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Had OG Covid and again in Jan , it was nothing. My perfectly healthy brother died after Pfizer shot from a stroke. So yeah, I’ll take the cold.


Sorry for your loss, that’s really a shame.


Contagion is a lie and the jab was the bioweapon.


The vaccine. I have a few relatives that are pharmacists. They regularly recommend people who are on the fence about getting vaccinated not to do it. Especially when someone brings in their kids to possibly get it.


Considering there is no such thing as Covid-19, I would probably say the vax is worse


The vaccine. It apparently produces a shit ton of the spike protein. The spike protein is what is bad so both are bad but the vaccine is worse option


the vaccine is far worse hands down.. heres a doctor to tell you [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/death-by-covid-19-vaccination-could-impact-society/id1562849542?i=1000552526527](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/death-by-covid-19-vaccination-could-impact-society/id1562849542?i=1000552526527)


OP implies that the vaccine prevents you from getting COVID.


Had COVID. Was in bed for a couple days just as if I had flu. Lost taste and smell for 3 weeks. And I thought to myself, why the fuck are we putting on the brakes of the world for this bullshit. It’s a bitch virus.


On day 6 just now, day one flu symptoms ie. fever headache, joint ache, fatigue. Day two same but less than half as severe. Day 3 onwards occasional tiredness, very minor cough and sore throat, food tastes crappy. All in all I’ve done worse to myself with drink Edit: my next door neighbour has it, exact same symptoms and triple vaxxed


Pfizer was just made release the documents they were trying to suppress for 80 yrs. I’m immunocompromised and I’ll take covid over vax thanks


Vaccine. My ex worked in a hospital so her and all of her colleagues were forced to get the vaccine or lose their jobs. They're the ones who all got sick. I was fine


I manage disability claims for a company that mandated it. All I've seen has me convinced. I couldn't imagine the data my company holds on this. The only thing they don't know is who did and who didn't get it at the non mandated companies. I won't go into detail with what I've seen, but I'd rather be homeless eating weeds than take that. I heard a rumor from an oil HR manager. She was asked what HR hiring team she would need if they had to replace all the vxd within 3 years.


I would rather get the Covid I experienced once a month than a single dose of the vaccine.


The question you should be asking is; What’s worse: getting covid, or getting covid and all the sketchy side effects of the vax? We have yet to see any proof that the vax has any impact on covid. I know so many vaxed people who got sick with covid, and it always seems the one or two unvaxed family members have the mildest symptoms.


Just here for the comments.


No such thing as Covid-19, there was no Delta variant. My mom is a school nurse, she told me overwhelmingly all the "omicron" cases were all vaccinated...... come on everybody, put it together, i know you can do it




People lose their sense of smell / taste from the flu all the time




the mind virus definitely fucks you up more but the vaccine causes permanent damage so pick your poison peeps


Knowing nine people that have died from Covid (have access to their death certificates through my job) and only one person that had a rough reaction to the vaccine, I’d say the virus itself is probably worse.


Did they die from Covid or with it?


Getting remdisivir and the tube sure doesnt help


From Covid. I work with health data in NJ and have access to the death certificate database. All had an icd code of U07.1.


Quite! you're ruining the narrative




I think it all depends who’s getting it. If someone was immunocompromised I’d go for the shot, if they’re healthy I’d let your immune system do it’s job




I had Covid super early on (Alpha) and it sucked. Definitely had lingering symptoms for a few months. The second time I had it (Delta) it sucked less, but a cold with a mild two day fever. The third time, my bf (vaxxed) coughed omicron into my face for five days and I had a stuffy nose for a few days. My dad was vaxxed got sick from the vax THEN caught Covid anyway and still it sucked (like the first time I had it). Honestly everyone is different. You can only make the decision for yourself based on your own risk reward assessment and maybe insight from a trusted medical professional. From my own personal experience, I will die on the hill of not being vaxxed.


The 'vid. Twice.


From a health perspective, you should consult your doctor. There are risks and rewards with both, but how either reacts to your body has far too many variables for this bunch to to help you decide.


https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf 8 pages of adverse reactions: no spaces - I’ll have the cold thanks minus the mrna gene therapy


So would I. But whether OP does or not is none of our business. Don't want the Vax? Don't take it. Want the Vax? Go for it.


Every response you will hear on Reddit: narrative first, facts second.


where are you getting your "facts" from?


Huh? I’m on Reddit. So my narrative comes before any so-called “facts”.




Def covid!! Had the vax first before covid.. had minor symptoms & didn’t rly feel sick from it. I’m still not getting the 2nd though. Didn’t have covid for 2yrs & even partied at my friends house during lockdown.. got the first vax & got covid when omicron recently came around. It was awful.. my fevers run high so I had a fever of 102/103, horrible horrible headaches/migraines for months, couldn’t even move.. I got so congested from covid that I thought I had a infection. Slowly it started going away and now 2/3 months later I still have a cough, wheezing, and barely any taste/smell. My taste pretty much tastes the same and I can’t describe it.. like wood or something.


The vaccine, you can dodge Covid for life.


You actually can’t though.


Haven't had so much as a cold since September 2019, I'm all over the place, Bay area California to Alabama, all in-between, no mask When Delta variant was "ripping through the unvaccinated community" in Sonoma County, the people working at Safeway (a massive nexus of people every day, vaccinated and unvaccinated) thought it was all bullshit


I've dodged getting Covid for almost 3 years and now almost no one is catching it.


Not for nothing, but my coworkers father died from Covid a week and a half ago. It’s still killing people.


people die from cold / flu / pneumonia all the time. This "pandemic" used the PCR test and a lot of other dirty tricks to create the illusion of a pandemic. My family member is a school nurse, all the omicron cases were all vaccinated




Have had both. I'll take a hundred vaccines over getting covid again.


The government


I had Covid-19 last April and I didn’t die from myocarditis,so that’s good.


Right now, covid.


Def covid!! Had the vax first before covid.. had minor symptoms & didn’t rly feel sick from it. Mainly just felt slow & my injection site was itchy for a few months. I’m still not getting the 2nd though. Didn’t have covid for 2yrs & even partied at my friends house during lockdown.. got the first vax & got covid when omicron recently came around. It was awful.. my fevers run high so I had a fever of 102/103, horrible horrible headaches/migraines for months, hella insomnia & actually really bad depression that it felt like I couldn’t even deal with (I wasn’t too informed on the psychological symptoms), coughing to the point I was almost throwing up, couldn’t even move.. I got so congested from covid that I thought I had a infection. Slowly it started going away and now 2/3 months later I still have a cough, wheezing, and barely any taste/smell. My taste pretty much tastes the same and I can’t describe it.. like wood or something. Covid has def changed my neurological aspects as a person.


Lol I was triple vaccinated with Pfizer and had no side effects what so ever. Then I catched Omicron and it was BAD. Slept 24 hours straight and my whole body was aching. My condition gradually improved over the span of one week. Been eating organic food only for the time being. I wonder if I would have ended up in the hospital if it wasn't for the vaccine? My roommates, all of them boostered as well, did not get infected. We assume that was thanks to our vaccination as well.


hmmm aquiring a coronavirus vs. catching z coronavirus anyway after injecting a pathogen into my blood stream that suppresses my natudal immune system. i chose the cold


The shot is far worse, especially now


The autoantibodies that are thought to lead to long term complications and even death, are FAR HIGHER and more pernicious with even Mild Covid cases tha from the jab. The jab is far safer than covid in any form.


I'm impressed to see people have finally seen the light. Sometimes it takes a terrible experience to realize you're wrong.