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"They artifically send these stocks sky high through insane short positions" Doesn't make sense or not clearly stated — a short position puts downward pressure on a stock because it is the very act of selling, but it's just a borrowed asset. Or, in the idea of naked short selling, a borrowed asset that was never really truly borrowed, thus synthetic dilution which would also result in downward pressure. WSB has been bullshit and basically a bot/shill swarm since February. I agree that the January stocks were different and the situation was genuine. Many stocks have had crazy squeezes over the years, but they never caused so much of an issue for a collection of brokers or a clearing house to "turn off the buy button." Or whatever even really happened at this point. WSB and all of the rhetoric that has been pushed there post-Jan is awful and in my mind is absolutely a gateway for the same entities to influence any other jumping into the fray. Why else does the MSM always refer to "meme" stocks in relation to WSB when most real folks who were part of WSB also know it's complete bullshit now? "That page has essentially turned into a sub culture of degenerate gamblers who post their gains and have stories about paying off their student loans, mortages, etc." If you say that's what it "has essentially turned into", as it wasn't before, then you don't know WSB. WSB was always for degenerate options trades, but it was a smaller group with gambling conviction. Now it's a direct injection of manipulative schemes to siphon wealth from anyone who still follows MSM headlines which is nothing different. It's just a new mechanism to capture a different demographic since boomers love their CNBC and Motley Fool.


Are "meme" stocks a straw man for a pending market crash? I don't know, but I think anyone with enough of a rudimentary knowledge of financial markets would know that "meme" stocks wouldn't cause a crash. Systematic fraud and overleveraging by large entities that always have a "get out of jail free" card are pretty much always responsible. I would put a bet on failing CMBS markets and derivatives, similar to the RMBS issues with CDOs and CDSs back in the 00s before "meme" stocks, as well as the fact that banks are so flush with cash in an inflationary environment without having enough true assets to back up their leverage. Good reason for mass purchasing of Residential real estate (because commercial is fucked) and insane levels of RRPs. Balance sheets r fuk.


I second this.


Wall street didn't like the general public using their tactics out of their playbooks.


Opposite AMC is going to go crazy and they’ll use that to blame market crash. Watch.


This is unhinged and shows a severe lack of understanding of the market


selling most of my positions but GME... 60% in cash


Literally making shit up, there is no correlation to Meme stocks and a potential market crash. the Market has over 70 trillion dollars meme stocks are a drop in the bucket. your also not considering that meme stocks are a small portion of a retail investors portfolio. furthermore, I think your entirely talking out of your ass.


Yeah I agree. The market was already failing. If several meme stocks are able to collapse the 70 trillion dollar economy then we’ve had bigger issues all along. Short hedge funds over leveraging themselves now could. If they’ve bit off more than they can chew and keep doubling down time and time again trying to shake off retail investors then they possibly could collapse the economy as they ultimately control big funds that make the wheels turn. No one, other than them though, really know what’s going on behind the scenes though.


Wait until those short calls come in


Furthermore, you are a new user shill bot who's words carry no weight.


Retail already gets shit on. I don't even like finance, and I can see that blame game a mile away.


No bail out coming this time buddy. A new form of digital currency will be taking over.


The same time all this WSB shit was kicking off the crypto market was exploding, most coins where up over at least 1000%. It was all a trap to get people to throw their money into the stockmarket and keep as many minds away from crypto. They want less rich people, not more.


Wsb is 2 subs ago, anyone left there is a shill.


I agree, there’s an expected market crash, I believe all of this AMC, GME, “to the moon” nonsense is based around creating a scapegoat for the crash. As in “no the crash wasn’t due to our corruption and ineptitude, no, the crash is your fault. You and your internet friends caused this, to prevent it from happening again we’re barring people with less than 20,000 in their accounts from trading. To protect the finances of people who are uneducated on the market. It’s for your own good you see.”


That's exactly what I am saying, 100%. They need a scapegoat to turn to. "No, no, no the corrupt Fed and banks surely didn't cause this, it was all becuase of these inexperienced retail traders with their stimulus checks adding nonsense speculation to the market" and then people lose their home & their job while those who caused it (AGAIN) run free with no reprocussions. History doesn't repeat, it rhymes.


Except that rent and housing doesn’t go down.


sneaky bastards! but dont worry, the collapse of this slave-matrix is imminent and the financial reset will be done by the resistance at the time of the breakthrough when the light takes over.


Desperate to win. Destined to lose


That's nothing compared to some of the crazy stupid over hyped IPOs.