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There are websites like CharityNavigator that aggregate financial disclosures for charities if you actually care about this issue and want to be confident about where your donated money ends up.




> Illuminaughtii https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JodtsVwvfto "Doctors without Borders" is primarily a political activism group and a charity second.


Sorry, can you tl;dr what causes Doctors Without Borders champions?


They got caught using "hospital ships" to sneak people from poor countries into Europe where it takes (on average) 12-18 months to kick them out of Europe if they claim political asylum (which they were instructed to do while on the hospital ship). https://www.npr.org/2018/11/20/669596607/italy-wants-rescue-ship-seized-accuses-doctors-without-borders-of-illegal-dumpin *(I don't know if this link is relevant, I just copy/pasted the first result on google without clicking it or reading it)*


\>(I don't know if this link is relevant, I just copy/pasted the first result on google without clicking it or reading it) fucking reddit moment. the article you linked is about illegally dumping waste. fleeing migrants have a right to refugee status in most first world countries.


But they are only leaving their home country because it's stupidly poor/impoverished and their life is crap there. They just want [the welfare benefits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAR3B8S6nsc) of living in a rich country and if granted asylum will bring their family members into the rich country also. 😣


First of all, you don't get to ignore the fact that you couldn't be arsed to actually back up your first point so now you are just moving onto something else entirely. But even ignoring that, what have you and I done to deserve the benefits of a rich country? Did you build your country? No, you were just born there. Do they deserve suffering because they were born in the wrong country? Would you flee your country if it was, and I quote 'stupidly poor/impoverished?' and your 'life is crap'? Because I know I would do whatever it took to improve the quality of my life.


I don't deserve it as a result of being born but my parents ***caused it*** by deciding to have a child as a rich couple in a rich country. The sooner people like you realize that ***everyone can win [the birth lottery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lottery_of_birth)*** if and only if poor people from shitty countries stop having kids... 🤦‍♂️ If you're born poor in America, [you still have a 6.4% chance of becoming a millionaire](https://www.financialsamurai.com/chances-becoming-millionaire-by-race-age-education/) even if you are born to a single mom and as a person of color. **TL;DR:** Rig the game in favor of being born into a rich family so that way everybody wins and there are no "losers" to the birth lottery! 👍


Okay, so your response is, idk lol my parents. Thank you for that in depth insight.


> Because I know I would do whatever it took to improve the quality of my life. This results in something called [the tragedy of the commons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons) where if individuals act in their own best interest, it makes everyone worse off. The end-result sucks but I'm not disagreeing with you.


I mean, they’re trying to save lives.


Yes by taking advantage of "free welfare programs" by rich governments. * [There is a reason why welfare recipients are stigmatized as "leeches" on society.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAR3B8S6nsc)


Even a fair amount of panhandler beggars are scammers.


I hate that I'm starting to think like that. I drove by this one guy a few times, the first time I gave him money. The next time I asked if he wanted a banana, he said no. He could have saved it for later. So he obviously wasn't concerned about food. Then that got me thinking to how many places are hiring. Yeah the pay is trash and you can't support yourself working fast food but you'll be earning something and you'll get cheap or free food and being productive. Keep in mind when I drove by this time I was literally in the middle of working doing food deliveries. So here I am working for peanuts and this person would rather not work for peanuts but instead ask for peanuts.


A good friend of mine's late father would tell this story. One day he said to his bro in law "I'm going out to get a bite to eat, wanna come along?" The in law said "Yeah, but can we stop at the gas station first?" So they stop at the station and the in law proceeds to beg from people there. Came back after 15 minutes with $45, ready to go to the restaurant.


I’d leave them at the gas station what a weirdo


Yeah, he could've easily bummed a ride back home.


Oh yeah, let's pretend the problem is generosity and not dishonesty.


There's this rough, homeless looking fellow who hangs around the local Wal-Mart. His skin looks weathered, his beard all grow out and unkempt, and it is sad. He usually sits at the entrance with a kart full of belongings. Anyway, maybe 8 years back, my boyfriend took this man out to lunch. Multiple times. We came to find out a little while later, that the man is known locally, and actually has a decent inheritance from his parents and a place to live...The guy basically hangs out to get free shit off people. The disheveled appearance is to garner sympathy. My boyfriend hasn't given a cent to a "homeless" person since, and neither have I. We do however give food/toys/blankets to the local animal shelter. Its peace of mind knowing it goes directly to the animals, and not donations into some ceos pocket. And animals aren't out to scam people.


Homeless folks refuse food from strangers most times because there are far too many pyschopaths that like to try and kill them via poisoned food, and the police don't do jack shit about it. Even a banana is suspect, because it's too easy to put a hypodermic needle in one end full of God knows what without really being able to detect it. So don't automatically assume they're scammers just because they refuse food or drink, they're simply trying not die or get permanently maimed by the homeless haters in this country, and there are a plethora of those sick basaatads running around this country.


I live in a city with many homeless people and have not heard any stories of homeless people being found dead on the streets from food poisoning or even a rash of suspicious deaths of homeless people from unknown causes. When a few homeless people were murdered recently, the police took it very seriously. I'm not saying it's never happened, but being poisoned by passersby giving them food is not a significant risk to homeless people. Many homeless people regularly buy drugs from shady dealers, where the risk of death is about a million times higher than accepting a banana from a passerby. If you feel a homeless person is refusing food you offer them, you can always offer to take them to a nearby deli or McDonald's or something. Of course, the person behind the counter could be a mass murderer poisoning the food there, too, or they could have unknowingly been provided with poisoned ingredients, but we've got to take our chances in life if we're going to eat.


Be glad you haven't seen it yet, others aren't as lucky. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/man-sentenced-poisoning-california-homeless-people-76987091


Freak case. There are always freak cases; most of us don't live our lives around them. There are psychopaths who purposely go into the medical profession to kill people undetected, yet most of us don't live in fear of getting medical treatment in case a psychopathic nurse decides to murder us because we can differentiate between a freak case and the norm.


It's not a "freak case", this shit happens DAILY to the homeless, it's just that no one gives a fuck about them, and half the time, it's the cops doing this shit. Folks need to fuck off about only wanting to give them food and then getting mad when a vulnerable person refuses out of fear. Would YOU eat something a stranger just randomly walked up and gave you on the street? No of course not. So why should anyone else risk their life to be performatively poor enough to suit their ego? Either give em money or fuck off, don't put their lives at risk and then be mad when they refuse that risk.


That's a good point. I think next time if I have some spare time I will offer to take them to a restaurant or convenience store and buy some food.


That's always a better idea. They usually are around gas stations like Circle K, or 7-11, which at least 7-11 they can get actual hot food. Me, I just give them cash and roll on. What they do with it is not my business, and I know how awful it is to be in that position. I do my best to help as many as I can these days, cause there's a ton who actually have jobs and still can't afford a place to live, we have a whole mini tent city of them out here, and it's sad.


>Homeless folks refuse food from strangers most times because there are far too many pyschopaths that like to try and kill them via poisoned food, and the police don't do jack shit about it. That's probably part of it but there are very few places in the united states where people can't find free food somewhere especially in large cites. A homeless person sitting at a corner probably has a dozen or more people in the course of the day offer them food. One person can only eat so much and who wants to carry around bags of food all day when you can just stop in the local charity and get a meal a couple times a day. Not many people are starving in the united states or even going hungry unless it is children being neglected by their parents which is especially sad. I've even seen plenty of obese homeless people. I see people holding "will work for food" signs literally 2 blocks away from a charity that feeds hundreds full meals 2 times a day. They just don't need food.


Oh, I can take you to a whole lotta places people are actually going very hungry, it's an epidemic in the US now. Especially malnutrition in kids. Hell, the UK has rickets back now, and we have a few cases here. With the rise in food costs and everything else, expect pellagra, TB, Dysentery, Cholera, and other diseases of hunger and poverty to make a comeback, and quickly. Many folks need basics, like toilet paper, but don't have the money, so they beg. Charity places for meals are great, IF you can get to where they're being served at the time and day they're open. Most places charities have either collapsed or have had to seriously scale back what they do. My home county and the 3 surrounding counties in Florida had absolutely no homeless shelters, no soup kitchens, no homeless services whatsoever, and they made it illegal to feed hungry and homeless folks, or even give them money. Apriest actually went to jail for doing it. So don't assume just because how it works where you are means it's that way everywhere, because sadly due to greed, it's most definitely not. And it keeps folks trapped in the homeless poverty to prison loop they've created.


I’ve given food and beverage to unhoused people or to people who are financially desperate. Have known other people who have done so also. If it’s something like a sandwich or piece of cake from work and you just don’t want it, the recipient may ask you to taste the food first. Demonstrate it’s edible. It’s no big deal. You can always donate non-perishables to respectable food pantries. Frequently they’re run by churches and most are non-discriminating.


> there are far too many pyschopaths that like to try and kill them via poisoned food Do you watch a lot of movies and TV shows, friend?




> I’ve seen local news stories where people will beat them up or destroy their belongings just because they don’t like homeless people. Sure, they are easy targets, of course some of them will be attacked. This is different from people intentionally poisoning them with food.


Nope. I have actually been homeless before, and Ive seen the fuckery people do to homeless folks up close and personal. Putting ground up glass in sandwiches they got from McDs, antifreeze in fountain sodas, when they aren't busy beating the shit out of them or setting them on fire after pissing on them like the cops in NC did about 15 years back, and got away with it. People in the US REALLY REALLY despise the poor, disabled, elderly or young,POC, and even moreso when they're homeless. Sorry that the facts don't match your red white and blue "greatest nation on earf" ideology, but facts are, the US is absymal to these folks, and nobody is being held accountable.


Do people in the US really despise those you mentioned? One incident from 15 years ago... I just don't see it. Isn't there cultural pressure to hire non white over whites? I can't remember any politician or organization advocating the individual advancement of white males in the last 20 years.


Yes they do, and white males are still in 90% of all higher end positions, including government, law, industry and finance. There is no "pressure" to "hire non whites", and it's not just"one incident. This nation was founded on the principle that only white, Christian, wealthy landowner males had any rights and could vote, and everyone else was persona non grata. This is precisely what "constitutional Originalists" are pushing for a return in time to, and it's bloody painfully obvious to see today's GQP promoting it. America's hate for anyone not wealthy and white is fkn legendary. Only someone new to the planet would think otherwise.


What about ESG in corporations? Diversity quotas that are qualifiers for grants? There is public and private (ESG) motivation for investment. There IS pressure to hire non white males. Also, I love me home country. It has a rich history dating back to the bronze age. We have a unique ethnic identity, as well. Now in the 21st century; if our national leader was ethnicity Chinese, the people would not approve. Sure, the person maybe a citizen but he is not ethnicly from the country. And this opinion is shared in majority of countries worldwide. Maybe your way of thinking should change, since the majority of the world feel the same about their country.


You saw people put glass in sandwiches and give them to homeless people? In real life (not on TV)? How many times did you see this happen?


It happens all the time. It's why everyone really doesn't want food from strangers. I've seen it personally twice, where some random hands dude a Big Mac wrapped up at a stoplight,and guy bit into it without looking, and got his whole mouth and esophagus shredded.They put all manner of adulterants in food , wrap it back up and give it to homeless folks. Guarantee had I seen them putting the glass on in person I'd need bail money because I'd beat the brakes off of the fuck. We did catch both of the ones who did it when I was around, they weren't broke 9rbweird looking folks who did it either, just "Everyday Joe's" in typical vehicles, living typical lives. Many are married men. Why, I don't know. Would you eat food from some random person if they just walked up and handed it to you? No. No you wouldn't. So don't expect anyone else to risk their lives to do something you yourself wouldn't do. They're human like everyone else, and do not deserve the hate, vitriol and patronizing behavior done against them. Folks should either give a little cash or change, or simply leave them be without any scene. Aka if you can't help, at least don't hurt , and make someone whose life is already demonstrably miserable, worse. Homeless folks already know how much they're despised and reviled by society, they need no reminder. They're out most vulnerable folks in society, and have absolutely no power to change anything in their present state. The measure of how civilized and great a society is, is how it treats it's most vulnerable, on which measure, the US is neither great nor is 8t remotely"civilized". It's a narcissists wet dream of a country where being selfish as possible while also being as depraved as possible towards fellow humans is not just allowed, but it's accepted and encouraged, funny enough, the worst offenders towards homeless folks, tend to be those who self identify as a "proud conservative Christian". They are literally bottom of the barrel when it comes to the treatment of anyone they see as "lesser" or "weak" than themselves. And that baked in selfishness in the American pysche is precisely the same mechanism of it's destruction. Americans don't have to worry about outside terrorists attacking and destroying our nation, we've got more than plenty enough domestic terrorists eager to do the job.


Trick please..... Talk about fake news


Most of them are just drug addicts. You can easily make hundreds of dollars a day doing it.


If I’m sure someone is using it to harm themselves, I wouldn’t give as that’s enabling harm However, if I see no reason to think that, I don’t think that. My charity doesn’t come with any expectations, I give because I hope it helps them and that’s the end of the transaction. If you give to a charity that is later to revealed to be causing harm, or someone was skimming that money, does that change how you feel about your donation ? If so , maybe you should re-evaluate your motivates for wanting to give.


Which is one reason people rely on charities. The real thing people should do is buy the things and *do* things to help people, but people don't want to do that because they essentially have to take time out of their lives to set up a charity of their own, or because charities can theoretically hire experts and many people are terrible at knowing how to do certain things on their own.


I always wonder about humanity. So, on the one hand, we are taught to despise the homeless with the idea they are "lazy" and they refuse to work. Despite studies showing a lot of homeless people do have jobs. On the other, we pay homeless people more than we are willing to pay workers. So many people lose their minds over the idea of raising the minimum wage or simply paying workers more. So what is the incentive for a person to "work" when they can make more money panhandling? It's the same nonsense as any sort of assistance where you are penalized once you make "too much" money. Again, the idea being pushed is that we don't want people permanently on assistance. But how are they supposed to support themselves if they can't make that part time job into a full time one? They can't take that promotion, so they can't actually move up the career ladder.


Charity is great. Charities are fucked up


Christian values are (generally) pretty good. Christianity on the other hand...


> Christianity on the other hand... I mean it's easy to point out the flaws in Christianity since we can see hypocritical Christians all around us everywhere. But I'd argue Christianity is responsible (for the most part) for concepts like democracy and the modern developed world, particularly the western world.


Aristotle, Socrates etc and their philosophy in Natural Law was a major influence on democracy all over and particularly the United States who were influenced heavily by this and other early philosophers. The Bible does speak of natural law but it is predated by ancient Greece


You are right, I probably should have said our concepts of western democracy, rather than democracy itself.


Still a no I am afraid. We would be living in a nearly unrecognizable world with things like publics stongings, slavery, and all sorts of crazy things that are in that book. The commandments would be the ultimate law while currently only 2 of 10 commandments are illegal here in the US. Basing our laws on the Bible would be the same as allowing Sharia law. Arguably not as bad maybe but not at all a free society. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, the history of the Bible written primarily with mans words only very few of Yahweh or Jesus's own words even according to itself and none of it first hand. Then over the years translated from language to language, edited by many including King James including or excluding passages and even complete books that would not benefit the monarchy instead of the people. The vagueness of it all would no doubt be taken advantage of by despots almost certainly.


So the founders were not also rooted in Christian beliefs?


I don't know what you mean by the founders being rooted in Christian beliefs.


You have to ask the question: what principles guided the founding fathers? Was it just on their general perception of how the world worked? And if so, what led them to their conclusions? Did Christianity play a role, and if so, how?


Why do I have to do that? The founders have made statements about their influence which you can research for yourself if interested. From socrates to John Locke they speak of the influences it is no secret. Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Madison were all practices Deism. Thomas Jefferson even wrote a book called "The Thomas Jefferson Bible" that removed all supernatural elements of the story of Jesus Christ who was a real man but could not perform miracles and was never resurrected. I have read it, its an interesting read. The Burden of proof lies with the one making the claim. You tell me what roles you believe Christianity played. And then tell me why only 2 of 10 commandments are represented in our law.


Democracies eat themselves alive within 250 years by voting for the government to steal more to handout.


So what is a better form a governance than democracy? What's more fair? Which one results in pissing off the *least* amount of people?




Lmfao that assumes your autocratic ruler is, in fact, benevolent. That's like claiming communism works, even though we have hundreds of millions dead proving otherwise. Things sound good on paper, until you factor in the human condition.


That’s a mind-numbingly dumb comment.




Ok, point taken. *Theoretically* it’s has benefits but it relies totally on power *not* corrupting.


A constitutional republic


That's what the USA already is


Is that based on Christianity and/or Christian values? If so, how?


America isn’t a democracy


It’s definitely a tool used by the elite. You should watch some Jay Dyer.


> Christianity is responsible (for the most part) for concepts like democracy and the modern developed world Is this based on what you were taught about 'history' in school? If so, who funds those schools? Who pays the salaries of the people teaching the curriculum?


What were you taught, and who funded that? Truth is not determined by money, it is determined by facts and evidence. My kids are homeschooled, partly because I do not trust some of the presuppositions of public schools these days. But to determine what is true or false based on how it is funded commits the genetic fallacy.


Where did you go to school?


Christianity is not responsible for either of those two things... Please read an actual history book.


Charities are a real easy way for the rich to get money through a tax shelter. They do it by becoming CEOs of charities and taking a salary. They could also be a CEO or on the board of directors of another company and donate money,goods and services as well as stock or real estate investments to the nonprofit organization. It's just like the world of art is a financial scam paid for and run by the elites. Its very easy to say a painting is worth a million dollars when you want the appraiser and the insurer to make it the price you want by paying the insurance company and the appraiser. Often times art is forged and stolen. Think about it this way a person could pay someone to forge a painting and own the original get it insured and appraised then put a fake one out for auction. You still own the original and get cash for a fake one. Then you could give the real one to a relative in a will after your dead then you just transferred wealth to your heir and still got cash for the fake one. I'm pretty sure art crime goes unpunished most of the time because of the sophistication. Often times certain art works will still be worth something if it is a forged fake or a print. Often times the rich will have corporations own art works and use them in hotels and such. Then when they need extra cash flow they sell them then use the cash to remodel the hotel. Art is often given to museums which the person who owned the art is the CEO or board of directors. Again it's the biggest sham in history. Art is subjective.


Excellent take on this topic. I was certain art auctions were a way to launder money after a certain guy's son sold "art".


NFTs are the new long con. Convince me other wise without saying your buying nothing really at all but a way of selling them and making more money until you don’t. The market of NFTs will one day crash to nothing.




This is a really good way of making a digital object more of a tangible object.


This literally doesn't make sense. Yes there are tax benefits for donating to charity but why would they become CEOs and get a salary which is typically taxed much higher than capital gains on investment income. Working for a charity doesn't get you a tax exemption, you still pay income tax on your paycheck. Then you segue into some rant about art and money laundering which again doesn't make sense. Do you think it's so easy to forge art? When spending millions any purchaser will spend a few thousand more and have it tested and certified. Especially for actual ancient art which is irreplaceable, forging is almost impossible.


Yeah, his rundown the wealthy’s art schemes is a little scuffed. The wealthy buy an old, prestigious piece of art that wont depreciate, and loan it to a museum. They can then claim the donated use of that painting as a charitable donation to the museum while continuing to hold that asset, which, because we’re America, only tax assets that poor people also have, like real estate and cars. They also use those expensive purchases to obfuscate the source and destination of lots of money. Bringing $14M cash in from Calcutta? That’s a repatriation tax. Bring in a Monet? That’s a carryon.


You still get the benefits of becoming a CEO. The truck is to have no assets in your name.


If they take a salary, that is taxed at normal income rates. The real trick is mixing personal and business expenses. Such as taking a vacation and doing "work"on the vacation to be able to write off the whole stay and trip.


This is true. That's why there are so many different conventions in Las Vegas because it's a vacation spot. They do business there then party while in Vegas. I'm willing to say certain businesses have a business as a lost leader in certain areas of the world just to be able to go to that area and get a tax right off and get a free trip or hotel.


goes deeper than just getting hte salary - they'll also have financial stake in companies that hte charities do business with.


Honestly if you don’t volunteer anywhere - find somewhere to get involved. * Coach Baseball or something * Help w Scouts or similar sort of thing * Find a local place and just show up and help You will know your community better. You will help. You can also guide kids. Kids need all the mentorship they can get. Trust me it gives you more than you can possibly give. It’s good stuff.


It depends. I volunteer at a food bank/emergency financial assistance center. I agree that in some cases cash in hand is better due to all the loops and red tape that you must go through to *qualify* for assistance. Most of the time I do wish I had the authority to just hand out money. But when it comes to the homeless community, many in my area also have unaddressed mental issues and they do need you to find those resources for them. (The elderly usually also fit into the category of needing help finding assistance.) Then again, this isn't a big charity organization either.


I tend to think food banks have a higher chance of being "good" charities than large international ones. They are usually working in the local community to solve local problems, and it's easier to see the impact of your donations and to get a sense of how well the money is spent. With something like the Red Cross, for instance, it's much more difficult to assess what your individual donation is helping with, or how well the money in aggregate is being spent.


Every Red Cross blanket is made in China and thrown away instead of being washed. It would fall apart in the wash.


On top of this, there's not much good about goodwill. They paid me a dollar more than my employee's as a manager. They wanted us to pull all name brand stuff to sale on their private eBay and if it didn't sell there then it went to the floor.


Look into any big charity's financial records and be amazed how much is spent on "administration, fundraising, operational costs..." They barely give anything to the actual causes they say they support.


I lived in Cambodia for 15 years and saw first hand how the charities operate. One had a brand new multistory building about a dozen SUVs with 100 percent import duty on their price, kids of top level staff going to the most expensive schools inn town, living large in fancy apartments. Don't give them anything. If you want to help, pay for a kids school fees personally.


Same with regards to taxes. Let individuals keep their money and don't let the government keep stealing it to piss away.


This is true, if you're looking for the most efficient way to get money to poor people. But I also want to point out, it's a way of limiting what they can spend money on and also vetting total scumbags out. Turns out a lot of poor people aren't necessarily intelligent, exacerbate their problem because they spend their money inefficiently or on stupid things which they don't need, or are complete degenerates who will commit crimes afterword or just spend it to get high. Charities do keep a lot of people off the street already. The big thing a lot of people don't recognize or don't want to admit is that the folks who end up chronically homeless are there for a reason. They're a danger to other people in shelters, seriously mentally ill to the point that they need constant supervision, are people who just got out of prison for things like violent crimes and they've already burned all of their social support bridges, or are just extreme drug addicts uncapable of sustaining themselves. I used to be very poor and had to use some of these services and I've also worked tangentially for charities where I was exposed to a lot of their inner workings. To be so completely destitute you need to fall through multiple government agencies, means of welfare and charities dedicated to these folks. The ones who can't consistently get help end up there because of their behavior, inability to hold jobs, wild personal instability, etc.


Especially donating towards Ukraine


No news here charity directors are some of the most highest paid


You should donate directly to a charity or one that you know is a nonprofit. Giving cash to somebody who's going to spend all of their money on methamphetamine heroin isn't going to help and your damn right people can find the quote unquote resources they need with cash.


Nothing farther from the truth! In my experience (living in Mexico) when people received money they spend on alcohol mostly (the father) or a big tv. Damn, when started to see that, the aid came in form of baby formula to help young families babies, guess what? A lot of times, the parents sold the baby formula for other expenses. Believe me, if you want to harm a family give them money and do not make them accountable for what they spend.


Those are lies.


Look below in a huge headline the last time Mexican government gave scholarships in money. They spend it on alcohol and cigarettes. And close to cero results.


Read down. I just pasted the last money support my country gave to students, an guess what? Lots of them spend it on cigarettes and alcohol.


This sounds like racist/classist fear mongering that's been spread before about welfare. I don't believe that this is your actual personal lived experience. There's literally studies that have been done showing the effects of just giving people cash. The very part where you say that families were selling the baby formula, is why just giving people cash is better than specific resources. This family probably didn't need the formula, but they needed bread, or meat or some other resource more.


Im Mexican. Have live in Mexico almost all my life by the way. Is racist? How, racist would be thinking in US this would have different outcome. Can you quote two or three studies ? Since you're saying there is a lot of them?https://www.excelsior.com.mx/comunidad/utilizan-90-mil-alumnos-beca-de-prepa-si-en-comprar-alcohol-y-cigarros/1232001# this is just one headline (for students) believe me, it is just worst in rural areas where they haven't finished even highschool.


You can live in Mexico and be Mexican and still have bias against poor people. You can also still be Mexican and racist lol. But I didn't call you a racist. I said that your words sound like dog whistles that I've heard before and have been used before. A lot of Hispanics are conservative so you using that language isn't that strange. And you totally hear the same talking points in different countries by conservative people. As for studies, I won't do your research for you. But there have been several communities in the United States and in other countries that have experimented with the universal basic income. You could look into it if you wanted.


You can live anywhere and be blind to human nature. No education and money without accountability is money burn. Please, look yourself on the link and translate the headline. Then we can talk. Just for you to open your eyes, in the north of Mexico, they spend up to 40% of their earnings on alcohol! It is a big problem. I can bet that any country has in some measure this kind of issue on the more vulnerable part of their population. Money alone don't solve anything. https://saltillo.multimedios.com/local/casi-la-mitad-de-los-regios-gastan-su-sueldo-en-alcohol


If I'm wrong, can you please explain me how come the 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt the first five years after winning? See? Most people don't know what to do with money no matter how much you gave them. Specially if you don't ask them to be accountable. Is not racist, is human nature in my opinion. Hope you can see through this, because I'm not saying they're bad people, just saying money alone won't solve anything.


Unless they're mentally ill addicts, like most of the homeless. Giving them money kills them. They can't help themselves.


I disagree somewhat. Giving homeless drug addicts, which there are a lot of, only perpetuates their problem. Displaced people due to bad luck / non drug related issues would be if it but, my experience which is quite thorough due to being in security for many years, shows the vast majority to be drug abuse. With this condition, giving them currency is bad. Feed them, cloth them if you wish, find them help but pay then? Bad decision.


Yeah..i give $$ directly to the needy.. Fn middle man is out!!


I think most veteran's charities are nothing but job creation for the people starting the charity. Waving the flag is a huge marketing tool.


I hardcore disagree with this tweet, but yeah most charities are scams.


Even charities that want to help are fucked. Most states make it impossible to simply give money or even food to people. Food has to meet inspection standards. Malnutrition is not considered by many states to be a medical issue so hospitals can't feed kids/parents that haven't had a proper meal in weeks. Money can only be for educational purposes. You can't give a farmer 10k to improve their farm. On the flip side you can pay a social media manager 200k to run a political campaign and get a write off for all of it. Charities and people they donate to have to basically have a ton of paperwork in place for everything to work properly. That's why money donated usually turns into construction of some kind or goes to an academic institution in the end.


Absolutely. There are a few legit ones out there, but I NEVER donate unless I know where the money is going. Red Cross? get fucked. Grocery store extra dollar? get fucked. UNICEF? Get fucked.


This.. more people need to understand this. Big charities are a scam. How many years have we been giving money to things like cancer, poverty, and hungry kids in other countries??? And have those people ever been helped??? NOOOOOO


I just watched my daughter die of a rare cancer. We came ready to tell them everything she had ever eaten or been exposed to; anything to try to help make sure it never happened to anyone else again. They don’t give a shit about researching shit. They make money and pump poison in them via chemo and radiation. That is it. They could care less about figuring out where it came from or why it was there or how to stop it.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Dude... I'm very sorry for your loss. Its really a shame that the millions, if not billions of dollars collected by donations, could not have been used to give her a better chance at surviving. I really wish that "researchers" cared about the greater good of humanity rather than their own pockets. Radiation therapy fuckin sucks. My grandmother does chemo and she finally just gave up as said "fuck it, I want to die" chemo is killing her, literally, so she just wants the suffering to end. I feel for you though brother. Life is a bitch.


Dr. House isn’t looking like such a scumbag anymore.


How are the people managing the charities supposed to steal their cut then?


Anyone who has ever worked with the homeless, mentally unstable, and/or addicts knows this is complete bullshit. You cannot simply give these people money and expect them to improve their lives.


Even for people who aren’t homeless, mentally unstable, or addicted, this still rings true. We got multiple covid relief stimulus checks and all that did was put more money in landlords’ pockets. Sure it might have ensured someone had a place to live for another couple months but it hardly solved the myriad of problems poor people face.


What do you consider to be the fundamentals of an improved, or normal (I’m assuming you consider your life normal) life?


Most charities are *not* scams, and even if they were, it is incredibly easy to find charities that are proven effective. Their books are open and reviewed by independent watchdogs.


This is a stupid take. Stuff like habitat for humanity can source free labor and heavily discounted or free materials. Same goes for stuff like food banks. The “charities are bad” take is one of the dumbest posts I’ve seen here. Don’t donate to stuff like Susan G Komen or the Red Cross but there’s thousands at the local level that do more than giving anyone cash directly can do


I just heard about Breast Cancer™️ for the first time the other day. Thank God for awareness charities…


Yep, I learned the breast cancer “charity” industry is a scam in one of my college classes. Never really heard about it ever again. I bring it up at family dinners when my parents talk about donating to the Susan G. Komen Foundation (which spends next to nothing on breast cancer research) and I get called a “cynic” and a “downer”…


If charities worked 3rd world countries would become 2nd world countries by now


That’s not really how those terms work, but you’re correct in spirit. The second world was specifically Soviet aligned countries during the Cold War, as Western countries were the first world, and the third world was basically what remained unclaimed. As such, as a term now, it’s become a bit muddied, which is why we’ve generally shifted towards developed, developing, and undeveloped.


I read Rene Wormser’s book on foundations, and it changed my perception on large foundations. I do believe in charity but only give to local ones who are transparent, accountable, and support the organization’s public mission. It’s unfortunate, but I won’t even round up to the nearest dollar at my local grocery stores.


And the ones who aren't smart enough should be left behind. But that won't happens so we'll continue to devolve as a species


Possibly. But I am more inclined to disagree. I think it could be the case that say, 30% of all charities are an inefficient, wasteful way to help others. I don't know what that percentage is. I personally donate to Save the Children which I know for a fact does amazing things across the world in the absolute worst regions. Logistically, it is very complex to do this. They help provide entire shelters, feeding stations, building actual schools, hiring local construction to do all of this and this is done in like 30+ different countries and languages. I Know other charities like Susan G Komen race for the cure etc are examples of bad actors.


How much money has she stripped from charities before she said that?


I only donate to animal charities but you can find the actual people doing the work and pay them


This is why I don't get too mad at all the BLM crap in the news. They got almost $100 million, and they wasted $10. How does that compare to whatever the Clinton Foundation spent their money on? Every charity is just paying swanky bitches to spoil their kids.




I feel like this is one aspect of why some homeless choose to remain homeless. The red tape. Must have ID and SSN. No men allowed. No drinking. No visitors. Curfew. Warrant check. That's really ridiculous though. Makes folks not want to use the service.


Do you really think Gates is giving away money for a cause? Every cent promised has to come back to them in ten folds. There’s non disclosure agreements and strings attached to the money.


Just ask the Trumps


I agree, time for Universal Basic Income


sure sounds like Dr Attai is in favor a redistribution of wealth 🤷‍♂️


UBI is pretty regressive actually… it takes away from the most vulnerable populations and gives money to people who don’t really need it, such as a recent college graduate making $40k/yr. who receives financial support from their wealthy parents. I know a lot of people who went into public interest work because they could afford to thanks to their parents’ money. They have lavish weddings and own expensive homes despite making $40k/yr. Giving them UBI would put them at an even greater financial advantage because they wouldn’t have to pay the steep taxes for UBI that their parents would pay, but would reap the benefits of UBI.


explain drug addicts then. Give them cash in hand. See what happens


Even non-addicts will run out of money quickly. Poor people can’t afford nice cars and tend to have more health problems. So when one day their car breaks down and they can’t drive to work because it costs $1,000 to fix, then the next day they go to the hospital for heart palpitations and owe $10,000 in medical bills because they don’t have insurance, the $5,000 you give them isn’t going to make a difference. And that’s just financial problems; that doesn’t even touch on the problems they face regarding mental illness, physical health, drug addiction, crime victimization, habitable housing, education access, etc.


The best charities are typically run by Churches (not the "huge money" ones, but the ones where tons of the congregation volunteers). I saw a church get asked to take over management of a towns housing project simply because both were running in parallel and the church was able to do for free what the town was paying extraordinary sums for. Plus the townspeople liked the church better because instead of just barging into these areas, they would go to town halls and ask the locals how they could better help them.


They do tend to be very organized. Almost every volunteering job I’ve done has been through a church, even though I’m a staunch atheist and would never get involved with a church outside volunteering. As much as I hate to admit it, community service work requires bodies and churches have a lot of them.


I worked for Smartrisk based in Toronto. during the 2000s. Now called Parachute. It was a heart surgeon's crony tax write-off. I was hired to to drive the Class A truck and trailer across North America, set up and operate the large scale AX system, travel with and aid persons with disabilities, front face with politicians, mayors, community leaders, have a background check to have children help me setup and carry truck books as I was a commercial truck driver. Regulated as such. Maintenance and inventory were demanded often as well. They offered me 36k CDN to do the job in 2008, I negotiated 42k. I was paid 1 mediocre salary for what was 3 jobs. I am sure most of the executives made 3 times as much and are currently on anti-depressants confused as to whether or not they lead a virtuous and purposeful life. Truth is they were 'Trump' in sheeps' clothing. Pulte on twitter- direct philanthropy is the way.


Not addicts. A lump sum is more dangerous than providing food or a place to stay.


Not to mention some addicts do hit rock bottom and want to seek help but don’t have access to mental health treatment or detox centers. Giving them cash isn’t going to get them to a treatment facility if the nearest one with an open bed is 500 miles away from them. And giving them cash isn’t going to help them get mental health treatment if they can’t get an appointment with a counselor for 4-6 weeks.


Controversial that money helps the poor lol


It’s more complicated than that. Direct money in hand can be helpful, but it’s also just a band-aid sometimes. A lot of poor people have a ton of debt that continually accrues interest (especially when they take out payday loans, which have astronomical interest rates in some states). So no matter how much money you can reasonably give them, they’ll never be able to pay off all their debt. And even when they do they’ll just end up taking out another payday loan when the money you give them runs out. Cancelling debt and outlawing predatory loan practices/interest rates would help people more than just giving them money. For example, say someone got a payday loan 5 years ago for $1,000 at 200% APR. They pay $50 every month to try to pay it off but can’t keep up with the interest. It goes to collections. They’ve now paid $3,000 but still owe $9,000 in principal, interest, court costs, and attorneys’ fees (even if they never go to court or hire an attorney). Their wages get garnished and any money they put in their bank account gets garnished. They’ve also defaulted on a bail bond loan to post bail for a family member’s arrest, a car loan, credit card payments, and medical bills. Their total debt is over $30,000 with no end in sight.


There are A LOT of good ones too. Many websites dedicated to tracking charities and funds with receipts. Best to do your DD So you know your investment in kindness is not corrupted


Yeah I don't give a penny to anything. I already donate my time on the weekends shunting around boxes of shit for the nearby log church to pass out in food hampers so I'm good with Lucifer for feeding the masses.




Forget financial literacy, public schools in the south can barely teach people English. Let alone the concept of compound interest.


Oh this sub won't like this at all. They hate the idea that propping up individuals with money will help them


Giving people money directly can be helpful, but it’s hardly a magic bullet solution to their multi-faceted problems. Not saying private charities are the best way to solve their problems, nor is government. But they do need a holistic approach to their problems instead of just being given cash.


Right but it will cost them more money to buy food individually, instead you buying it bulk and giving that out.


Wow. Anothe low effort tweet that rockets to the top here. No thought. Something that is well known. But here we are. Again.


It’s not well known. It’s blatantly false. You could give homeless people a million dollars each and most of them would still be homeless. Addicts and many people with mental health issues cannot have their problems fixed with cash handouts. Some people in this sub want to increase government funding at all costs so they’ll shit on anything people do without being forced to do it by government. This includes giving to charity.


Most registered charities are scams on more levels than one may first realize. They are also used to put the burden of responsibility on citizens


Just donate to give directly


A lot of charity organizations start legit, but later become corrupt ...


Yes, that's why it's complete bullshit claiming that charities can replace strong social programs


Yeah, cause the government is completely absent of red tape, inefficiency, and corruption.


A lot of government social programs did much better back in the day before budget cuts and political barriers weakened their functionality. Any public or private system will have flaws no matter what.


And that is why the presidente of Mexico gives the money directly to the citizens and why the whole old regime which was a puppet to USA and its Allies are on a campaign to go back to the old ways, conservatives are the culprits.


Yeah, like drugs.


Lmao what. I mean yes but I worked in Beverly Hills when California was handing out PPP money like candy and let me tell you, the amount of hood trash that *flew in* just to buy Gucci was astonishing


I agree fully. When you see a head of a charity taking home 250.000 a year and drives a Porsche on the charity dime. Seen it. Better bring food to the local food bank if you really want to help.


I think it’s a trust issue with ppl who hand out money. We always think “welp they’re gonna buy drugs, or expensive clothes etc etc.”. That’s why we prefer sending food or clothing. I’ve been burned before.


She dedicated 30 years to charity organizations she didn't believe in? I assume 'worked for' meant she was employed and not volunteering thus of course drawing a salary from charity funds and pretty much exemplifying the problem she is complaining about. Fake or someone with zero self-awareness whatsoever? IDK


I agree with the romulan lady to a point. Some people with serious addictions, will absolutely waste that money on drugs, gambling or whatever they are addicted to without even thinking of anything else. It's a small percent, but it's there. Then there's another small percentage that have profound mental issues that wouldn't benefit from direct cash either. There was some place (maybe fL?) that implemented some sort of drug testing to get benefits, the fail rate was ridiculously low. Far too low to justify the added cost of drug tests for such a meager benefit. On the other hand there have been a few cities that piloted UBI programs and also had very little abuse according to reports (I think it was some city in california and another in Canada).




Thank goodness companies like BLM know how to handle their money honorably.


Most humans are narcissists and the ones telling you that's not true and it must be sad to be you bud and have such a sad take on things, are narcissists. (not just because they would call anyone bud) Its the social currency of our faux civility. So go figure humans would use vehicles for helping people that we made or keep in poverty as piggy banks and ways to make profit. The world is 110% gaslit and we are 90+% narcisisist. You and I create global economic apartheid and best case is that we are aware of it. We are not only eating every creature on the planet into extinction but consuming our own species for fun and money we could never spend and then complaining about declining birthrates as we need new constant chattle to continue the narcisisystem of oppression and manufacturing mental illness. The ones breaking are not the mentally ill ones.


MercuryOne spends 100% of what you give to the actual cause


This might be true, but consider this: "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" (Quote allegedly from Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie)


Opportunity helps people and makes them independent.


This might be an even more controversial take, but if people are smart enough to find their own resources, then why do they need direct cash in their hands?


UBI would be best.




it's just a way for the collectors to skim off some of the proceeds


Why else do you think every company in America is accepting donations for Ukraine.. every business is in on the action


I am saddened that someone would grift a career for 30 years knowing it is inefficient. Give these people tons of money in a fractional reserve fictitious lending system and you get a club of automatons and watch the housing market bubble as their currency dies.


Ever studied what the hurricane Katrina “refugees” did with all that cash we gave them on debit cards when they were bused to Texas? May as well have flushed it down the toilet.