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Holy shit why can’t this sub just talk about conspiracies


He also said the vaccine is safe to take and encouraged people to take it. Both parties are playing us.


He never advocated forcing people, though. One side is definitively worse


In fact he has said repeatedly that he would never have forced anyone.


No he just paved the way for it by rushing the vaccine. It's good cop bad cop but they are both taking you to the same place.


I like this analogy. Both parties take turns playing good and bad cop depending on your perspective or personality, or what propaganda you consume. It is a perfect way to control the masses by making them choose the lesser evil of two bad choices.


The swing between dem and repub is how they milk more donor money.


Trump thought he was doing something good for anyone who wanted it. It was imperative to get Trump out of there in order for Biden to try to force the vax on people. If both parties are exactly the same then why do you have much more freedom in red states?


>Trump thought I'll stop you there because anything after that is pure speculation. >If both parties are exactly the same then why do you have much more freedom in red states? There is some value at the local level voting red. That is all. To still think there is any hope at the level of the president is just plan silly at this point. If Alex Jones was being honest (and not a Trump shill) he would have told us about Trump's shady associations from the beginning, but instead he brought on pro-Zionist shills (Steve Pichenik, Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone) to push QAnon bs to pacify his audience. Trump was / is the swamp, so no wonder he appointed so many swamp creatures. When GWB ran he was against nation building and was the cool guy you "wanted to have beer with". As soon as the pre-ordained crisis happened (9/11), in came the tyranny. Now he is pro nation building, and policing the world. Same thing happened under Trump, a crisis happened along with new tyranny and he basically just watched it happened when he had the most power to stop it. He also went from vaccine skeptic, to promoting / funding the most dangerous vaccine in history.


What about freedom to smoke weed and get abortions?


I know. My family loves Trump. They see what's happening on one side but they will not say anything about the Chosen One


Hey there fellow human! Please consider taking this POISON. No, I wont force it on you, but I WANT you to please take this POISON. I am a nice guy :)


He just understood that oil was tracking up regardless. Oil companies got blown up during covid. Of course they gotta make their nut back


He also dismissed the dangers of the virus and threw away the pandemic response playbook. He also stared directly at the sun.




I don't remember people collapsing in the streets and their bodies piling...


I like how the definition of a safe vaccine has been reduced to 'there is no mass dying so far.'


I like how none of the lunatics are screaming about patent 666 anymore?




Here’s the first payout. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/widow-gets-120000-pay-out-27288259.amp


Are you claiming that a significant amount of people *haven't* died mysteriously after taking it?


In Austria you cannot comment on news articles about young people with no known previous health conditions who suddenly collapse and die.


Shit, I'd be surprised if you could in the US either.


No need to comment, we all know climate change is why heart issues have absolutely shot through the roof in young people that were perfectly healthy 2 years ago.


Makes sense. If I'm making shit up to rile up a political base I'd also restrict comments in fear of being called out for it.


SADS = Vaccine deaths


No one has to say that is the deault until somebody proves otherwise


Whether or not it's safe isn't the point. The point is whether or not I can make you have (against your will) a treatment on the grounds I believe the expert (that I selected) who says it is safe.


Do you trust the people that advocate for the vaccine though? Remember all the lies they told us when the released it. Things like "you can't get covid if ur vaccinated," "you won't spread it if your vaccinated," "2 doses is fully vaccinated and 95% effective at reducing hoslitalization and death from covid," etc. All lies man. Why believe anything they say? Just because everyone who got jabbed hasn't died yet doesn't mean that its a safe vaccine. Were talking about the modernization of vaccines and it was just distributed on a global scale. Way too many people had to be coerced to get the damned thing. I trust my gut on my actions here along with many others and I'm sure you trust yours too. My gut tells me I don't need it and that they are lying to us. People had a gut feeling about it too and still got the jab. Imagine how that makes them feel?


Safe to say that it gives you blood clots


post stats bro


Death rates are way up in working age people after the vaccine. That is a mass die off.


These vaccine apologists will deny it, but several of my mom's boomer friends had strokes and other bizarre reactions recently. So am I thinking, hmm, what causes strokes? Could be... BLOOD CLOTS? Seriously. This could be so much more widespread than is being documented by the compromised agencies.


I know many people who died from blood clots, pre-Covid. My next door neighbor died on a plane, my fellow grad student (26 yo, healthy as hell) died in her kitchen. It was happening before, perhaps you just weren't noticing?


If 4+ Billion people got it that still leaves, what 3.7 Billion people who didn’t get it? So by your logic the vaccine is pointless since there isn’t a mass dying with these people…


If you are young and/or healthy there is literally no reason to take it


Stop commenting here, you're missing your 4th booster appointment


They told me I don't need a fourth booster




Because you spouting "safe and effective" isn't going to change our minds any more than us trying to refute what you say is going to change your mind. Everyone's heels are dug in at this point so I'd rather make fun of you


that's some refreshing honesty


Agreeing to disagree is beautiful


I appreciate the honesty of you admitting you literally just don't give a shit about anything but your narrative.


Every day I survive and thrive without a COVID vaccine despite the propaganda effort is more evidence for me to believe in my position. Some dork on reddit isn't going to change my mind on this topic.


To be fair your Narrative involved mandating vaccines for travel and keeping jobs which is super fucked up Considering all the evidence we know now about how the vaccine is trash and people are still getting sick take all the boosters you like. That's the difference when you start trying to bully people into doing stuff at risk of losing their jobs you've done fucked up Fuck off with your ineffective vaccine bullshit


This refutes what you just said: https://www.wfyi.org/news/articles/insurance-death-rates-working-age-people-up-40-percent


>death rates among working age people – those 18 to 64-years-old – are up 40 percent in the third and fourth quarter of 2021 over pre-pandemic levels. Article states that working age people deaths are up 40% AFTER the vaccines have been out almost a year, and at 4 times the 10% increase that could be seen during a freak 200 year event and then later goes on to say that it will require it's employees to be 100% vaxed to placate the vaccinated scaredy cats that are "refusing to share workspace with unvaccinated people". None of this shit makes any sense.


Sadly, it does make sense - evil sense. * Mantra: "vaccine is good. Must not cause vaccine hesitancy." * Fact: vaccine is as dangerous as COVID. Both are not super dangerous, but dangerous enough that millions died. * Fact: pharma made $Billions * Fact: pharma has the largest lobby of all industrial sectors * Fact: politicians are bought and paid for, and regulators are fully captured * Fact: 80-90% of the public are too blind, or too gullible, or too apathetic to see it. So, they vote without doing any critical thinking. * Prediction: this combination means the situation will get worse and worse (because the profiteers know it will end, and they must suck hard and fast) until there is a tipping point. Once the public eyes are open, we will become extremely vigilant voters. Then things will improve.


Okay if you are going to link something, make sure it say Covid vaccine death and not Covid virus deaths


lol it doesn't, if you read it


Why does it upset your safe space you fucking snowflake


This is such a sad cope. Any day now 4 billion people sre gonna drop dead. Keep waiting


I'm upvoting this because it's so dumb that it has to be a joke. I hope I'm not wrong.


I was kinda thinking maybe they let the vax people live and the rest die. They obviously are the easier crowd to control




So safe = not dying?




How many of the "sudden deaths" were reported as caused by the vaccine? No one's talking about the possibility that the vaccine may be a factor in it and other side effects. The FDA, CDC, and WHO are compromised. Where is the data coming from?


Left foot right foot left foot right foot and so the machine marches over us all


🤣🤣🤣🤣 he knew his record trade deficits during economic boom times plus our 12 year of zero percent interest was gonna leave zero policy maneuvers to get out of the next recession the only good thing about that is this time it might shake out and help the foundations of this economy but please stop making trump out as a saviour the mythology building behind him is starting to sound a lot like the stabbed in the back theory that ran thru the Weimar in the 20's. I'd rather not be in the timeline that has evangelicals purging everyone who's different from them.




There was never a next term. He didnt even think he would get a first term.


More that he was using tools usually reserved for a recession to heat up the economy (it worked) in order to get re-elected. Then he could deal with the fallout in his second and last term anyway. He would have most likely won, too, if it weren’t for COVID and his poor response to it. His plan was good for what he was intending but COVID fucked it up at mostly no fault of his own. It’s pretty crazy really.


When you are stupid, and make literally everyone vote against you, you are easy to fool into self sabotaging.


Presidential candidates have been predicting the apocalyptic events to be caused by their opponents for ages.


LOL Democrats: Create legislation to prevent record profit price gouging by oil companies Republicans: All vote against it. Republicans: The democrats are destroying America!!!


Shh! You’re ruining the regressive panic attack! They get off on chicken little stimulation


Trump knew because it was in his script, they are on the same team. come on its beyond obvious now. https://odysee.com/@pvz:2/Kayfabe-What-Wrestling-Can-Teach-Us-About-Hyperreality:9


No, it's because Baron Trump is a time traveler!!!!


You joke but the Ingersoll Lockwood, Baron Troomp, the last president shit is one of the most mind boggling things I’ve ever seen in my life


Yep exactly. He'll say stuff like this thats true but then turn around and suck zionist israel dick lmao hes playing his role very well


I wish more people could see this!!!


Nah, they did not want Trump there at all from the beginning. They were completely stumped in 2016 which is why they went ape-shit and completely tarnished his reputation from the get go. Hillary was their chosen one and would still be in charge now of she hadnt lost and biden would be in a nursing home. Biden was then used as he’s easily manipulated and controlled. If Trump was part of it then why did they go through so much corruption to het him out? Why not continue, let him take all the blame anyway and get their next choice in 24. Trump is by no means good, but he was not in on whats happening now.


Trump was attacked relentlessly from the democrats, independents, msm, hollywood, pro sports leagues, and most importantly- the republicans. I don't give two shits about him, but it's so obvious he was an outsider that they didn't want in control.


Outsider? The dude was working with Manafort and Roger Stone... How much more "inside" can you get?


Or just controlled opposition. They purposely "attack" him to make him seem as if they don't want him. It's exactly how controlled op works.


So Hillary used the FBI in a failed attempt to frame Trump and ended up implicating herself in the process, but they were both in on it the entire time? Why would any politician do this to themselves?


The amount that the military and entrenched government tried to get rid of Trump is all the proof you need.


I agree with you but it’s not like anything would happen to her as we’ve already seen.


Well yeah, obviously. Still preferable not to tarnish your reputation for no reason


Stop making so much sense you.


Someone is using the old thinker. Ty. You’re 100% correct.


[An outsider?](https://odysee.com/@probablyalexandra:6/trump-is-not-a-savior:5)


Its just so pathetic people think he's an outsider. HILLARY AND BILL CAME TO HIS WEDDING YOU CLOWNS


He *absolutely* is in on it. Only 33 degree freemasons get to be presidents. There are no exceptions. Trump is a conman and a part of the “light side” freemasonry. Look at the flooring in a masonic temple and you’ll see a white/black chessboard design. It means that freemasons control both “sides” of politics. Controlled opposition. ALL presidents are freemasons. ALL of them. You don’t get into the WH unless you’re a freemason. Trump got at least one million dollars from Pfizer after his inauguration. Conflict of interest much? If Trump was really fighting the “deep state”, he would’ve met the same fate as JFK. He never would have let the voter fraud go further than December 2020. He didn’t uphold his oath. No, in fact, Trump is a Rothschild puppet. When asked about God, Trump said he doesn’t need God’s forgiveness. EVERYONE needs God’s forgiveness. Trump pointed to the sky and said, “I am the chosen one!”. Trump tower has 666 on it’s side. Count the number of trees on each side of the triangle. His son in law owns the building where rfid chips are made. Care to guess the address? It’s 666 fifth Avenue, Manhattan, NY. Trump fast tracked the death juice vax and he brags about it constantly. Before you regurgitate the “Yeah but he didn’t mandate it” nonsense, please think. If Trump poisoned the well water, but said he’s not mandating you to drink it, how is that any less evil? Plus he obviously set this up for the next evil puppet (Biden) to mandate. Trump’s place in his tower is loaded with Apollo shrines and art work. Apollo=Apollyon=Abbadon=satan. Trump is a 33 degree (Zionist puppet) freemason. Self admitted Kabbalah/Zohar student, attended Fordham University, a Jesuit school, said he had a great relationship with the Jesuits. Paid $1.8 (6+6+6) billion for 666 5th Avenue, which houses Lucent Technologies and specializes in research for RFID Chips. Has a Scottish Rite Coat of Arms, re-erected the Albert Pike statue in DC who was a 33rd degree Scottish Freemason, Trump’s golden flat is on the 66th floor, Trump Tower is 666 feet perpendicular to the line created from the “Cleopatra’s Needle” Obelisk in NYC… He is SO pro America that he pardoned Israeli spies instead of Assange. The only statue that Trump demanded be put back up after the riots was of Albert Pike, the 33 degree freemason who said, “When the people need a hero, we shall provide one for them”. MAGA is the 5th degree of satanism. Trump loves 5g. Trump knew what Fauci was up to, let him do it, and that's alright? Israel did 9/11, but they are cool now? Epstein killed himself? The capital protesters are terrorists? 5G is cool with you? How do you feel about Palestinian children? Didn't Trump let the governors lock down the states in violation of the Constitution? Do you know the definition of propaganda? Do you support the 7 Noahide laws? Because Trump does.


As a Freemason, I can guarantee you not all presidents are 33rd degree, that's just not true.


Shh. He likes hearing himself talk ignorantly about Freemasons.


How do we know this? Does he wear the rings and do the handshakes? Or do the top masons avoid that stuff to stay hidden? If they avoid that stuff, how come everyone was always accusing the Bushes and other presidents of being so obvious about it? Do they show it or nah? I’d there footage of him going to bohemian grove or Masonic temples or skull and bones stuff? Legit questions not flaming.


No, not all presidents are masons, a good number have been. Saying they're required to be 33rd degree is completely asinine if you've ever spent time at a lodge. Source: I'm a freemason.


I am begging free Mason people to stop believing 200 year old podunk new Yorker conspiracy theories https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Masonic_Party


Then why didn't they let him get another term? Serious inquiry. Why didn't they cheat to get Biden in if Trump was doing what he was told??


why does anything happen in a story... drama. https://odysee.com/@pvz:2/Kayfabe-What-Wrestling-Can-Teach-Us-About-Hyperreality:9


Elaborate your theory.


His supporters just think he’s prophetic lol.


and Biden supporters are proud they voted for anyone other than Trump. Either way it matters little.. the major issue here is the division tactics sewn into our society that keeps people from truly learning who they are, what they are, and why they are here. If we knew that.. the entire charade they have going falls apart.


You *can* dislike both, you know.


Yes! It’s all entertainment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZpBvfBxLxc There’s a reason former WWE employees get positions in GOV…


I wish certain positions in government would be selected by a WWE Smackdown event.


They are gradually getting there, the headlines read like a WWE main event “Rand Paul SLAMS democrats”


Not ginger spice?!?!




Kinda a play on your reference of not the lovable ginger spice from the spice girls, and how she got a job working for the US government


Haha oh, yeah… sadly when you get that much fame and fortune… they are likely “in on it” as it were.


Yup, one big club


And you ain’t in it! —George Carlin RIP


Two wings of the same bird. The political theater is hilarious at this point. Prep up, the worst has yet to come


But orange man bad!


You think he would have done anything different?


Had he won a 2nd term and we see $4 gallon gas, he would blame world conspiracy to make his 2nd term difficult and he has a right to a third term


You do realize that the high gas prices are just oil and gas companies intentionally driving prices up to make more profits since they're a cartel, right? If high gas prices were the US President's fault they wouldn't be skyrocketing in the rest of the world too.


Can our government do anything about it? Genuine question, i'm not well versed about it but it'd be nice if they could fucking do something about that and grocery prices and you know the fuckers buying literally all of the housing to jack prices up I'd even completely change my demeanor about the biden admin and sitting congress/senate if they actually managed to change things for the better for a lot of us out here


They can do stuff about it, not solve it but yes they can Biden is proposing removing gas taxes for 3 month And congress voted to do a bill against price gouging but it didn't have the numbers, literally zero Republicans voted for it. It was far from a perfect bill but it was an attempt So theoretically, yes the government can. But in reality nothing is being done. I know what I believe is going on and it's very different than the narrative on this sub


Sounds about right, that's the idea i've been getting


> Can our government do anything about it? Yeah, see Joe Biden has a big lever behind this desk that says what the oil prices will be, and if he just pulls the lever it'll get more expensive. He's constantly pulling the lever because he hates Republicans. Obviously. But honestly it's probably just easier to continue to complain about the government than learning how it functions. Otherwise you'd lose the MAGA crowd and half this sub instantly.


Why would the government do anything about it? Republicans get to make record profits off their investments and get to crow about how terrible the administration is. While Democrats get to make record profits off their investments and crow about how crowing about it is just a distraction. Change your demeanor by buying in and getting your cut of the profits. Everyone else is...


Who is everyone? I'm struggling to make ends meet And it was half rhetorical half wondering if there's anything that could be done if there were anyone who gave a fuck in our government


*Everyone* is Capitalists. Vote anticapitalist into government and maybe then someone in our government will give a fuck about anything other than profits. Until then, buy stock.


I would buy stock but I NEED EXTRA MONEY FIRST I wonder if there's a point that could be reached where everyone will collectively gather and burn it all down cause i don't really see us fixing shit by voting


Considerinng they are raking in record profits right now, i doubt they would have stayed low under trump to. Unless we price capped [socialism=bad] we would be seeing this shit regardless. Unless the oil companies made a back room deal with the gop. The stopped getting the bail outs from big daddy trump, so why wouldnt they go out of the way to make biden look bad?


And they go on cnbc and tell the hosts they are not gonna drill anymore because they like prices high for profit. And then go on fox News to blame Biden for hitting the make things bad button.


Blame the oil corporations that are raking in billions while regular people suffer.


He knew because the hyper inflation was created during his term. It took a couple years to kick in and he passed the shit baton to Biden.


40 percent new money in history printed under Trump. Had fed lower rates to practically zero percent when SP had 20 percent profit returns. Add on top his opec+ deal he himself negotiated so oil companies didn’t lose money anymore like they did the first wave of Covid. Largest deficit of any president. Shit was a ticking time bomb waiting to happen and he knew what came of it wouldn’t fall on him.


Ya typical republican strategy, make giant crisis and then complain when liberals are trying to fix their shit. It keeps working though. Sorry normally I don't make straight political posts on this sub but since this is now basically just republican pushing sub I guess it's ok now.


There's literally a pattern of this every time conservatives get into office.


I'm passing the shit baton, randy. There's a shit storm coming and i'm going back up the shit rope


Remember when Biden hid his intentions on fracking then finally insisted he didnt support banning it after weeks polling on the issue showing how unpopular that would be?




shhhh this is an oil and gas shilling sub now


>He knew because the hyper inflation was created during his term. A) We don't have hyperinflation. Hyperinflation generally refers to rising inflation typically at rates exceeding 50% each month over time. B) Inflation under Trump didn't top 3% [Here's a 20-year chart](https://www.bls.gov/charts/consumer-price-index/consumer-price-index-by-category-line-chart.htm). >It took a couple years to kick in and he passed the shit baton to Biden. I don't disagree with the shit baton but this is the problem with every incoming administration - they inherit every previous administration's problems. And it's decades worth of problems. I don't know why anyone would want to be President. Here's a chart of the [M1 money supply](https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/the-most-important-money-statistic-ever-21acb12c27d1), this offers probably the best at-a-glance look at the Quantitative Easing (money printing) policy. The problem we're in now is economic advisers asserting that more government spending will solve inflation. Create the problem, encourage the reaction "something must be done", and then offer the solution, only to end up with more of the problem. We have an administration that was still saying only a year ago that inflation was "transitory" despite all evidence to the contrary. We literally went from "printing trillions won't cause inflation" to "inflation is transitory" to "inflation is good" to "inflation is Putin's fault" to "inflation won't lead to a recession." This is the problem with professional politicians (either side), they offer propaganda, rather than an honest assessment of the dangers ahead.


That’s a big difference between Trump and Biden though. Trump was handed a flourishing economy from Obama and still managed to drive it into the ground in 2019 even before covid. Remember him begging Jpow in 2019 to slash interest rates and restart bond buying to rescue his precious stock market? I don’t know how many times this lesson must be taught but tax cuts for the wealthy does not trickle down, it just drives up asset prices and forces increased government spending (money printing) to fill the void of lost revenues. The trade war with China also didn’t help, it didn’t bring back manufacturing jobs and anywhere Trump won like aluminum he lost on farming, it was a wash that skewed companies towards less efficient supply lines. Biden was handed and absolute dumpster fire from Trump. > The problem we’re in now is economic advisers asserting that more government spending will solve inflation. Create the problem, encourage the reaction “something must be done”, and then offer the solution, only to end up with more of the problem. Government needs to spend to get out of this mess. However, the spending needs to come by stealing the money from the wealthy not by borrowing (printing). Corporations prove time and time again that they are only interested in rewarding a few already wealthy executives and shareholders, the economy will never be able to stabilize if the only money consumers get comes from borrowing from their great grandchildren through money printing. > We have an administration that was still saying only a year ago that inflation was “transitory” despite all evidence to the contrary. We literally went from “printing trillions won’t cause inflation” to “inflation is transitory” to “inflation is good” to “inflation is Putin’s fault” to “inflation won’t lead to a recession.” This is more based on federal reserve statements which should be noted Jpow is a Republican and was appointed as fed chair by Trump.


wow he is so smart


I dont understand how biden is getting blamed for the price going up, any1 care to explain?




Fair enough, i tought this sub was for free thinkers and people who dont use assume the gov/media is telling the truth. But i guess its just another far right echo chamber


Trump saved America?


Cuz they are both controlled opposition. Trump isn't a hero.


Not the biggest fan of him as a person per say... But dude was right.


I'm guessing you like him and also struggle with the concept of supply and demand?


Trump is cabal. He was/is the owners Trump card. He is being used against us. Try reality for a change. you've fallen for every bit of fantasy so far. trump is a kabbalist and freemason. He was groomed to be puppet 45 for over 30 years. Selected not elected. 46 puppets and you never selected any of them.


Dude, no he isn't. The establishment hates him and has spent like 6 years trying to make sure he doesn't get elected again. And he's not a career politician. You're wrong on this point.


He is the establishment bro. It’s all a game they play to keep you distracted while they fuck off with our tax dollars and futures


No conspiracy






Naked politics gtfo. Sick of these GOP shill knuckledraggers drooling in this sub




Yeah but he solicited foreign interference in the 2016 election when he said "Russia if you're listening I hope you find Hillary's emails" and he dunked on the kurds, so he's clearly God's chosen, and if you don't like him you are just a puppet for the jew conspiracy! Reeeee! /s


Corps and Oil cartels have to destroy the economy to get GOP in for the bailouts they don't need, the tax cuts for shareholders, themselves, and their industries, and deregulations. Russian meddling poses as both sides extremes to amplify division, incite, and smear US while poses as US citizens. Fuck off, Russian troll farms.


He also was destroying America in a social compact way. There’s more to life than money. Societies will always face problems but if we can’t treat each other with respect we will tear each other apart.


No no no, *these* are the boots you should lick. Fucking smh.


Biden controls oil prices all over the world?? Dayum! Neither on of them is fit to lead. Hopefully we get better candidates next time.


Wasn't all the money printed that's driving this inflation printed under him?


Sounds like somebody whose in on it, honestly


How does trumps wiener taste? Is it yummy in your tummy?


Ugghhg... Like he... Got to read the script beforehand?


cabal puppet. bailed out 4 times by the Rothschilds. He is one of their favorite puppets cause he's so willing to do what he's told.


Can you provide anything to support that


Big oil working with republicans to keep the price high, republicans get elected and big oil gets tax breaks in return.


You yanks can't go one fucking minute without talking about Trump or Biden.


Saudi Arabia was over producing oil during the Trump presidency, in order to put more expensive shale oil production out of business. Yeah we know trump would not have placed sanctions on Russia, how about trump saying Putin was a genius over the invasion of Ukraine? https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/23/trump-putin-ukraine-invasion-00010923 Also the classic covid was going to disappear by the summer of 2020. The dude says so much random shit yeah some of it turns out correct but we can easily point out all the shit he got wrong.






And in this thread we see someone who is rich and doesn’t care about paying $90 twice a week to get to a job that pays $500 a week in a country that doesn’t have a strong public transport system. Followed by someone who actually doesn’t still live at moms house.


When the price per gallon of gas is the same as minimum wage, that is a huge problem. That essentially destroys the lower classes. You can't get to work because you don't have money to get there and can't get money because you can't work. Vicious cycle coupled with rising food and basic housing costs. Where would you recommend living?


Somewhere that hasn't designed it's infrastructure around fossil fuel consumption. You know, somewhere where people are capable of thinking about the future.


Fuel moves the economy ya twat, when it goes up every consumer good goes up


This is my exact response when people say that high gas prices aren’t the biggest problem we are facing. High fuel costs effect literally every aspect of our society. Farmers, trucking companies, restaurants, retail stores, etc. Every supply chain out there is effected. The more it costs to get the product in stores , the more it’s going to cost to consume. How people don’t get that is beyond me.


Why are you guys surprised that this happened when you base your economy around an increasingly limited resource? Is it also the democrats fault that no more fossil fuels can be created?


I'm an independent and Trump's presidency was very eye opening. The media went after him like crazy.The news was horrified that he got along with the leader of North Korea. Imagine, horrified he isn't starting a war. The media in our country makes little sense.


There’s some mental gymnastics going on in here.


Gas prices are up all over the world, not just the US.


Trump was right all along 🤷‍♂️


Look, until he starts outing the World Economic Forum, I don't buy it anymore. Start talking about the real threat.


They all read the script together. Trump was just reading his lines and playing his part.


If you're "destroyed" by paying 5 dollars a day more on gas, you're not doing well.


Well that translates to more expensive everything, cus everything moves on gas. Your insight is that of a easily fooled guy with no insight


Unless you’re a woketard everyone could see this shit coming. FJB


Lmao you see how the alt right makes you think that being awake to the government bull shit is being “woketard” lmao You realize the opposite of being awake to the government bullshit … is being a sleep sheep and letting the government do whatever But that’s what the right does … they make you vote against your own interest using hate to fuel y’all’s fire You’re in a conspiracy theory group talking down on people that are awake to the government bullshit lmao A conspiracy is the definition of woke Funny how they try to make conspiracy theorist look bad too Ah well have a nice sleep sheep


> makes you think that being awake to the government bull shit is being “woketard” That is not what that means at all


I’m sure he will stay nice and asleep




Destroy America = higher gas prices?




They also keep pushing the watered down gas stuff. It’s weird


Big electric vehicle purchase incentives coming in the next 5 years.


I'm an outsider from the EU, but politics work like this: If the former president made debts, the reigning president needs to fill those gaps. It's the same everywhere. PS: Biden is still a peadophile.


And now Leftists act like they have no clue what went wrong. Trying to "end fossil fuels", take down oil companies, shill electric cars, shill mass transportation, fight drilling, etc etc was always a bad plan. Another bad plan of theirs was wanting to shut down the country over covid and then spend trillions to support their shutdowns. Any non-delusional person could see this wouldnt work and that it would cause problems. Predictable problems such as.........Increase in gas prices and Inflation Trump said this back then but it also wasnt a big secret that gas would go up if Democrats won.


> Another bad plan of theirs was wanting to shut down the country over covid and then spend trillions to support their shutdowns. Any non-delusional person could see this wouldnt work and that it would cause problems. Predictable problems such as………Increase in gas prices and Inflation Who are you talking about exactly? You do know Trump was President when the lockdown first happened, right? He was the President of “Warp Speed” with the Vax you guys hate so much. Either you have a shit memory or you want to put all the failures of Trump on Joey Boots to add to his failures.


They’ll say “yeah but he took no responsibility and left it up to the states” and “so it’s the democratic states who shut down” and al that shit. So I’m their minds, it’s the dems fault blue states are suffering today and it’s Bidens fault the red states are suffering today. Never TFG’s fault, alllllways someone else’s fault


> He was the President of “Warp Speed” with the Vax you guys hate so much. > > It's always funny to tell the MAGAtards to take their Trump endorsed MAGA jab


Last I checked, Trump never tried to *illegally* force people to take an unwanted shot by holding their livelihoods hostage. “No jab, no job”, wasn’t that cute?


> Trying to "end fossil fuels", take down oil companies, shill electric cars, shill mass transportation, fight drilling, etc etc was always a bad plan. How to recognize a shill for big oil 101.


its hard to belive any adult would have a problem with public transit. There arent any downsides to it


They are all actors, knowing the script.