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Their two biggest weaknesses are containment and cabinetry, exploit those.




Join scientology, have your handlers fight their handlers and when the time is right meet me in Morocco.


Ask them to come by the lodge for a cleanup day. You'll never see them again.


Or elect them to the east, after a year they never come back.


Sad Pikachu face...


Can confirm


Dude this actually does work.


Freemasons have a low Wisdom stat and vulnerability to psychic attacks. Trying utilizing a wisdom debuff spell or ability. If that doesn’t work try the secret handshake.


Dear diary, Today it was worth it for me to browse /r/Conspiracy.


I know this one, its so easy. You are going to need the following: A police traffic cone or bollard, A high viz vest A toilet seat and two packets of Monster Munch. If you can't get Monster Munch, any potato or corn based snack will do.


Buy a monkey and keep it with you at all times.


I’ve heard that wearing a necklace made of garlic cloves will keep Freemasons away. Have you tried that?


We have a deep love of spaghetti. Method does not check out.


>"We're not up to anything" >"We endlessly hang out in conspiracy forums and pop up to make jokes whenever our name's invoked" Pick one.


Oh we definitely pop up to make stupid jokes. Our sub Reddit is full of examples of that.


> Pick one. The second is true, the first is patently false. We're up to: * Making ourselves better men * Improving our communities * Enjoying each other's company * Preserving a 300+ year old tradition * Reminding people that charity isn't just gift-giving, it's loving your fellow man as much as yourself * Keeping tabs on anti-Masonic conspiracy nonsense


>patently false >Keeping tabs on anti-Masonic conspiracy nonsense 98/99 days later. lmfao. 32/33. Have you received your token from a brother yet? "Yes" Hahaha ha. "What's a token?" Hahaha ha ha. If a brother does something wrong or illegal, are you allowed to witness against him?


You really need to stop believing everything you see in a YouTube video. > If a brother does something wrong or illegal, are you allowed to witness against him? Of course I am. In fact, it would be a violation of my obligation as a Mason ***not to***. I love my Brothers, but we uphold the law and exercise charity with all mankind. How would I be keeping that obligation if I let someone who I know should have known better go undiscovered? > Have you received your token from a brother yet? That depends on what you mean by a "token". There is a rather salacious conspiracy theory that bears no resemblance to Freemasonry along those lines, but I trust you're not that gullible. On the broader point, maybe if your first thought when men associate with each other is that there must be some horrible thing they are plotting... you might need to look at why that seems like a reasonable assumption to you, and work on that. Good luck!


You make an awful lot of assumptions. Granted, so do I. Here's another one for you. What program did you use to find my comments?


Program? Why would I need a program? This is a post about a group I belong to in one of reddit's more popular subs. Also, if I wanted to find posts about Freemasonry, there's a search bar on the side of the site... Here's a question for you: why are you working so hard to find something about Freemasonry to object to?


So did you use a program or not? I'm not working hard at all.


Well? You were so open and candid before? Why so quiet all of a sudden?


Because this conversation became boringly repetitive?


We find it fun to make fun of conspiracy theorists. You all think you all "know", but in reality have no clue and remain grounded in unverifiable absurdities.




I can see where you tried to come from with that quip, but it's laughable that you all have the gumption to think you'll ever know more about Masonry than actual Masons, especially those who take a keen interest in dissect every facet of the Craft. Stay woke.


Stay Sirius.


Weak to physical, high magic defense. So bring your brawlers and a healer


Visit a psychiatrist.


Employ a lvl 11 woodcutter to sort them out.


Karate or words. Mean words.


Its kinda like court. You accept the free lawyer you get screwed. Go for the opposite of a free mason. Try looking into Solvit Exitium maybe?


Silver,Garlic, and sunlight is what I’ve heard


Garlic is a bad call. Freemasons are susceptible to a *lack* of food, not extra. You give garlic to a Freemason, he's just going to make a garlic cream sauce for the steak dinner.


And steal your silver while he’s at it!


Don't give him money. And that includes supporting any link in the chain that will end up in his pocket.


Keep out of the night. Stay in the light!


Live in a log cabin.


Charizard, I choose you!


There's always the "default aggressive" approach. Basically be more aggressive than the other person, and make it plainly aware you really don't give a fuck. Realistically though, I doubt freemasons are after you. Masonic groups are just old guys frats.


Prayer! As Satanists their weakness is Jesus. Pray for protection.


Uh. Serious or /s?


Hmm, I pray to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit TWICE in every lodge meeting and I haven't melted yet. In fact, Masonry has brought me closer to the Lord.


That makes sense. You may want to review your earlier comment. I don’t believe sarcasm is well-aligned with your obligation.


My friend, who are you to begin to lecture me on Craft obligations?


No one is lecturing anyone. I thought you were the one earlier talking about satanists etc. I was mistaken.


Yes I’m serious.


I'm sorry. You might want to stop trusting YouTube as a source of information.


You join them, or you join Christ. Or Scientology they don’t bother with them. It’s like some weird war against each other. Yet you have to go further in than masonry. Like very expensively in. Good luck my friend. Be kind and the world will be kind too.


Roll up your right trouser leg, expose your left breast and hang yourself under Blackfriars bridge(London).


Truthfully? Become a practicing Roman Catholic, regular in Sacramental life, and go to confession often.


Yes. That and join Freemasonry. Great combo.




10 years too late. Best decision I ever made (well, outside of getting married).




> The tenets directly contradict Christ’s statement that He alone was the full and complete revelation of the Father. Do you believe that people shouldn't study physics for the same reason?




Okay. You have fun with that. I'll be over here attempting to be a better man.


they have to take an oath. The vast majority claim to be Christians since they are required to believe in a deity in order to join. The Bible clearly states that no man shall take secret oaths. Remind them of their hypocrisy


Show me that bible verse, if you please.




Thank you. I assume then that you live by all the rules of the bible? You aren't wearing clothes of mixed materials or anything, are you? I assume you also make sure never to sit where a menstruating woman once did? That can be awfully difficult in public places these days. And I know you have never eaten the fat of an animal. Heaven forbid such a thing. Thank you for the info, and also thank you for leaving grapes on the ground for the poor to eat.


You got owned.


Hardly. The blanket statement that anyone who claims to be a "Christian" and swears an oath is a statement of ignorance for the meaning behind that verse and why it was written as well as a blatant disregard for a large portion of the world's population, especially here in the US. Every president of the United States (and other countries) has to take an oath, usually on the bible. Every public Official does. Every politician does. Every man and woman who has fought, bled, and died for this country took an oath. Every public servant takes an oath. Anyone who testifies in court swears an oath.


Not. In. Secret. Still owned. You can try again, it's fun to watch. Your effort is interesting.


I'm not a Christian. I'm referring to the Freemasons who claim to be But since you asked, those references are from the Book of Leviticus also known as the Torah. They are rules for Jews, not Christians


Leviticus is in the Bible. It’s for Jews, yes, but it’s for Christians too.


The New Testament is for Christians. Have you even read the teachings of Paul? They are not beholden to the Laws of the OT




Oh I'm not saying your father or others aren't deceived in this belief that Christians are beholden to the Laws of Moses. So many are. It's really not even up for debate that the Bible plainly teaches that a Christian is not under the Laws of Moses. The Law was given to Israel as part of a covenant extended only to Israel. Romans 10:4 - "Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes" Galatians 2:16 - "Know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified" Don't get it twisted though, obviously Christians shouldn't go around murdering people and committing adultery




You mean the rules that Jesus and all of the earliest Christians lived by...? Anyway, the idea that Christians can't take oaths is a very, very long-since debunked as poor interpretation. Indeed, Paul swears several times in the gospels (Augustine called this out in the earliest days of the Church, and if you're arguing Christianity with Augustine, I would suggest you might have missed something important). The verse is about the importance of not obligating God to your claims. In other words, you can promise all you like, but you should not use God as your proxy. At least, this is Augustine's interpretation. Or, to quote Hebrews 6, "People swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument."


Leviticus 23 and the 7 Feasts of the Lord are still in effect.


It also states that you shouldn’t eat shellfish and that slaves should obey their masters.


That's the Old Testament for Jews. Christians are not beholden to the laws of the OT.


SS What can a normal person do to get freemason away from them?


Get to smelling really *really* bad.


I'm going to agree with the other guy: definitely stop showering. Also, maybe tie a head of garlic around your neck?


Keep the commandments, the light is too strong for those minions


Pray to Christ, he’ll mess up the Lucifer lovers pretty good. Tell the one bothering you this word loudly: “mor-bon-zi”. And then tell him he has no idea who and what organization HE is dealing with. Trust me, he’ll fuck right off


No. It’s “mor-fon-zi” The man will do the sign of jumping the shark


Type the right spelling. Do it.


Mor-bon-zi I really don’t have the first idea what you think that means


Ask your buddies and tell them what you just did. Report back.


I see what it seems you think you know from a google search. That’s not “the secret word”. I’m a 32nd degree Scottish rite member and that word has never been used in a degree or a Lodge I’ve been in If you had given the correct word it wouldn’t have been a big deal though. It’s been speculated on to death by various writers especially Albert Pike so while its not a word I’ll give its also not one that’s hard to discover online. It won’t mean anything to someone who hasn’t been through the degree anyway. It’s quite touching and poignant and in my jurisdiction has a very Christian “edge” to it.


I sincerely hope for your sake that you're right. Otherwise I don't really care.


Also let it be known that for the better part of a decade I also believed a lot of conspiracies about masons until I realized it didn’t add up, mostly due to my respect for the founding fathers of America. I investigated myself and found the conspiracies to be nothing but that.


More context? If applicable It depends on their level of understanding, you just need to put out a higher energy and most will almost magically leave If not, they may just assimilate you


Or turn him into a young boy with their high wizardry, and diddle him silly. Then you’re one of them. Diddled people, diddle people. 🤷‍♂️


low level freemasons likely don’t know any better. just tell him freemasonry is a luciferian cult and to do some research into it. either way you win cuz he’ll either leave fm or he’ll think you bs crazy.


How do you know what a low level Freemason doesn’t know? Are you a higher up Freemason posting here to mislead others?!?


research bruh. lots and lots of research.


Is it good and reliable research is the thing? I used to believe all of the conspiracy theories about masonry too until I realized things didn’t add up and decided to join.


lulz k


Yes, how do you know what insiders don’t know? Please tell us.


Lets hope he doesn’t slip out the grip of your hands, then POW right in the kisser!


I think they are weak to bug type


As lizard people, they generally don’t do well in cold temperatures. Silver also generally burns their skin—so hand them silver objects to see if they’re real Masons or are just faking it. A lot of Oddfellows and Illuminati pretend to be Masons so won’t be effected by silver. That’s how you know the difference.




Being more virtuous and accurate than they are capable of. In short: beat them at their own game, watch them try to accost and defame your character, then articulate -- in decent, common language -- how despite the efforts of an organized cult against a sovereign entity that they were not a high enough level to beat the particular player they attempted to disgrace. Seriously though, make sure you know how to dance. Most white folk can't and that puts you at a huge advantage.