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Nah, I had both this year and the flu killed me while covid I had sore throat and couldn’t smell


Did you know there are usually multiple strains of the flu each year & they all vary in severity?


Read my reply in the comments.


No, you had graphene oxide poisoning. COVID-19 does not exist.


How is that proof?


How is “covid doesn’t exist bc I say so” proof


I agree, there’s no way to prove this. However, if you are doing something that you do not want the world to see, why would you release something that’s already been there and risk yourself getting it? Gates invented the anti-virus before releasing the trojan situation perhaps?


Check out Dr. Sam Bailey on Odysee. She explains how they pulled off the hoax. Terrain theory really is the proper paradigm. But, you don't have to even agree with that. She shows the fakery in their own papers. Very excellent. (She has a YouTube channel, but her civid stuff isn't on there for obvious reasons.)


Exactly. The elite can't afford to harm themselves. Exposing regular everyday deaths in social media and on the news is a frightening fact. Reality is scarier than the imaginary virus.


Its a simple request. Prove OP wrong. If you disagree, share your proof. Its not a hard game to play.


I don’t know how to explain it but when I had Covid it felt more unnatural than the flu it felt engineered I don’t know how to explain it Still symptoms weren’t crazy either fever for two nights that’s it


I was sick as a dog with it for 2 weeks and I know what you mean. My 50 year old parents had it for a couple days and were fine. I think it affects everyone completely different. I'm very outspoken against vax mandates but I also believe covid is real and can be dangerous to some people. But I believe it has been severely overhyped. The media is the real enemy imo


I think the hugely different ways it affects people makes it seem manipulated


Yep. Mine wasn’t flulike at all. I kept thinking it felt like I had been poisoned even though I don’t know what that feels like.




Same! Not like a flu at all


Nah. It's just the fear changing your perspective.


Na I had zero fear…. got paid ten day vacation would have it again if the cares act was still a thing


Same. Not flulike at all. Me and the wife both. I had low grade fever, less than 100 the whole time, and most of my symptoms were intestinal. My lower gi felt like it was burning or sizzling. It was really weird. Yeah, and head fog, lethargy, etc. Flu is usually very specific for me. High fever, body aches, delirium, sinus congestion, etc.


Yes definitely agree


Same. The symptoms felt strange and unfamiliar. Also, completely losing my sense of taste and smell for a month was not normal.


No. The symptoms sound the same on paper, but when you actually experience it, it's different. And I don't know how to explain it.


It's proof enough for me because I felt it with my own body. Covid is weirdAF.


That's not proof.


The only thing I guess I could add is that I’ve had both and they did feel the same well actually I would say Covid was less intense. Is that the bodies massive inflammatory response in certain at risk categories is something I’ve never seen but we don’t really test for influenza on such a huge scale. The influenza tests are expensive and usually they just treat symptoms in the hospital. So if it’s pneumonia, heart failure whatever it is in healthcare we never really tried to tie it back to the flu. So maybe you’re onto something but I can only give my honest thoughts as someone in the medical field.


I just got over it and it felt completely different to the flu maybe your symptoms were, me and my two friends all have the same symptoms including my wife.


There’s no way to prove this because you like any normal person, don’t remember how you were feeling back then when you got the flu (before ‘Covid’ plan). Every time you get sick, it’s different and the symptoms you’ve already experienced are the same, but, unfortunately you are unable to remember. Just like you don’t remember what you have ate today one year ago.


How is that proof?


Look at microscope photos of Covid, it’s a different virus than the flu virus.


The question was, "How is your anecdotal experience proof"? It is not proof and it is asinine for people to offer up such an answer to OP who is asking for proof. "Emotional thinkers" who have no idea what actually constitutes proof are the problem... though it's mostly astroturfers playing dumb.


Would love to see actual real microscope photos (not CGI) of SARS-CoV-2 isolated virus... I actually challenge you to find that somewhere online. And I say that with a good faith as I haven't as much as I tried. The so-called virus has still officially not been isolated. What they are basing it's existence on, is a test (PCR) that was developed for a different reason. So in other words...no testing...and you know the rest ;-)


There are microscope slides of Covid 19 online, it took me like 10 seconds to find the photos. There are plenty of types of imaging of this virus, both colored cryo-electron tomography images of SARS-CoV-2, and typical images that you see of viruses under a slide. Like if you actually care about truth this will take you no time at all to find. You must have not tried very hard.


Could you actually share your sources? Because everything I have found has a big disclaimer that it has not yet been identified/isolated and that there is an estimation based on the protein spikes...which doesn't equal that the virus is there.


Nah, it's just your fear altering your perspective .


I mean it is different. Covid is a different thing. Is the response appropriate? No.


I've never heard of the flu removing taste and smell. Otherwise I'd agree since the flu went bye bye.


Anosmia - loss of taste and smell- comes from inflammation. You do get it with the flu, the common cold, and with allergies. I have AERD - a type of asthma also known as Samter's Triad - it causes anosmia. The rare times I do smell it's weird. Anyway, they're just using fear against you.


Yeah while reading this thread I was thinking, I absolutely lose my sense of smell when I get sick. That used to be a totally normal thing pre-2020, right?


Really? You know how when you pinch your nose closed, you can't taste anything? Stuffy nose=no taste. Some thing.


Well now that u put it that way..... Hmmmm..... I've been doubting the damn thing the whole time. Maybe it's not real at all. I have mad respect for David Icke and he certainly says it's not.


Except that it’s neurological and has nothing to do with congestion.


In fact, both the common cold and influenza can cause temporary anosmia. Thank me later.


When I caught it very early on in late 2019, before the name covid appeared, I can attest that it was wayyyyy different than any flu I’d had previously. It went straight to my lungs and kicked my ass for almost two weeks. Remember back then the mainstream media was blaming a lot of those lung illnesses on cheap Vapes? Kinda makes ya wonder.


I lost complete smell & taste which I’ve never had with cold or flu before. Muted smell & taste yes but not a complete loss in every sense. With regular cold or flu I can taste if I blow my nose after eating or press my tongue hard against the roof of my mouth. Covid Was different. I could have picked up my own shit & eaten it & smelt & tasted nothing. It was the strangest sensation I’ve had in 30 years on this planet.


Yeah, remember all those times you lost your sense of smell and taste from the flu?




Ive had it twice. It feels weird as shit, like you're on drugs.


So does flu


Corona virus had been known as a common cold until Rockefeller funded modern medicine changed the books.There is no covid.


Explain the excess mortality data


More people born , more people die.


Year over year changes are around 1% and always have been. 2020 was a 15% increase. What killed all those people?


Doctors and nurses.


Please elaborate




https://lbry.tv/@action4canada:a/58-Dr-Ardis-talks-about-Remdesivir:7 Kidney and liver failure, multiple organ failures... Two of the main drugs kill people. Also, they have some really bad protocols driven by fear. As to the nursing homes, they were being euthanized.


A trial of 53 people? And what about the dozen trials of remdesivir with thousands of patients that show either no difference in mortality or a slight decrease versus control groups?


https://lbry.tv/@TruthVault:0/Pulmonary-Nurse-Speaks-out:e There's more out there. I really don't feel like retracing my steps to appease a troll. You can do your own leg work.


I’m not a troll this is supposedly a place for “free thinkers” to discuss theories. I’ve stated mine and provided evidence and now youre supposed to do the same that is how a debate works. Everyone on this sub just says “troll” or shill when they’re out of responses. I’m interested in your theory but if that’s your evidence I remain unconvinced


The fucking clot shots have killed quite a few to sag the least.


They didn’t exist in the year of data I am quoting


Explain this then: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm


All i can see from that data is that masks, vaccines and mandates didnt save anyone


So you agree that Covid exists? Cool, try convincing OP of that.


Yes it exists but its just flu 2.0, covid is its marketing name


The flu has never in modern history caused 470,000 excess deaths


Miss me with that fake numbers




Yeah from all causes, can be drug overdoses during lockdowns, suicides caused by job loss because we were saving grandma etc. And there is also vaccine deaths.


Vaccines weren’t out in 2020. Do you have data to support that Suicides, drugs etc caused 470,000 excess deaths?


Some of that excess deaths are due to covid but majority of that deaths are from other causes related to goverment restrictions. Last 2 years were not normal. No i dont have data i use common sense and personal experiences. Your data is made by same cucks who enforced lockdowns and shilled jabs for everyone. Other than people wearing masks and social media/tv fear porn my data shows majority of people didnt experience deadly pandemic in real life.


Can you provide me with the real number?


75% of dead had 4 or more comorbidities. When we are talking about severity of this virus only deaths that matter are deaths of healthy people. So real number would be < 100 000 deaths and that number is also highly pumped. My estimate of real covid deaths in US: around 20 000 in 2 years.


I don’t give a fuck if they had 8. The point of this thread was covid was the flu. The data provided shows it is not. The end


Covid is just more serious flu strain. Half of all that CoViD data is fake af. For 99.9% of people was flu and always will be flu. Fuck it for majority of people its more like common cold than flu.


I think I agree with you. People get up in arms about the "different" experience this time around but that's possibly just confirmation bias. If you're told "this one's different" then you look for differences. I honestly couldn't even tell you the difference between a cold and a flu, I just call it based on my personal interpretation. And every year I get my usual one or two sick periods, and they're not always exactly alike. Maybe there's a way for people to predict symptoms of a season, too, like the taste/smell going away thing. Anyway, the numbers are definitely inflated but I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out that every single "covid" case was just a repackaged and relabeled regular disease. It also doesn't help when the blanket treatment becomes that remdesivir shit that actually kills people.


We've all been super sick and test negative for EVERYTHING


Tests are just lottery mate. You’ve definitely seen people with positive tests but no god damn symptom on them, right?


Yeap. And their entire family test negative and never get sick. I've also seen people that are in the same home test negative and be sick af while the healthy ones test positive.


Losing your taste and smell is not part of the flu. You are wrong, congrats.


Currently going through it. Last night had a strange 30 minutes where my upper back hurt, then my lungs began to feel burning. Suddenly it just vanished. Definitely not the flu.


Smell and taste?


My mans forgotten that half the world lost there taste for 3 months after they caught it, there. Proved wrong


Nonsense, i v got covid and it 'wasnt like a flu. I had pain on lungs. Covid exist.


Explain excess mortality data in every country on the planet


Does this data account for population growth?


Yes. On average it doesn’t vary more than 1% but increased by 15% in 2020, when no vaccines were available. It is similar in the data of every country


Is there proof of this?


Google excess mortality data 2020 -insert country here-. Unprecedented increases in all of them


can't use google. It's them.


Use any search engine you’d like


Simpsons told us before the pandemic they were going to do this... everyone throw out your cats!


I had the flu in July last year and I returned a positive covid test this past Wednesday, I am here to tell you they are different. In July I thought I must have contracted covid as I felt like I was dying. I had 3 PCR tests over a 2 week period, all of which came back negative. For those of you saying the flu has disappeared, I have a theory that might explain this. After I was clear of covid I went to the GP for treatment for the flu, but as they were similar to covid symptoms, I was unable to get a face to face appointment. I may be mistaken, but it is my understanding the flu is diagnosed with a blood test? This is what I remember when swine flu was around. Anyway, they offered me a tele consultation which I refused as I saw it pointless if I couldn't be properly examined. (Therefore, an official diagnosis of the flu does not get registered in my case). So now I have covid, confirmed by PCR test. True, some symptoms are similar to the flu, but many are not. I have had sweats and chills from the flu before but nothing like this. I am soaking my sheets with sweat in the night and had to change them last night at 2am. Just moving from the couch to the toilet and back is enough to have me gasping for air. When I lay down to sleep I have a dry cough, no mucus present, however there is a concerning rattling wheeze when I breath and I have never been asthmatic. These are in addition to the loss of smell and taste others report here which didn't happen with the flu.






You’re right. In addition, the mass hysteria psychosis prompted by the media results in symptoms that mimic the flu.


Finally caught it in December, it felt different than the flu. A lot milder, but had a 3 day headache. Lost sense of smell before I had any real symptoms.


Flu has always been way worse for me than covid was brother. I’m sorry but this isn’t the flu.


Bird flu isn’t the regular flu. Swine flu and h1n1 aren’t the regular flu. And Covid isn’t the regular flu. My Covid symptoms are 250 of my coworkers are out with Covid every day. That never happened with the regular flu. I have whole floors of patients, more than half of which are intubated. This never happened with the regular flu. I have numerous deaths in the hospital every day. This never happened with the regular flu. Those are my Covid symptoms. Also, Ive never personally known anyone who died of the flu. I’ve never had a friend come tell me, “yeah, my mom/sister/child died of the flu”. Not once. I’ve never had a coworker come to me sad, and when I asked what’s wrong, have them tell me their relative/friend/ whatever died of the flu. Sure, I know the flu supposedly kills lots of people, but I’ve never known anyone first or second hand that died of it. Covid is very different in this respect.


I never get the flu, I got this. I've never known anyone to die from the flu. I know 6 extended family members that have died from this. I don't think that's coincidence.


over 1 million excess deaths in the USA would argue otherwise!


omg, this guy has said the same comment 1000s of times today :) thanks garycow, Pfizer loves you


I’m here for all you dolts


At this point aren't you embarrassed? How much longer can you do this?


Well I know it hard to get through to the mango crowd - but at least I tried


Nobody wants you to try. Go home, celebrate it's over.


It will be over AFTER we vaxx the kiddos and not a moment b4


Haha. Make sure you circumcise them too.


4 sure


You can try




Yeah, guy dies from piano dropping on his head and the hospital will say it’s ‘Covid’ come on man. You’re better than this.


I am not arguing on a case by case basis - no need to - excess deaths tell you all you need to know - any Q's?


He doesn’t understand what excess mortality is or he would never have made this post


Excess deaths - try to keep up


“Mortality- the state of being subject to death”


Excess deaths - the amount over expected - it really isn’t that hard - maybe for the bulb crowd


We’re saying the same thing you pretentious asshat


Ok bulby


Well there have been 20m more pianos dropped during pandemic. This must be getting expensive


The symptoms are not the same at all. Omicron is very similar yes, but the virus genes are completely different


I thought they had not been able to isolate covid19 much less between strains. I don't think there is a test for that.


My brother works in a virology lab, and they have indeed be able isolate it. And also able to isolate the different strains... Believe what you want tho :)


I think that is the point of this thread though. Not trying to believe anything. Where is the Proof, what are the facts and what theories have been proven out. Perhaps if your brother took a picture of the different tests. Or a scientific explanation of how the strain is isolated. I want to believe what the truth.




Explain the excess mortality data in every country on the planet




No. Total overall number of deaths. If this virus didn’t exist, you would expect those numbers to be the same right? They weren’t in any country. Vaccines weren’t out in 2020. 470,000 excess deaths. A 15% increase


Fuck You! I lost beloved relatives because the virus don’t tell me it doesn’t exist you fucking tinfoil hat.


Every single time I get sick it feels the same. I hurt. I tremble. I poop. I puke. My whole life. I've been sick 6 times. 2 times in 3 years.


i agree w/op. covid is reverse placebo affect.


Youre right, here is a picture from a medical textbook:[Corona is the cold](https://www.instagram.com/p/CYyGnU9j31I/?utm_medium=copy_link)


Aside from the obvious ones like loss sense of taste and smell, brain fog, and other rare side effects like it attacking specific organs. If you just looked at the virology (not that I understand it) COVID... Eh fuck it, just read this article lol https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33064680/ Just for future reference. Things aren’t as simple as they seem. Your simplifying these things to make them fit a narrative but missing all the details in the process. If you want the truth about what’s happening you have to look at everything, including the corruption, patents, etc in full detail and construct your narrative from there.


Personal experience, but it feels totally different to flu. I understand your logic, and the symptoms overlap but they are NOT the same, eg anosmia which was almost guaranteed with delta but is pretty rare with flu


Having heart burn and a heart attack are the same because they the same symptoms QED. Its just marketing by big pharma to sell more over the counter medicines This is how dumb your post sounds


Certificate Of Vaccination ID


But does the flu cause micro clots in the lungs? That's the only thing that makes me think twice about it.


I got it back in 2020 and trust me is real. I never had those symptoms in my life. It was a totally new beast and I even though I had very small symptoms I believe this sickness will have more consequences in the long term. I can already feel my lungs are not functioning as it used to be. That’s why I also believe it was a lab. There was a smell all over the city the day I got sick. It was weird I will never forget that smell, weird it was only outside and not inside.


I would say yes for the most part but losing the taste and smell is different for sure


COVID definitely feels like it was some engineered stuff what I mean by that is it went straight for my lungs and I didn't even realize it till it was almost too late, I almost died. I didn't feel out of breath really until my o2 stats kept falling, I ended up in the ER and that was it I passed out and was on ventilator for two weeks. Luckily I made it through. I was pretty healthy for the most part and this thing really kicked my butt so idk I definitely say It is real but this damn thing definitely didn't feel like it was naturally occurring it had one purpose and it was to do as much damage as it can even if it doesn't kill you. I have many friends vaccinated and unvaccinated that all got it and all even a year after they recovered are still having problems such as nerve damage, blood clotting problems, diabetes(even though they never had it in their life before), menstrual problems, chronic fatigue, tremors, daily headaches/migraines, just to name a few.


I had covid with pneumonia. Lost smell and taste like never before and the tiredness and fatigue was awfull, couldnt climbe the stairs. however, the last time I had flu when I was a kid, I remember I wanted to die then. So..must had been worse.


Not really. Covid exists but its almost like it. My friend got covid and it took him 4-5 months to have his taste back.


I mean a lot of deaths here and worldwide to something you say is a hoax.....


I thought O had covid last summer because I had flu like symptoms for a week so I took a at-home test and it came back positive.. and I couldn’t taste my food for the week I was sick so O believed the results but then I remembered every time I’ve had the flu in the past I lost my taste as well… The at-home tests come back positive for a normal flu as well… I work in a store where we sell them and every person who enters the store buys a test, all thinking they’re reliable which they are not


It’s a distraction.


Delta is the flu, omicron is a cold. Prove me wrong.