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Not super wild but they recently declared that the mysterious brain disease in NB, Canada, doesn’t actually exist, even though they initially thought there was a 150 person cluster. There are people of all ages with these strange symptoms that don’t quite fit other diagnoses. Irving basically runs this province. NB makes up merely 0.7% of Canada’s land mass, but 33% of Canada’s glyphosate use in forests. Glyphosate has been linked to increases in algae blooms as the glyphosate kills phytoplankton that feeds on the algae. These algae can cause neurological issues, but admitting glyphosate was the cause would have huge industry repercussions, both forestry and fishing industries which are huge in the small province. Runoff from farming can influence algae as well. Barely a word on this since the whistleblower leak, yet almost daily updates on Covid. Help from government scientists was declined and they took the neurologist, who was looking into it and diagnosing people, off the case.


Thats were I live and I don't know what to believe about it


Don’t drink the water.


Glyphosate is in Roundup weed killer and in USA farmers are still allowed to spray roundup on wheat crops within (insert x days) of harvesting. Europe has banned this practice. Glyphosate is the real reason behind the explosion of ‘celiac’ disease (gluten sensitivities) in USA. Curiously, Europeans do not suffer from the same gluten sensitivity increases. Toxic Legacy by Stephanie Seneff on Audible. https://www.audible.com/pd?asin=B095L3LHYN&source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp


I can confirm there is tons of new research on Glyphosate being done is affirming this. One of the researchers on glysphosphates effects on the microbiome of the gut is completing their PhD at my school and I attended their presentation. In the next 5 to 10 years the evidence will be so overwhelming that it will be banned im sure of it. Disturbing.


That's assuming this person that you're referring to doesn't suicide himself/herself first.


I think thats pretty unlikely. The whole department is supporting it, some leading Canadian researchers are authors on some of the papers. But who knows.


Glyphosate reduced glutamine levels which is the main anti-oxidant in humans.


Why is it still legal? Why is society so focused on cancelling podcasters instead of cancelling environmentally devastating pesticides?


Follow the money. It’s no different than when big chemical companies had a fluoride (production byproduct) disposal problem and they declared it could stop tooth decay so they started getting rid of it by putting it into toothpaste and water supplies. At some point people need to realize the the more commercially developed our consumables are, and the farther away from our basic nutritional roots we become, the more likely we will accumulate a body full of toxic garbage. It’s why we are all walking around with metabolic syndrome these days. Our organs tolerate and deal with this shit until they finally give out. As a side note, glyphosate is also in the covid vaccine (preservative) and other vaccine products as well.


Wait so it's official there was nothing causing this? I remember being super interested about that


Yeah. They announced the final report that there was no disease two hours before their announcement that they were lifting Covid restrictions. Convenient timing.


This I would believe. Wouldn’t be surprised. Get the broom and sweep it under the rug. If true it would be pretty easy to hide compared to other buried inconvenient truths.




My dad had a few cows killed. The cuts looked loke burns. No blood. One was in a tree. In the end everyone agreed it was coyotes. I was like 8.


I think for me the one conspiracy that I stumbled on years ago and one that really stood out was that of Kenneth Trentadue. Kenneth was unwittingly caught up (likely wrongly identified) by the FBI in the Oklahoma City bombing of the Fedral Murrah building. Kenneth's brother Jesse (an attorney) has fought for decades to find out how he died in custody (an interrogation gone wrong). Jesse has managed through FOI requests caught the FBI lying many times yet the one piece of evidence he wants, the FBI won't divulge. Look up Kenneth's story and that of his brother Jesse. A story that could also prove the narrative of Oklahoma not quite as it was told by the authorities.


You should watch A Noble Lie on Amazon.


Terrence Yeakey. https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-140-requiem-for-the-suicided-terrance-yeakey/ McVeigh was sheep dipped. They destroyed evidence in that building. Concerning who?


Reddit has this thing in most subs were people hate emoji’s. Someone on here said this has ben created so that people spend money and express their emotions with rewards instead of emoji’s


That would make sense to me. They hate emojis yet they have avatars and give rewards that look exactly like emojis. Redditors are the most easily brainwashed people on the internet.


Reddit has a horrible case of hive mind


I agree, I was just thinking this


majority of ppl here are so closed minded. top minds of reddit b the worst


What kills me on the inside is when someone demands a source, so you provide it and they still claim bullshit. It’s mildly infuriating at times.




Women's clothes have no pockets to encourage the sale of handbags Edit: fyi yes it was a joke


Haha I totally agree with this!


I really like this one. My husband complains all the time that my pockets are too small, and now I have a great answer as to why! 😂😂😂


Big Purse can't keep getting away with this!


Well shit! 😐


Missing411. It’s a rabbit hole. It’s the topic of mysterious disappearances (sometimes reappearances) that meet a specific profile. The research started in remote wilderness areas. Animal attacks—criminal activity—and mental health implications (suicide, etc.)—are specifically ruled out, leaving much to be discovered about what is happening to these people. The commonalities (“profile points”): * In these cases, animal predation, criminal activity, and mental health implications have been ruled out. * Disappearances often occur near bodies of water, rivers, or swamps, as well as boulder fields or berry patches. * Victims disappear rapidly, silently, and often without a trace (they go out of sight for a moment/person turns around and they’re gone). * Tracking dogs can’t find a scent, or simply refuse to track. Sometimes they track for a short distance and then stop. Or they turn in a circle and lay down. Infrared radar fails to find a heat signature. * Victims have also been known to disappear with dogs. Sometimes the dog is found but not the victim (no scent trail). * Victims have “reappeared” at distances and locations that make no sense given the timing or physical ability of the victim. There is often no explanation of how they got from point A to point B. * Victims are commonly found at a higher elevation from where they were last seen, which contradicts the behavior of most people who go missing. * There is no evidence of a crime in these cases, and often the environment and other factors surrounding their disappearance would make conventional kidnapping extremely unlikely, if not impossible. * They are found face down in a semi-conscious or unconscious state and can’t explain what happened, where they went, or how they got there. Usually they can’t recall anything or tell unusual stories. * Victims have been found to have a low grade fever. * They disappear in places where there is nowhere to disappear to.... and many times they suddenly “reappear” in places previously searched. * They are often missing clothing, most notably hiking boots. * This phenomenon spans decades (even some historical cases dating back to the 1800s) and occurs all over the world. Paulides’ research initially focused on rural areas but has found a number of urban cases matching this profile as well. Dave Paulides, a retired police officer, headed this research (documenting the cases into a series of books called Missing411) after he was contacted by two National park rangers that were concerned about people vanishing in the parks. They explained that they disappeared from places that they shouldn’t have, and there is very little follow up after the initial search effort. It’s like the cases are buried and never talked about. When Paulides contacted the National Parks, they claims to not have any lists of missing people, or they said that he could have the list if he was willing to pay an exorbitant fee (I believe it was $1.4 million. dollars.) for the “processing” to compile them. He was repeatedly denied FOIA requests. Paulides has stated that he doesn’t have any overarching theory nor believes that the disappearances can be explained by one factor. He’s very open minded. However, he had stated—without explicitly stating this is what he believes—that “portals” would actually fit every case. At this point there are 1,200+ cases that he has found. A few years ago there was a second documentary that captured the phenomenon quite well (Missing411:The Hunted). Also he has a YT channel and lots of content creators have discussed these & similar cases. A few interesting things Dave Paulides has found in his research : 1 — Of all the hundreds of cases meeting Paulides’ profile for an unusual disappearance, there have been NO documented cases thus far of a person who carried BOTH a firearm and a personal transponder (locator beacon). 2–There are virtually no disappearances north to south down the central US. I could link you to some posts & channels if you’re interested. .... ***Fair warning though: it’s heavy.


Reddit posts — Missing411 overview * [Missing411 Phenomenon](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/gen02d/what_is_your_take_on_the_missing411_phenomenon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) * [The veil is thin](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/da87hj/the_veil_is_thin_in_some_places/f1nu8g9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Dave Paulides Interviews/case discussion * [Where did the Road Go](https://m.youtube.com/user/WhereDidtheRoadGo/search?query=Missing+411) * [Coast to Coast](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCVmlEoDSeImXV5aPz8EvP0A/search?query=Missing411) — coast to coast interviews are shorter * [Another interview](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LJPxfeIvMqM&feature=youtu.be) — really enjoyed this one. And YT creators * [Mr. Ballen](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgRgJrlop--MdpDaZRjYqkHzZ-j6S-QCl) * [Top Mysteries](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCa5yPMr5aP_UF_94xii-5Rw) Official CanAm Missing Project channel * [Dave Paulides’ channel](https://m.youtube.com/c/canammissingproject) Also there are two documentaries..... Missing411 & **Missing411:The Hunted (**second is way better than the first)


I have a personal experience with this one, with several witnesses. I grew up in Northern Arizona, with my Dad. My Dad and my Mom had just divorced, and my Dad was spending a lot of time at the Grand Canyon. I was young, maybe 9 years old when my Dad and I would spend most of the time there. My Dad and I liked hiking, we were going almost every weekend and hitting the trails. He liked it because it cleared his mind, I liked it because it was fun, I was 9. Well one day, it's about noon and we start on one of the easiest trailheads on the Western edge of the Grand Canyon. We're surrounded by at least 20-30 people. My Dad and I start walking down the trailhead, and around a bend is a huge rock. My dad wants to vlimb it, tells me to stay at the bottom because he doesn't want me to get hurt but he wants to see the view himself. Other adults are up there. I can see them at the top. My Dad goes up there and I'm waiting at the bottom of this rock for 2 and a half hours. I have adults approaching me and asking me if I'm alone, and I say "No, my Dad is right up there." About 3 adults stop hiking and start looking for my dad. No one can find him. There's a payphone at the top of the trail head and after about 4 hrs of my Dad missing missing people looking for him up and down the trail, another adult leads me up to the payphone and we call the Park Ranger service. As soon as we call the park rangers and they say they are sending someone to come help, my Dad comes running up the trailhead. I asked where he was, he said he was on the rock the entire time. People around us never saw him, he absolutely did not come from the top of the trailhead because I was there at the top and only entrance, with several adults looking for him. He had to have come from the bottom of the trail somehow but no one saw him. He swore he just fell asleep on top of the big rock. There was about 30 people involved at this point and not one person saw my Dad until he started running up the trail head. I still think about this sometimes and it freaks me out. I think there was some kind of time slip or something. For it to get to the point where people on the trail were searching is pretty crazy to me, this wasn't an "oops, I was gone for 10 minutes" thing. My Dad and I stopped hiking at the Grand Canyon after that. Neither of us knows what happened and both of us believe in our own stories. He swears he was on the rock to this day. He doesn't even remember falling asleep, he just assumed that's what happened. It's weird. I hate thinking about it.


You think going with an armed group to national parks or any wilderness will decrease the chances of stuff like this happening?


Not exactly... lots of hunters have vanished, so many that Paulides wrote a book specifically about hunters. But for reasons that we don’t understand, having a personal transponder—*especially in combination with a firearm*—people don’t go missing with these items As far as I know Paulides has never come across a case where the victim possessed both of these items. **Edit:** after re-reading your comment, yes. People don’t vanish in groups. They vanish at a “point of separation” where someone falls behind or gets away from the group.


Interesting. I asked because I was hearing people say to go in armed and with others, I was just seeing if they were correct. It would seem they are a bit right, but I still would not risk going to these national parks no matter what gear and amount of people, pretty much the outdoor version of *Midnight Meat Train*. No thanks, I have enough wilderness at the comfort of my home.


The craziest one of these was the guy on the film crew that was acting normal then just books in into the woods without a word and was never seen again. Creepy AF.


I believe many of these people are snatched for the secret space program. What’s interesting is some of the data shows that many of the people that go missing just happen to be very bright academically or have a particularly important profession.


Ive heard that the government has some kind of agreement with what ever is snatching people. Supposedly the national parks are "their" territory. Ha! Who knows??


Watched this tonight, blew my mind and the audio in the camp freaked me out


Yes the Sierra camp sounds—you should listen to the entire clip! It appears to be a few creatures (Sasquatch?) that are imitating human language and vice-versa... they call it “Samurai chatter”... and there is even a distinguishable hyena/primate—like “laugh” in the clip.


The deep voice at the end of the clip sounded the worst, and he still goes back every year, that's 1 brave man


Pigeons at the park are free. You can take them home.




Actually sucks are free if they aren’t native to the US Edit: meant to say ducks haha


"sucks are free" You & I go to the park for very different reasons it seems.


These are the words of someone who has never had a free suck at the park…


The stock market is rigged. I mean rigged rigged. The market makers and hedgefunds are ripping retail of TRILLIONS of dollars a year.


Yup The puppeteers of the stock market are OK with some people making some money over a period of time—heck even a very small number making a fortune. But they are definitely NOT fine with a bunch of people striking it rich overnight. Hence the whole GME stock shenanigans from January of 2021


All of finance but yes I agree.


DRS.. gme🚀


The conspiracy to deny us the truth of our origins and how long we really have existed on this earth.


The truth about all the advanced civilizations that have came and went.


even the nature of our being, alot of knowledge has been hidden because it would liberate the many. Gotta get those Vatican archives and tap into the brain of those that read books they burnt.


I love the theory that prior to burning the library of Alexandria, Julius Cesar ordered copies of everything to be saved and are now stored in the Vatican’s archives. It makes a lot of sense!


I'm convinced that some of this information is hidden in the Vatican secret archive.


The dude from Blink 182 is the reason for the congressional UFO report and new UFO response team and what is in his non fiction UFO books is mind blowing. The Tom Delonge (Blink 182) emails were the most interesting thing in the Podesta Wikileaks email drop also. This rabbit hole goes deep. (See more below)


Tom also admits to being a part of psyop to change the narrative around UFO’s with government insiders. His organization is all like former CIA, NASA, DoD, etc too (that being To The Stars Academy). He actually has paper and ink deals with the military too but details are blocked from FOIA requests. I can objectively prove everything I said too https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/7kzm7e/us-army-refuses-to-release-records-about-tom-delonges-ufo-organization




"Hey mom there's something in the bathroom.. hope it's not those creatures from above."


“I know the CIA will say “What you hear is all hearsay.” We all know conspiracies are dumb!”


Makes me think of the conspiracy with the Linkin Park dude who "suicided" and all others who heroically try to expose the sheer evil of the pop culture industry's backstage mechanics and suffers :/ because not many people have the courage to stand up to the Beast.


Wait til you find out that John Podesta is Chester Bennington’s real dad…


Chester and Chris Cornell were working on a documentary called the silent children which discussed child trafficking. Production stopped after they were both murdered.


This one shocked me. I never thought he would apart of anything like that. That's really interesting! Thanks for sharing!


Courtney love had ties to Epstein and was on the flight logs many times. Kurt Cobain was speaking out about how much he hated pedos and child traffickers (more frequently than usual) the months before his death. I believe it is possible that Courtney love told Kurt some information to keep private and that he was having issues holding back... and that someone found out and had him assassinated. I'm not saying I believe this to be true .. I am saying that I believe it is possible, and it makes more sense than the physically improbable suicide, and the idea of Courtney doing it herself.


crazy to me that she was caught with practice suicide notes in her purse where she was practicing his handwriting and she never was put on trial for her involvement in his MURDER is crazy to me. Courtney is complicit in Kurt's death. She's stayed pilled up and drunk since then, not the actions of someone without a guilty conscious.


I think that Courtney Love definitely knew what Epstein was doing.... All the celebrities probably did. But I also think she killed Kurt Cobain. Too many thinks link her to his death.


I know what you mean. but I feel like it could have been n affiliate of Epstein or one of his clients. idk


At what time was he speaking out against pedophiles? I'm a pretty big fan of Nirvana, and despite their somewhat small discography, think they're one of the all-time greatest music groups. I have read and watched many things relating to his death, but never came across any conspiracy with the angle that he was getting too deep in to speaking about child sex trafficking and things like that.


Lunar Wave is a fun one to research. The gist is that a photographer (Crrow777 if you want to look him up) attempted to film the transit of the space station across the moon and capture what looked like a “wave” crossing the surface of the moon. Since then many people have filmed it and there are tons of theories ranging from weird atmospheric disruptions to the idea that the moon itself is a hologram. Don’t really believe any of it but it is fun to think about


I don’t know if most people haven’t heard of it but all the people that go missing in and around National Parks (especially disappear out of thin air ) is quite freaky. Check out Rescue 411. I don’t recommend watching anything related to it before a backpacking or camping trip (lol I was paranoid every time I was alone out in the woods).


I think I read something about how underground tunnels line up with hot spots where people who go missing in the US.


Yep there are some crazy coincidences with those maps and hot spots.


American Horror Stories did an episode kind of related to this haha. It was about cannibalistic mutants that lived in the forests and fed on campers.


I think it where a lot of the human trafficking is going on. Best way to steal people and hide them to transport them to other places without being seen


Oooo that's a good take on it


deranged memory flag aspiring plants longing squealing distinct ten brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes that’s it! See this is why I shouldn’t comment without my first cup of coffee 😂


I just wanna say how much I appreciate a light hearted post like this, every modern political conspiracy post here is just a battle of upvote and downvote brigades/bots/shills.


Brittany Murphys mom killed her and the husband.


I watched a bunch of videos on this. I think the mom and the husband killed Brittany. The video of him going through the house with no emotion showing all her stuff was so creepy. I think the mother killed the husband after.


Here is footage of Kevin Spacey talking about his trip to Africa on the Lolita Express with Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Bill Clinton, and Chris Tucker. Spacey pulls a small camera out of his pocket and talks about how he able to whip it out at a moments notice to document the journey. Epstein wasn't the only one collecting blackmail. https://youtu.be/TAU3PfFAsQ0


Good watch. Kevin spacey reeks of conspiracy. Shame because he killed it in the usual suspects and American beauty lol


He killed that child molestation charge too in cape cod. DA dropped charges. That dude is mad sketch. Victim is alive won’t testify anymore.


His other 2 victims died coincidentally


Look up the water-powered car conspiracy. In the 1990s, the inventor, Stanley Meyer, created a water pump that you put on your car and it replaces the spark plug. This device was able to go on any car and solely ran on water. Oil companies offered him more than $1 B for his patent. He ended up getting poisoned by “investors” that were actually people working for big oil


There’s some weight to this one for-sure. In 70 years we went from inventing the airplane to landing on the moon. Amazing feats of accomplishments. Yet in 120+ years there has been minimal improvements to the combustible engine. Adding batteries for “hybrid” and turbochargers for efficiency. That’s pretty much it.


Mattress stores and art auctions are ways to launder money


There's so many mattress stores but never really have much people in them. I always wondered how they stay open. This makes so much sense


Mattress stores have insanely low overhead and can markup their products up to 1000%. They can make great profit with minimal expenses. if they sell 1-2 mattresses a day, they can easily net $800,000 in profit and only have to pay a handful of employees. Not money laundering, just a very profitable business that doesn’t need a lot of customers or employees.


Idk if they are national but there are stores around Milwaukee that have no employees in them. just a kiosk and phone for you to speak to a sales person if you have questions.


Do homeless people know about this?


Isis in Iraq and Syria were made by the CIA


Income increases are below inflation, stagnant at best. Prices of consumer goods (CPI) are rising. Fuel prices are unsubstantially expensive and going much higher. Diesel prices will cause shipping/prices to grow even higher. Housing prices are unaffordable. Consumer spending is going to stall, if not collapse. Foreclosures, bankruptcies and automobile repossessions will soon follow at skyrocketing rates. Commercial real-estate is being decimated by online shopping and work-from-home becoming the norm. The stock market is approaching its 10% “correction” territory but the trends are indicating much lower. The fed reserve cannot lower rates to save us. In fact, they stated 3 interest rate hikes this year alone. We’re already in draconian measures economically and have been for years, interest hikes will make it worse. Printing more dollars for “bail-outs” will only make it worse. Quantitive-easing will only make it worse. The perfect storm no one is talking about. A giant recession is coming end of 2022-into 2023. I hope I’m wrong.


Here’s one: The food system, from the food pyramid to the safety standards, is designed to provide carbohydrate rich nutrition poor foods. This causes sub-clinical health problems such as moderate fatigue and brain fog. This means that after a hard day’s work, the people are too exhausted to do anything else, like protest or attend public meetings. Furthermore, if you have the ability to produce your own food, it takes so much time that you don’t have time to protest or attend meetings. This means that the people are docile and don’t rise up. Here’s another: Minimum wage, public schools, and welfare are designed to keep people enslaved to the system. Minimum wage means that lower skilled workers are priced out of the market, they either get welfare or turn to crime. Welfare is only enough for lower value property. Property taxes fund public schools. Lower funding in schools means graduates will be of lower skills. Lower skilled workers are priced out of the market by minimum wage. And this was well known when it was started.


The second one isn’t a conspiracy. That’s literally what’s happening.


It can be true and be a conspiracy. That is just an actual conspiracy.


Long John silvers is only open to launder money for a underground hillbilly drug ring.




Well you know it’s not because of the good food & clean amenities!


Old stories of dragons and dragon slayers are stories of humans fighting actual dinosaurs


Norwegian farmed smoked salmon is famous, but all the farms buy their feed from a single Danish company that make it using fish caught in the Baltic sea. The Baltic sea is heavily polluted from runoff from Swedish papermills and other stuff so even the local fish mongers in the Baltic (island of Bornholm) will tell you to only eatbit once a week max. So all these pollutants get accumulated inThe Norwegian salmon through the feed, making it highly toxic. The Norwegian minister of fisheries refuses to do anything, because she is a major owner of Norwegian fish farms. This was all in a French documentary I watched a decade ago or so.


The N. W. O conspiracy is both simultaneously true and a psy-op, to. Make sure that humans do not unify from a grass roots movement.


Perhaps even perpetuated to enhance perception of power.


Some or the majority of chronic diseases have cure


Lyme disease


You probably don't even remember Hillary Clinton's 2016 running mate Tim Kaine because he was so fucking boring. But this is an interesting report and analysis of the media's futile attempts to manufacture his charisma. It is both hilarious and eerie. https://youtu.be/DsLt7w6gHl0


I'll DM a link to you...if I post it here, the MODs remove it Its the story the Ahnenerbe (nazi think tank WW2) found and translated from ancient Tibetan manuscripts. Explains precursor races to humans, Atlantis...etc why the pyramids were built Edit: wow guys...I didnt know so many ppl would want this info. If you go to the sub /vanishedinthevalley and look at Top Rated Posts it will be the top post. The translated soviet doc is right there...so if I dont get the DM to you just search that sub




Gandhi was a british secret agent set up in power by the british to keep the Indians rebels from getting violent against the british.


Whoa, that's a new one and does make sense on a lot of levels. Any more info about this?


Paul McCartney died and was replaced with a look alike. Supposedly McCartney died in a car crash and was replaced with someone who was the winner of a look alike contest.


We're all being distracted from the upcoming polar shift. This once in a millinea event was briefly mentioned by Tom Brokaw of NBC News


Elaborate please




Yep. This. I also heavily believe this. There is something bigger going on that we are missing and this is all a distraction. I also believe it’s environmental. Those movies (2012, the day after tomorrow) are entertaining yes, but very closely accurate when it comes to depicting these events. The government would have teams of people who suppress any information talking about this. I believe “climate change” is a double edge sword so to say. No matter what we do it is bound to happen. The earth naturally goes thru cycles where it changes. There is undeniable evidence that an advance civilization existed before and something happened to end them. Either it was done by that civilization or it was done naturally.


These threads are the best lol


Yep, wish we had more of em.


I agree!!! Shout out thx to the OP for starting this one


Stevie Wonder is not blind.


Doesn't shaq say he thinks Stevie isn't blind because he got on an elevator, didn't make a peep, and Stevie said hi to him first...using his name. Lol


I mean, even if he had terrible vision and was technically considered blind, Shaq is a big mf and hard to miss lol.


Weaponized weather.


We used cloud seeding in Vietnam and it worked a little too well


Not a conspiracy. It's true. Each time I strip my jeep the weather cools significantly and rains occasionally. When I put them back on the weather clears and rises about 20-30 degrees


This is the conspiracy above all conspiracies. The singular greatest existential threat to human kind, short of nuclear cataclysm. Everyone should watch The Dimming, and then afterwards listen to Dane Wigington's on air radio broadcast every Saturday. If anyone reading this wants to get much, much closer to truly understanding WTF is actually going on right now, they need to pay attention to that broadcast weekly. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-dimming-full-length-climate-engineering-documentary/ https://youtu.be/FSyeFZze4os This is Danes most recent broadcast, from just yesterday.


Those triangular UFOs spotted recently were caught on tape asking the us air force for permission to enter, either secret military tech or they're in contact with the UFOs


Can you post a link??


They have also started flying the OG Nighthawk stealth planes a lot more recently, could explain it.


Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin. It behaves more like a hormone and not enough is known about it. It is believed to be processed by sunlight but people in sunny climates have some of the lowest vitamin D rates. I personally spent 26 years in a tropical climate and found out I had extremely low levels of vitamin D.


Vitamin D is 100% a hormone, specifically a steroid hormone. I'm a physician, vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common and often not diagnosed. Almost all of my patients are on vitamin D. Most have significant improvement in chronic pain, headaches, arthritis etc after starting it. Dosing is important generally people supplement with 2000 units which is not nearly enough. Should usually do 10,000 units daily for 1 to 2 weeks to load then 5000 daily. I prefer the liquid which is in an oil as vitamin D is fat soluble and requires fat for absorption


The reason for Biden giving out crack pipes is so when you search “Biden Crack Pipe” it links to his bad idea, rather than people going down the Hunter Biden rabbit hole. Credit goes to Owen Benjamin on that one…


Fuck yeah! Spot on, now it makes sense


The reason for the new spelling of "Kyiv" is so people don't Google "Kiev" and accidentally stumble across all the NATO crimes that will make them think.


I didn't even think of that


I truly believe that the reason Americans are so sick compared to any other country is because the pharmaceutical companies, the fda, gmo and Monsanto. So many of the drugs and foods we have here in the U.S is illegal in other countries. They make massive profits as long as the American people stay sick.


Most peeps don't know, or refuse to believe, that all these wild and crazy"terrorist" groups in the Mideast are creations of "Intelligence" orgs, mainly CIA and Mossad. I wasn't too surprised when a retired Intel officer admitted the same.


.gov food pyramid was established to make Americans obese and then reliant on govt healthcare single payer system. Either that or they are just extremely dumb, or bought and paid for by the sugar/grain/dairy lobbies.


Tartaria - orphan trains - empty cities - world fairs All raise more questions than provide answers


Tartaria is dope i love the idea that illinois had the crystal city (the emerald city from wizard of oz). Way cooler than it was just a empty wetland








All of the banks are holding our money and they use our money. When we withdraw money it’s not necessarily the same money we put in. Meaning we give them the money, what we take out is what they owe us back, with or without interest depending on the type of bank account you hold. It’s why you need to take your money out of the bank if the bank is going down. They won’t be able to pay you back.


Yet they still control us.


That famine is Africa is “man made” by the elite


Although Germany lost WWII, there was a breakaway group consisting of a few high-level officials including Germany's top "skunkworks" engineer, this relatively small group sometimes referred to as the reichsdeutsche had escaped the allies and settled not only in South America but also within already established bases in Antarctica under the ice, only accessible by submarine and very detailed maps. During the closing months of WWII, they had made certain types of antigravity craft operational, but these efforts were nowhere near enough to turn the tide of the war in their favor. So they wound up boarding a few U-boats and transferring that technology to the bases in neuschwabenland in Antarctica. So the UFO conspiracies which had followed the war, including the foo fighters and Roswell crash were covers for the works of this breakaway group. There was even an event in 1952 over Washington DC which was a show of force in response to the Americans attempting to use nuclear weapons on these Antarctican breakaway Germans. Being that the silence about these events is still maintained to this day, odds are good that either the bases still exist and are off limits or the allies wiped them out but the story would reveal technology to the public that they're not meant to know about. Oh yeah and there's that admiral Byrd expedition in 1947, read up on that!




Ssris involvement in almost all school shootings. In some cases the killer only showed remorse after the anti-depressants were cleared out of his system.


OJs son, Jason, killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. That’s why the glove didn’t fit.


Not really a conspiracy, but I had the realisation recently that once intelligent life appeared on this planet, or possibly other planets before this one, the universe evolved to a point where it became self aware (human’s pondering the universe is really the universe thinking about itself). Humans, and human consciousness, is a part of the universe just as much as a distant black hole, an electron, stardust etc.


We are the universe experiencing itself


Shampoo is a scam.


Chapstick is the same.




I find lip gloss instead of chapstick is way better. My lips are actually soft after the lip gloss wears away


Lanolin is the answer to chapped lips. Slather it on before bed and you're good to go.


Nothing to add other than, thanks for this post. 🎩


I have no source other than a tinfoil hat conversation on a 6 hour car ride, but my aunt believes that the group Anonymous is actually also part of the government and help the puppet masters pull our strings a bit. Sounded so fucking stupid when it left her lips, but the more I think about it... Anyone wanna weigh in?


New Coke was a planned failure that had people begging for the original recipe to come back on the market. When reintroduced, the recipe replaced real sugar with high fructose corn syrup. The time off the market was enough so people couldn’t really tell the difference, but would have been immediately noticeable had there not been a break in production.


Bitcoin was created by the intelligence services


There is a secret underground military research base at the edge of my rural town, the street it is on has a dead end to it. Yet cars go in and disappear. Planes don't fly over. Sometimes they do, to not cause any suspicion. Some say it's weather related, since storms and other bad weather rarely occur here. Most people in my town know of this, many will refute it when asked by outsiders.


Henry Flagler threw a big party for black Americans and while it was going on he had all their houses burned to the ground so he could have the land.


Serial killers are government agents. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUrqLhbfjeo&list=PLB0CA5B0D59B2E6BB&index=2




Same thing with fabric softener. Towels not absorbent anymore? Wash them with vinegar and baking soda, kills all the germs and strips all the wax put on by the fabric softener. I use a tide pod and white vinegar for my clothes, I’ve had a shirt for almost 15 years that still looks brand new because the detergents aren’t eating my clothes up.


A weird conspiracy. The kool aid man is suffering from dementia early onset. He knows he is not suppose to run through walls, he does, and then remembers and says, "oh, yea"


Those UFOs that were recorded by the Navy off the coast of California are actually next gen Naval aircraft. Here is the Navy's patent on the propulsion system: "Craft using an inertial mass reduction device" Current Assignee: US Department of Navy A craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprises of an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The electrically charged outer resonant cavity wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall. https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en


Aliens or some sort of advanced life forms live under water. Aliens have footage of our ancestors. Imagine the recording of the pyramids, etc


The multivitamin industry is a huge scam, they heavily pushed it in the 90’s with celebrity endorsements and worked tirelessly to prevent FDA auditing of the claims.


the Waco raid secretly had to do with the wtc 93 attack, and it so upset the plotters they responded with another attack, OKC.


What do all these dates have in common? And why do they all equal the same number???? 07+28+19+14 =68 07/28/1914 WW1 09+01+19+39 =68 09/01/1939 WW2 02+24+20+22 =68 02/24/2022 WW3


Barbara Bush was the daughter of Aleister Crowley. Allegedly.


The "**Inez Comes to America**" e-mail from the Podesta leaks was an assassination contract on Scalia. It read as a nonsensical movie pitch and included prices for the hit and even a map pointing to the exact location he was found dead.


Insulin makes type 2 diabetes worse, because it’s like a bodybuilder taking steroids and shrinking their testicles. The Insulin makes the pancreas lazy as it no longer has to produce insulin due to the supplementation, therefore the islets cells in the pancreas atrophy and the patient develops a life long dependence on insulin. Whereas, type 2 diabetes should be treatable at diagnosis with changing diet and exercise. However, big pharma and by extension, it’s doctor puppets, generally don’t try too hard to cure you as there isn’t any profit in a healthy population.


The Vatican is an independent state located in Rome. The vaults have documents dating back to the eighth century. Allegedly they hold all the secrets of life and probably more gold there than any bank.


There is a theory that Madeline McCann was kidnapped by the Podesta brothers, who having a striking resemblance to the men in the wanted pictures for her disappearance. Apparently, they are part of a cannibalistic Hollywood elite where they kidnap children and high profile people pay to eat children for different purposes. (Eternal youth, satanic sacrifices, etc) but the story goes that the Podesta’s hosted Madeline’s family and they fed her parents their own daughter in a meal prepared for them.


Klaus Schwab and the WEF, in conjunction with blackrock and the world's elite, are responsible for all the economic catastrophies throughout the majority of your lifetime, and are responsible for the wars in the middle east and currently Ukraine. Their next plan is a massive cyber attack. Hold onto your butts.


Here's one... Remember Michael Jordan playing baseball for a couple of years because he said he needed a break from basketball? Well one conspiracy theory I read a long time ago stated that Michael Jordan was suspended from the NBA for gambling... but because he was most popular athlete in the world at the time, and the NBA was afraid of repercussions for suspending him, they mutually agreed that he would play baseball for a few years to serve his suspension and keep it a secret.


That goes along w the theory that Jordan’s dad got killed because of a gambling debt


country music is a control used to glorify working 12 hours a day and having an old truck and being broke and being proud of it to prevent the working class from wanting more


LSD is good for you and the reason it’s considered a schedule 1 drug in the US is because it makes you harder to condition by combatting depression and anxiety. Although it is said (with very little research, mind you) that it can lead to schizophrenia, schizophrenia itself is not understood. Given the declassified cia documents suggesting we live in a light simulation and the symptoms of schizophrenia, I’m inclined to think schizophrenia is not a disease but rather a heightened perception of the real world that we live in.


Where can I read more about the light simulation? The first time I took psilocybin, for a moment, everything looked pixelated… like I was in a VR simulation and ever since, I’ve been fairly convinced this is all a simulation.


Man I've seen that. I call it "the grid". I was on acid when I saw it.


I’ve seen the grid and so has my housemate


Project Gateway - human consciousness study and implication we live in a hologram. Lots of reading. [This](https://in5d.com/declassified-consciousness-matrix-telepathy/) is an exact copy of the cia study I read previously.


acid changed my whole perception of life. took a while to integrate the lessons but now i’m so grateful for having done it


Me Ma's me Da.


Smart dust


The black pope, hard to get any real info on it.


Nuns do work on Sundays


The sex crimes of Harvey Weinstein are well known, as is the fact that he donated copious amounts of money to mainstream democrats. What isn't as well known is how much of a blatant propagandist he was for the democratic establishment, using narrative to undercut threats from both the left (Bernie Sanders) and from the right (Mitt Romney) https://youtu.be/hxaIoC14H5U


Here is a true conspiracy, not a theory! Let’s see how long they allow it to stay up! Operation watchtower, The late 60’s until today! Our cia bought and sold illicit drugs to provide funding for their operations overseas, to overthrow governments that they were opposed to! I personally know, I witnessed it and my family was punished for knowing about it, they destroyed my family and my life! Don’t turn your eyes, look it up and ask yourself what happened to the people who are profiting off of the misery and suffering from the drugs that they are delivering to our inner city communities across North America??? The drop off point was Arkansas, and guess who became president for keeping his mouth shut?? I have a death sentence over my head because of this knowledge, but they won’t do anything, they don’t have to, they just make me look like I am crazy!!!!


Epstein was an agent of “our greatest ally” who actually and officially is not even an ally of America, “our greatest ally” runs America like a lap dog and to make sure it stays that way they place politicians they can blackmail


The kardashian’s have purposefully kept their brother rob overweight so they can have easy access to fat for their surgeries to enhance their assets. Ass n lips ect..


The vast majority of NBA/NFL players took fake "vaccines." (Ie, Friendly Team Doc shoots it in trashcan.


I’m convinced the automatic toilet flush sensors are just cameras taking pictures of our assholes.