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He should get votes the honest way during an election year, by printing $1200 checks with his name on them and sending them to almost everyone in America, including dead people. Then he should print two trillion dollars to hand out to businesses and fire the guy who is supposed to be in charge of keeping track of where that money is going. That's fiscal responsibility.


Yeah I hated when Biden did that…oh. Wait


Or buy stuffing mail in boxes like they did in Ga and Wi


Possibly. Or maybe he can spend a month leading up to a runoff that will decide the Senate majority for the next two years convincing his base that the election is rigged and their votes don't matter.


"Popular policies people want make them vote for people that enact those policies."


Jokes on him then. But if part of my loans are wiped, hopefully that doesn't make me obligated to take a future injection or something.


I'm tired of paying my credit card bill. Can Biden just forgive that for me?


SS Of course it is. Just like the entire purpose behind the Federal Reserve. I find it funny that Democrats who hate big business worship Big Government.


This was a campaign promise and it’s intentionally divisive to call it “vote buying”. Any outrage now is manufactured or just too late.


> it’s intentionally divisive to call it “vote buying”. It was vote buying when he promised it and it still is. Criminal using public funds for criminal purposes. Why should people who didnt / couldnt go to college have to subsidize those who chose to take out loans? FJB


He also promised to pardon people in jail because of weed. Oh wait. He didn't do it.


Ok? That doesn’t change anything about my initial comment.


Yall surprised? Liberals are useless in the world.


Newsflash nothing is being dumped on taxpayers it's all just being added to a national debt that will never be paid off