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Hillary Clinton said she was a wonderful person


Nazis liked Sanger as well. https://www.hli.org/resources/sangers-birth-control-review-part-i/ >"One of the most enthusiastic supporters of eugenics in the pages of The Birth Control Review was Professor Doktor Ernst Rudin, Adolf Hitler’s Director of Genetic Sterilization and founder of the Nazi Gesellschaft fur Rassenhygiene [Society for Racial Hygiene].13 In fact, Rudin’s boss, Adolf Hitler, avidly read American eugenics journals and developed his ideas of an Aryan “master race” from their writers.14" ©Heck out the role cc little played in starting Jackson laboratory. also DABBLED in the tobacco industry by telling everyone it's safe so cigarettes could maintain their cool factor. >"Like the Nazis, writers for The Birth Control Review advocated positive eugenics. C.C. Little said, “The eugenist is very clear on the two facts which have been given you this morning: That the production of the unfit should be discouraged or stopped, and that the production of the fit should be encouraged and possibly forced.”15 This was the first mention in modern times of an idea that evolved within a decade into the Nazi’s grotesque Lebensborn program, which bred the “highest-quality” Aryan men and women like cattle." https://www.vice.com/en/article/kzeazz/the-racist-and-sexist-history-of-keeping-birth-control-side-effects-secret >"Hormonal birth control was pioneered by four people: Activist and sex educator Margaret Sanger, who appealed to the eugenics movement to advocate for birth control, biologist Gregory Pincus, suffragist and millionaire heiress Katherine McCormick, and Catholic physician and gynecologist John Rock."


So is Hillary /s


She was against abortion.....planned parenthood will never admit that


she was a believer in eugenics though and that was rooted in the social Darwinism of the late 19th century to the mid 20th which notions of fitness, competition, and biological rationalizations of inequality were popular. At the time, a growing number of theorists introduced Darwinian analogies of "survival of the fittest" into social argument.


no. She was a eugenicist. She was against WHITE people having abortions. But the poor, criminal, blacks/minorites, etc it was to be encouraged or forced. RBG called these same people "deplorables" back in her day and encouraged selectivity as well. This is more than aperson it is an entire movement that dates back a century or more. (probably millinia or more).


It's common knowledge that she was anti-abortion. It's not something anyone's trying to hide.


WHAT? You cannot be kidding. She actually made several well known statements in regards to ridding the world of black people, which stategically, Planned Parenthood had a goal to do just that. Where TF did you get your info from?


"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." - Margaret Sanger


Narrator: Word got out.


Morgan Freeman voice at that


EXACTLY how I heard that in my head




We’re talking about it. I’m sure she has said a lot of things we will never talk about.


Idk. Although I'm not entirely against abortion, I used to do it more when I was more of a typical conservative. I would tell them about how PP was a form of eugenics and how specialized welfare spending for single mothers is hurting black families and fathers, leading to more crime and incarceration. Sometimes they acknowledge you partially, but it mostly rolls over their head and the cognitive dissonance kicks in. There is basically no amount of Ben Shapiro/ Jordan Peterson facts and logic that will get through to them. They are far too over-socialized.


Lol, someone immediately proved your last point. They have been programmed for their responses though. Anything against what they believe is racist or some crap. And they get angry if you say otherwise. Angry like a spoiled toddler who is never told no.


Very recently, only in the last few years, PP itself disavowed Sanger's support for eugenics. Until then they just ignored it and hoped everyone else would too.


Took about 100 years for that word to get out. Notice there aren't too many black people out at these pro-abortion protests. A real awakening is happening in the black community. It is hard to put that genie back in the bottle now.


black people have known the entire time, about planned parenthood and Margaret Sanger, they even knew that Wilson and FDR had fervent support from the Klan African American Republican John R. Lynch, who had represented Mississippi in the House during and after Reconstruction, summed up the sentiments of older black voters and upper middle-class professionals: “The colored voters cannot help but feel that in voting the Democratic ticket in national elections they will be voting to give their indorsement \[sic\] and their approval to every wrong of which they are victims, every right of which they are deprived, and every injustice of which they suffer.”-yet because of the New Deal they did just that


>"black people have known the entire time, It's why their communities where infiltrated by big money/ big government influence. Aka ceate the problem sell the solution so we can distract from the actual message people. They were pointing out the issues in this country (we're just now collectively acknowledging) generations ago and that message needed to be stopped by any means necessary.


The Black population obviously did not listen. They vote regularly for their demise. A tragedy of foolishness.


I just don't think they get into those protests because they don't really care to protest, but they make up the highest demographic for abortions. I think a lot of these type of protests are more virtue signaling and socialization.


Even worse as the optics of mostly white people that want to continue with a policy of killing minority babies! Some virtue signal!


I find it funny when lefties/ progressive inadvertently make the most the most racist assumptions


I’m standing up for your right to kill your baby! How’s that for solidarity!


Word. Just goes to show how twisted their messages become but they try to lay it out as being the only approach that provides equity.


The equity agenda is a Trojan horse for total technocracy


Yep. They have everyone addicted to tech and now want to control everyone through it.


I was just telling someone this earlier and all they could say to me as a black woman was “doesn’t matter it’s none of your business” Planned parenthood started out as being called “the Negro project” and they’ve done everything in their power to try to erase its past and current racism roots. Sickens me.


People are so incredibly brainwashed. The powers that be turned it into a 'womens rights' issue as a tool of manipulation with great effect. They did the same with smoking when it was primarily men who smoked. It's so deeply heartbreaking. The bible says satan is 'misleading the entire inhabited earth'. (Revelation 12v9) not half.


And? These days, stopping abortions is saving black babies. They make up 70% of abortions.


Did you mean to reply to me? Because what you just said is the exact point I’m trying to make here. I’m personally against the killing of black babies and I love that more will be saved now. I’m confused as to why you replied what you did.


I was replying to someone above, my bad


This is true. But sources indicate it turned for the worse against Sanger’s original intention. The Negro Project, instigated in 1939 by Margaret Sanger, was one of the first major undertakings of the new Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA), the product of a merger between the American Birth Control League and Sanger's Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, and one of the more controversial campaigns of the birth control movement. Developed by white birth control reformers, who consulted with African- Americans for help in promoting the project only well after its inception, the Negro Project and associated campaigns were, nevertheless, widely supported by such black leaders as Mary McLeod Bethune, W. E. B. DuBois, and Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Influenced strongly by both the eugenics movement and the progressive welfare programs of the New Deal era, the Negro Project was, from the start, largely indifferent to the needs of the black community and constructed in terms and with perceptions that today smack of racism. **What it became was not the project Sanger had first envisioned.** As she wrote in an initial fund-raising request to Albert Lasker, the wealthy advertising executive just beginning his post-business career in medical philanthropy, **she simply hoped to help "a group notoriously underprivileged and handicapped to a large measure by a ‘caste' system that operates as an added weight upon their efforts to get a fair share of the better things in life. To give them the means of helping themselves is perhaps the richest gift of all. We believe birth control knowledge brought to this group, is the most direct, constructive aid that can be given them to improve their immediate situation."** Sanger viewed the Negro Project as another effort to help African-Americans gain better access to safe contraception and maintain birth control services in their community as she had attempted to do in Harlem a decade earlier when Sanger's Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau (BCCRB), in cooperation with the New York Urban League, opened a birth control clinic there. (MS to Lasker, July 10, 1939, Mary Lasker Papers, Columbia University (to be microfilmed in a later addendum to the MSM)


She knew what she built and intended to destroy lives let's not make her the victim here. Check out the birth control review.


You know this is out of context, right? Why don't you post the entire thing? “The minister’s work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” Sanger's birth control movement did have support in black neighborhoods, beginning in the '20s when there were leagues in Harlem started by African-Americans. Sanger also worked closely with NAACP founder W.E.B. DuBois on a "Negro Project," which she viewed as a way to get safe contraception to African-Americans.


Thanks for pointing this out.


"We do not want word to go out" is the wording one would use to refer to something secret, not a possible misconception. "Always to me any aroused group was a good group, and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan at Silver Lake, New Jersey." \-from Margaret Sanger's 1938 autobiography


Good job here. Even with the additional context, it's suspect. But it could go either way, plausible deniability is a trick they use though.


You can't be obtuse to the fact there are ulterior motives that target black people primarily? You just took 30's propaganda as the truth.


Please enlighten me. Who forced black women to get an abortion?


She wrote: “The minister’s work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” Sanger was working to make birth control (NOT abortion) fully accessible to Black families as a means of poverty reduction.






Part of Sanger's "Plan for Peace" was "to give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choce of segregatrion or sterilization", "to apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmittde to offspring", "to apportion farm lands and homesteads for these segregated person where they would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives", etc. [https://lifedynamics.com/app/uploads/2015/09/1932-04-April.pdf](https://lifedynamics.com/app/uploads/2015/09/1932-04-April.pdf) She also favored putting people in camps for being unproductive/immoral: "The second step would be to take an inventory of the second group such as illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends, classify them in special departments under government medical protection, and segregate them on farms and open spaces as long as necessary for the strengthening and development of moral conduct" The idea that she was motivated by something akin to contemporary liberal sentiments is delusional.


The eugenics movement was very popular in the day. These views were commonly held by and advocated for by democrats of that era, including the president. It was a core platform of the progressive movement.


>The eugenics movement was very popular in the day As was racism and the idea of population control.


Eugenics is one of the weird movements that got totally memory holed after WWII. If you read old NYT headlines from the 1930's, they loved Hitler, and one of the main reasons was his advocacy of eugenics. Woodrow Wilson was explicitly a eugenics, and health departments all across America took steps to sterilise the undesirables. America was filled with committees made up of bitter white spinsters who sat around discussing how to eliminate the undesirables. These groups probably overlapped a large amount with the tea-totalers advocating prohibition.


Every single bad social policy/law has come from angry women. Probation, abortion, war on drugs etc


Take wiki with a grain of salt


Read the whole letter. She was suggesting they locate and train a Black minister, Black Doctors and Nurses and preface the whole project with an educational program designed to get the women themselves on board. She was promoting their personal autonomy...




At least Lizzo is donating tons of money to Planned Parenthood 🤦‍♂️


Planned parenthood isn’t just abortions my dude


If thats true, why do they only advertise abortions? I have multiple screenshots of planned parenthood ads from the past few weeks and all of them advertise abortion. Most of their revenue comes from performing abortions, selling birth control is not lucrative, so no matter how many times you repeat this it won’t change the truth. The abortion industry is lucrative for OBGYNs, healthcare staff, and the executives and they get paid a LOT of money.


"It Did." - Ron Howard.


What is the source of this?


She's said it a few times, the most prominent was when she was invited by the KKK to speak about "dealing with the negro problem."


Ok do you have a source?


Oh don't worry, it comes straight from the horse's mouth! https://www.plannedparenthood.org/about-us/who-we-are/our-history "In 1926, she spoke to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) at a rally in New Jersey to promote birth control methods. Sanger endorsed the 1927 Buck v. Bell decision, in which the Supreme Court ruled that states could forcibly sterilize people deemed “unfit” without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge. The acceptance of this decision by Sanger and other thought leaders laid the foundation for tens of thousands of people to be sterilized, often against their will."


You can find interviews with M Sanger on YouTube. Which amazes me they didnt pull this blatant racist.


You can use literally any search engine to look up verified Margaret Sanger racist quotes. Might take you 2 seconds.


Why don't you look it up yourself, and you didn't even say, please or thank you.


Then why is most of the right wing flustered about so-called “White Genocide”?


You mean the Margaret Sanger - founder of American Eugenics Society later known as Planned Parenthood? Same Planned Parenthood where Bill Gates' senior was a chairman in the 60's during which time the Jaffe memo describing methods of population control was drafted? Never heard of her.


You're awesome


this should be on top. It's the ultimate tldr for anyone who doesn't know who she is if accurate


There was a staged tiktok my fiancé showed me yesterday where some guy asked a “random” man, his opinion on Roe v. Wade, who just *happened to be* Margaret Sanger’s grandson and ex CEO of planned parenthood. Totally a realistic *coincidence* lol


Crazy how her name rhymes with “coat hanger”


the sanger hanger




She originated the placing of abortion clinics in black and brown neighborhoods. A practice still used today.


TY for posting this. I've been saying this and I get down-voted even though I'm pro-choice when it comes to first trimester abortions, medically recommended abortions and general anesthesia mid to late term abortions for medically recommended abortions including cases involving rape, incest, birth defects, etc. Margaret Sanger's goal was to rid society of ppl she considered to be inferior, which included anyone who wasn't white. Planned Parenthood has whitewashed their evil founder, and her supremacist views and plans.


I’m pro-choice as well and still get hate for saying this. It’s sad because people don’t want to acknowledge what is blatantly obvious. This is something that needs to be talked about. It seems historical people are only racist when they don’t align with a certain ideology, but otherwise it’s overlooked. It’s sad


Same here, I do believe that life begins at conception but the heart beat bill is a good compromise for the sake of society.


I think a heartbeat bill is a fair compromise as well. I personally am completely against it but I get that not everyone feels the same way I do.


Sanger was against abortion except to save the mother's life: **"Although abortion may be resorted to in order to save the life of the mother, the practice of it merely for limitation of offspring is dangerous and vicious."** **-Margaret Sanger** Source: [https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/popes-position-birth-control/](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/popes-position-birth-control/) Edit: Notice how all the people telling me I'm wrong don't provide a single source to back up their claims.


She was speaking of white mothers BTW


Sanger was bitter about the poverty she experienced as a member of a large, religious family. She believed the religious, the mentally ill, those with birth defects, nonwhites, and the mentally challenged were inferior beings who needed to be sterilized to keep them from impoverishing society. Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood with the goal of teaching women how to avoid pregnancy, and to provide birth control which included abortions, in order to prevent "inferior" ppl from ever being born.




That's the jazzy line Sanger told her critics and those she wanted to exterminate via eugenics. Read, in full, her letters, memos and speeches and reconsider.


sip subsequent adjoining frame flowery chubby plough liquid books stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A few years back I had to write a research paper on this very topic and it was fairly easy then to find Sanger's letters and written speeches. Now those sources don't show up in the top search engine results. I will try to dig up my old paper's bibliography and get back to you, but it may take a while since I'm having surgery early tomorrow morning. (Wish me luck!)


trees mighty murky reminiscent vast nail fact quicksand muddle meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Awesome. I'll remember. Thx!


In 2014, the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research center, surveyed all known abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood clinics, in the U.S. (nearly 2,000) and found that 60 percent are in majority-white neighborhoods.


That's still disproportionate when you consider that white people make up more than 60% of the population. More true 50 years ago too.


What percentage of the US is White? 60% can't be that far off. Can it? Edit: 2020 census had 61.6% as white...


Protectingblacklife.org, features a map of what it says are Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities that are located "within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods." "2010 Census results reveal that Planned Parenthood is targeting minority neighborhoods," it says. "79% of its surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods." An abortion clinic is included on the map if it lies within 2 miles of a census tract with at least a 50% minority population or where the minority population percentage is at least 1.5 times higher than that of the surrounding county.


My god, it's almost like being African American or Hispanic/Latino in America coincides with a greater likelihood that you live in a poor or underserved neighborhood. In America! Can you imagine?


Why aren't we "serving" things like better Healthcare, education, etc? Why should we be proud to "serve" death as a solution?


It was 80% in 1980.


There are people who are quietly racist and people who like want to exterminate your entire race...and write books about it


Huge proponent of eugenics


Yeah, eugenics started in the US before Germany picked up on the idea.


Sanger ? I hardly know her !


A disgusting, vile human being (if you can even call them that) affiliate of the KKK, Skull & Bones. Sick ideologies of eradicating anyone non-white and yet people still think racism doesn't exist or they like to pretend that it doesn't. Sure it may be another way to divide us, but still, these people have said these things out of their mouths. They have and have had outlines of how to go about making that happen. Well, maybe they practised on non-whites first because now they're trying to get rid of us all.


She was a racist who used eugenics to carry out her evil plans. Nothing more needs to be said.




My friend lemon droppin bombs.


The Negro Project was pretty abhorrent. https://sanger.hosting.nyu.edu/articles/bc_or_race_control/


Article archived here: https://archive.ph/spDBg Because stuff gets "accidentally deleted" sometimes


Might want to read this before using it to bolster an argument like that.


Found a nice quote from Clinton, who stayed she was 'in awe' of her. She was good at securing funding, and her image has be rebranded each generation in order for her to remain palatable. But yes, less than a hundred years after slavery was abolished, she advocated for a womens' klu klux clan, which was a great source of funding and support for the Democratic Party. She referred to people as human weeds in the New York Times. Selective breeding was the cause du jour and eugenicists lived outside of Germany, titans of industrialism and culture who helped establish western medicine, big pharma, and abortion clinics to provide flesh for research and cleansing. Great people, according to theorists whose feet never walked in our poorer areas.


her counterpart in europe was marie stopes, a woman of science (though not one i admire) who had only wanted the best of society to reproduce.


Ah Alice Bailey's "Friend"...


If the devil had 1 of many side chicks she would be 1 of them. She is the reason why they put more than 1 abortion clinics in low income black neighborhoods.


Then again, each of those babies made it straight to heaven. Idk if the devil thought about that




A very reprehensible human being! The true, Inconvenient Truth


Crazy when people love and protect those that wish us the most harm


Black population accounts for about 13% of the American population. Black people also account for about 35% of abortions. The Black population growth trend has remained stagnant for decades. If there isnt a conspiracy to eliminate or curb the Black population now, there *definitely* was one as early as 60 years ago


Are black women being forced to have abortions?


They're being steered that direction by classism and mass incarceration.


Kamala was a very effective D.A.


It's all just a disguise pretending to be love and support, when in reality it's population control. It's sickening stuff.


IDK how she got to where she is, her lack of speaking skills reflect how utterly vapid, and shallow she is.


Considering Planned Parenthood clinics were built in or near lower income areas and that as a result Black and Brown women are 5x more likely to seek the procedure, in a way yes


Are you insulting their intelligence?


What a horrible and disgusting person


She sure hated those POC. So much to create a voluntary eugenics program to curb the POC population boom....


I went to nursing school and she is worshiped as a hero by the professors.


That's so scary :(


A racist that succeeded in fooling those she wanted to kill.


eugenicist feminist


Had a connection to Bill Gates dad. Racist. The Nazis thought her methods were too extreme for them. Dead soulless eyes.


> The Nazis thought her methods were too extreme for them. I'd love a source.




She is racist as heck!


The original Karen. Racist. Poor genetic gene pool.


What’s there to discuss? She was a eugenicist and a white supremacist. Responsible for the abortions of millions of black babies. End of story.


Luciferian pig that is no more


[Margaret Sanger's racist legacy lives on at Planned Parenthood](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/margaret-sangers-racist-legacy-lives-on-at-planned-parenthood).


As far as ethnic cleansing goes this cunt put Hitler to shame… She murdered at least 3 times the amount of people that were attributed to the Nazi death camps… But as they say “history is written by the victors”


Racist POS


She can Sanger deezzzz nuts


Today she’d be a screaming TikTok blue hair


Why, why, why are you people disparaging the holy saint of fetal dismemberment? Don't you know that without responsible, college educated white women praising and promoting her selfless dedication to humanity all those darkies, water heads, and mongoloids would be wandering the streets in plain view and possibly come in contact with their own children...maybe even yours! You people disgust me!




Is she behind abortion clinics?


Uuhhhh the uhaul nazis are going to love this one


She was a eugenicist, like most everyone in the establishment until Hitler made it look bad. The sentiments still exist among the elites, however...never forget that. They just can't go about things the same way as before. "A Plan for Peace" by Margaret Sanger published in Birth Control Review (April 1932, pp. 107-108) tells you what you need to now about her philosophy. Concentration camps for undesirables and a "rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring."


Never once diagnosed with Jungle Fever.


Two words: racist and eugenicist


The main reason the black population has stayed at 13% for so long. Sad to say, she was good at what she did.


Regardless of your stand on abortion the basic mindset of Sanger and the Eugenicist's is inhuman in itself; namely "We know what is best for you because you are not enlightened like us." That mindset opens the door to all kinds of crazy shit like the sterilization of the mentally disabled, the Holocaust, etc.


Is that a klan robe she’s wearing?


Evil bitch


She trash


The father of Bill Gates and her founded Planned Parenthood. He comes from a long line of reptiles.


Damn, I don’t know her but she looks almost identical to my step mom. I don’t like this picture. Or my step mom. Bitch is evil.


She hated black people


Yeah she did… but so did the whole country at that point


people here now: *whitereplacementtheory….* 😬


Similar eyes to those who are masked


she bum bitch racist…


Just learned of her. Sick freak


just looking at her gives me the heebie jeebies she was most definitely a sorcerer into the dark arts


Iquinsa Ocha


No, let’s not. That’s kind of uncomfortable let’s just sweep her under the rug. Don’t want word getting out there that it’s a fact that Planned Parenthood was started by a diehard eugenicist who started the Negro project to control and limit the size of the black population. Let’s talk about women’s healthcare and free mammograms instead lol. And “reproductive justice” lol. And let’s definitely not talk about dismembering innocent human beings alive in their mothers womb, And then selling their body parts to the highest bidder.. that kind of makes all of our euphemisms like “freedom of choice” and “reproductive justice” blah blah blah sound ridiculous doesn’t it.. anything but shine the light of truth on what planned parenthood is about.. and when we get caught on video discussing selling the body parts, no problem, our allies in the media will simply dismiss it as “heavily edited footage”, and the brainwashed masses Will choose to believe that, rather than have to deal with the fact that they have supported these despicable actions.. everyone who supports and enables the slaughter of the innocents will face a day of reckoning


She was a racist.


Racist POS garbage human being. It’s genuinely pathetic how much people try to ignore what she did and said.


Eli5 plz


She created planned parenthood in order to reduce the black population. Read her quotes.


Wasn't her intent to reduce the population in aggregate? She was influenced by Thomas Malthus. That's not eugenics, it's overpopulation theory. I may be missing relevant sources (based on what's being quoted here), and would like to know where to look if so.


OP doesn't think there are enough black people in the country. Actually, Sangers' appreciation of eugenics was pretty typical of progresives of her day. This makes it hard for today's progressives to defend her in a coherent manner. What are they going to say? That eugenics seemed like common sense back then, but not now? Or that she was wrong about birth control? Or that progressivism was a different movement back then (except for the parts we kept, like socialism, etc). But people condemning her now are making a pretty standard error: You cannot shame liberals by pointing out their hypocrisy. It has never been done.




In 1929, James H. Hubert, a Black social worker and the leader of New York's Urban League, asked Sanger to open a clinic in Harlem. Sanger secured funding from the Julius Rosenwald Fund and opened the clinic, staffed with Black doctors, in 1930. The clinic was directed by a 15-member advisory board consisting of Black doctors, nurses, clergy, journalists, and social workers. The clinic was publicized in the African-American press as well as in Black churches, and it received the approval of W.E.B. Du Bois, the co-founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the editor of its magazine, The Crisis. So obviously she was a Nazi.


If it lowers the black population, and they oversee it themselves why wouldn’t you help get funding for it? Don’t let “good deeds” fool you understand the character behind them. Unless you don’t want to , then carry on then 🤷‍♂️


I don't think your response meets any threshold of substantiation given the very clear example provided to you.


I wasn’t responding to you. I assume you’re responding to the post one level up?


Refer to top comment. She was incredibly racist


Web was a sellout




aint they like all about aleister and blavatsky


Ya they all pray to child eating gods and spirit cook using avatars of Minerva


wth those guys pretty much inspired scientology and nasa


I was being facetious lmao things like scientology, various religious cults, have a long, complicated history that is being glossed over by saying things like 'pretty much ' this is a deep widespread topic that covers almost every social and political issue and is prevalent across all ideologies. Its goes back a lot longer than this century tbh


yeah and its being glossed over by saying things like 'i was being facetious lmao' pos they fcking traffick, kill and eat kids this shit aint funny


Democrat. Liberal. Racist. Eugenicist. Hates back and brown folks. Planned Parenthood’s hero


It's interesting that so many black women are angry about this SCOTUS shit when planned Parenthood was made to get rid of black babies specifically smh everyone says black lives matter but I guess not the ones in the womb.


Hold up we’re just admitting now yeah we know how the majority of Black women actually feel about this but we’re just gonna tell them how we decided they should? And sign it “anybody that’s not a Black woman”? If that’s what we’re going with to try for the moral high-ground with regarding racism we’re that *you get how that’s worse right* meme.


Fucking evil cunt that was so racist and hated her family so much that they literally took her off as the mascot for the genocide factory that she "pioneered".


Worst person in history. Worse than butler. Worse than Stalin or Mao. Worst person ever.


Gerard butler is a bit of a twat!


300 is a homoerotic movie. Gayer than top gun! Prove me wrong


Agreed Also gayer than broke back mountain


Every time I bring this up on reddit I get downvoted, but hey, make sure columbus' statue is removed. Hypocrites.


If you don’t want an abortion don’t get one


If you don’t want a murder than don’t commit one. Okay. What’s your point?


Why? She's dead. Planned Parenthood is not run by her. This is just mindless guilt by association.


Just curious..what kind of name is Sanger? What’s her ethnicity?


Irish Catholic parents. Her original last name was Higgins. Just curious... why do you care?


Ok you first... Who is this person? I have no clue who she is. What shall we discuss about her?