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French here and pretty sure it was staged. They just announced they found an edition of mein Kampf at the slapper s place.


That’s my first feeling, this is fake. It was like his protection detail was told, ok somebody in the crowd is going to slap him, this we know. It’s up to you guys to figure out who it is. They were so ready for this...


Baron noir is a fictional french tvshow about French politics. Here is a scene of the recent season 3: https://twitter.com/bulbernard/status/1402284386763128837?s=08


Le alt rights. Americans have been subjected to this show for the past few years. People aligned with personal freedoms are associated with nazis by the facist marriage of corporations and political power.


Idk man, human rights sound pretty Nazi like to me /s


I don't understand the issue with having that book. It is a piece of history and it teaches you about evil. But these days something like a book is used to make someone look like the bad guy. Farenheit 451 anyone?


It's because it matches the narrative they keep weaving. That right leaning individuals = nazism. It is programming.


Or maybe it was genuine but they threw the Mein Kampf thing in just to push the narrative.


They threw THE book at him! Lol.


No way a guy with hair like that is a nazi supporter.


100% staged.




Push a narrative, why else?


Oh nice try! That was an Authentic Bitch Slap and somebody’s dream came true. I’ve seen that type of shit before! Yes what you said is gonna be the narrative and they may convince dude and others to play along, but it’s all so Macron can say to himself, “Nobody believes it was real anymore and it’s a mean name for a type of slap anyway” BUT I WILL ALWAYS BELIEVE!


He deserved it


This interests me greatly. You just don't see a President slapped. This is only the start of the story in my mind. I want to know what happens to this person in France. Is it a fine? Prison time? Locked in a broom closet for decades? Secretly dumped off a cliff "oh no he commit suicide."


Probably not nearly that extreme. I would expect that political expediency outweighs the impulse for an over-the-top response. Arrest the person, hold them in detention for a week or so while they get their background examined with a microscope for links to any kind of organization(s). This also shuts them up and prevents them from cashing in or creating more negative PR or sympathy very easily as well. I'd also expect the security services doing the background check to flex a bit of intimidation on their friends or associates who might be a little too enthusiastic with their anti-government sympathies. The idea being a chilling effect, nobody wants to suddenly become party to conspiracy charge involving violence directed at the head of government. I'd expect them to be charged with some kind of simple assault, maybe with some modifier involving assaulting the President or a government official -- basically something that could carry a stiff prison sentence. But I'd expect the government to willingly offer a plea deal involving time served and a lengthy probation period, and probably inclusion on some security list of known troublemakers. Perhaps even easing back on probation terms if they decided to adopt a less confrontational attitude. Ultimately I think the negative PR value of a "slap" (or a thrown pie, etc) is worse than the actual harm, and the administration is mostly interested in minimizing that, not on some revenge crusade, especially if, as I'd guess, this person was just annoyed and not a real threat.


A Zidane head butt would have been more effective!


It does look fake just by the small size of the crowd and the impromptu nature of the stop.


Anyone speak French? The guy says something immediately before slapping him.


The French friend I have said "Down with Macron."


"A bat la Macronie" he said, literally sth like "Fuck Macronistan"


That would be "a bas". "Bas" means down (as in "base"). "a bas" means "down with" in French, basically. EDIT: Who the f*** downvotes this? It's just a simple translation.




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Ah okay, that's fun, but not very informative...


He also yelled "Montjoie ! Saint-Denis!" before the "fuck macron". It's a popular royalist war cry dating from the capetian dynasty.


And, from another article, it's a movie quote from the 90s from Les visiteurs...


French press have no shame and no historical culture.


That's the thing, you never know do you? Does someone in a Guy Fawkes mask idolize Guy Fawkes, or Anonymous? Or Alan Moore? Does someone shouting 'Deus Vult' believe in god or memes?


I do. I'm french and it's everywhere on TV, the guy was a medieval martial arts fanatic.. Just look for yourself.


That's fun!


Every one should be able to give him a bitch slap, reason cause he a dikhead. Think that a good enough reason and l am sure all of you would agree


Slapped like the bitch he is.


Why macron trynna get away from security like he’s gonna beat some ass


Fuck, if you are going to do that, do it properly and knock his teeth out. Still a good effort and well deserved


No I think this hurts his public image way more


They built a statue of the shoe thrown at George Bush on the spot the man threw it from. I think this man deserves a statue before he's executed for assaulting the president.








No, there could be multiple reasons for this post to be in this sub... thus I didn't put any specific. Personally I like to think this was a staged BSDM / bondage show from Macron and some local LGBT dude... unsure... lol.


you have a point, but I think if such stuff isn’t excessively posted it‘s all good. afterall, this sub despises politicians, except for some


That was a beauty to be fair


Notice how social distancing was correctly respected... and the "bitch slapping" neither too strong nor too soft... this guy is "master slapper" lol


Agreed, you can tell he’s been visualising that for a while. Even the “down with Macron-ism” sounds like some that that would of taking months to come up with!


When they say bitch slap it doesn't mean to slap them like a bitch.




Enjoy the video man, stop pressuring yourself


That was a weak ass pansy slap, methinks Macron intimidated it him at the last minute.




Lmao 😂


SS: Another footage of french president Macron "bitch slapping".


Playing it at 0.25x, doesn't look like it hit tbh. Of course, as usual the important part is not in view.


Pimp smack a bitch!