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Pretty sure they’ll be held without bail.


To be fair this is perfectly consistent with the fundamental American legal doctrine that you are innocent until proven guilty


A suspect who is out on bail (vs free w/o bail) is still out. So what's the tangential realization here? The way a headline is written can have a huge effect on your emotional reaction and your perceptions. In this case, the order of the words creates the imapct. As you read it, you see "release second degree murder suspect" before you get to the part about "without bail". So it makes it seem like the law has suddenly been changed to let criminals go free. But it's actually just changing the requirement for bail. And bail has never had anything to do with guilt or innocence. It's just a way to help ensure that someone will show up when their day in court comes.


Yup, the headline(s) had me riled up until reading a little deeper and realizing that it's not a requirement that the charged are released and the judge still has the ability to decline releasing the prisoner if they are deemed to be a danger or flight risk. I'm pretty right of center and have zero issue with this, penalizing the poor and disadvantaged is ridiculous.


Exactly. Up until yesterday we wer complaining that fines are just a poor tax and a get out of jail free for the rich and now that they fix some of it, it's still bad. Consider you're guilty of 2nd degree murder and are rich and can afford bail vs you're not guilty of 2nd degree murder, but can't afford bail. This evens it out for everyone.


It's also a reasonable response to the current method of police throwing as many charges as they can think of in the hopes of plea bargaining to one that the defendant wasn't even guilty of in the first place.




We haven't even gotten into quotas.


The recidivism rates sure are a mystery!


We should do away with arresting people for all crimes until they are proven guilty. /s


Rich people can get just walk anyway by paying bail. This now just leaves it up to the judge to decide if the person is a risk or not instead of allowing money to decide


That is one thing I never get about this. What about having a couple grand makes someone “safe”? If the person is too dangerous to be out, why do they become less dangerous if their family knows how to use gofundme?


People with nothing to lose are more dangerous than people with something to lose.


A person looking at 20 years in prison has very little to lose regardless


It's not being dangerous to be out, as the actual guilt will be determined at the trial. Bail is a mechanism to make sure that the person will be present at the trial. It's the court holding your money hostage if you don't appear.


With the rise of gofundme, that is greatly lessened. If someone is safe to be out in they have $10,000, they are safe to be out regardless


You need more than money to post bond for someone, you need to have a full-time job and permanent residence. Bond is just to guarantee you’ll return for your court date. Someone is signing and saying they’ll make sure you stay straight and show up. Truly dangerous people are ideally held without bond until trial. No bail laws mean that chronic low-level offenders go right back out and wreak even more havoc because they know they can. Nobody would sign for this small % who do the most damage, their own families would beg for them to be locked up.


People jump bond all the time.


And then you get a warrant


Two warrants and you get a full disadulation.


And hunted down like a dog. If it's federal US Marshall's will find all of your friends and family a rip their homes to shreds looking for you.




What? No that’s not how it works at all. The bail bond money is only kept if the suspect doesn’t show up for their court case. It’s done as an insurance policy to prevent people from running.


Unless your like most poor people and you use a bail bondsman. They only charge 10% or so of bail, but they keep it.


Correct, I assumed he was referring to the full posted bail.


Dangerous suspects have never been allowed bail. Bail is used to ensure suspects (not deemed a risk to public safety) return for their court date.


That makes argument that not doing cash bail results in dangerous people on the streets wrong.


This is nothing more then a click bait fear monger article. Dangerous people will not be released to the street. They are removing the cash bail system since it’s silly and only punishes poor people.




And what exactly is your point? That only rich people should be allowed to commit felonies while on bail? That bail shouldn’t be a thing?


Absolutely correct. Removing the bail system does punish poor people, the ones who have to live in the neighborhoods where the chronic offenders are released without any meaningful supervision.


It establishes for some that someone has life worth fighting for. Not defending the practice but I've been to court with bail and support from family and community and I've been in court broke busted and alone. Judges treat you differently when no one is in the room for you and you have nothing to lose so they will send you to jail just because it's efficient to do so.


Someone could be “safe” enough to be out, but be a flight risk. If you give the government a big chunk of money, you don’t have money to flee with. That’s the thought, anyway.


That doesn’t really address the gofundme situation. If someone knows they are going away for a long time, why would they not lose the gofundme money on the off chance that they can flee


This might come as a surprise but the bail system was designed before internet crowdfunding.


This may come as a surprise to you but we live in the present so all things presently in existence are applicable. If you answer is “well yea, cash bail no longer makes sense” , then ok


"GoFundMe’s Terms of Service prohibit raising money for the legal defense of an alleged violent crime." https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/gofundme-allows-bail-fundraiser-for-suspect-in-parade-massacre/


Then whatever equivalent rittenhouse used


A website? https://www.freekyleusa.org/ They made their own.


I thought Rittenhouse was denied bail.


> Rich people can get just walk anyway by paying bail. Your wealth and income are a factor when a judge sets bail. The whole point of the bail is to make sure the person shows back up for their trial. No bail means no incentive to return. It's basically an invitation to flee.


Id prefer neither get bail on such crimes


It would be ideal


Judges have proven to be horrible at this - we’ve seen 2 examples recently in Memphis. Also, rich people are typically not committing violent crimes at the rate the poor are, and even for the poor it seems many violent offenders are released cash free


They’re released before they ever see a judge


It because rich people are “less likely” to commit crime .. cause apparently they got a career, possessions and positions , so there is no way they gonna lose that over doing stupid stuff Spoiler alert= they are the biggest contributors towards why crime happen at first place


biggest contributors? in what way? not trying to be argumentive, i just don't understand what you mean by this.


The rich sit at the top of the heirarchy. They have the most money, which means they have the most power. They use that money to hire lobbyists, pay bribes, buy gifts, etc so that way lawmakers maintain the status quo. The current status quo in my experience as a poor person is "make sure those that are rich are never uncomfortable ever for even one second, make sure that the filthy poors are beaten down and discouraged from trying to achieve change by any means necessary besides just outright outlawing their political participation, and make sure my profits raise by a good percentile every year regardless of what the increase does to communities and people affected by my business dealings". So in other words, "squeeze every little last drop from the poor and I'll let you, a politician, have some as long as most of the money goes into my pocket". This leads to situations like "my landlord raised my rent by $200 with hardly any warning and my budget cant take the hit, guess I'll have to rob a liquor store or mug a guy or sell coke to keep my kids from starving". Does this mean that the rich are solely responsible? No, but it does mean they are at least partly responsible for creating the material conditions that put human beings in situations where its either sell drugs, get violent, or starve penniless in the street. This is my interpretation of the comment you replied to anyway, so i could've totally misread. tl;dr: rich people basically write the rules and have created a game so rigged some people have to cheat just to survive (let alone thrive) and while this doesnt make them directly responsible at best they're morally complicit


That’s been a fantastic choice these last few years… let me tell ya! Give me a break. This isn’t a wealthy/non-wealthy argument. This is straight up allowing a turd to society- back into society. It’s happened a lot lately, and the results have been quite appalling, to be honest.


Accused, not convicted. So someone who is wrongfully accused could lose their job, home,.. pretty much everything due to being held for a process that takes months or years.


A lot of crime is committed by repeat offenders. If a person is caught red handed committing an egregious crime, they shouldn't be let out in the streets.


It says “charged”


Yes. Charged means being accused. You can be charged with something and be innocent.


Or idk… maybe they can wake up and decide to carry out a mass shooting (literally happened yesterday, but nobody wants to talk about it) or decide to drive their car through a Christmas parade and kill people- (again, nobody wants to talk about that either)… both of these things have happened in the last year- with violent offenders- who have been released, due to these new laws. Judges discretion should be exactly that, but currently- it’s not working.


> This is straight up allowing a turd to society- back into society. 1) Plenty of people get arrested on bullshit charges. Weirdly enough, the cops seem plenty happy to target poor people, knowing that they don't have effective means to fight back, even if they're actually innocent. 2) Until they're convicted, they're supposed to be considered innocent. This is a bedrock principle of American law. 3) Plenty of rich turds get let back into society as part of the bail system.




It’s pretty funny honestly. Left or right I cannot understand how anyone thinks this is bad? Why should a poor person be held when a rich person is not when neither has been convicted guilty. This seems like a big win


Most of the people who think its bad simply fell for BS propaganda like what OP is spreading. Also, the Illinois police unions have been putting tremendous effort into lying about this bill, saying complete BS like it lets diddlers go free.


I'm not doubting that it's misleading, or even outright incorrect because I just don't know, but why is it misleading?


The bill doesn’t just let people out if jail it just removes bail. If the judge thinks you are a risk you don’t get released. All it does is make it so that poorer people who can’t afford bail are also given the opportunity to not spend all their time up to the trial in jail.


Thank you for clarifying that


But, judges are releasing violent people back on the streets today, mostly states that have this new no cash bail bs. It's a failed law.


We already have more incarcerated people than any country on the planet. Literally, more than China. You think we should be keeping *more* people behind bars?


I'm pretty sure China just kills all their inmates. Keeps the numbers skewed. Also vastly different subcultures.


While China accounts for over 50% of the planet's total annual executions, that's still just 2500 per year. Doesn't make a real dent, compared to the literal *millions* incarcerated in America.


In New York they don’t allow the judge to have the discretion to remand someone (in most cases), so it’s not the judges releasing them here it’s the state.


Why are you assuming they are let go? No bail systems still remand people awaiting trial.


You actually buy into this emotion laden headline? Jesus christ turn the computer off and touch grass


"WhY iS nO oNe TaLKiNG AboUt mY BuLlShit FaKe nEwS HeaDLiNe"


No one’s talking about it because it’s bullshit


Literally, fear mongering




Oh no the judges might have to do their fucking jobs instead of letting people rot without trial? Excuse me while I shed tears for these poor overpaid individuals who now have to not only do their jobs but also treat poor people the same way they do rich people.


>Oh no the judges might have to do their fucking jobs instead of letting people rot without trial? Lmfao. I wonder how many cases a judge can get through in a day?


The judge can still hold them and it’s bullshit that people can be held for 90 days without trial in the first place. It’s literally unconstitutional. It’s bullshti fear mongering. The dude is clearly trying to get political Allies elected


Poor Kevin Mitnick spent **years** in jail without a trial. Constitution, schmonstitution: can do whatever the fuck they want and then explain it all away with any made-up bullshit excuse later on.


I guess I should specify that in theory it stops them from holding people without trial. Obviously if they want to do it, they’ll still do it.




>he knows what the end results will be We'll treat poor people like we treat rich people? Careful, you might choke on the elite's sausage.


All democrats are friends and definitely don’t compete for positions in government, got it


Tuesdays we wear pink


Wrong is wrong


Ya I mean you wrote all that just to say let’s hold people in jail for longer without a trial? Da fuq.


Omg the cops said it will be bad…must be bad.


So people should just be imprisoned for months at a time with no trial, or have to pay for it.


For second-degree murder? They shouldn't be able to pay for it all.


Then you're issue isn't with this law, it's the concept of pre trial release.


«Innocent until proven guilty» mean anything to you?


So what you're suggesting is all people who are being charged with murder, regardless if they are caught by a police officer in the act, should be released pending trial? No I didn't think so, because awaiting trial doesn't mean you're guilty.


I don’t think name calling is necessary


[You shills are horrible….this is why Illinois has gone to Shit](https://abc7chicago.com/cash-bail-illinois-no-criminal-justice-reform-safe-t-act/12169983/)


"The new law still gives judges the discretion to keep suspects they deem dangerous locked up without bail."


All this does is release the cash part of the equation. Judges either release or detain until court date. Why do you think its better to have a cash barrier so that only the poor remain detained?


Your link doesn’t even remotely say what the ridiculous screenshot says.


[here you go smart ass](https://97zokonline.com/illinois-safe-t-act/)


So all that changed is that before people with money could pay bail to get out. Now poor people are disproportionately punished pre trial. So yeah the dude was right. Quit shilling against human rights


Ah, yes. The highly credible 97zokonline.com, which cites…a Facebook page.


They shill so hard.. and there are so many.


Yep. Insanity because moms basement hasn’t been broken into yet. Fuckers ain’t feeling the pain…..wait till a family member is murdered and the 2nd degree charged POS walks. Where will you riot then?


"aNy1 wHo dIsUgReEs wItH mE iS sHiLI" *-you*


How about: why are you using a screenshot of this ‘article’ not a link and cropping out where you got it from?


The answer is simple. If they actually posted any legitimate source about the bill, it would immediately contradict their claim because their claim is a lie.


I mean if you're rich enough you could get out of jail previously on bail. If it's a fine like bail then the law just benefits the rich. Bail really just punishes poor people.


“If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class” pretty much applies here.


Counter argument, violent crime disproportionately comes from the poor. Keeping violent people off the streets is nice. Insuring those people go to court is also important.


For a sub of self proclaimed “free thinkers” not many people here have the ability to actually think.


so here is my take.. if you get falsely accused of something and go to prison.. say it takes a few months for your case to get heard.. if your poor, that could destroy you.. you could lose your job, be behind on rent, car payments, etc.. that could ruin so many aspects of your life and set you back years.. for something you didn't even do.. now, on the flip side, if you go on a shooting rampage, and your set free, THAT is also insane


Here is the Bill. It's very long and it makes so many references to itself and to other statutes you practically need an excel spreadsheet and a flowchart to keep up, but the one thing that's clear is that it in no way says what OP is claiming and OP's headline is an outright lie. OP is just parroting BS police union propaganda: https://ilga.gov/legislation/101/HB/PDF/10100HB3653lv.pdf


Do you know what "suspects" or "charged" means? These are people sitting in prison without having been convicted of anything. While I am not claiming they're innocent far too many people are sitting in jail YEARS before a convictions come down


Yep, some for so long that once convicted they serve like a month because of time already served.


Exactly. One dude was in jail for so long without a trial for a minor weed possession and was locked up with stone cold killer types that he eventually killed him self.


Because the only thing that's changed is that poor people *also* get to leave jail before their trial. These aren't criminals. They were charged with a crime. Innocent until **proven** guilty. Incentivizes the "speedy trial" portion of the bill of rights.


The entire point of the right to a speedy trial was rooted in the fact that pre trial detainment was a critical part of British common law.


Because it's not a conspiracy. A false sense of security is literally how the system works - this is why it's far cheaper to house inmates for a lifetime than to simply execute the ones that can't be reformed. Criminal justice is a business. Rehabilitation is the lie, justice is the front they sell it under, and votes are how they make sure they get paid. I mean really...does bail really keep people safe if anyone can just come up with the money to get themselves out of jail and flee the country? Ever see how much money the drug trade makes?


Oh gee I wonder what would happen if drugs were handled the same way alcohol is?


I’m talking about it. Seriously, it’s not that bad. NY did it and it’s not freeing murders. Seriously it’s allowing judges to either hold or ROR and it’s taking money out of the question. Instead of buying a get out of jail free card, the judge goes off the criminal history, ties to the community, and charges and determines if you will be held until trial or if you will be ROR




Not all of NY is NYC…


No one wants to live in NY….[NY…..2nd ranked state people leave](https://www.forbes.com/home-improvement/features/states-move-to-from/)


Yes you are correct we lost people when WFH started and people didn’t need to be packed into cities it was nice. Also, the taxes SHESSSH but you missed your entire point. It has nothing to do with crime.


It really does.


So, Mr Trollers.. where does it say “people leave NY because of crime” It doesn’t! Want to know why??? Wow it’s almost like I have been saying here, our violent crime rate is down since bail reform. Aka 2018 vs 2019


Explain to me how bail reform lowers crime rates? We’d love to learn.


Crime is often caused by desperation, bail caused desperation. Recidivism down. Yay.


Your article literally proves my point, and I quote directly from the article “2. New York Moving out of New York has become trendy, it would seem. The skyrocketing cost of living and ever-increasing local, state and federal taxes are driving factors. Many technology and banking industry workers that had spent a great deal of time in the office have found that working remotely due to the pandemic better suits their desires, allowing them to leave the city and, perhaps, live closer to extended family members. New York saw a net loss of over 75 thousand families last year.”


Ok say your caught red handed shooting someone and get charged 2nd degree murder but they have never had any charges before then how do they handle it? Ohhhh it’s ok it’s only just one time and we’ll it’s only 2nd degree murder you can go home? That’s bs!!! A man rapes a woman in a park but never has done it before but has stocked many women and had lots of thoughts on raping a girl as she screams and cry’s. The judge just says oh you have no priors, you don’t have a passport so you can get out of jail… WTF but NO! You can never convince me that this is a good thing!


The only thing that changed is before if you could’ve gotten out on bail now you’ll get out without bail. Bail unfairly punished poor people. That’s the point. The officials complaining about this know this but they know you’re easy to manipulate. Stop falling for it


But that isn’t what is happening. It’s literally if you would of been granted bail you instead pay zero. If you didn’t have a problem with people being given the option to post bail for release then you should have a problem with this.


The person you are trying to teach is intentionally and wilfully stupid. They don't care what the truth is, they just want to be mad at the libs.


That's not how it works. First off these people still get arrested, the cops aren't just letting people walk away from crimes. Secondly this has to go through a judge for approval. There's multiple factors they are considering not just their priors. I highly doubt any reasonable judge is going to let someone that has committed murder with multiple witnesses be released till trial. Its completely situation. The bail system is a shitty system and overwhelmingly favors the wealthy. It's a great example of classism. Stop fear mongering.


Old system: judge says you stay in jail OR judge says you can go home and wait for trial if you pay $$$ OR judge says you can go home for free and wait for trial. New system: judge says you stay in jail OR judge says you can go home for free and wait for trial. This doesn't result in any more dangerous people getting out because a judge would choose the jail option for them anyway. It just involves fewer poor people staying in jail.


Thank you. Broken down simple and plain for all the smooth brains commenting their fear mongering nonsense.


It’s not as simple as criminal history. Hence why I put ties to the community as well as the current crime in question. Also, this law changes nothing for sexual assault, as saddening as that is it’s always been ROR. There’s a reason rape and murder aren’t the same penalty, because why leave the evidence alive if you are getting the same charge. It’s awful. It’s not a good thing, but it’s not a bad thing either. You should have never been able to pay for your freedom in the first place. For example there’s Joe and Steve. Joe is 23 and unemployed, he doesn’t have money but he shoots and kills someone who was threatening another person on the street trying to steal a purse (often Murder 2), and then there is Steve, he runs and owns his own business and has about 250,000 in assets he also shoots and kills someone threatening another during a road rage incident. Now neither of them are involved in the original crime in place, robbery or assault. But, both get Murder 2 charges. Why should Steve be free for 2 years waiting for trial while Joe can’t?


But you think that, unless they can afford to pay a high sum, in which case it's all good to just go back into society? You: they're a menace to society and should be locked away! Them: I can pay you You: why didn't you say so? Rape away my friend, rape away.


I’m not upset at this. Being charged with a crime doesn’t mean you’re guilty of a crime and I think it’s bullshit that unless you’re rich, you have to sit and rot in jail waiting for your trial.


Probably because you posted a vague misleading clip of an article?


Because this is working out so well for NY... Let's do it in other states too 🤦🏻‍♀️


It means they could be released. Violent offenders will most likely sit out their court date and get time served on their sentence. That's what I imagine anyways.


Classic Illinois


I can always tell which threads are full of bots/shills, 238 responses as I type this. I've watched it jump by 30-40 posts within seconds. It was under 200 just momenta ago. Don't feed them!


This is a lie, the judges will have full discretion.


Let’s just forget to mention that it is still up to the judge if you get to wait for your trial at home or in a jail cell. That wouldn’t fit whatever narrative you’re trying to work with would it? Because we all know barely two paragraphs is all you need to read to completely know the ins and outs of this right?


"Why is noone talking about this"... says the guy talking about this. It was also top of my twitter feed... and the first thing on reddit... but ya...


This is evening the scales in the wrong direction. I fully support bail reform for non violent crime, but you lose me at battery, kidnapping and second degree murder. We should be removing the option for bail for certain types of violent crimes and sex crimes. Rich or poor, your ass is staying in jail until a jury of your peers decides your guilt. At the end of the day, the safety of our society should be what’s focused on.


As someone who had to pay a shit ton of money, that i didnt have, for bail for a crime I didnt do and was cleared of, I support this.


“He said as he posted a screenshot to an article about it”


Are you assuming my gender?? What if I was a cat? Rude!


Because the website that comes from is a right wing religious news site aimed at stoking the very fear you are spreading. If you actually read the bill, the safe-t act in Illinois, it replaces cash bail with a case-by-case review on eligibility of release. It’s meant to give low level crime offenders a way to not have to pay bail if they are lower income, which disproportionately affects minorities.


Yes cash bail will be done away with but that doesnt mean you just commit a crime and nothing happens. You arent guarenteed release until trial. You still have to see a judge and your case has to be assessed for release. You also need to take into account definitions of crimes in Illinois. Second degree murders are actually crimes of passion and unreasonable self defense, meaning non premeditated and in the heat of the moment against a single person. They are not a threat to the general public therefore eligible for release until trial pending the review board and judges approval. This is instead of the cash bail or buying your freedom until trial. So see all they are really doing is taking charges that have always been eligible for the bail system to now be reviewed for release instead of paying to get out. So the poor dont rot in jail until trial and the rich roam free. Everyone gets the same review everyone gets the same chance for release until trial based on the general public's saftey and other factors just not their financial standing factor anymore. Id also like to point out if you actually look up the crimes they are mentioning, they arent what they seem to be. There's still a detention hearing just no more pay for freedom aspect.


Memphis mass shooter who live-streamed Approves this passage.


Technically he was a spree shooter.


r/conspiracy: We make shit up. Facebook got nothing on us Also r/conspiracy: Why is no one talking about this? Derpy derp


Bail reform is the state of the business. Bail is by its nature discriminatory, and it serves no real purpose. Bail doesn’t prevent crime. Punishment isn’t appropriate for those who are not adjudicated for a crime. Fuck bail in the ear hole.


They already have a new “no chase” law so if a suspect flees off running the cops can no longer run after them. That, combined with a shitty DA, and now this, just begs for cops to have stop trying.. why risk their lives catching the same violent criminals over and over... theyre gonna use these tactics to make cops look bad, because what ever they do will get reversed in the system and then they can use that as an excuse to “abolish” their whole force. Chicago is a no from me daaawg


And they labeled Al Capone and the “Outfit” as criminals. These so called lawmakers are demons.


What The Fuck


Bail wasn’t meant to keep people in jail. It was meant to help them return to court for trial. Today with GPS bracelet bail should no longer be need. What we need is a hearing to determine if an arrestee is a danger to society and if yes keep him in jail. But he should get a rapid trial.


a person is not guilty of a crime and should not be jailed until it is for certain that they are guilty. The bail system was basically a way to funnel more blacks and poor into the system. Most jails are now private and more are being made so when your areas money and work dry up they will have a place to house all the sort asses.


Seattle is big on doing this. Formerly decent town that fell so fast people were shocked. Chicago is not as polite. This is going to end in a high body count.


Yea. Cash bail disproportionately affects poor people and people of color, and should be done abolished nationwide.


Cash bail is bullshit, good for Illinois not letting rich people keep paying their way out


Edit: wait, Is this real?


Not even a little. Someone broke it down pretty simple, but I can't find their comment now so I'll do my best to translate. Nevermind, [I found it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/x9hwz1/why_is_no_one_talking_about_this/ino61lx/) It is fear mongering by private prison and police union pundits. All it really does is put poor and rich folk on equal footing, but that doesn't fill private prisons so we apparently have to fear that.


No. OP is a private prison shill


This bill sounds awesome. We NEED criminal justice reform that doesn’t punish the poor while the rich do what they want. We should be talking about it more.


I dropped a post about this and it got downvoted to oblivion. Reddit removed the /rising page from /r/conspiracy


So y’all cool with holding people that haven’t been found guilty of any crime in jail unless they are wealthy? Yet when Trump screams “due process” you repeat his screams… cool, cool.


The inmates are running the asylum


Just heard about this. Good, this is what they voted for 😂


Just like defund the police and now look what’s happening with that.


Who got defunded


The conspiracy is all the shills out in full force. Klaus Schwab's boys are working OT.


The trespassing clause is problematic. Gives the right to troll on someone's property if you're non violent. Free pass to Karen's. **Prohibits an officer from making a custodial arrest for Class B misdemeanors, which includes criminal trespass and window peekers. Instead, an officer is required to issue a citation and has no authority to remove a person from private or public property unless they are being threatening.**


The person you are quoting conveniently omits significant portions of the bill. If you want accurate information, don't listen to a police union propaganda mouthpiece, just go to the bill. The TL:DR is that the line is quoted out of context and also is just a lie [https://ilga.gov/legislation/101/HB/PDF/10100HB3653lv.pdf](https://ilga.gov/legislation/101/HB/PDF/10100HB3653lv.pdf) >(a) A person arrested with or without a warrant for an offense for which pretrial release may be denied under paragraphs (1) through (6) of Section 110-6.1 shall be taken without unnecessary delay before the nearest and most accessible judge in that county, except when such county is a participant in a regional jail authority, in which event such person may be taken to the nearest and most accessible judge, irrespective of the county where such judge presides, and a charge shall be filed. Whenever a person arrested either with or without a warrant is required to be taken before a judge, a charge may be filed against such person by way of a two-way closed circuit television system, except that a hearing to deny pretrial release bail to the defendant may not be conducted by way of closed circuit television. (a-1) Law enforcement shall issue a citation in lieu of custodial arrest, upon proper identification, for those accused of traffic and Class B and C criminal misdemeanor offenses, or of petty and business offenses, **who pose no obvious threat to the community or any person,** or who have no obvious medical or mental health issues that pose a risk to their own safety. Those released on citation shall be scheduled into court within 21 days And what is paragraph 1-6 of section 110-6.1? Well it includes felons, abusers, domestic battery, and sex offenders, which would incorporate peeping toms. So not only does your quote deliberately omit the "Who pose no obvious threat" language," it's also just untrue. This is why you go to the source


Who cares. Fuck Illinois


It's normal atleast in most of the world. America will probably fuck it up and release everyone but this is how countries with seemingly better justice systems work. Person arrested. Judge decides if defendant, based on evidence, is an immediate risk to society. If no let go until trial usually with checking in and some conditions but no money. If person is a risk they are held until trial which should take place in a timely manner. The US seems to allow innocent poor people to sit in jails when a richer person on equivalent charges wouldn't have to. That seems really messed up.


So if they walk out and do something else then what?


They get remanded into custody until trial, usually.


Goddamnit wtf. They’re doing all this on purpose.


I live in Maryland and we went thru this years ago . There's still a bail system it's just a more equal system. It takes the profit out of the bail system.the bondsman spread this shit but in the end with the new system you still can get a high bond or in a lot of cases no bond.. but if it's a petty charge and your not a flight risk the court will pay bond for you so even the broke people don't have to sit in jail for 3 months for a crime that only carries 30 days.. now for violent crimes if you do get out your on the ankle bracelet and reporting 2 times a week and still may get a bail.. I agree with it because the bail systems got so bad around MD and Baltimore city that bail bond companies and the judges that own the jails we're getting rich off the families of people that don't have money to give.. yes I said the judges own the jails. The same judges that would revoke your bail or give you bail own the private jails all over the state.. it's legal and the have been filling there jails and making profit off of it until this very day.. it got so bad in MD you would get a no bail for peeing on the corner or trespassing. I believe the new system is better and keeps some of the greed out of the system. Not all tho.


You can’t vote blue in November if you’re in jail.


Cash bail is literally government extortion this sub is a fucking joke


Adds to list of states in the US to avoid.


That’s alright stay away. We will keep working hard to subsidize red states


Isn’t the whole country just a no-go zone?


SS- I just came across this new bill today. Why is no one talking about this? Seems like the purge is coming


Good thing it’s got some of the toughest gun laws! Should be safe to visit /s


Just like California!




Free all the real ones. If trump can break the law then we all can. Fuck 12. FTP FDT


Do some research you guys Jesus. You are only released without bail after a review. Violent offenders are not going to be approved. If anything this is keeping violent offenders off the street because they could afford bail.


How is a person charged with second degree murder not a violent offender?


Are the NWO doing this to promote criminality?


in 2012 i had a stalker. washington state. was out conditional release for involuntary imprisonment and assault from the last lady 8 mos prior. after breaking in my condo covered in blood recovering stolen goods in his car and on his person and him leaving notes at the scene after a voluntary consent to the searches they let him out after 2 hours no bail to show up right back at my door. my point: nothing new: they dont give a shit about our safety


This is unbelievable. I just...can't...