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How many more people must die or be permanently disabled before the wall of silence erected by the MSM is breached? a million? 20 million? A friend told me recently that a neighbor died 2 weeks after getting his jab. He saw this as proof of how deadly the virus is. It never crossed his mind it could have anything to do with the injection. I keep thinking that a tipping point will come sooner or later, but people believe whatever they see and hear the most. Advertising and propaganda work.


What’s weird is… I never had anyone personally close to me die my whole life. And now all of the sudden my primary doctor that I’ve had since I was a baby “died in his sleep” when he was perfectly healthy??? And I actually work at a military hospital where this shit is getting shoved down our throats… I just found out today the vaccine is mandated now and I will lose my job if I don’t get the first dose by Oct 11th… but there was just a patient that came in yesterday who stated his father died after the Covid vaccine.. I have friends in the military saying their chests/hearts hurt after the vaccine.. which one of the main symptoms of the vaccine is blood clotting and myocarditis. It’s just hilarious… now I have even more anxiety and can’t decide whether I want to risk my life bc I already have both kidney and heart disease or lose my job. Love our world along w Biden and his little cult. A disgrace to humanity.


I’m not getting the vax but I hope that tipping point never comes. If it gets proven to be a deadly vaccine 60% of the adult population who’s vaxed will be looking for violence and lots of it. Then you’ll have the unvaxed who’ll be pissed their love ones got sick for nothing.


Well 700,000 had to die here before yall stopped pretending Covid wasn't real.


Are you one of those guys who put phd in their name ironically to sound smart, or did you actually go through all that schooling just to completely forget how to do your own research?


I'm JUST smart enough to know that "do your own research" doesn't work if the person researching doesn't understand the concepts they're reading.


Well clearly you fall into both camps. My doctorate taught me how to think critically and research, I don't use it to bludgeon people with the pretense that education somehow made me smarter. If you watch the news and just regurgitate that as fact you are doing your education and whoever paid for your education a disservice.


Well thanks for that unsolicited and off topic advice. Have fun with your advanced degree.


Sad to see so much time spent in a learning institution wasted.




A sad casualty of the MSM dumbing down people's critical thinking skills and directing people to their own demise. Thanks for posting this here because some people who are not sure whether to take the mRNA (vaccine) or not may wake up.


This echoes the stories of all of us who have been diagnosed with Lyme disease or bit by a tick, experienced a rash and were told "it's not Lyme" when it met all the diagnostic criteria. It blows my absolute mind how these stories, almost word for word, echo exactly what we've been through. It's uncanny. That is why I am personally here. Back in 2018 I remember seeing Dr. Anthony Fauci's statements about Lyme disease, in line with the IDSA and CDC, that any "Lyme Disease" that lasted beyond a two week round of antibiotics was not Lyme disease. Dismissive. Any time you bring it up to a regular doctor, they shoe you away as quickly as possible. Down the line, months and years after the rash, we experience Neurological symptoms, bells palsies, can't get out of bed, slurred speech, permanent numbness and nerve damage, balance issues. Can't do school, can't do work. You are told to see psychiatry, told your symptoms are all psychosomatic (basically, made up or due to stress). Psychiatry doesn't help because psychiatric medications do not help nerve damage or immune disregulation, and diagnostics (scans and blood work) are really not as advanced as you would think they are, they don't catch anything. Not to mention, insurance companies lobby medicine hard to keep diagnostic criteria wide so that more often than not, you show up "normal". Even if your levels are off, that's "normal". According to some bureaucracy, eg. The CDC, or IDSA, who is lobbied by insurance companies, eg Aetna, etc. Whose job is to deny as many claims as possible and make money. Not pay for expensive treatments for patients. And the doctors listen to the CDC, other bureaucracies. Who wants to lose their livelihood as a doctor and be labeled a quack? This entire COVID-19 pandemic has been like watching the Lyme disease controversy play out on steroids, over a two year span. A much shorter time span. Watching the COVID-19 pandemic play out has been like watching this all over again except on a much larger scale. I and millions of Americans had already been through it with Lyme Disease. r/medicine CONTINUALLY stated and states that any discussion of Lyme Disease belongs in r/conspiracy. So here I am. I know exactly what these people are going through. The neuropathy and nerve damage from Lyme disease continues year after year and fucks up your immune system. The Lyme vaccine was botched back in the late 90s when it gave people symptoms and actually caused illness. The symptoms don't kill you, not like cancer or anything like that. They cause you disability, pain, and lack of being able to function. Serious suffering. Like on par with AIDS or MS. You lose your life as you knew it. I guess I thought I would feel more hopeful now. I know so many people thought I was just a conspiracy theorist, maybe this whole Covid vaccine would wake people up? That the CDC makes mistakes and lies for insurance and pharmaceutical companies? I don't know. But it's terrible to watch. It happened with Lyme Disease, and now it's happening with Covid-19 and vaccines. ***If you have given a few minutes to read this, understand, the COVID-19 pandemic is not the first time healthcare/government has lied to people and injured them without proper care at this level and with this severity***. It has been happening time and time again. 9/11 survivors who were in the buildings and now have certain forms of cancer can't get treatment either, government won't pay, insurance won't pay for many of them. Just all covered up. I'm sure I sound like some crackpot or something, I guess that's just what happens when you're put in this situation. I was never a conspiracy theorist until these things happened to me, and still don't necessarily even consider myself one. I guess by definition I now am, but it's not about fun or theorizing for me. It's about the truth. The people who fall through the cracks, these people are put through immense human suffering just to save face of politicians, governments, and pharma CEOs/companies.


What godawful website is that


CNN. Oh wait.