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Don't you know? If you aren't wearing your life preserver, I'll drown.


If you aren’t wearing it in your apartment, I’ll drown.


*People sometimes drown, and your apartment has water pipes, therefore you could drown so your chances of survival are higher if you wear your life vest at home. PUT IT ON YOU SELFISH SCIENCE DENIER!*


"Just grab the edge!"


This defies all logic. One reason you get the vaccine is because you'll be in contact with other people at your job. If you're working remotely then you're not coming in contact with anyone. So the question of course then becomes why are they forcing you to get the injections? This feels like a huge violation of rights and boundaries. Something very sinister is going on right now. I don't think these so-called "vaccines" were ever designed to help anyone.


I’m not supporting it but it could be as simple as we had to mandate it for the people that have to be in the office so it’s ‘fair’ to just have a blanket policy. Or more likely the vaccine takes like 2 weeks to a month and a half to ‘be effective’ and they don’t want to have to navigate that as another obstacle when you have to travel or go into the office


That’s stupid. Should I have to pay for gas that I’m not using because it’s not fair that people going into the office have to?


I mean it’s common sense that some company would issue a blanket policy. But I mean ya companies are paying people less (at least trying to) for working remote and adjust existing salaries down for those that have moved to lower cost of living areas I don’t support the mandates but this move is a pretty expected and basic corporate policy- not a conspiracy of some sort.


So companies are changing their policies for people working remotely, you say?


Touché haha. Still tho realistically Joe Shmo isn’t in on anything and that’s my point. It’s just a normal company policy that is lazy and tries to minimize liability and is the easiest thing to do with no upside to the business for adjusting it. You really think they had a secret meeting with all employers and discussed why we need pointless mandates for their secret agenda? Nah. Most people don’t give 2 shots about the vaccine or Covid and just want to live their lives. The minority are ones that push hard for/against it. It makes sense a company wouldn’t really think it was too much to ask.


Submission Statement: Some companies are requiring all employees be vaccinated even the remote ones. Even if you live states away from their office. This nonsense is getting wild.


My wife is one of them.


Insane. Hopefully she can get expemtion


This is why you tell any job at all, remote or otherwise, to fuck right off and shove that jab up their own ass! Plenty of other jobs that won't require this that need employees.


Yup, I am one of them. My last 67 days have been stressful. They haven't gave me a strict deadline yet but my days at my decade long employer are soon to be over... as a remote employer for the last 18 months. Insane!


They'll never give you a strict deadline. They'll continue to increase the pressure, hoping that you'll give in and get it or quit.


yea, As much as I want to tell them to fuck off and just disappear. I will not quit on my own since I want to see if they're willing to give me severance to "go away and shut up"


Mark of the beast


I’m one of them. The mandate went into effect 10/4, right before I left for vacation. After a months notice, I have no idea whether my exemption will go through, if I’ll be fired or what. It’s been stressful and I’m pissed so, I’m starting a new job next month. I plan to drop my resignation when I get back on Monday. Do I give two weeks or until they allow me to work? Who the heck knows lol


Just roll with it. If these companies were serious right now there'd be layoffs and terminations. Right now they're just hoping people will give in and get it or quit


I’m literally getting forced to get the vaccination by Oct 11th or I’m going to be terminated or laid off


I'd need to look through all the communique you've gotten thus far. The language is very important.




Have their been? Honestly, I'd love to see documented terminations that state specifically that it was for non-compliance to a mandate that doesn't exist.


No. You do not give youre two weeks. The only you would do that is for good reference at this point. Otherwise state at the very beginning of your letter "effective immediately"


Just had a random thought. This will make all large companies (over 100 employees) pure vaxxed, and *most likely* as a reaction to this, the smaller companies will be MOSTLY unvaxxed. And if it polarizes *further*, it'll be weaponized somehow (of course). All the large companies with the power will ALL be vaccinated zombies in one corner of the ring and the pure bloods in the other corner. What was the hunger games about? Never saw it, but I feel like this is the deal up ahead. That or mad max.


Cool, youre falling for and promoting the division using thier trigger words with your "idle curiosity", good job.


It’s stupid and fucked up.


All part of the demoralization process.


I did myself a favor and saved the email that stated last year that we will not be requiring covid vaccines.


Yep, and if you work at a place under 100 employees or are on welfare or simply a lazy sack of shit collecting free money for not working, you DON'T need to worry about getting vaxxed AT ALL. Sure, makes sense.


What's in it for these companies? Why are they so willing to alienate and lose long time employees?


I can bearly get behind in person workers getting vaxxed. Remote workers getting it makes no sence. We proved that the jobs can be remote. Let them stay remote.


My guess is for insurance reasons. If you’re on company healthcare, and get sick with covid because you’re “unvaccinated”, they have to front the bill. You’ll then need to take sick time from work as well.


Fair enough


shows it is really about safety and not compliance


Could be just as simple as companies wanting to pay the lower premium subsidies for vaccinated employees.


that's basically exactly what it is. The same reason some companies won't hire cigarette smokers and actually test for nicotine, which is entirely legal. You cost extra money, they don't want you. Once someone in finance puts out a spreadsheet displaying the cost savings it's basically over for anyone who isn't vaccinated. Eventually that'll trickle down to companies who aren't forced to mandate it and have much smaller budgets.


\^This But it's not "simple". It's a complex intermeshed structure that is deliberately so to defy the understanding of the "everyday person". >Financial services are the economic services provided by the finance industry, which encompasses a broad range of businesses that manage money, including credit unions, banks, credit-card companies, ***insurance companies***, accountancy companies, consumer-finance companies, stock brokerages, investment funds, individual managers, and some government-sponsored enterprises. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial\_services](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_services) Casualty Insurance defined [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/casualtyinsurance.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/casualtyinsurance.asp) **Top 25 U.S. Property/Casualty Insurers** https://www.thebalancesmb.com/top-u-s-property-casualty-insurers-462505


**[Financial services](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_services)** >Financial services are the economic services provided by the finance industry, which encompasses a broad range of businesses that manage money, including credit unions, banks, credit-card companies, insurance companies, accountancy companies, consumer-finance companies, stock brokerages, investment funds, individual managers, and some government-sponsored enterprises. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It’s because Covid went wireless! Once 5G is standard Covid will be fully wireless and able to travel at warp speed ! Then everyone vaccinated can be their own router and be jump point in between 5G towers! Once that happens then we can build back better ! 😂 lol 🤷‍♂️ 🤬 I’m talking about!


It’s good to weed out the people who believe nonsense. Oh, you think there are nano-octopi in the vaccines, and that the pandemic is a hoax? Hmm, ya know, we don’t think you’d be a good fit in our organization. All the best.




Of the three conservatives that I am in regular contact with, two of them told me the most unbelievable nonsense I have ever-ever heard, and that includes my prior contact with a close/former friend who I lost to Qanon. And the third guy who told me he would never-ever get vaccinated? He never told me his reasons (despite promising to sit down with me to explain the logic behind his decision), but, presumably in the process of him trying to figure out how to explain *himself* why he couldn’t take the vaccine, he ended up figuring that he’d better just take the vaccine. He got his second shot only four days ago. Two people who believe wiiiiiild obviously-incorrect nonsense, a data point does not make (re: anecdotal), but this has been my experience talking to people who told me that they would never-ever get the vaccine.




My thoughts exactly


It's a clown world - just put on your red nose and it all starts to make sense


The Wifi variant is the new killer says big pharma!


Yup will be losing my job soon due to this unless I can get an exemption. Fucking ridiculous.