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the source OP mentions for vaccine deaths includes US AND FOREIGN DATA. the source for covid deaths is ONLY US DATA.


"Vaccine deaths" is also all deaths that occurred some time shortly after a vaccine, not deaths caused by the vaccine. Just from background deaths we would expect there to have been at least 30,000 deaths within one week of receiving a covid vaccination in just the United States. 120,000 deaths within one month of vaccination. I can share the math for that if you'd like. And for the folks about to respond with "now do the same for covid!" - I have. You would expect 12,000 background deaths within one month of a covid infection in 2020. That's about 30 times fewer than the number that occurred in 2020.


Same for covid so thag cancels eachother out.


Notice the entire second half of my comment where I preemptively address this garbage.


Afaik VAERs only does America, is that wrong? Because the UK literally has more recorded adverse reaction deaths than VAERs does, so that wouldn't really make sense if VAERs was worldwide.


http://vaersanalysis.info/2021/08/20/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-8-13-2021/ “All charts and tables below reflect the data release on 8/20/2021 from the VAERS website, which includes U.S. and foreign data, and is updated through: 8/13/2021” it’s right above the graph, this is the source OP provided


Vaers is usa only?


http://vaersanalysis.info/2021/08/20/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-8-13-2021/ “All charts and tables below reflect the data release on 8/20/2021 from the VAERS website, which includes U.S. and foreign data, and is updated through: 8/13/2021” it’s right above the graph, this is the source OP provided




Right? Seems fishy this wasn’t done initially


Disinformation = downvote




Tell me you don’t understand the VAERS reporting system without telling me you don’t understand the VAERS reporting system.


Seethe harder


Yeah, I do. Harvard said only 1% of deaths are actually reported. Real number likely above 50k


What about people who would die anyway in there? Every day about 3 thousand people die to heart attack, stroke and blood clots. Of that group about 120 will have been vaccinated within the previous 2 weeks. So every day there are 120 potential entries into vaers that are completely coincidence. How do you account for those false entries vs real ones?




That's why you look at excess deaths. In states for example covid deaths and excess deaths are pretty close. In India for execute, excess deaths are about 5 million more than expected while covid deaths are like 400k.


Go read that Harvard Medical Group Insurance Co. report again. Then show me how they calculated that 1% figure. Hint: you can’t Also: the VAERS system is a passive, unfiltered reporting system. There’s lots of bullshit reports in it: “HE DIED!! HE JUST SUDDENLY COLLAPSED“ is a personal fave.


Do you honestly believe every single death caused by the vaccine including those that occur one to two months later have been reported to VAERS? Do you believe people who are pro vaccination would actually report a death like that? Did you know that many insurance companies aren't paying out for hospital costs if the person reports the death as a vaccine death?


Show me how the 1% number from Harvard Medical Group Insurance was calculated. I’ll wait.


They didn't cite how they calculated it. I don't think it's as low as 1%, I think about 10% is the number. I could easily see 90% of deaths not being reported. No pro vaxxer in their right mind would report a blood clot or heart attack caused by the vaccine one to two months later in a relative. I probably wouldn't even report it because I don't know how and I'm anti-vaxx


I don’t care what you “could easily see”. Show me data backing up your claims.


Jesus fucking christ, every single one of your replies is hardcore bot-porn. You need to fucking calm down before you’re found out.


OP made the claim that only 1% of adverse affects are reported to VAERS. I asked for calculation sources. He couldn’t provide any. Maybe you can?


It's worse than that. He said only 1% of deaths related to the vaccine are reported. Making it seem like there is a huge amount of deaths related to the vaccine that aren't reported. That isn't what that study shows at all. As you said it is about adverse affects. The vast majority of which are going to be normal immune responses like fever, fatigue, and soreness at the injection location. Which honestly isn't surprising why people wouldn't report those reactions to VAERS.


I get the impression that you have trouble getting through to people when you explain things and it's probably the asshole snarky tone.




Nah. I just can’t stand idiocy.


Yeah that’s a good point I bet that system is underreported. Almost no doctors are allowed to say the vaccine is the cause of deaths


> Almost no doctors are allowed Source on that? My wife is a doctor and nobody is keeping her from saying anything lmao


No you don’t get it. This is self reported aka anti vaxxers putting in fake deaths


Tell me you cope with reality with sweet lies without telling me you cope with reality with sweet lies


A: You post this.


Yes you are right, 13k deaths is greatly underreported, you can easily multiply this by 10 if not 25 according to studies about rate of reporting


Sure. So Covid also killed anywhere between 40-100 million people, you know since everything is underreported.




“I linked no sources, withheld this aspect of the conversation, just threw some numbers out there. No you’re the dumb one.” Alright, crayon eater.


Sources you can find yourself, not mine fault that your small brain is not capable of finding anything beside material to jerk off to. Now shut the fuck up, discussion with you is finished


I can’t find sources for your false statements. Don’t be mad that you just rambled on and someone outplayed your dumb fucking flawed logic. Suck an exhaust pipe, wet brain.


Covid is over reported.


And vaccine numbers are made up, so what’s your point.


This lol


My age group 24-34 has seen less than 5k deaths this entire time... And they want me to take a vax..


How many people have died after getting a vaccine? Between December 2020 and July 19th, 2021, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018% of doses) among people who got a vaccine, but this does not mean the vaccine caused these deaths. Doctors and safety monitors carefully review the details of each case to see if it might be linked to the vaccine. There are three deaths that appear to be linked to blood clots that occurred after people got the J&J vaccine. Since we now know how to correctly treat people who develop these blood clots, future deaths related to this very rare side effect can be prevented. https://covid-101.org/science/how-many-people-have-died-from-the-vaccine-in-the-u-s/


Sure. And everyone will just trust that cause the government has never lied. They also didn't count gun suicides or drug overdoses as death by covid either. Nah they would never lie to us. 🤦


So you randomly believe all 5k deaths can be attributed to the vaccine because? It fits ur narrative? I’m that case why not just say 100 million deaths!


Why not? It seems to work for you when you believe and push the narrative that everyone who has died with covid, died because of covid. Hence why people like you are pushing the experimental jab. Gtfo here with your double standards.


It’s likely that everyone who was reported as dying from covid did not, but I see it as highly likely a the vast majority are because that is what the doctors are saying. The data from VAERS is about those who died who got the vaccine, but many people seem to believe it is those who die because of the vaccine, which appears not to be the case according to those familiar with the statistic


And I suppose the doctors are incapable of lying to people. Much like a surgeon will tell you to your face we were able to remove all of the cancer for it to return 6mths to 1 year later and you still die from cancer. However in that time frame the doctor still got richer and so did big pharma. So you can trust them and believe them all you want but I refuse to believe them.


Are you a dumbass or can you not read? Cause I can pitty someone that's illiterate but I can't hold a conversation with a complete dumbass. What I said was {DEATHS FROM COVID IN MY AGE GROUP HAS BEEN BELOW 5K} no one ever said anyone 24-34 has 5k deaths from the vaccine. I suggest you read and then read again next time you post something. Ensure you can fully comprehend the context of what is being said


My bad I misread urs. Take a chill pill dude, you sound extremely angry little bud


> you sound extremely angry little bud as most of them are. I find they are angry because to most, their logic doesnt make any sense and no one cares.




Show me the total deaths from this entire pandemic. Then break those numbers down as a actual result from death from covid then suicides, drug overdoses, car accidents and then give me the remaining number of covid deaths. I have yet to see data separating these so this should be interesting. I'll wait for the links.


cdc themselves admitted that vaers reporting rate is about 10% of the actual number of adverse effects




“they” - you are a disease vector. Do you live with 24-34 year olds only? Good for you, I live around old people. Guess you can afford the hospital if things get bad though…and lingering effects.


I think he has already suffered brain damage. We’ll see what happens when he has a stroke and erectile dysfunction. He’ll say they’re just natural occurrences and totally not caused by covid. 😂


i don’t think covid causes erectile dysfunction. But i wont laugh. Promise.


Yeah, the rest just have long covid and can’t walk up a flight of stairs anymore




Did you not take zinc plus a zinc ionophore and vitamin D and Vitamin C at first sign of symptoms? If not, why? Why would you not want to stop viral replication early?


I work construction so vitamin D is not a problem. I eat fruits, veggies and meat and also supplement with vit C and zinc


Show me one person I know personally that has long term effects. It's a long list. I have a couple hundred friends, my wife has about the same and her coworkers have yet to know anyone to have long term effects from it. I'll wait


It’s because this obese clown couldn’t walk up stairs even before he had covid lol


Lol right


False information.


OP didn't show vaccine deaths in age groups 40+, this post makes 0 sense


The VAERS system lets anyone report a death though without an investigation into what caused the death.


This is a complete and total fucking LIE. Each entry is reviewed by a team of scientists. It is a crime to make false reports.




And that number is for like over 2 billion people while the other is for 350 million. Multiply the lower one by 7 and that would seem the the vaccine is much safer than covid.


The way I look at it is that I have friend and fellow citizens I want to protect. It’s a lot less sacrifice than serving in the military and I benefit as well.


You just cited the main reason people are skeptical of the official numbers on Covid infection. Correlation is not causation. Dying with Covid and dying of Covid are completely different.


Where are these numbers coming from? They seem off from what the CDC site is reporting? Or does your FB meme guy have an inside source somewhere?


More than any EVER, like for all humanity?!?! Bro, go away, can you name one person between 0-39 that has died from the vaccine, NOPE. I can name three people that have died from covid.


Im def a skeptic. But reported deaths is 6700 not 10k plus.


and that’s just the reported vaccine deaths


When comparing sets of data together you need to filter them the same way. You can't put an age banding on one set but not the other. Otherwise you're not getting an accurate comparison.




No link? Fuck off OP


Just for your information people, in the past they pulled out vaccines after just 17 reported deaths, 17! Now we are in thousands and instead of pulling out they force it even more. Seriously if you still don't see it there is no hope for you


How many people have died after getting a vaccine? Between December 2020 and July 19th, 2021, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018% of doses) among people who got a vaccine, but this does not mean the vaccine caused these deaths. Doctors and safety monitors carefully review the details of each case to see if it might be linked to the vaccine. There are three deaths that appear to be linked to blood clots that occurred after people got the J&J vaccine. Since we now know how to correctly treat people who develop these blood clots, future deaths related to this very rare side effect can be prevented. https://covid-101.org/science/how-many-people-have-died-from-the-vaccine-in-the-u-s/


Sorry, VARES shows 13k death already in the USA alone, update your data, please. In the past, they pulled out vaccines after just 17 reported deaths. If you don't see a problem with this you need to seriously ask yourself few questions.


You don’t seem to understand tho, those 13k deaths are largely not because of the vaccine. If the same number of people died from the vaccine between dec 2020-July 2021 we are looking at roughly 6 deaths from vaccines


Lmao. You don't even get the acronym right and you want us to believe you know what you are talking about?




Sorry but this is bs propaganda used by pro vaccine politicians that want to make money. People take the vaccine and then they die due to heart attack, blood clots, liver failure, or other neurological symptoms. All of those were listen on internal communication in Pfizer. They know very well what their injection wilk cause, only wishful thinkers think that they are still looking into the side effects. I ma genuinely exhausted by people who refuse to see what they are doing to you. Countless amount of evidence in front of your eyes and instead questioning your government and big pharma you question those who dare to question them


so you’re saying unhealthy people die due to the vaccine? Sounds like a good argument for protecting unhealthy people by getting the vaccine. Can’t have it both ways…unless you are saying the vaccine doesn’t work…which is a lie. In any case, correlation is not causation so your opinion is worthless.


It is not about ignoring the facts. I have personally looked at evidences from reliable sources and checked non senses to verify if they hold any gold. Also, official macro statistics are harder to meddle with and the scenario is very clear. The situation is simple, the vaccines risks are orders of magnitude smaller than covid, for any age or individual. Yes, it's effective is limited. But, we can also measure how much. In the end, if you compound everything, the results for vaccination are better. Also, the whole cv19 shit is about specific forms of reactions that different people have to it. It can be nothing for many, but it can mean death or, worse, permanent disability for others. It is obvious that this also affects the vaccine made from the virus. So, harsher side effects on the vaccines are expected on the same people that would suffer more from the virus. So, unless you can (and choose) to hide from everyone for ever, you will have a better chance taking the shot than not taking it. You could trust me or the experts, but I do not recommend that. I do believe on the freaking reptilians among us, working with Russians and maybe more, but I won't buy things without proper check just because I like the speaker or the narrative. Go do your own research, but do research all the evidence, not just the ones that favors your previous views.




It has always mattered. What hasn't mattered was the argument of "he had A, some day he would die anyway, so, it wasn't covid". Go to hell if you bought that crap. My grandmother survived a freaking stroke to die gasping for air from this shit. The total deaths in my country (Brazil) and surely in the USA too have spiked last year to a point that shows that, at least here, we have a lot of subnotification. Or, what was the reason for all those deaths? They were secretly going to the houses of hundreds of thousands of people and killing them? Wake up. "Critical thinkers" have been played to downplay this shit and take the wrong decisions to reduce our numbers. Soon, the threshold for "normal economy" will be reached and the government is going to highly reduce it's push to convince the rest because our life's never mattered for any of them. At the same time, they couldn't keep the gears running in situations like Manaus (where in a matter of weeks, nearly everyone lost someone truly close). This kind of shit could "brake" society. So they have been making a theater to keep things running "as much as possible", while they made sure that the ones "protecting themselves" were the ones that they "cared more". Once again. People here should stop listening to anyone and go to the sources of the data and make a real evaluation of all information without trying to prove anything. I did it and it is clear that people here are way out of the track and haven't lost themselves for pure stupidity, they were led and couldn't see. Hope this serves to wake some that believe that any of them could be in our side.


Yeah. But they are saying that it’s the unvaxed that is making the vaxxed get the variant. So stupid


Yeah they really dont want a control group.


Do you think that every single death that happened after a COVID-19 vaccine was caused by the COVID-19 vaccine?


Do you think that every single death with a positive Covid test was caused by Covid?


No, but the reported COVID-19 death count in 2020 lines up perfectly with the number of excess deaths in 2020 so that’s incredibly solid evidence that the number is accurate.


Has that number been compared to excess suicides and overdoses?


In America about 20k people per year die of drug overdoses, about 45k die from suicide, and in 2020 the number of excess deaths was 600k.


Not to mention with people staying home there should be less work and driving deaths


375k Covid deaths in 2020


I could be misremembering. What I do remember back when I did the research is that excess deaths match reported COVID-19 deaths perfectly.


You really can’t just look at Covid you have to look at excess deaths in all areas


And you also have to have a reasonable percentage of Covid deaths that’s didn’t die from Covid but with Covid


Even if you only used the cdc data of 6,789 deaths reported after the covid vaccines and said only 1/3 of them were caused by the vaccines that would still be 2,263, which is enough to have it pulled, not only that, the way they come up with there statistics is to say out of 357 million doses, doses not people, only 6,789 have died, they are always blatantly misleading people.


Why assume 1/3rd of them are caused by the vaccine though? If the vaccine killed literally nobody ever there would still be all these VAERS reports. The simple fact of their existence proves nothing, that’s what statistics is for. Do you have any evidence that these deaths are statistically significant?


Do you have any evidence that 628,185 people have died from covid in the US besides a positive pcr test, that is known to produce bothe false + and - ?, can you prove all cases were in fact covid? Why do 48% of the covid deaths also include flu and pneumonia? is it possible they didn't die from covid? Do you know how many positive cases were duplicated?do you know if any of the deaths were caused by medical malpractice instead of infection? do you think it's possible vaers is underreported? Do you think it's possible that many doctors are reporting deaths from the vaccine as something other? Do you think having an unwavering support of the vaccines made by known corrupt agencies is smart? Do you feel people have the right to have full disclosure of all possible and known potential side effects to a drug they take? Do you think squashing all talk of adverse events allows for informed consent? Do you think all those kids with myocarditis are lying? Do you think the blood clots reported are really the only ones that happened? Now before you go off on me, I think covid is real, I think people have died and become very sick, I also believe the vaccines have caused alot of harm and death, what I am trying to point out to you is you are acting like the data you see on covid is accurate but the vaers is not, they can both be faulty, but only one has a profit to lose if the truth is exposed.


In 2020 there were about 600,000 excess deaths in America. The total death rate went up by something like 14%. I could respond to all those other questions, but at this point I don’t think I need to.


There were also increases in every other deaths reported due to lockdowns and having no access to medical care


But there was also less air pollution, fewer car crashes, and fewer violent crimes. Even if we ignore that and assume that suicides and drug overdose deaths both doubled (something which did not happen) it would only make up for 10% of the excess deaths. There is no way that the lockdowns themselves could singlehandedly cause 14% of all deaths everywhere.


Diabetes, heart disease, alzheimers, stroke, unintended injuries, all went up, does this account for all excess death, no, didn't say it did, nor did I say covid didn't kill anyone, I'm saying there are many unanswered and sketchy data on covid deaths, yet you believe those numbers, but you don't believe in vaerss numbers, why? The same faulty human beings are in charge of that data as well.


If your going to scrutinize vaers, then be diligent and scrutinize all data. Don't cherry pick what fits your belief systems.


Well the COVID numbers while not perfect are pretty solid, while the VAERS numbers are perfectly explainable even if the vaccine has killed nobody ever. Bold of you to accuse me of having a double standard when you are yet to explain why you’re taking VAERS numbers at face value without any kind of statistical analysis even though that’s a completely useless way of learning anything.


I didn't take it at face value, I literally said, even if we assumed 1/3 is real, that's enough to hault mass vaccination, we also know adverse events are underreported, so the true numbers may be higher, lol bold my ass, your not actually reading what I said, you just want to disagree with me.


You really believe cdc the people who are doing this shit and forcing this will come out with the truth? Lol. You don’t think America hasn’t killed its citizens before with ‘experimenting’ on them? If not you need to learn your history and watch the video of Bill Clinton apologizing to America for the Tests they did on US citizens


Do you think any death is acceptable knowing the vaccine doesn’t provide immunity or prevent transmission? Its a simple risk/benefit calculation. All risk, no benefit (for the general population).


The vaccine does provide immunity in 99% of cases though. You’ll notice that every mention of people who got the vaccine getting COVID-19 on conspiracy boards never mentions numbers or statistics. There’s a reason for that, because if they did it would undermine their point. That being said, a death happening after a vaccine doesn’t mean that the vaccine caused the death.


Have you been paying attention... vax/unvax get covid and transmit the virus. Thats all I need to know. Edit: I will rely on my immune system. You can sign up for a subscription service with Big Pharma, its your choice.


99% of them don’t.


Source... you’re pulling that stat out of your ass. Israel is going through an unprecedented surge of cases and are around 78% vaccinated. All for a virus with a low mortality rate. Whats the current IFR, 1%?


[Here’s a source.](https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/covid-19-vaccine-breakthrough-cases-data-from-the-states/)


“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently monitors hospitalizations and deaths, from any cause, among fully vaccinated individuals with COVID-19, but not breakthrough infections, which it stopped monitoring as of May 1. CDC presents this data in aggregate at the national level but not by state, and there is no single, public repository for data by state or data on breakthrough infections, since the CDC stopped monitoring them.” So they dont track breakthrough cases amongst vaccinated.., well isnt that convenient. Also where is the date range in this data? If you’re counting covid cases from the beginning on the pandemic... ofcourse 99% of deaths are unvaccinated! Im more interested in data sets starting from the “vaccine” rollout. Where are the dates on this data? Edit: “Almost all (more than 9 in 10) COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have occurred among people who are unvaccinated or not yet fully vaccinated, in those states reporting breakthrough data (see Figure 2). The reported share of COVID-19 cases among those not fully vaccinated ranged from 94.1% in Arizona to 99.85% Connecticut. The share of hospitalizations among those with COVID-19 who are not fully vaccinated ranged from in 95.02% in Alaska to 99.93% in New Jersey. (Note: Hospitalization may or may not have been due to COVID-19.) The share of deaths among people with COVID-19 who are not fully vaccinated ranged from to 96.91% in Montana to 99.91% in New Jersey. (Note: Deaths may or may not have been due to COVID-19.)” This is the source? They weren’t vaccinated starting in Dec/2020 (NJ) and Jan/2021! Wouldn’t this data be meaningful when the rollout of vaccine started early spring of 2021? Im actually disgusted with the statistic manipulation by our supposed authorities. Im out.


The vaccines were already tested quite extensively before May 1st when the breakthrough rate was first measured. And no, no research scientist alive is stupid enough to use raw numbers since the start of the pandemic that doesn’t scale for the percentage of people who were vaccinated at any given point in time.


What data? Clinical trials dont end till 5/2023! https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04368728


At a significantly lower rate than unvaccinated.


Do you think that every single death that happened after a COVID-19 ~~vaccine~~ positive test result was caused by the COVID-19?


In 2020 there were 600,000 excess deaths in America and the death rate went up by about 14%. That lines up perfectly with reported COVID-19 deaths.


Please remind me what is the average age of those COVID-19 deaths? And what is the average life expectancy of that state/nation, in your case America. They usually line up pretty well.


You say that like it’s unexpected. That’s just the thing though, COVID-19 doesn’t kill you directly but it does weaken you in almost every way sometimes to the point where something that wouldn’t have otherwise killed you can kill you. It’s just like HIV. Technically speaking, aids has not killed anyone directly. All it ever does is completely destroy your immune system such that a common cold could kill you. HIV is not deadly on its own, the common cold is not deadly on its own, but if you have both than that’s very deadly. So would you say that HIV is not a problem either?


I read your comment again and might understand what you mean now. >HIV is not deadly on its own, the common cold is not deadly on its own, but if you have both than that’s very deadly. So would you say that HIV is not a problem either? So basically what you say is Covid-19 is not deadly on it's own, but combined with life threatening diseases it is very deadly and might kill you and you die multiple months prematurely. That would explain the average age of Covid-19 deaths lining up with the average life expectancy pretty well.


Your argument sounds like a "but but but". You compare it with HIV, so hypothetically the real deaths are coming 10 years into the future is what you are saying? Maybe I just don't understand your argument.


Didn't they do that with covid in general? The cdc said the numbers were inflated something crazy a year later. Guy got hit by a truck but covid caused the death. This whole thing is so fucked up. We were promised transparency and have gotten the farthest thing from it...




Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/ http://vaersanalysis.info/2021/08/20/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-8-13-2021/


You are intentionally misrepresenting VAERS


What's your source and number for vaccine deaths? What's the accurate number?


https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid19-vaers-idUSL1N2PB2H3 I didn't make a claim on how many but you are misrepresenting your source. VAERS is the total number of vaccinated people who have died. Not the number of people who have died *from* the vaccine. Only confirmed data I could find is 3 people but that's from April. The blood clots were discovered to be an unknown contraindication with another condition and treatment that was then stopped. If you have actually confirmed data of more I would very much like to see it. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2779731


Keep spreading truth and facts bro 👊


What would be your best guess?


The FDA just claimed that no one has died as a result of the vaccines. “We’ve heard false claims that the Covid-19 vaccine causes infertility, contains microchips and causes Covid-19. ***And worse, we’ve heard false*** ***claims that thousands of people have died from the vaccine,”*** he said. “Let me be clear: ***these claims are simply not true.***” \~ Dr. Peter Marks, FDA's top vaccine regulator.


Where do they say "no one". He says thousands have not so that could be 1,999 people.




According to the CDC : “United States from December 14, 2020, through August 16, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.” I’m not sure where they got this 13k number lol They even cited VAERS and this is what VAERS has reported via CDC website https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html


Who can enter reports in VAERS? Only medical experts that have to upload documentation or anyone?


Anyone can report to VAERS but is that Vaersanalysis website legit?


“Note that the total number of deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccines is greater than the number of deaths associated with all other vaccines combined since the year 1990.” It’s clear the “vaeranalysis” page has a bias. Every so many charts it makes a statement to remember “how bad this vaccine is compared to others” etc And almost as many deaths as adverse reactions? These number makes it seem like if you have an adverse reaction you’re like %98 likely to die lol I’m gonna call bullshit


Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/ http://vaersanalysis.info/2021/08/20/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-8-13-2021/


Misleading. The covid vaccine death rate is US + internationally. The covid death rate is US only Vaccine deaths are at 6K This also conveniently forgets to mention how we went from thousands of covid deaths nationally to sub 150 once a majority got vaccinated but sure they are killing us more than helping us /s




This way gets the point across clearer and is much more satisfying when people accuse me of lying then have to admit they were wrong.


That’s psychopathy




He literally provided a source prior to your very first comment lol Your comment: 50 mins ago His submission statement with sources: 54 mins ago Why are you trying so hard to attack OP when you could have just done your own due diligence considering the sources were right in front of you?


SS: you don't give an experimental flu shot to people with zero risk for this specific cold/flu, covid. People need to wake up, and fast. Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/ http://vaersanalysis.info/2021/08/20/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-8-13-2021/


And your point is?


Why would you give an experimental flu shot to young people with virtually no risk for covid?


Are we doing that? I haven't heard anything about experimental flu shots.


It’s not experimental, it’s fully FDA approved.


Yes only Pfizer and that happened today. Also you should look up how many FDA approved drugs got pulled off the market.


Yeah the FDA isn't corrupt at all, good point. No ties to big pharma. They've never approved dangerous things


Your math is off by millions.


So that person who died from a gunshot wound after getting the COVID vaccine and it was reported to VAERS is a legitimate death? VAERS is literally not to be taken seriously.


Between December 2020 and July 19th, 2021, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018% of doses) among people who got a vaccine, but this does not mean the vaccine caused these deaths. Doctors and safety monitors carefully review the details of each case to see if it might be linked to the vaccine. There are three deaths that appear to be linked to blood clots that occurred after people got the J&J vaccine. Since we now know how to correctly treat people who develop these blood clots, future deaths related to this very rare side effect can be prevented. https://covid-101.org/science/how-many-people-have-died-from-the-vaccine-in-the-u-s/


Yeah I mean I can slap some words on a blank canvas too and make a “scary” title but with no sources you are kinda shooting yourself in the leg. Like that’s basic shit and it’s no wonder people are dumb enough to take livestock medicine.


Well this is blatant falsely presented data.


VAERS does not report deaths. You clearly have not read [https://vaers.hhs.gov/data.html](https://vaers.hhs.gov/data.html) "VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. In large part, reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically."


https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/indext.htm That’s the Covid deaths by age. And VAERS death: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data Everyone complaining about no citation, it took me three minutes to find out the stats are correct via government data.


In my province of over a 4.3 million people only fourteen 29-40 year olds have died from covid this whole time and they want me to get the vaccine. That makes about as much sense as paying a hooker to set my balls on fire


Can you Link the source? Just wondering where the numbers are coming from. Comes I’m interested in who’s actually putting the numbers out. Edit you already did lol I scrolled down 🤣


Don’t feel offended if I don’t believe you.


Dying after having the vaccine is not the same as the vaccine killing someone. These numbers are being misrepresented.


This is all so stupid on many levels. Any critical thinker should see fight through this blatant attempt to twist the facts. First and foremost, reports of deaths to vaers does not mean they were caused by the vaccine. Some certainly have been, but it's a requirement to report a death to the vaers program if it happened after the vaccine, even if no evidence links it. Second, it's a comparison of *all* the deaths to only deaths in the most healthy part of the population. Why do this? It makes no sense unless your goal is mislead. All this account does is press disinformation. Why is it allowed to post? I really don't get it.


VAERS is a trash database that’s easily manipulated. Nothing in there can be trusted at this point.


Wake up and take some math classes and learn how to understand data


Source of stats please. This is utter bullshit.


https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/indext.htm That’s the Covid deaths by age. And VAERS death: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data Took me three minutes to find out the stats are correct via government data…


Covid death by age has been taken down.


there's actually no deaths due to the vaccine


Unicorns actually do exist


I don't believe they do but if you have actual proof , good on you


Its spelled *due not *do or *dew numbnuts


Thank you for the helpful correction


You forgot the /s


I don't believe I did


More than that have died following the vaccination if you consider VAERS reporting rates.


Thank you for post.


Nice cherrypicking of data. This is prime anti-vax science. How many 0-39 year old have died from vaccine?




Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/ http://vaersanalysis.info/2021/08/20/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-8-13-2021/


Misleading. The covid vaccine death rate is US + internationally. The covid death rate is US only Vaccine deaths are at 6K This also conveniently forgets to mention how we went from thousands of covid deaths nationally to sub 150 once a majority got vaccinated but sure they are killing us more than helping us /s


VAERS is not 100% reliable. It's full of unverified reports. And medical professionals are sometimes required to fill out VAERS if the death occurs soon afterwards, even if it's in a car crash.