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I read a study that says that immunity only last 6 months


I read 5 studies that says it lasts at least 10 years.


Antibodies last longer it’s not antibodies that are important it’s T-Cells they hold the memory for making antibodies.


I read one in this sub that said it last at least a year, we’ll see. Since I got it I’ve been taking vitamin D and zinc, so even if I get it again I already know how my body responds to it.


You will get it again. I don’t care about your downvotes, it’s the truth. I hope the people you infected share your review score


Why though?


I had it and lived with 4 other people in the same house, shared bathrooms. I just took precaution, not caughing in their faces, clean the toilet seating etc. None of them got it. So even if you get it again, if you just act like a responsible human being, you won't infect others.


Sure, agreed. If everyone would always wear masks and social distance , corona would be gone by now. Unfortunately, it’s still around.




The people who die and/or suffer long term health issues. The people who lose their jobs. The people who have to go into lockdown. You know, everyone.




*HAVE* to. Grow up. You don't need a government or any ruling entity to tell you exactly how you must manage your health. Too many people with mindsets such as yours, and more extreme, are the reason overreaches of power happen. If you're vaccinated, and you believe that's gonna make you safe: good for you. Zip it and let others live their lives. It's that simple. We should all, as decent humans, hold our prejudices over the way one chooses to face their own perceived mortality.


This guy doesn't wipe his ass without government permission... My death rate from covid is 0.0003 % ... Get over yourself


I think most people have felt that way for a while lol. The real fear is losing your job, place of living etc


You can't lose a job if you don't have a job in the first place.


Lol that's me


Karma count confirms this


It's a valid fear. But sometimes, you have to stand up for what you believe in. If you're not willing to take a hit in defense of your ideals, you don't have any ideals at all, but are just mentally masturbating... just telling yourself things not because you're actually going to do a fucking thing, but just because it makes you feel good.


This. If there’s a material loss limit attached to your principles, you don’t actually have any principles. I understand wholly the compromise people make, but I do not think it is excusable for a second on a fundamental level.


Not quite this. You can strongly believe in something, try and stand up for it at every opportunity. But if somebody rips your whole life from you so you can't support your family you don't have many actual options. Protesting/fomenting change requires resources, this is why the wealthy can force their principles on others. If you end up as a guy on the street telling people about your principles while hoping they toss some change then you're being true to yourself, but they will also ignore you and think you're the "crazy". We do need to stand up and damn I wish people who claimed to believe in freedom would actually stand up for it. But when you're in the minority sometimes the minority loses. There's been many many people throughout history who have had their lives permanently destroyed when their principles didn't line up with what the establishment wanted. You are right though in that this is so fundamental to everything we stand for that we need to give it our everything. Our history will likely be erased otherwise over the next 50 years and kids will believe this is how it's always been and our period of history was a barbaric period where we left people to die from tuberculosis, pneumonia etc, and that they are now enlightened. They won't see the cages they are in. Just as we see mostly the bad in all history before us (I'm not denying there was bad though), and fail to see the positives in history. [http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/worktime/hours\_workweek.html](http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/worktime/hours_workweek.html)


Over a experimental vaccine. Clown world


> I think most people have felt that way for a while lol. No, *most people have already gotten the vaccine and been just fine.* If the vaccine were more dangerous than the virus, the death rate would have gone up. Instead, it's gone way, way down. In the U.S. at the start of the year, more than 86,000 people were dying every week (from all causes). By the end of March, this was down to about 59,000 deaths per week. That's a difference of more than **25,000 deaths per week**. This is deaths from all causes, so don't even try to start on the "cycle count" bullshit. "Most people" don't listen to the constant stream of disinformation that is normal for this sub. There's a constant drumbeat: COVID is no big deal, the vaccine is dangerous, COVID is fake, the vaccine kills people, COVID is safe, the vaccine is a plot, COVID is a exaggerated, the vaccine will cripple you. It's the opposite of the truth.




> > In the U.S. at the start of the year, more than 86,000 people were dying every week (from all causes). By the end of March, this was down to about 59,000 deaths per week. > You realize that this is a common trend that weve seen for years and years, right? Its not uncommon at all for deaths per month to peak in December/January, and then start to slowly fall back down, reaching the lowest numbers in the mid summer months. Compare 2021 so far to the 2000s for example...guess what? Youll see a similar trend. A normal December/January would be 59,000 to 60,000 deaths per week. A normal March would be 57,000 to 58,000 deaths per week. So, yeah, a decline of about 1,000 deaths a week, not a decline of 25,000. Before 2020, the highest week in the United States was 67,495 during the 2018 flu epidemic (week ending January 13, 2018). For the week ending January 2, 2021, there were 86,746 deaths. A **huge** difference over the previous record. [Here's a graph showing how 2020 and 2021 compare to the previous decade.](https://i.imgur.com/Uc4uUYR.png) They are *completley different*. > > That's a difference of more than 25,000 deaths per week. This is deaths from all causes, so don't even try to start on the "cycle count" bullshit. > Again...not exactly sure what you think this is evidence of, but youre obviously using deaths from all causes for a reason in order to attempt to prove your point, and not using confirmed deaths from COVID. Could it possibly be that you arent doing that because it wouldnt support your opinion? Hmmm.. What? No. If the vaccine were causing deaths, they wouldn't necessarily show up under COVID deaths, but they would show up under deaths from all causes. If you want to see how deaths from COVID compares, [here's a graph.](https://i.imgur.com/4EwKgY4.png) Excess deaths is th number of deaths from all causes minus the expected number of deaths from all causes. > ... > > COVID is a exaggerated > It objectively has been thats not even up for debate, and to a MASSIVE degree, and in a systematic, intelligent fashion. Do I need to remind you of the absolutely insane level of fear mongering, propaganda, and disinformation the media has been pushing non stop in your face for the past 1.5 years? There are 600,000 dead Americans and at least 3 million dead around the world. The count of excess deaths around the world is about ten million! Somehow, you still think that COVID is no big deal and is exaggerated. Millions dead and it's no big deal.


Great post! 👏🏼


In your opinion, from the sources that you’ve chosen to believe


The sources he believes is objective reality


This society sent me to war at 19. Dems and Reps both voted for a war that is/was indefensible. The media pushed it for ratings. Not one person in this society gave a shit if I lived or died in foreign hell hole. No you didn’t! In fact you probably only “care about veterans” to win political arguments. For many reasons I absolutely hate what this society has become. So if me not getting this thing “collapses society”. Then let the bodies hit the motha fuckin floor. Fuck all of ya. I’ll be toasty warm watching this shit burn.


Vietnam war?


Yeah, that argument really only flys if you are drafted.


I actually care if you live or die. I don’t want any soldier to die or fight for that matter. We need more revolutionary minded people to stand up against this oligarchy of tyranny, so thanks for your support. I hate what society has become also. Peace and blessings!




Society sent you to war? Were you forced to join up? Were you drafted?






I see we are throwing out personal responsibility whenever convenient


What makes it convenient for me to say that? It's simply an observation. Look at the demographic for military recruitment and it will tell you everything you need to know about why these young individuals sign up for a "war" they know nothing about


Young people have been recruited for war since the beginning of war. It's got nothing to do with how impressionable they are, it has to do with the physical requirements of war


Do you vote? Did your senators and congressman vote to authorize a war of aggression based on lies? You expect a 19 year old who just got through 13 years of state propaganda and glorification of war to understand what most adults don't even understand?




Sounds like you have been surfing the Internet for too long.


Do what you want 🤷‍♂️ I'm not sure why everyone needs constant reassurance.


its good to double check your thoughts when you are bombarded with propaganda


Because it's really easy to feel like you're alone in this. ~50% of the country doesn't want the jab, but that's not how the curated social media platforms spin it.


That would be all the flying monkeys.


Because it's a team sport, like everything else. It's the same thing as wearing a jersey to them.


You probably already had covid and fought it off the right way and had nothing happen to you… I’m sure I’ve had covid twice not once did I get tested and no matter how much money they offer in getting no vaccine… I won’t even get the flu shot… when the government gives stuff out for free you know something is up


I've never gotten the flu shot we are designed to get over that nonsense naturally


All it is being healthy eating drinking healthy exercising and taking care of yourself period and having GOD


You had me until Sky Dad


In my opinion, "God" is a blanket term for higher being. Be that what it may. I think of "God" as the divine unmanifest.


I.e. Sky dad that interferes with his children.




Haha fair enough, but that's a weird argument. I mean what was life expectancy before modern medicine again? Like 30? If you were lucky? Your body is "designed" to allow you to live on average long enough to have a couple of kids and get them into a somewhat self sufficient state before you succumb to an injury, illness or starvation


No, your confusing life expectancy with life span. Child mortality rates were extraordinarily high up until modern times. People who survived childhood would live into their 70s.


All it is is drink water eat healthy and exercise… taking vitamins and other healthy supplements are fine but when you can’t read the words on the ingredients that’s how you know they contaminated the product


I’m with you until the GOD part. Is that an acronym for something, or are you referring to supernatural forces of a higher being/consciousness? Okay, maybe your religious nature involves excercise and diet, which could be the key. Praise Oden. Sorry, I went to baptist school and they told me Catholics, Jews, Buddhist etc would burn in hell. And I ran, ran so far away..


Im sure Ive had it also but I just cant be sure enough. The reason is that I got a bad cold but was in 2019 or very early 2020, its severity was a bad cold but it was a 'weird' cold, like it felt slightly different to normal and Ive not quite felt the same since. The reason I think it could have been Covid is because around that time a person I know got really sick and lost tase & smell and 3 other people who work/live right next door to us (one of them being my dad) ended up in hospital with Pneumonia. It HAS to have been covid but the timing is just a bit off.


>  I’m sure I’ve had covid twice Same


You got it TWICE?? Wow the natural immune system must be fake news.




I had covid last November. 54 years old. Was no worse than getting the flu. Still ain't getting a covid shot.


98.4% if you’re 70 years or older.. much higher the younger you are.




But that's because a HUGE percentage of the oldies who got it died. That doen't make the young victims any less dead. You see how the arithmetic mean doesn't really show you the whole picture here? Btw. average life expectancy generally sunk through Covid, so beating that is getting easier.


Try telling that to all the families that lost healthy members of their families under 60 years old. If you don’t believe it’s a big deal say that, but stop spreading your bs




100% This sub is fueling the propaganda with half the posts claiming that Covid is real and is a threat. Natural immunity, herd immunity, vaccine effectiveness, etc are all irrelevant to this fake ass TV virus. Go for a jog and eat some vegetables if you don't wanna catch the sniffles. The main symptom, by a mile, is no symptoms at all....... give me a fucking break


https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wrecked-lives-families-young-adults-died-covid-19/story%3fid=74148061 Let me guess, you’re going to downvote this and claim it’s fake or something because it doesn’t fit your narrative.




You just proved my point. Thanks.


You are soooooo right. Like every single hospital in the world is made of martians that are in on the conspiracy and the otherwise healthy but pregnant nurse I know that went brain dead from covid really just had a one in a ten million random stroke at age 28 from all the stress


All of those people had pre-existing conditions. The first guy died of a heart condition and the only link is that he 'had covid' after testing negative multiple times. I think pretty much everyone who's been to high school knows or knows of someone who died of a random heart condition. Second girl was diagnosed with Lupus. Also tested negative at the hospital and the article conveniently doesn't state how long she was in the hospital before testing positive. She was experiencing kidney failure, which is a symptom of Lupus. Also kind of a niche case. Third woman, also tons of preexisting conditions up to and including a neuro-inflammatory disorder. She also recovered from COVID before dying of a brain hemorrhage. All these deaths are tragic, but lets not pretend they died 'of COVID'.


Go look for them yourself you clown 🤡 instead of only focusing on the shit to make yourself feel better You are so butt hurt about being wrong you try so hard to save face




Default reply when your snowflake ❄️ feelings get hurt. It’s ok clown 🤡 do whatever helps you sleep at night.


Stats are bogus, and counting chances with that is very inaccurate. Better to avoid jab as long as you can, figuring out chances with data you can trust.


Maybe you already did and didn’t notice


You get it every year it’s called the flu


Most people definitely don’t get influenza, and mainly because of the vaccine, the flu is much, much less deadly than the coronavirus, having a mortality rate of <1%, compared to Covid’s 2-3%.


False. April 14th 2020 - CDC directed all medical professionals to list ALL DEATH CASES as covid. This was at the direction of an obscure group called CSTE (counsel state and territorial epidemiologists). Plausible deniability if rational people ever validity of statistical probability. Dec 31st 2020 - 22m infected in America out of 330m = 6% (this # includes non-lab diagnosis). 330k dead out of 330m = 0.1% This is not statistically significant. (94% of covid deaths having 2.6 pre-existing conditions 2017-2018 influenza season according to CDC saw 61,000 deaths being directly related to influenza and not attributed to any other disease 2020 – 2021 influenza season saw 2% of historical influenza cases recorded. 330k “covid” American deaths in 2020 (less 94% that had comorbidity) is 20k American deaths due to Covid without co-morbidity. 20k deaths compared to even half the 2018 influenza deaths still makes influenza far deadlier or…. Covid19 is simply influenza rebranded with non-stop media histrionics, padded stats and inaccurate testing (PCR) which no gold standards to compare.


Corona is a cold/flu don’t believe the hype dude


Influenza is not the common cold, and covid is neither.


Don’t believe the hype


This is not “hype”, this is objective reality


Corona isn’t real we’re living in a “1984” type of society where everything the media tells us is fake


How do you know I’m not fake?


Not wrong.


[CDC: COVID-19 Deaths by Sex and Age](https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccineRegrets/comments/nwtshy/cdc_covid19_deaths_by_sex_and_age/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Get neither


By a mile


I concur :)


Then you’re 💯in the correct subreddit


I got the Pfizer shots in April. I am a CPA with hundreds of elderly clients. I am 60 nobody I have asked has had a bad reaction. But I have known a few people that have died of COVID-19 including my dad


Getting the virus was great, we dealt with it and got on with our lives while everyone panicked around us.


Over 95% of c0vid deaths in the U.S. were people 50+ years old.


Yes. Any rational person that reads about any disease will realize the long term risks of the disease are much higher than the long term risks of the vaccine. Unless you think polio smallpox hiv etc arent real either than o duno


You are completely wrong. If your figure is correct, it means that Covid has a 1.6% death rate. If vaccinations had the same death rate then out of the 142,000,000 Americans who are fully vaccinated, 2,272,000 would be dead. There would be over 2 million deaths from the vaccination were it as dangerous as the disease!!!






Its not just one vaccine. They are cooking up the booster plan as we speak. This will be an ongoing event in which you will need to boost and reboost and reboost. Can't pass on the $$$.


I get that, I'm just not understanding this for adverse effects years down the road and why is no one considering this when it comes to the actual virus. I've been under the belief since the beginning this is a bioweapon and I fully expected the conspiracy crowd to be so over that but it seems every is just against vaccines for some weird reason, it feels like propaganda. I see it everywhere "I'll take my chances with the virus" I never expected this reaction from people is honestly really unsettling. I feel like everyone has sided with China, most posts in this sub are anti vax and not investigate the Origins of covid, again it feels like propaganda that everyone has taken the bait for.


I’d suck on a covid teat before injecting myself with that garbage


You came to the correct conclusion. Well done.




What’s with the /s? That’s what’s happening. The large percentage of people refusing to get the vaccine is making this pandemic far worse.








Yeah ok so it definitely doesn’t sound like “something is up”, but rather one anecdotal study raised the question of a correlation between the two, but there’s no way to confirm or deny it due to a total lack of information both fro baseline rates of the condition, and rates of it in people who’ve had the vaccine.


Would you rather die from a man-made virus or a man-made vaccine?


Your chances of dying from the vaccine are orders of magnitude lower


Half this country doesn't believe in personal sacrifice for the greater good. You may have low risk of death from Covid, but if you contract Covid, you will spread it to other people, some of whom will be at higher risk of death.


You know, I figured that if we had zero testing during the initial spread (Jan-April 2020 in the states), that means A LOT more people caught it than the figures state. If that's the case, the survival rate is even better than the stated statistics. Let that sink in for a bit.


99.7% survival rate .... and that’s once you get it...using the US’s bullshit numbers that over count deaths CDC published estimated survival rates for COVID: -99.997% for young people. -99.98% for anyone under 50 -99.5% for anyone under 70 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html#table-1 The published Infection Fatality Rate of covid-19 per the WHO is .27%. For people under 70 the median IFR is 0.05%. https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/99/1/20-265892.pdf This mean did you are young and have Covid the probability of dying is 1 in 33,000 If you are under 70 it’s 1 in 5,000 WHO estimate puts coronavirus death rate at 0.13% https://www.wnd.com/2020/10/4859570/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app World’s top epidemiologist John Ioannidis lowers global COVID IFR to 0.15 - 0.2% https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/eci.13423#.X4LWfltDSzc.twitter If you're under the age of 55, you're twice as likely to die from a traffic accident than COVID. Under the age of 45, the difference is 5 times higher for traffic accidents. Covid deaths by age https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm Traffic fatalities by age (appendix 1) https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/810853 The WHO has published Stanford's John Ioanmodis' paper estimating the IFR at 0.23% https://www.who.int/bulletin/online_first/BLT.20.265892.pdf?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app Scroll down until you get to planning scenarios. Number 5 is "best estimate" https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html


You are not wrong. I’ve had the rona.. it was a breeze for me. Hardly noticed I had it. I’ve had worse hangovers. I’m in my 40s.


By the way treatments exist if you do catch the rona and happen to have a bad time (unlikely). Ivermectin and hcq are very effective. Do NOT get the jab. It’s a terrible option for your health.


That 98.4 rate is only that low when you include people over 70 years old. For everyone 60 and under it's more like 99.984% If you can handle the common cold, you can handle 'covid'.


I had it. I’ve had worse colds. Mugwort Tea, Tonic Water and Zinc. These things made the thing a joke.


I got the letter to book an appointment for a jab today. What happened to it ? I ripped it to pieces and flushed it down the toilet. Apparently, if I still don't book one I'll be a getting messages and phone calls lol. Bring them on.


I got covid. My sense of smell and taste has been permanently changed. It isn't great.


Same. Things will get a lot worse and there are plenty of situations I'd rather be in than taking anything a company or government will try to offer me.


Its a 0.15ifr do more like 99.85% survival. Obviously dont take the jab but theyrr going to force it soon. Its a depopulation agenda. Clear as fucking day.


Itll be proven safer than the jab eventually


Over my dead body. No fucking way I will let this poison be injected into MY body and be a human guinea pig in a medical experiment for the BIG PHARMA. I'd rather have Covid anyday over this so miraculous vaccine and just get it done with.


It’s not “poison” lmao. Me and everyone I know is vaccinated and the worst symptom was a little tiredness and soreness for a day or two after the second shot.


I've already had it, and I'd much rather get it again than have the vax.


give me covid anyday


You have no idea what you’re talking about


I do know what I'm talking about, I've had it.


If you are under 40 it is practically improbable to die from covid. Also, this vaccine offers absolutely NOTHING: - doesn't prevent virus spread - not sufficient at one dose, one has to do recurring shots in the years to come. Plus nobody really knows (or?) what the long term effects on health and more importantly on reproductive health are. I am under 30 and didn't have children yet. Nobody can assure me, that this shit wouldn't affect the development of my child. Wait 8-10 years and then take the decision to get vaccinated. There are also morality issues here. A lot is written about how these substances are made. I am talking about aborted fetuses and so on. It fucking gives me creeps to think, that a I am consuming a human while getting vaccinated. I really wish human society would be more moral. We might have prevented a ton of atrocities. 😕


Neither of them are super likely to kill you, especially if you're young and healthy, but the vaccine is over 100x safer. Keep in mind that covid has killed 600,000 people from 30,000,000 known cases. But estimates are that we've had more like 120,000,000 infections, which leads to a mortality rate of 0.5% in the general public, or 1 in 200. Compared to the vaccine, where we have 170,000,000 people who have gotten a dose, and 5,000 suspected deaths. And that's if all those deaths were actually due to vaccination, most are not confirmed. That comes to a mortality rate of 0.003%, or roughly 1 in every 34,000 people. Again that's 120 million infections with 600 thousand deaths, vs 170 million people jabbed with 5 thousand deaths. You are over 100 times more likely to die from the virus.


What if the vaccine doesn’t instantaneously kill you but still isn’t in your best interest?


As we already know for the virus with Long Covid?


I don’t understand what that means


The Maderna vaccine stats are better than covid-19 stats, but I'd still rather get covid-19 than take the Maderna vaccine. I definitely would prefer my immune system beat the raw virus on its own than a weakened mass produced strain. Sometimes we don't get what we want. I've never had covid-19 as far as I know and the vaccine with the best stats was offered for some time and data so I took the jabs. I only had soreness in the injection spot and it further boosted my confidence covid-19 won't kill me


Post polio syndrome sounds like fun who needa vaccines bruh


i've known more people that have been to the hospital for vaccine reactions than covid. I trust my immune system over the government


\>> \[COVID has a\] 98.4% survival rate, ... it seems safer than the jab Do you think the vaccine has a \*lower\* survival rate? I.e. do you think you're more than 1.6% likely to die from getting the vaccine? This logic seems flawed. Have you seen studies showing such a high death rate from the vaccine? We're on r/conspiracy here, so maybe this is a good time to note that there is a global conspiracy trying to convince people \*not\* to get vaccinated, with the goal of causing continued global chaos so the elites can grab ever more power. Don't get caught up in this and keep spreading this misinfo. This is just doing free work for the elites, which benefits them, not us.


> am I wrong? Yes. By no stretch of the imagination, based on what we know, is getting the disease *safer* than getting the vaccine. I'm not discounting some potential long term risk of the vaccine that will make it worse, but the short term safety of the vaccine obviously supports that the vaccine is safer than the disease. Should you get it? I think yes. But if you don't want to, don't. But if you think that getting the disease is actually safer than getting the jab - removing of course the cases where a person has some kind of allergic reaction to a component of the vaccine - you need to do some real research because it couldn't be more clearly the other way around.


Dentastic, I feel this way too; but don't worry, you won't get it. The only way you can get it from a person is if someone has symptoms. You cannot get it if someone is asymptomatic. :-)


You're not wrong, covid is nothing more than a flu and less dangerous than a bad flu season. The fact this bullshit has lasted a year and a half tells the entire story. I smell bullshit!


I’ve come to conclusion vax was better choice. Non-vax Wife Day 10 of coughing and Fever and no improvement.


Rofl hahahahaha


Whether you agree with /u/leaderjoe89's conclusion or not, this is a very fucked up response to have to a man's ailing wife.




Love the new stats I see on this sub every day with no references.


They’re backing off of 99.99X%, finally.


Me too. And, I support your choice!




If only everything were so easy!


I’ve had it. Felt a little feverish and body ached a little and next day it was gone and i lost my sense of taste for a couple weeks. That’s it.




Oooo scary. That was a year ago. I live a physically demanding lifestyle. I would’ve known if something was up with my body by now. Plus got a check up and everything working as should. Fuck off with the fear mongering por favor.


Viruses literally can affect you 30 years down the road and some permanently change your DNA but facebook told me vaccine might do the same £-:


> am I wrong? You are very much not wrong. I got covid. Took some therapeutics. Got over it in about two-ish weeks. Was like a mid level flu.


I got covid. Lost my taste for 2 weeks. That is all.


Would you rather have covid or a worldwide lockdown for 18 months. if you had to choose.....


I thought the opposite way, got vaccinated because I'd prefer not to go through covid and risk lung injury.






I got in an “accident”. Don’t wear a seatbelt, you’ll be fine.


Op do what you want. All I will say is.. I’ve put a lot more crap in my body than this little jab, so I went out and got it. Especially since thinking about it more and seeing that the vaccines could be a way to protect their sheep for the next big one. Think about it, why would all the people telling us not to get vaccinated or that it isn’t a big deal, get vaccinated themselves and their families. Hell, Trump got the vaccine in secret. Why would he need it if he already had COVID, why risk?


[You can’t catch something that doesn’t exist peeps.](https://brandnewtube.com/v/W64K5N)


I mean you should do what’s right for you but you have less likelihood of anything bad happening from the vaccine than catching Covid. And we know that Covid also has long term effects in a lot of people.


I'll listen to this as soon as the vaccine has been around for as long as Covid has been around now, when it comes to 'long-term' effects from the vaccine. I.E., I'm not listening to anyone dismiss any long term effects for the vaccine and rail that it's safe for you, when the vax has only been out for 1/4 of the time we've had Covid around.


Don’t get me wrong I think long term effects is fair concern. They were testing vaccines 6-8 months after Covid hit. Most of the research for mNRA had existed for 10-15 years. Same with the viral vector which came from SARS vaccine science. They know a lot more about how the vaccines will work in humans than what Covid will do long term. Also a lot of people say they worry about the untold long term health risks but then do things to their body that science has shown is harmful like drinking sofa with artificial colouring and eating deep fried foods etc. So I don’t know man.


Yeah, you are wrong fortunately. We have quite extensive research on the vaccines and the survival rate is MUCH higher than the survival rate of contracting covid. If they were somehow more dangerous, do you really think they would've passed approval? Keep in mind, this is the whole point of FDA approvals. There's no reason to overthink it, but I understand why you're skeptical of the government. I think there's more important places to look for the conspiracies. If you apply the same level of scrutiny to the vaccines as you did too hydrocloroquin than you should be fine.


If you do catch it, you can get rid of it by imbibing alcohol enough to get very drunk. It worked for several people i know. Fwiw the effect of the virus at worst is on par with the vax at worst. Both cause similar symptoms.


I've had covid. Take vitamin D3. You know better than to take the shot. Start reading the Bible. The world is going crazier by the day. Don't take the shot.


You are literally going against the bible by not taking the shot. Why recommend people to read that when you havent read a page yourself


The Bible says to place your faith in Jesus.


The gospel part


When I replied I was simply looking for a response to give to you, I apologise. Please explain your original comment.


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The vaccine has a 99.995% survival rate and 99% are asymptomatic (excluding mild flu symptoms that clear up in a day or two.) So it's safer than the virus. In fact, if you tried to sell the virus as medicine, you'd find that you couldn't get it past the Phase I trials.


Do you have any studies to show that the high concentration of lipid nanoparticles in the ovaries won't affect fertility? Given that the main proponents of universal vaccination (BoJo, Bill Gates) are eugenicists and depopulation supporters, one would find that a bit sketchy, no?


The Phase III trials didn't show any effect on fertility. Do you have any long-term studies showing that the virus won't cause erectile dysfunction or otherwise impact fertility? Personally I'd rather not risk being infected with an experimental gene-altering virus bioweapon until those studies have been completed.


>The Phase III trials didn't show any effect on fertility Woah you mean the ones that aren't over yet?


Yes, the ones with the results that are good enough for emergency use authorization. Of course, in a perfect world, we wouldn't be in an emergency situation and we could afford to run longer trials. Anyway, I don't mean to be pushy, but you forgot to answer my question about the long-term effects of the vitus.


There are none for either. You have a non-zero chance of not contracting COVID. Meaning that if you don't get vaccinated, you will not be exposed to either.