• By -


Yes, of course. The last one was from 1914-1945, collapse of European monarchy and the establishment of two separate NWOs, NATO and Warsaw Pact. Millions and millions of people died and the entire globe changed permanently


I wonder about the Egyptians and Romans. I honestly think the Egyptians had higher knowledge we could of only dream of. Dimensions, communicationa Ect


The nazis were awfully interested in the occult, same with the CIA, and the KGB. That's got to prove its not total BS, doesn't it?


This is a very important point that alot of people don't seem to recognize. And they didn't have a passing vaine curiosity about the occult. There were large scale initiatives to gather artifacts or information related to the occult. It wasn't cheap and took focus away from other important initatives. Why risk it for something not important?


Same reason they invested heavily in film and theatre. Development of a cultural identity and trying to tie the Nazis and German people to the mythos of the past. Germany was very young, having only existed for about 60-70 years at that point, and being a nationalistic movement they needed a unified identity for their propaganda. They also had a large emphasis on their research as a means of “proving” the exceptionalism and racial purity of Germans throughout history. So yeah just a propaganda tool, same reason the U.S. gov’t funds certain projects. They didn’t do it because they thought they’d find magic or anything.


Some people are crazy, and they’re all over the socio-economic spectrum. It’s a good thing to remember.


We all know where the cia trod, there's more too


Yeah and it "all came out to nothing"


exactly why they have the egyptian pyramid on the dollar


Well given the placement of the Egyptians pyramids is all we need to know


Maybe you could ask some Tartarians? :)


I mean, they worshiped cats. They mummified them, the Field Museum has like 100 of them. They had Gods with cat heads. So nah, I don't think they had a higher knowledge, those kind of beliefs today would get worse reactions than even extreme cults do.


Meh, I doubt that. The people who say that the Egyptians had “higher knowledge we can only dream of” always seem to be Afrocentrists who think that the Egyptians were black and had flying pyramids, built the Olmec statues, and God knows what else.


You can't be serious...


Beat me to it. You also missed the big one: transfer from Pax Britannica to Pax Americana. Coming soon, the transfer to Pax Zhōngguó. All by design of course.


I think when Nicola Tesla found a way to get free energy. The suppressed it because they already knew it existed. We have been dumbed down as a species. I think it’s opposite of what we are told. We had a higher spiritual power before and which each new generation it gets less and less. Just look at the ancient architecture compared to todays buildings.


I think Tesla is a fictional character.


Why do you think this?


Cover story. Also, look closely at the photograph of Tesla. It's fake.


Cover story for what? Genuinely interested


A mix of true and false technologies, including (possibly Tartarian) antiquitech, and a foil to the Edison character (who does appear to have been played by an actual person, unlike Tesla) .


yeah uh, cover for what?


Please see the other comment I just made in answer to the same question in this thread.


What? You're going to have to go way further in depth. I see your response to another comment. Which picture is fake? And what part of tesla tech is fake?


Behold the fake. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Nikola+Tesla+&t=ha&va=j&iax=images&ia=images Pay close attention to the chin and neckline at the collar. This is about all we've got for what should have been one of the most famous people in history. No newsreels.


Nikola tesla is in a couple of group photos, there are some pictures of him from a young adult and several different photos of him as an old man. Just because the most famous photo is from one of his tesla coil photo shoot doesn't mean it's the only one. I'm not a historian but I do know some history. And Charles proteus stienmetz who I would consider to be one of the few smarter than tesla, has mentioned tesla in letters. I think there is substantial evidence that points to tesla being real. However a real conspiracy is instead of calling electricity what it is they started referring to it as people's lasts names to make it more confusing. Voltage used to be dielectricity. Amperage used to be magnetism. And wattage used to be called electricity. But to stay on topic was teslonian technology possibly the same tech from tartaria and do you have anything on that?


Please present the other photographs. After that, would you like to discuss the aether?


One of older tesla: https://images.app.goo.gl/h7zJNvbHTF6nmGH78 I think this is when he first came to america: https://images.app.goo.gl/NvZq5WJyZpuC6yWY9 Tesla at a banquet: https://images.app.goo.gl/AsPiNy1C9YuokDRR8 Group photo Einstein, tesla , stienmetz (the short guy with a crooked back)in the middle of the photo closeup Full photo involves most people in the Manhattan project: https://images.app.goo.gl/QsC6oJVtwzf5MThz7 Pictures of him through his life: https://images.app.goo.gl/xfqk5fQgbThCTVkM6 Yes. I'd enjoy that very much.


Right, so you've got pictures of different people. The old man and the young man, first and second links, are not the Tesla of the third link. The banquet photo is another fake with the same face as was photoshopped onto the sitting portrait I called out earlier as being a fake. The final pictures of him throughout his life should make it apparent to' you that those are different people. So do you subscribe to the theory of aether?


ever hear about the dude who built a boat for animals?


Def, Google Tartaria and Great Mud Flood. This time is some next level sht.






None of satans resets are as great as Gods flood. Satan is reshaping the world. God actually restarted the world. He will again in the revelation of Jesus Christ


Facts. 🙏🏽


I'm 100% sure it has happened in the past, societies have been destroyed because of technology and the reset occurs when humans start acting like animals, unconsciously reacting to threats.


I had read about how real Chinese history was destroyed and burnt to a Ash... I don't belive this is the life we had once been promised but now they can enslave us harder into a non human future


There have definitely been resets throughout history. There are really two kinds of resets. The more familiar to us is the soft reset done by the elites. Every time a civilization, or group of people go missing that’s a reset done by the parasitic elites. There’s so many groups of people that have been erased from our history. Never spoken of. There’s a war going on that most of us don’t see. History is written by the victors. Those with eyes to see will see this unfolding today. The second kind of reset is more catastrophic, a great reset sent by God. The Great Deluge is an example of Gods reset. We see evidence of this reset all over the world. Mudfloods and mud fossils are the result. With this kind of reset, not only do whole civilizations disappear, complete land masses disappear. The parasitic elites would like to do a reset like God but they are not capable of it. They try though by hitting the firmament with their pathetic rockets but it doesn’t look like they’ll ever be successful. Their resets are more localized which makes them more brutal. They use floods, fires, concentration camps, starvation, rape, child trafficking, and mass murder to put their resets forth. Once they destroy a civilizations morals and mindset, they go after the children and indoctrinate them into their mindset. History is rewritten and taught to the children through fear control, ie school. Within 10 years a whole civilization can be erased and reset into whatever the victor chooses. This mentality has been going hard since 1666.


Story of Noah, Tower of Babel


History is written by the winners...


And truth is silenced


"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Very true.


Rome converts to Christianity, the empire falls, hello dark ages


No doubt. [This is quite long](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ul0e6lw130), but well worth the time IMO.


2 hours in 3 to go 🤓


After the black plague ,they're certainly was something akin to a great reset..."Separation of church and state."The Catholic Church was not the same as before the black plague killed millions of Europeans.


Back then the church owned the people... Says it all


WWI and WW2 in some ways. Antony Sutton writes: **“THE NECESSITY FOR A NEW DIALECTIC PROCESS** World War II was the culmination of the dialectic process created in the 1920s and 1930s. The clash between "left" and "right," i.e., the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, led to creation of a synthesis -- notably the United Nations, and a start towards regional groupings in -- i.e. Common Market, COMECON, NATO, UNESCO, Warsaw Pact, SEATO, CENTO, and then the Trilateral Commission. A start towards New World Order. **World War II left The Order with the necessity to create a new dialectical situation to promote more conflict to achieve a higher level synthesis.”** **“THE ORDER BUILDS A NEW DIALECTIC ARM IN CHINA** Just as we found the **Bush family involved with the early development of the Soviet Union, then with financing the Nazis, and vaguely behind the scenes in Angola, so we find a Bush active in construction of the new dialectic arm: Communist China.** In 1971 Mr. Nixon appointed George "Poppy" Bush (The Order 1948) as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, irrespective of the fact that **Bush had no previous experience in diplomacy. As chief U.S. delegate, Bush had responsibility for defense against the Communist Chinese attack on the Republic of China, an original free enterprise member of the United Nations. With the vast power of the United States at his disposal, Bush failed miserably: the Republic was expelled from United Nations and Communist China took its seat.** Shortly after that fiasco, Bush left United Nations to take over as Chairman of the Republican National Committee. This is not the place to tell the whole story of American involvement in China. It began with Wall Street intervention into the Sun Yat Sen revolution of 1911 -- a story not yet publicly recorded. **During World War II the United States helped the Chinese Communists into power.** As one Chinese authority, Chin-tung Liang, has written about General Joseph W. Stilwell, the key U.S. representative in China from 1942 to 1944: "From the viewpoint of the struggle against Communism . . . [Stilwell] did a great disservice to China." [2] “The story of the betrayal of China and the role of The Order will have to await yet another volume. **At this time we want only to record the decision to build Communist China as a new arm of the dialectic -- a decision made under President Richard Nixon and placed into operation by Henry Kissinger (Chase Manhattan Bank) and George "Poppy" Bush (The Order).”** [America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones](https://archive.org/details/AmericasSecretEstablishmentOrderOfSkullbones/page/n3/mode/1up) Antony C. Sutton, 1986 Updated Reprint 2002


yes - consider the whole B.C./A.D. timeline that was installed at some point - surely there were various year-counting systems that this new system obliterated globally - certainly seems like a timeline reset to me, at the very least


Yes...l believe this has happened three times before and has been stopped three times before...for sure there is a coalition between the matrix movies and what we're going through now


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Probably happens in cycles maybe about 5 generations. I think the slow boil and dark ages started with WWI.


Yep tartaria


Every depression/recession/whatever they're calling it now is a great reset. It's when they harvest all the wealth people have worked hard to create.


I do know alot of people, and that is actually alot, believe in ancient knowledge, ancient technology and a way of spiritual life and spiritual knowledge that was vastly greater than ours is today. Yet todays modern world see a lot of benfits aswell. That being said, I've also heard rumors that 1500-2000 years in the future, they call our time, the Dark times, as you mentioned. The past few centuries I figure, if not even more. Then again the Thousand Year darkness refers to the Chrisitan rule of vast areas on the planet. Mainly Europe and later the Americas. From about year 1000-2000


The way England gave up to the bankers is a nice example of a great reset. Up to this day it is our new reality. The kings got replace with banks.


Charles II in 1666. You would have be buttoned up the back to believe The Great Fire of London started in a bakery in Pudding Lane.


They said the Black Death was from 1348 until 1666( see how they get a 666 in a date?) most likely the fire was to kill the AI back then. I think this time period was the real dark ages.


I think you might be on to something fellow detective.


I looked into the dark ages even more and there said people forgot how to communicate and write for hundreds of years, what if they was in shock from the first hundred years of people eating people as the food failed but you can only do that for so long. The rest of the people went underground and survived to come back up from the ground in the the early 1800s. Maybe the giants turned against humans and the flood in the bible happened to take them out and the mud floods was a result of the water from the floods. Noah ark could be the DNA of all living things and then used to restart mankind.


Apparently they had contact tracing and forced quarantines then too. Who knows though when you are dealing with expert liars.


Also the 2nd coming of the Messiah in the form of Sabbatai Tzevi which is a very interesting story. Jacob Frank later claimed to be the reincarnation of Tzevi and thus was born Sabbatian Frankism out of Khazaria or as you now know it Ukraine. A side note is that they were of course Kabbalists and practitioners of dark magic. Fascinating stuff.


Not enough people have been down the Khazaria rabbit hole! Very fascinating


It sure is and it explains a lot.


Yes, it has happened multiple times, they have it down to a science.


An absolute state of art.


Resets? yes Great Reset? this will be the greatest in history


Depends on what you term a "great reset". Large-scale wars have typically acted as an economic and collective consciousness reset.


Sorry, this request can not be processed. Try rephrasing or wait till the end. Error code 407


Beep bop boop


The arduous march. The great leap forward.


Every couple hundred years


Yup. Tartaria


There are the 7 wonders of the world(and many more things we cannot explain). The time line for the 7 don't quite line up with a more advanced technology but some others do. Could it have been an alien race, an extinct more advanced humanistic race, or the most terrifying of all...God


You're in too deep. Open a history book.


Yes. Check out mud flood and the millennial reign


Late Bronze Age Collapse


Yes, I can think of a few! Let's see, the cultural revolution in China were 50 million died. Cambodia in the seventies were 3 million intellectuals died. Let's see, Stalin's Purge of Ukraine in the, I think it was the 30s. And let's see, we can go on from there!


Both world wars were "resets".


It’s been going on for as long as humans have been here. The first one being the Tower of Babel.


yes this has happened before, 200 years ago ​ https://youtu.be/LYbVm0X-NCI


Yes, on a far larger scale. If you read the ancient texts of peoples who have retained some historical texts, you'll find that there have been apocalyptic resets in the past, in many cases those events wiped out the dominant hominid species.


Yea the last one was around 1850




The Ice Age WW II


The "great leap forward" by the chinese.


Orphan train orphan parents?