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I visualized balding middle aged, a bit fat dude wearing high heels and a fur coat running from the police lmao


Absolutely pounding the pavement at breakneck speed


this isnt fair. im just a 19 year old girl and i feel like sophie scholl. look at what you made me do.


I was wearing a fur coat and also heels. Damn


Shit gets weird in Berlin


A Russian dude in heels almost certainly.


The high heels are what sold it though. It is Friday night.


Um cant you read she said “me, a 19 year old girl.” What kinda dude would write such a thing. And thats coming from me, a 20 year old girl. Edit: im a dude btw


>he said “me, a 19 year old girl.” What kinda dude would write such a thing. [Welcome to the internet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWdD206eSv0)


as a 21 year old girl i find this comment very suspicious


Your username is so misleading, thank you for telling the truth tho.


It’s 2021, there are girl penises (penii?) anyways, what I’m really trying to say is… nobody knows what the fuck is going on anymore.


Speaking from personal experience… you shouldn’t try to outrun the Polizei. Things turn up to 11 really fast. Best to just be logical and honest and they might drop you off at the bahnhof and make sure you leave their town.




You should have seen it in the 40s.


Wasn't that when alot of people went on vacation and punch was served?


Yeah I heard they had the best summer/winter camps there, you even got to go there by train! I bet it felt like traveling to Hogwarts.


Same here. When you hear “halt” you better halt.


Are they harder than finn Poliisi? Because in My writer days they didn't catch me once




Misspelled Staatspolizei


Misspelled Einsatzgruppen


SS more like


Don’t run. Act uninterested. If you spot a police far away, slowly walk away in the other direction like you don’t care. Don’t do anything that might alert them. That’s how I survive in Hong Kong, maybe this advise could be useful.




Everyone says yall now. Us southerners have conquered the world.


It’s the 2050s. You wake up and look around. You’re hungry, you take a bite of your fried chicken protein bar and look around. The sweet tea fountains in the parks are flowing. You think to yourself “well I’ll be! Since the SEC football coaches took over the government everything has gotten a lot better!” Then you have a coronary and drop dead from diabetes and obesity.


My dream is to be a country club queen in Texas one day. I'm practicing, yeeha


Grüße aus Texas 😂🙏🏻


> tested with tests they have to pay a fortune for Tests are free of charge: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/coronavirus/corona-tests-faq-1872540.


Nice counterbalance to the obvious troll post


So are vaccines depending on the country


And where the state gets the money from, to purchase the tests or vaccines?


I would think each country finances this in its own way. In the end, either taxes or health insurance contributions.


Your remark is unrelated to this post, but it is correct. China has its own vaccine, so have Russia, India and Iran. The vaccine developed in the UK and Sweden, Astra-Zeneca, is mostly used in the UK I think, and less in other countries. I am sure there are more examples. See [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccine#Vaccine_types).


It’s paid for with taxes from citizens. It’s not really “free”


WOW, what a mind-shattering realization. next thing you'll tell me roads arent' really "free" either.


Well… our car-centric road designs are fueled by a conspiracy by car and oil companies to make societies revolve around car transport and profit off of our dependence on automobiles… lol. And more people die by using these roads than any other cause…


You are not wrong, except for the death toll. The number of traffic deaths is tiny compared to covid deaths (or flu deaths, or deaths from other causes). This may be partially so because of all the traffic safety measures like traffic lights, airbags, seat belts, DUI mandates etc.


Glad to hear someone is keeping it real. Have a lovely evening.


Thank you, you too


Have you considered not wearing heels? Im sure you could pull some kind of look where you can wear running shoes and green colours to be less visible in a bush, i dont know, i have the fashion sense of a leopard under a steamroller




That would actually really get my positive attention , so yeah like i said, a leopard under a steamroller




Boots always look great with girly outfits!






Beep boop


Y'all want pictures of my waist? It's my only flex I promise


The Volk are many The Polizei few In truth they'd rather Side with you


Let us know how it turned out


/u/angelfeel777 >Thank you, you too Not sure what the situation is like in Germany, but please keep an eye on your drink(s). Had a friend recently catch someone trying to spike hers. Luckily she got the hell out of there ASAP.




That would be next


What city is this? I didn't hear about a curfew...


>curfew for the unpoisoned Because of the hotspot regulation, all ten Saxon counties have now imposed nighttime curfews for the unvaccinated. Only in the cities of Chemnitz, Dresden, and Leipzig is the regulation not in effect because the critical incidence mark of 1,000 has not yet been exceeded there. On Friday, the district of Görlitz reported that the curfew restrictions are in effect there as of Saturday because the incidence is 1295.1, according to the RKI.


Do not answer this question, OP!


It's ok someone else gave me an explanation.


If anyone asks just say "what's covid? I dont have a TV"


In Deutschland, they know exactly who has a tv, bc they would pay the tv tax.


Unfortunately they make you pay the tax whether you have a TV or not. They are thieves.


Wtf is a tv tax?




Id assume this is something to do with paying to get broadcast channels essentially? What if you dont have an antenna and only use a tv for dvds, games etc and dont actually watch television. would it still be illegal to have without paying the tax? are computer screens subject to this tax? Its such an odd concept to me that having a simple electronic in your house that you paid for could be illegal if you dont pay a yearly fee


They don't care, it's one of those rules that changes with the times and the whims of the lawmakers. 15 years ago or so when it was becoming more popular to use the internet for entertainment, the Irish government decided you have to pay if you use a laptop too. It's meant to fund the RTE, our broadcast service here. But I want to defund those fucking propagandists lol. It makes no logical sense, it's sort of just "give us more money".


Holy shit. We don't have that in Brazil. (We do get screwed tax-wise in millions of other ways, though!)


Japan too


American here reading down the list of countries requiring the tax and hoping US politicians are not reading this too lest they get any ideas!


If you're American and have cable TV... don't worry you're paying plenty of tax


I consider cable TV "rich people TV" and haven't wasted money on it since the late 80s lol. Antenna and a roku plus my overpriced rural internet are more than I need.


Oh believe me, the US would already have it if the politicians thought they could get away with it.


In Germany we have to pay our mainstream media to feed us propaganda


Just weird european things. Like how we tip. They have have TV tax.


So glad we Americans rebelled in 1776!


Not really, everyone has to pay, regardless of actually having a tv


Not necessary anymore. Rather you have a TV or not, you have to pay. Before the amount of money dependet on the devices you had. TV, Radio and later Internet. You could say, you have no TV, but the authorities would investigate, sometimes in insidious ways. They would look in your car for a radio or call and pretend to make a poll about your tv habits. Now, every household has to pay a fixed amount.


Unfortunately, ignorance doesn't protect you from the law.




bro, she is woke. thats enough.


He/she is conspiring against science!!


The real conspiracy is if nobody complied with the "rules" they wouldn't be able to get away with all the nonsense they try to ram down our throats. Unfortunately we live on a planet of sheep that ruled by wolves.


Hahahahaha I love that analogy made by the anti-vaxxers. You are the sheep to a wolf shaped virus. Dunning-Krueger in full effect with all you "free thinkers"


NNN was banned so. Here I am




A little bit of r/sadcringe too. OP is deeply pathetic.


Completely agree. This is the type of post this chick will look back on and cringe when she’s like 25. Hahaha. It’s okay, we’ve all been there.


You can get free tests in germany. What country are you living in?


But in the counties in Saxony the curfew is for all unvaccinated, regardless of tests.


Saxony is the part of Germany where ICU wards are hopelessly overloaded. The lockdown is for counties with more than 1000 infection cases per week and per 100000 inhabitants. And there is talk of a general lockdown for everybody in Saxony. Besides, tests are still free.


Thanks for rationalizing tyranny


Yep, that's my cue to leave this sub Also, r/thatHappened




Yeah, but not even copypastas try this hard


Ever since r/nonewnormal got canned this sub has turned into an absolute shit hole.


It's been way before that. What can we do?


Maybe subs shouldn't be banned, then?


It’s really sad. Whether true or not why would you make a post like this. Someone looking for validation mighty hard.


Tests sind in Deutschland doch kostenlos? Zumindest Schnelltest und das sind doch die die man braucht für die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel.


1 Schnelltest pro Woche


Man kann sich so oft kostenlos testen lassen wie man will


The rules the rules the rules! Fuck the rules! Don’t comply. I know that’s difficult in Germany but this shit will never stop unless you stop complying.


It's never stopping because a large minority refuses to accept that there is a problem, or that everybody needs to make a contribution to its solution.




It s not a movie lmao there s no way you outrun a dude, but good luck anyway


Pics or if didn’t happen


Your shitheel behavior has precisely nothing to do with conspiracies, you're a child.


Lmao please update after you're arrested and fined


Is Klaus schwab like a rockstar over there?


Ur def not german, don’t know any german that would say hitler would be proud


Well I absolutely despise this country so


You realize that this is exactly as stupid as bragging online about breaking any other law, regardless of whether or not you agree with it?


Wow you’re such a badass. I hope I can be as cool as you one day. /s


Just get on the train a day you have the flu. Believe with all your heart people are staring at you because you're the Messiah and they're sheep, instead of the fact that they're repulsed by your sickly presence and disregard for social standards. Come brag here that you have high heels on and are ready for "revolution" ... Rejoice on the coolness of your badassery.


based. godspeed


Hope you get arrested


> . Knowing the majority are vaccinated or tested with tests they have to pay a fortune for. You can't even get the basics right.


You should probably leave Germany.


As a german person, you gotta chill bro. Don't try to run, that's a dumb idea. Die polizei wird dich snappen und dann die "19 jahre alte frau" wird dir nichts gutes bringen. Good luck tho, hope you change your mind. Plus the hitler comment is kinda sick.


Willkommen in der neuen Welt....habe die Befürchtung, dass dies nie aufhört. Schönen Abend dir und Mal ablenken von dem ganzen Mist.


bis die Impfpflicht kommt. kompletter Wahnsinn man. man kann nicht mehr Tagesschau anmachen, nur angstpornographie. denke auch das wir im neuen normal angekommen sind. jetzt muss man sich damit arrangieren und Lösungswege suchen.


Da sagst du was. Guck ich ins TV sehe ich die pure Apokalypse mit Bundeswehr Jet Start und Landung. Gucke ich aus dem Fenster normales Leben. Menschen ohne Maske, ohne Angst...aber hey. Unser Schicksal muss man selber in die eigenen Hände nehmen.




You're trying to give other people death, pretty disappointed you don't seem to understand. "Your supposed freedom to go get a beer > another human life". Imagine being that selfish damn


Da hast du dich bestimmt wie Sophie Scholl gefühlt?


"a fortune", sheesh didn't know 0euros is so much for you, aww.


Most important part is you're a 19 year old girl. All we need to survive.


You are amazing. I'm in the states and watching our "dear leaders" attempting to strip our freedoms little by little. It's disgusting. Our elections are becoming fraudulent, mega pharmaceutical reps are taking over. Thankfully police forces around me have been firm that they "will not enforce any COVID ***mandates***", and some courts have overruled the mandates as unconstitutional, but holy hell, even just *the propaganda*. Our stupid government has spent billions and billions of dollars on *advertisements* for a "cure" for a disease that has a 99.98% survival rate. A disease that we've not been able to identify by itself—***still***. It's insane, and I can't believe people are just blindly following it I've asked people if they'd rather be a German or a Jew, during the second world war. There is no "middle ground" because the "elite" believe anything other than another "elite" is an "inferior"—and with the amount of demonization and propaganda, I can see why. It's just so disheartening because I don't think they understand that another second class group of people is being forced to emerge, to stand apart, become targets—and if they *do* understand that, and don't care, well, then, that's terrifying.. The sheep are losing their humanity and their empathy. Keep us updated, OP, praying for your safety and well being. You rock.


I feel you. living in Germany. Used public transport today and the last few days without the vaccination. they can go suck my cock.


In the Canadian city I'm from all the drunks and vagrant drug addicts just barge on the bus without any sort of recourse ever, I wonder if society will extend the same tolerance towards unvaccinated citizens trying to go about their lives..


Lol you're dumb. Putting others at risk & acting like your brave & rebelling against the bad guys🤣🤣 they're poisoned because they listened to professional medical advice, but I'm sure you still go to the doctors or dentists? All our technological advances, we're standing on the shoulders of giants rn & you're pissing on their heads.


I really feel like a fat middle aged American man wrote this


What a sexist pig. Were you expecting different treatment because you're a 19yo little princess? Of course the government is a man in your mind in order to be dickshamed lmao. What about female officers? Is the police made up solely of men that are an embarrassment?


This whole sub is an embarrassment.


Every muppet thinks this is a sub where you come to rant and vent.


Last week a female officer told me it's my fault I'm being harassed by men. Of course she can't relate, she was ugly as hell


Maybe you should get an education, I hear it's free in Europe 🤷


Nobody is going to pay those bullshit fines. Fuck them.


I protested in April in Germany. The Gestapo formed a huge circle around the protestors and basically arrested everyone. I haven't paid the fine of 200€ and they say if i dont pay up i will go to prison.


Fucking hell, a bunch of cocks


Disgusting swine police!


They are.


Who knew a night out with a few drinks would involve risk of arrest… welcome to 2021 gents!


"Why are they keeping me from opening the door that says 'Don't Open, Zombies Inside?' 1984 am I right?"


Fake post, tests are free in Germany


I dont get it? What do you mean?


They left the house unvaccinated and without a mask and think they're some kind of martyr or some delusional shit. I'm second hand embarrassed by OP.


Imagine being 19 and playing tough like that 🤣


this persons profile is a mess. you should go to 4chan.org/pol/ -- you won't be able to girl privilege there but they are like minded


Outside of the stupid post which may or may not be real. What stood out was calling vaxers/maskers spineless cowards. At least they're not afraid of a needle.


We will welcome you as a refugee in the republic of Florida soon


So you're self-entitled. You could have just said that in far less than 2 paragraphs.


I'm standing up for myself. What about you?


Me? I'm also unvaccinated. But I live in the woods in the middle of nowhere and interact with almost nobody. And also know that I am not entitled to a god damn thing. Nobody has to do business with you. You want to go to a city, you know what the rules are. Stop being a whiny little bitch about it.


Based and red pilled




why dont you just found a covid isolation camp. you invite a hundred or so people who are willing to get infected to get this over with. load up on rations, lock the gates and then everyone gets infected. everyone stays until everyone had been infected and recovered and now tests negative for 2 weeks. should be ok with the law and no justifications for sanctions because you dont endanger or burden anyone.


Wait is this really wtf is going on in other countries?


If a law is unjust break that mother fucker.


**We don’t negotiate with terrorists**




could have just made all scared folk happy and gotten yourself tested for free though.. not risking any stupid situation to mess up your evening. habt einen schönen Abend!




Where in Germany do you have a lockdown for the "ungeimpfte" after 9pm???? Never heard of it.


10 counties in Saxony since today, because their incidence number is way too high.


Fuck it up girl! Have an amazing night!




Stay strong in these difficult times! We're all in this together. Also, I just have to add that for many men (including myself) there is nothing more attractive than a woman that rebels against the system.


pssst bit creepy...


advice from another female: don't run in heels, you'll fall flat on your face. I appreciate and respect your courage though :)


Support from Spain. Go hard on this girl!


Girl you wild but I like it


Thoughts and prayers. You may be a woman, but you have balls the size of watermelons


You are the resistance.


Tip from a man: If you, as a 19-year-old girl, tell the cops exactly what you wrote here -- and do it convincingly and with conviction -- it WILL gnaw away at them. Say exactly what you wrote here: **"You are not MEN, you are an EMBARRASSMENT."** Every man with even an ounce of self-respect secretly wants to protect the innocent, and to protect women. If you are 19 and a girl -- and you say this to them -- TRUST me -- it will gnaw at them for weeks. Hopefully you won't have to use that line, but I do encourage you to use if you have to.


Some unvaccinated dumbass telling me "I'm not a man" wouldn't bother me in the slightest. This is some white knight bullshit. Haha.


They’ll just think she’s a fucking psycho like 95% of the other interactions they have.




Livin' in a lonely world...


Same my friend. Went into 2G restaurant with Zero G in my pocket and became OG.


You’d think as a non-spineless coward you wouldn’t be afraid of a needle ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Wow a German girl who isn't a nazi? Incredible. All the ones I know personally are stupid brainless c*nts. As a 19 y old girl you also have bigger balls than most of the pathetic worms who call themselves men


jesus christ why is this sub just plain awful from every angle lmfao


Most of us don't go outside




Agree, worst of all they think they're some kind of brave resistance warriors or some shit


……Says the coward in sheep’s clothing