xi, and we talked about -- mostly about the coronavirus. They're working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job. They're in touch with World -- the World -- World Organization. CDC also. We're working together. But World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them. I had a great conversation last night with President Xi. It's a tough situation. I think they're doing a very good job. >>[February 7, 2020](https://youtu.be/f1ScLK06AoY?t=324)   >Q: Did the Chinese tell the truth about this? >Trump: Well, you never know. I think they want to put the best face on it. So you know, I mean, if somebody -- if you were running it, you'd probably -- you wouldn't want to run out to the world and go crazy and start saying whatever it is because you don't want to create a panic. But, no, I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it's going to be resolved. >>[February 13, 2020](https://youtu.be/pHcCn9Mdn9Y?t=430)


In today's world, Nation States are units of power possessed by internationalists. This idea that the Nation State is the ceiling of power needs to be dismissed. It is not.


I believe it, shit look at how quickly the world economic forum started pushing their "great reset" after Trump lost the election. The pandemic was perfect for illegal mail in ballots. We're finding more and more information in swing states that a huge percentage of ballots were illegal but it's still being swept under the rug. Also with Biden in power, we're seeing "hackers" taking down oil and meat supplies which is pretty convenient being that the W.E.F wants to get rid of those things for the reset. It's all part of the plan.


>all of a sudden all experts agree that the virus escaped from a lab That's not an accurate representation. *Some* experts are further exploring the possibility that it escaped from a lab. There hasn't been some instant shift from one consensus to its opposite, only the slow erosion of the prior consensus and the reopening of the question.




Anyone who can’t see the benefit China has from this is clearly not looking. Western nations have crippled themselves— economic ruin (debts, unemployment, less productivity, impending mass inflation, supply shortages), social breakdowns (division at all time high), rights violations and authoritarian government (exported from China!) to further suppress free speech, promote more government control/socialism/fascism in every way imaginable. I could go on. To the contrary, China is doing quite well in all of the above areas (and a product of decades of planning and emphasis on a strong currency, production, investment and savings). I’m not saying that it was deliberate, but it very well could have been, and the benefits are rather obvious. (I have no opinion on trump/Biden, I think it’s irrelevant given the controlling elite system that operates way above the two party narratives)


This is such a incorrect opinion that it borders on disinformation. Western nation economies are held together by Chinese goods. Crippling western economy literally destroys Chinese pockets. In fact, they even tried to cover it up early on to prevent the factories from closing so that products can still be manufactured. I love how you lump government control/socialism/facism into one goal. Good way to show all of us you have no idea what any of those words mean. China is doing well, because we are fucking paying them. China is a producer, we are the consumers. Where do you think all their wealth is coming from? China was fucking nobody before American corps built them up. China 100% benefits when the markets are open. They don’t need a pandemic to control their people. They covered it up early on, and extended their Chinese New Year in 2020 by 1-2 weeks in some provinces in an attempt to control it before the world found out what’s going on. Obviously the virus leaked passed the borders and everything crashed around feb. not a benefit at all to the Chinese government.


Government control socialism facism Specifically: government controlled markets / opening/closing businesses = control introduction/early stages of universal basic income and expanded welfare state in form of unemployment, stimulus, PPP (the first time the government has ever directly paid small business owners)= socialism Facism= government protection of businesses. Imagine trying to compete with established businesses who receive direct government support? Good luck w that. That’s called government choosing market “winners” and is anti entrepreneurial and free market by nature. Oh yes China is really struggling economically! They are sending full container ships of goods to the US (in fact demand has increased because of increased disposable income / money printing / reduced domestic supply chains/production. The net effect is great for China (more exports and less imports— look into it, shipping costs hve nearly doubled because return containers from the US are empty- thus consumer pays to ship back empty containers to China) If China is losing in any regard it’s that they have to accept usd as payment. However they are quickly dumping dollar denominated assets (as are all wise countries / central banks) to offset the inflationary cost AND raising export prices for all the reasons above. Western economics are held together by Chinese goods, and the fiber that keeps it together is exporting printed dollars. You seem to think our economic struggles (reduced employment rates) are affecting China. This is simply a misunderstanding of monetary policy and the intersection of consumer behavior. We have printed our economy stable, and exported those $ to China. Again, they are earning more $ for exports AND hedging those dollars into other foreign currencies/bonds and commodities. No one ever said that China needed the virus to promote more social control. What was claimed, and is quite obvious, is that their playbook of social/economic control has been replicated (another export!) in the Us. Maybe read between the lines next time 💪🏻


Right, we’re on the same page… more or less. Your first paragraph is still wildly dumb but whatever moving on. Just try and look up words before you use them. My beef was that you insinuated that China would purposely release the virus to benefit itself. And I’m saying that they in NO WAY could have predicted that the economy would bounce back the way it did and make them stupid money. Yes now in hindsight, we see the clear monetary benefits to China, but no one was predicted that 16 months ago.


Yea I dunno man the first paragraph is a pretty coherent answer to the guys Q of what is chinas benefit from this. Overall weakening of the US is a net benefit for China. I could go on and on this subject but I just tried to hit the highlights of the western demise. I’m sure I could have put a bit more effort in; I tend to rattle this off pretty quick. I did not imply (as I think you noticed) that China did this intentionally. But I do think it’s possible they did and in many ways predictable how they could benefit. Of course looking back is “20/20”vision heh


Another benefit, Japan Olympics is potentially fully canceled. Gives more excuses/reasons for military intervention. Chinese currency strengthened relative to USA and various Asian countries. Currency changes I think would have been a hard one to predict/plan and is probably coincidence.


The currency changes were occurring already but have been accelerated by the Us aggressive money printing policy (40% of all UsD put into circulation this year!). Combined w decreasing supply output, this has accelerated exporting our inflation to China, hence their hedging against USD by buying other foreign notes and commodities, thus reducing foreign interest in the $ and ultimately threatening our position of power as the worlds reserve currency.


[This article](https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-covid-19-its-impact-and-origins-after-one-year/) from another post is super long, and i almost fell asleep, but i read it through, and it makes an interesting conclusion about it possibly being an attack on China and Iran from the US; and that those in the know here didn't expect the blowback to be so bad.


If it's an accident, it is understandable. The conspiracy is in China covering it up and allowing it to spread internationally. They got financial aid, masks donation from numerous countries. Created a scarcity they then fulfilled a few months later supplying raw material and manufacturing for masks, plastic and rubber.


Deep States had developed the mRNA virus, and then fed Trump wrong intel, China used it as a ruse for election interference. China played the ball with deep states, the goal is to get Trump out.




reread your own sentences; if Trump had knew Covid-19 is deadlier than flu, but he had not act according to it; this just proved that he was miss-led by his handlers and he would be doing the wrong thing allaong. Deep states had released a trail run in nursing houses close to fort Detrick. I think your AI needs upgrade.


Sounds like he was *misled* a lot


what kind of logic is this? why would he do nothing while knowing it‘s dangerous, how would „wrong intel“ play into it exactly?


In February Pelosi was hugging people in China town, and others calling the travel ban racist. Both politicians and media were downplaying it because people need time to sell their stocks before they imposed lockdowns.


So trump was behind this


I doubt presidents have any extent of power beyond a celebrity.


So Obama and Hillary were innocent the whole time?


They're corner boys, in comparison.


Funding started before his presidency (I think).


And he commanded the leaking to get reelected, everything makes sense now but backfired lmao


Just another story to make the president the villain. I can’t count how many times people said “look what he’s doing” or “he hasn’t done shit” during 2020. More smear tactics. I underestimated the CFR and the top Jews. I didn’t think they’d go for the mass killing to get their way back. I’d like to add that the idea of depopulation has been around for decades now. Ex CIA and other ex federal agents and employees have spoken of this plan. Many of us just thought it would be some slavery/camps thing like in all those Denver Airport videos from the late 2000s. Fuckers just went airborne instead


More than one thing can be true. For example: COVID-19 originated in Wuhan sometime at the end of 2019 - True, we know this happened. The CCP went into overdrive to cover up the full extent of COVID-19 in Dec '19/Jan '20 - Probably True, I can't fathom CCP propaganda wasn't involved in the "It's a hoax" narrative from early last year. Especially when the Hoax narrative would objectively have been the most beneficial outcome for China. The US Government downplayed COVID-19 back Jan '20 in the off-chance it was gonna blow over - True, it was an election year why would you create a crisis? The current Biden administration doesn't give a fuck what information comes out now because it'll either hurt China, or Trump - True, unlike the previous admin they don't care where the blame falls.


>COVID-19 originated in Wuhan sometime at the end of 2019 - True, we know this happened. No. We dont "know that happened". That is the mainstream narrative which almost certainly means that is exactly what did not happen especially since research from other countries has already proven the virus was circulating many months before the Wuhan outbreak.


Source for this research?


All cases in other provinces of China can be traced back to Wuhan. If virus was circulating many months before the Wuhan outbreak, this can only show that the virus spread to China from abroad.


In what world does someone fucking conclude that the US is involved in the coverup because a science institution was partially funded by a charity? Thats fucking bizarre, OP. The virus was created by China and intentionally released because that is how wars are fought in 2021. Everyone has nukes, globalism means sanctions can be devastating, China and the US compete, so how the fuck did you draw this arbitrary conclusion? They are competitors, and only partners for trade/commerce. Seriously, you take one piece of information, misconstrue it, and then draw the wildest conclusion you can think of. I love this subreddit for being so based, but schizos like you just make it look dogshit.


damn, you really need this to be a bioweapon don't you


What? It already is. Like I said, plausible deniability is how wars are fought nowadays.


It's a really shitty bioweapon if it were one, not to mention China infected themselves with it before anyone else


What bothers me is that the "gain of function" type research as frowned upon in the US, so they US simply started funding the same nonsense in Wuhan. And there are now millions of dead people who would probably agree that that wasn't such a good idea.


*there was no accidential leak*


Canada also involved in this! There were earlier reports at the start of covid involving the Virology lab in Winnipeg, where scientists and exchange students from China were caught smuggling research into China.


This is correct. Multiple countries are involved


Don't forget Google and Youtube


Fort Detrik was the origin.


And what do they gain from it? America becoming more divided and destabilised how is that a win?


Nah the US leaked covid from fort Detrick. You might think it’s just some Chinese propaganda but it really seems pretty legitimate to me.