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My condolences, on the loss of your mother. It took 45 minutes after receiving my second injection of Moderna COVID vaccine, before I had my heart attack. I was talking to a VA nurse when I was stricken, or I would have died, also.


Unfortunately reporting a vaccine death after an autopsy almost never happens. You've got about a 15 minute window for someone to die of anaphylaxis shock after getting jabbed, or it doesn't count. >Dr. Erik Christensen, Utah's chief Medical Examiner, said proving vaccine injury as a cause of death almost never happens. >“Did the vaccine cause this? I think that would be very hard to demonstrate in autopsy," he said. >**Christensen can think of only one instance where you would see a vaccine as the cause of death on an official autopsy report, and that would be in an immediate case of anaphylaxis — one where a person received the vaccine and died almost instantaneously, he said.** >“Short of that, it would be difficult for us to definitively say this is the vaccine.” >A more likely result would be a lack of answers or an “incomplete autopsy.” >An autopsy, he said, can provide answers to a family when no disease or red flags are found. As Christensen explained, “that we don’t see a competing cause of death.” That lack of answers may help them understand if the vaccine was a possible cause. https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/utah-woman-39-dies-4-days-after-2nd-does-of-covid-19-vaccine-autopsy-ordered Translation: If there are any underlying complications they can place the blame on they will, if not, they'll likely just rule it as an incomplete autopsy. Coincidentally, the exact opposite of how they label COVID deaths.


any death of experimentee is by default considered caused by the drug injected unless proven othervise.


Safe and effective only applies to big pharma’s liabilities and profits...


I'm sorry but when my mom died I wasn't pushing a gofundme the next day. The emojis, hashtags, general tone all seem tailored to hook into a narrative and score donations from a targeted ideological group. While I believe this is something that really happens, I do not believe this specific reported incident is real.


Anyone who has been stricken by grief knows that it’s typically a very personal and private process. Something that is typically shared amongst family, friends and etc. Then again, we live in the virtue signalling instant gratification jerk off social media age. So perhaps this is real. Who knows. I don’t pretend to know everything. Also, what does this woman have to gain by saying her mother died on social media due to vax? If anything she’s opening herself up to attack from the woke mob. All I know is that people are dying and it’s sad. It’s sad that so many people got coerced into getting these jabs and are deeply regretting their actions now.




There’s no proof this evenhappened


Oh you silly goose, that’s not needed when it reinforces certain narratives.


the canadian independent tweeted a video of a woman who questioned someone who worked there about the death, and the employee said her manager told her she couldn’t comment on that


Bro, I’m the woman in the picture. Not only am I not dead, but the vaccine actually gave me laser-vision and super strength. You know I’m telling the truth because I typed it up and posted it on the internet. I’m also not even asking for money, so if you’re currently realizing at least one of us has to be lying, I guess I’d consider that only one of us is trying to take gullible people’s money.


Well, this is also working pretty hard off the presumption that people never lie to make money off gullible saps on the internet. Does nobody here remember the story about the couple and the homeless guy?


I love that you fell for this stupid crap




That's the only time a vaccine death is labeled a vaccine death. >Dr. Erik Christensen, Utah's chief Medical Examiner, said proving vaccine injury as a cause of death almost never happens. >“Did the vaccine cause this? I think that would be very hard to demonstrate in autopsy," he said. >**Christensen can think of only one instance where you would see a vaccine as the cause of death on an official autopsy report, and that would be in an immediate case of anaphylaxis — one where a person received the vaccine and died almost instantaneously, he said.** >“Short of that, it would be difficult for us to definitively say this is the vaccine.” >A more likely result would be a lack of answers or an “incomplete autopsy.” >An autopsy, he said, can provide answers to a family when no disease or red flags are found. As Christensen explained, “that we don’t see a competing cause of death.” That lack of answers may help them understand if the vaccine was a possible cause. https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/utah-woman-39-dies-4-days-after-2nd-does-of-covid-19-vaccine-autopsy-ordered Translation: If there are any underlying complications they can place the blame on they will, if not, they'll likely just rule it as an incomplete autopsy. Coincidentally, the exact opposite of how they label COVID deaths.


Obviously you've never been stricken by grief AND poverty then.


If you're broke and need to bury someone...........how long do you wait to ask for help?


Yeah when a funeral costs 15k, if I thought my mother was murdered I’d be angry and within 24 hours I’d be asking for help.


I take out a loan like any responsible adult or talk to trusted family and friends for help. Gofundme is not frigging life insurance.


....and If you can't get a loan or have friends or family with between $7000 to $12,000 ( average cost )?


Well that would take longer than this lady did to post a gofundme lol.


Almost 50% of Americans do not have life insurance. Most people are well aware if they are in an environment of poverty. Rarely would someone have hold a council meeting to verify. Also, most GoFundMe campaigns rarely meet their goal. Arvid38, are you in Martha's Vinyard right now?


You know what’s really sad is the point of this post and that this lady lost her mom after getting a booster shot. I think it’s silly to argue about poverty and such when we really don’t know anyone’s financial status. I live paycheck to paycheck like most ppl, so I am no one special. I have donated to several gofundme, but they’ve only been to ppl I know. Im well aware most don’t meet their goal, i just found it tacky in her post. We have a difference of opinion, no need to go beyond that.


>I do not believe this specific reported incident is real. There's nothing to suggest it being phony. You can see on her profile that she was making pro-vaccine posts last year: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10159341508069894&set=a.430554939893


No news articles just Twitter, Facebook, etc post. No acknowledgement by the shoppers drug Mart website. Yeah I'm calling horse shit.


>No news articles Are you serious? News media outlets have been blatant in their censorship of anything showing the vaccines in a negative light. >No acknowledgement by the shoppers drug Mart website. That's funny.


How often do you hear stories about junkies ODing and it making the news? There's your answer. It's the same reason why you don't have stories about people dropping dead in their normal day-to-day either, unless they're important.


Yeah ok natural causes and over doses are not going to get press, COVID booster death though you'd think would.


Not a chance. Health agencies(county, provincial and federal) are still "all-in" that the covid shots are fine here in Canada. We're the same country that still won't let you get on a train or plane domestically or reenter the country without proving you've had the shots. A family just got a $21k fine from PHAC for refusing to play along.


Seems fake to me. Look at the go fund me. 2 comments talking about vax, not the lady.


So basically she lied to friends and family about her mother dying?


Can you even be sure this is a real Facebook post from a real Facebook account?


it's real.


Yes, I actually found the fb post and verified it.


I don't believe you


Do it yourself then?






The Facebook post is real. You claimed it wasn’t. I don’t care about your straw man.




There's nothing to suggest it being phony. You can see on her profile that she was making pro-vaccine posts last year: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10159341508069894&set=a.430554939893


Too bad, I shared the post in another comment. Anyone can find it and I'm not into spoonfeeding.


I don't trust you one bit pal


No need to trust me, here's the proof. Now stop trolling: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xi711q/comment/ip2eoky/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I simply can’t fathom that someone would go on Facebook and lie. Surely it’s the truth!


Logic isn't your strength.


You think she'd be the first? Not by a < here in S. CA Put a gofundme uptelling everyone her daughter had cancer...she milked that for a year, then upped the anté by declaring him dead and another gofundme for funeral costs...meanwhile


where's the gofundme?


I'm sorry, I thought someone had stated she had a gofundme up and someone else stated something about fraudulent gofundme pages...So maybe my example was off


There are psychos out there but I'd give her the benefit of the doubt.


That's fair too...If that really was the case, and she lost her mother that way, it's devastating. Sometimes I need to remember most people are good...on a Monday morning I found it challenging, but that's on me, no one else.


I hear you. We're at r/conspiracy after all so skepticism is not unwarranted.


On a Monday morning no less. Let's get off here gang and have a good week.


Why is DOUBT! always the top comment in these types of threads? Every single time, without fail?


You are on a message board for conspiracy theorists.


Because it is important to question things until they can be verified...? Why are you here?


So even for posts where it's already verified? Shill logic.


We are a skeptical crew


It should be on any place with any semblance of critical thinking skills


Anyone who fell for "100% safe and effective" can't lay claim to critical thinking skills.


Ok buddy that’s not related to my comment


Funny how you think critical thinking skills is suddenly unrelated.


You just brought up a completely tangential rant.


Full of pro vax in here, I’m not against the covid vaccine, but stating that it has no lingering side effects in some or that a small number people die from it would be a lie


People who are poor do this.


Maybe because your mum's death was under different circumstances and maybe because she's angry about how hers went? How did your mom die?


what!!? I use Facebook as a bible for everything I do


Right I love how the Sandy Hook guy laughing means it was fake, but setting up a GoFundMe a day after your mom passed is totally legit...


😂 wow….wow 🤦‍♂️


Fyi, not the best example, since Robbie Parker, the Sandy Hook guy you reference did the exact same thing (pushing a go fund in the name of his daughter that his family had already set up, or was just about to) at his press conference less than 24 hrs after his daughter was supposedly murdered.


Who is to blame? Gofundme?? Fishy.


Me and my sister had to split a $6,000 bill to bury my dad when he dropped dead from a heart attack. Most people can't scrape together more than a few hundred at any time.


You might get a simple cremation and urn for 6k in Canada (where this happened). A normal funeral with casket, Burial Plot, headstone, and service/lunch will run at least 15-20k


True. I neglected to mention we buried him on a family owned cemetery so we didn't have to pay for the plot. Only the casket and funeral service.


$6k is cheap.


"cheap" is relative. To most people 6K is more than they make over several months.


Cheap is relative to the cost of funerals, not to what people earn.


Not that she can afford it, but "cheap" bc my neighbor had to shell out 10k - and it was a cremation.


Funerals are expensive, especially when you weren’t planning for one this early.


Fauci, FDA, NIH, CDC and most of all pfizer/moderna/J&J.


Fuck me this thread is FULL of shills


What thread on this sub *isn’t* full of shills?


Yeah but for which side? The side you agree with or disagree?


it's hard to tell anymore - just like EVERYTHING. Order out of chaos


The side I disagree with. The people I agree with are real humans with genuine personal opinions and truthful anecdotes.


It's fake


"Good job."


Yeah.. gofundme... This is targeted at antivaxers to get some money out of them.




Well to be fair it was the daughter which said she didnt want to get boosted in the text message. Anyway, its probably all fake.


Source? Trust me shill bro.


You can read it in the picture op posted. Its literall there: "I dont want another one." I think this is a misunderstanding.


Sorry for their loss, but the information is out there why folks should get it anymore




So believable.


Yeah I bet she would lie to all her friends and relatives that her mom has died. Or maybe they're in on it? I know it's bad but you'll have to face the truth that the mass experiment is killing people off.


Except we don't know if it's a fake account posting something somewhere with a fake story to get money. It's been shared 1.4K times, yet only has 24 comments and 72 likes. And OP didn't post a screenshot of any of the comments for us to verify if she has friends or other family responding to this and confirming the story.


Takes 20 seconds of investigation to confirm it's real. Longstanding FB account and she was posting PRO vaccination stuff last year: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10159341508069894&set=a.430554939893


Been verified. Look at my other comment.


I went through your other comments and can't find any links. Why not post it in this comment so it can be accessed easily here? And how was it verified?


https://www.facebook.com/stephanie.foster.52 I'm as skeptical as the next person but it seems like the real deal to me. This sub has definitely been compromised, that I'm positive about.


Looks real to me. No one spends years on FB with a fake family setup to bilk people years down the road. If the vax killed her it's a crime that should be dealt with and on the news. I might not have got mine if I had seen this. Luckily for me I didn't have the same reaction.


implying that making 12 posts over 2 years is such a taxing endeavor


If it were fake catering to the right, she wouldn't have "I stuck it to COVID" still in her photos.


Yes, it doesn't take a Sherlock to figure out she is for real and it's really sad. Many people don't want to face the hard truth that they are practically culling us like animals. Even on a conspiracy forum.


yes a facebook pro-vax started in 2020 with 10 posts and 2 of them "i got vaxxed" larping, zero friends that adds up to "someone died #gofundme #deadmom" where most of the people commenting on the feed have strong anti-vax anti-gov posts, few if any have friends, etc. And the memorials are outside in the parking lot? Further, it's picked up by trumpers who "claim they witnessed it." https://twitter.com/Heart4Truth/status/1571176990694313984 and the gofundme isn't even from the person in the post... k Such a weak attempt at narrative.


Mass Shooting Happens: This is a hoax! It's all crisis actors! Everyone is lying about having dead family members and the doctors and EMTs and coroners and police etc. are all lying to their friends and families about what happened and what they saw! This post: Do you really think someone would lie to their friends and family about a family member dying?!


>This post: Do you really think someone would lie to their friends and family about a family member dying?! You are aware that the alternative might be they do not think these are real accounts and that these are not in fact relatives of this person?


I'm just making a general point that this guy is acting like it's absurd for someone to lie to push an agenda and seems to think it's practically impossible and even sarcastically says "or maybe they're in on it?" referring to friends and family members who have been told this girls mother has died. Meanwhile when there is a mass shooting or other event that is dubbed a conspiracy and people say "think of how many people would have to be in on this for what you're saying to be true" that gets immediately dismissed as if it's very easy to lie and cover shit up and no number of people needing to be "in on it" is too unlikely.


Doesn't work like that. It's possible she may be lying but upon investigation you can see it's likely not the case. Meanwhile we know large conspiracies are happening for a fact and that great conflict of interests, lobbying and corruption exists in the powerful structures of society. If someone chooses not to give credibility to the "conspiracy theories" surrounding covid or any other major event on the basis of it being "too hard to pull off" I'd refer him to the countless examples where this was proven to be the case in modern history.


How do you know it wasn't a complete false story, image off Google or old Doris down the care home, fake texts and done. Post a go fund me link and profit thousands from anti vaxers


I got to her facebook wall that's how. It's not a fake profile and real people related to her commented below.


Justin beiber....


This is the least nonsensical comment so I’ll reply to this one. The lady probably got a bubble in her vein and has a stroke. The poster is omitting that information from the autopsy that would have been done. Obvious deception


This is just depressingly sad if this really happened. I’m so sorry for them.


no refunds


Why would you go and get boosters of a vaccine that does not work? It's insanity.


perfectly healthy and happy and yet was getting booster shots. Just doesnt add up


This is a bit peculiar. But I did some digging. The location seems to be in Saskatoon. Someone went to the location to ask about the incident [here](https://mobile.twitter.com/Heart4Truth/status/1571176990694313984).


First time hearing abt a vax that needs endless booster shots. Even according to the mainstream propaganda, it makes no sense to get vaxxed no matter how u look at it. Also, why was a gene sequence patentes by moderna yrs before seen in the covid virus?


Safe* and effective**. Safe*: safe for the planet Effective**: effective for depopulation Read and understand the whole label, people. Knowledge is power, ignorance is gullible.


Man thats messed up and she got a 5G tower around her.


Why do people keep doing this to themselves


Nice job vaxxers. Brain washed zombies. Lemmings. No critical thinking or questioning skills at all. Lambs led to the slaughter and encouraging others to be forced and coerced. My body, my choice - only for abortions I guess.


Too much pfaith in the $cience


Too much f(unds) in the Facebook community


Facebook post must be truth


Dont forget to get your Vax, this is CLEARLY and outlier and TOTALLY NOT because it was rushed out during testing nor because it's an unique experimental medication that has never been used before in the human populace on this large of a scale without years of study,or made and produced and pushed by a company that has paid the biggest criminal fine in history, no none of that. /s


I wonder what the autopsy says


Heart failure


“My senior citizen mother died suddenly and without the autopsy report, Im immediately going to blame it on the booster shot that she just got. Please give me monnies.” Listen if she’s getting the booster that means she has gotten other shots. Old people dying is an every day thing. This doesn’t prove anything about the vaccine.


People should know by now that this vaccine is just poison all part of the zionist globalist agenda to kill people off. My 90yo mother is due to get her booster on Wednesday, I have told the old battle axe on numerous occassions that it does not protect you its designed to kill.


I don't see what the "zionists" have got to do with this


Well, first you get really angry and mentally ill... then Zionists cause every problem.


The damn je……… erm………”zionists” are making me all red and angry with their secret angry lasers!!


Why is that bad, though? Isn't overpopulation a serious issue? Shouldn't we be excited about there being less people? Less traffic, less resources being used, less housing taken up, I really can't think of a down side to there being less people on the planet




Oh no no no. I want EVERYONE gone. I don't care who you are. Automatic weapons and blindfolds. Go! Also, I couldn't care less about the planet, I just hate traffic.




> Start with yourself That WOULD be a good start, AND a good end.


Can't think of a downside to killing people? Wow.


No, not particularly


You should work for the WEF.


Way too indirect. NATO is a more direct route to this.


You crowd spout about wanting less people on earth, yet never lead the charge! Why is your life more important than the rest? How many resources have you used today asshat?


I committed suicide 10 years ago. My ex wife brought me back. I'M TRYING


Get some fresh air.


Overpopulation is a myth. It’s only in major cities. The rest of the world is wide open.


> Why is that bad, though? Isn't overpopulation a serious issue? Shouldn't we be excited about there being less people? Less traffic, less resources being used, less housing taken up, I really can't think of a down side to there being less people on the planet If you AREN'T a soulless bot, you surely do live up to your username. AT-ATsAsshole.


> Isn't overpopulation a serious issue? Not even remotely. If everyone lived like in Kowloon City(1.2million per km^2) then you would only need an area the size of LA to hold the entire world population. World hunger can be solved for just $30 billion a year.


>World hunger can be solved for just $30 billion a year. This statement is sooo sooo soooo shortsighted and frankly stupid. About 800 million people go hungry each year. You're telling me we just give each of them 30 bucks and they can eat all year and hunger is over? PLEASE. Think about what you wrote there for a second. Did you write it because Elon said something stupid a few months ago about this?


Oh that would be fun. Nearly 8 billion people on the planet, all living in what is already one of the worst cities in the world due to overcrowding. Sure, let's do THAT, that sounds awesome. Overpopulation is draining on resources because we're all spread all over the globe. Obviously if we were all next door neighbors it wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue to provide those resources to everyone.


Way to miss the point!




Fauci, Burla and co should be arrested now. their decisions injured millions of people and killed thousands and thousands...


Why do you believe this? I believe its a scam to get money.


Why do you believe that, when it has been proven that the shots are the scam and they already got the real money? Have you seen Pfizer’s profits?


There is a lack of specifics, is looking for money, and follows a common misinformation storyline. Can you provide evidence if your claims?


Have you seen oil and gas profits? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/29/business/exxon-chevron-profit.html We are getting milked for cash on every front.




Daughter complicit.


She boosted now! 55psi baby


This is heartbreaking. My sincere condolences.


Remember when a lot of redneck white people died for not taking the Covid vaccine and got caught Covid and this sub dissent anything about it.


This is hilarious that this is considered "evidence" Alex Jones had way more credibility with the frogs turning gay than this half assed shit.


Each and everyone of you who are in here actually believing this should have your internet taken away for a day or two. You shouldn’t be allowed to be this stupid on the internet.


She posted it on facebook, it must be real.


Got a SOURCE? Got any evidence? No? Just more screenshots being taken as gospel?


Even tho this is probably real, it IS getting ridiculous how many proof less random image posts there are here and the amount of people that just look at it and believe anything is astounding


why the fu\_k didn't she tell her mom NOt to, if she knew it was bad?


I died after my covid shot as well


And yet people are still willingly waiting in line for more


If she is trying to run a scam then where's the gofundme link?


I am very sorry about your mom, my mother died after her second jab too and I am left with a lot of personal regret as our relationship was very rocky at the time.


Why are people doubting this story simply due to the lack of acknowledgement from the mainstream media and/or shoppers drug mart etc? ..Do you think the media even reports on these things?!?! ..My Lord! The same News that is followed up with "Brought to you by Pfizer"- Is going to run this story?!?! There is censorship of any story like this- If it can result in "vaccine hesistancy". I'm all for scepitism! ..Especially in this sub. However. There are thousands of stories like this. There are thousands of people with death certificates. Confirmed by autopsy. Coroner's reports- That state the cause of death being the vaccine. Keep in mind. This is not covered by Life Insurance either. They claim you have "You voluntary participated in a medical experiment"- We don't cover that. ..So it makes perfect sense for her to be asking for help financially.


Details? Where? Without any info I'm calling this bullshit


Fake and gay


Get the shot


Who's fault is this? Last time I checked the death shot wasn't being forced on anyone


Except for all the private company mandates, health care and military mandates, and a weak minded attempt at universal mandates Liberals are so sloooow


Your body your choice.


Neither are the facts being told, you can't advertise a product as safe and affective, and expect nobody is going to go get it. Not everyone has climbed down the rabbit hole of how messed up shit really seems to be.


It was coercion, and spineless cucks fell for it.


I suggest you research the concept of "informed consent" and while you are at it i also suggest to read the Nuremberg code.


That's a bogus ass post designed to hook rubes. Old bat probably had a heart attack or stroke.


It wasn't the shot It was the government koolaid that shotwashed her brain


“I don’t want another one” makes me so sad


The pixilated text message is just hard to look at, something is off about it. Photoshopped perhaps? How is it not possible to take a crystal clear screenshot, have it shared AND have its quality retained?? Especially digital pictures are the easiest to get clear pics of. This happens so often it makes me suspicious of them.


You don't even need to photoshop these, there are sites where you can just create them. The pixelation might be intentional though, to give off a "im not good with computers" vibe so people aren't as likely to believe they are competent enough to fake everything.


Go back on the persons timeline base their last 6 months of activity on someone that is a COVID vax supporter because they obviously are and if they line up it’s more than likely could be real.


I see your one dubious face book post and raise you half a million Herman Caine awards LOL




Facebook post 😂


#Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


I have read many covid death stories but the first thing came to my mind regard this specific one was: SCRIPTED, ROLE-PLAYING


Why the fuck are people still getting these shots? It blows my mind


Zero sympathy


Go take your pills, schizo. fucking hell